Title: Biology Image Libraries
1Biology Image Libraries
Biology Large to Small, Old to New in images
- Don Gilbert
- Bioinformatics, Biology Department,
- Indiana University gilbertd_at_indiana.edu
2What is bioinformatics?
- Bioinformatics is the field of science in which
biology, computer science, and information
technology merge into a single discipline. The
ultimate goal is to enable discovery of new
biological insights... - Bioinformatics has three important
sub-disciplines - development of new algorithms and statistics with
which to assess relationships among members of
large data sets - analysis and interpretation of various types of
data including DNA sequences gene and genome
features and functions expression in cells, in
development, and through evolution. - development and implementation of tools that
enable efficient access and management of
different types of information. - http//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/About/primer/bioinform
3Natl. Library Medicine
- www.nlm.nih.gov
- Library includes Visible Human, Forensics and
other image databases - Home to major US Bioinformatics Databases (NCBI)
4Bioinformatics at Nat. Lib. Med.
- All Genes and Genomes of humans and others
- BiologyLiterature and data searches
- www.ncbi.nlm. nih.gov
5Constellation of Bio-Data (SRS - Lion Bioscience)
6Bioscience image resources
- Web Image Databases
- Collections of individual scientists (best
science, limited funding) - Institutions university, government libraries,
longer-term - Directory of Online Biology Images, Photos,
Microscopy Illustrations. www.academicinfo.net/b
ioimage.html - CalPhotos, calphotos.berkeley.edu, nature image
lib - Image Research areas
- Biomedical anatomy (2D, 3D, atlases, diseases,
growth stages) - Other biology nature, organismal, molecular,
gene expression plots, metabolic pathways
linkage graphs - Chemistry molecular models structure
biochemical activity
7US Fish Wildlife Image Library
- Catalogs nature images
- Browse by categories
- Search Associated Data about contents
- http//images. fws.gov/
8NLM Visible Human
- Digital image dataset of complete human male and
female cadavers in MRI, CT and anatomical modes - ATLAS of Functional Human Anatomy and anatomical
image - www.nlm.nih.gov/research/visible/
9Gene expression via images
- Fruitfly embryos studied for gene expression
during development stages - Image patterns are analyzed for effects of genes
- High throughput analysis database can study 1000s
of genes on many stages - http//flyex.ams.sunysb.edu/FlyEx/
10Genome Map (Daphnia water flea)
11Bioscience image uses
- Data -gt Software -gt Visualize (typically not
collected) versus Images as data (collected, e.g.
anatomy pictures) - Image collections integrated with other uses
- experiements with development, gene
expression/function, evolution/species
comparisions, ecology/environment,
medicine/diseases,... - Data from images (quantification) versus about
images - Image patterns, intensities, values
- "metadata" (e.g. size,date,author,source) and
- associated data (experimental conditions,
activities related to image) - Integration images experiment metadata
- search/compare/test images used with experiments
- image quantification (expression/action levels
changes due to expt.) - image analysis (what changed biological/med/chem
12Bioscience image uses
- Management Identifiers, image checksum,
Dublin-core (author, date, ) - Manipulation visualizing data zooming to
subsets annotating with experiment results - Collecting images
- cameras microscopes in lab vs nature computer
gen./collected high quality needs storage - software hardware industry data standards
- Manipulating image data
- Commercial productivity tools for photos and
video common - Bio-image software packages (free and commercial)
13NIH Image Program
- Manipulate and analyze biology images
- Measure areas, intensities, patterns
- Free, widely used
- http//rsb.info.nih.gov/ nih-image/
14Anatomy of a biology database
15Anatomy of biology database 1
- Data components
- biosequences, literature, gene expression,
pathways, maps, anatomy, species, ecology, stocks - Metadata about primary data (ID, dates, sources,
evidence) - Architecture
- Backend (database, analyses piplelines)
- Relational database for management
- Flexible data schema changes are common
- Frontend (public views web, ftp)
- Browsing all data Search and retrieval of gene
reports, maps - Middleware ('glue' back and front)
- Internet-shared, standards-based, open-source
16Anatomy of biology database 2
- Publication interface
- Detailed biological object views (sequences,
genes, etc.) - Queries simple and frequent, ad-hoc and general
- Graphic viewers
- Data exchange
- Data definitions schema (XML)
- Controlled vocabularies of science terms,
ontologies - Minimal information for collaboration, sharing
17Anatomy of biology database 3
- Analysis software
- Project uses sequence analyses, external
database comparisons - Pipeline for automated analyses, rerun as needed
- Public uses (e.g. BLAST search)
- Editing / data management interface
- Interactive document editing
- Batch data updates
18Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN)
- National research network among several
universities - Human and Mouse Brain, Anatomy image databases
- Image analyses for bio-medical research
- Integrated databases, analyses pipelines
- Uses Grid computing (TeraGrid), high-speed
network - http//www.nbirn.net/
- Extracts of 2006 BIRN progress report by Mark
Ellisman,Bruce Rosen, Steven Potkin and Arthur
19Brain Image Analysis Network
Biomedical Informatics Research
Network Integrating Multi-Site Neuroimaging Data
Acquisition, Data Sharing and Brain Morphometric
20Mouse BIRN
- Tools for structural and functional mouse brain
data - Digital Atlases
- Integrate Gene Expression Efforts
- Automated Image Processing
- Integrated Interface
- Focus on Neurodegenerative Diseases
21Mouse BIRN Data Integration
22Mouse BIRN Framework
23Mouse BIRN Image Queries
24Mouse BIRN 3D Atlas
25Morphomentry BIRN
26BioMed Cyber Infrastructure
27Biology Image Collections ?
- What are organization, access, quality and
sustainability features of Biology image
collections ? - US FishWildlife, Visible Human, Fly Embryos,
BIRN research - Any unique aspects?
- What does a good biology image system contain?
- Contents, usage features, database components
- How would you create a biology image collection?
- Standard components?
- Biology-special ones?
- Slides at http//chipmunk.bio.indiana.edu/gilbert
d/about/talks/ - bioimagedbs06.ppt, bioimagedbs06.pdf
28My Bioinformatics _at_ IU
- Genome database / information systems
- euGenes.org genome information for 8 model
organisms - insects.eugenes.org DroSpeGe, genomes of twelve
Drosophila fruitflies - wFleabase.org Daphnia water-flea genome
database - Generic Model Organism Database tools
www.gmod.org - Bio-info archiving and distribution
- IUBio Archive iubio.bio.indiana.edu public
biology data / software archive - Bio-Mirrors www.bio-mirror.net Sequence and
related biology databank distribution
Don Gilbert, gilbertd_at_indiana.edu