EUTROPHICATION, etc. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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It alters the dynamics of a number of plant, animal and bacterial populations; ... Carp, which tolerate low oxygen levels, do well. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Chapter 54 Pages

  • Eutrophication is the accumulation of nutrients
    in aquatic ecosystems.
  • It alters the dynamics of a number of plant,
    animal and bacterial populations thus, bringing
    about changes in community structure.
  • It is a form of water pollution and like all
    other forms of pollution is the result of human
    activities influencing ecological cycles.

  • Pollution is the contamination of the environment
    by humans adding any substance or energy.
  • Heavy metals, gases, oil, sewage, noise, heat,
    radiation and pesticides are common pollutants
    that can affect the environment adversely.
  • A pollutant is any matter or energy introduced by
    human activities that produces harmful effects on
    resident populations thus altering community

Pollutants, Population Dynamics and Community
  • Pollutants may be toxic (effect survival and/or
    reproduction of individuals) thus directly affect
    population dynamics.
  • 1. Radioactive Atoms (Radioisotopes)
  • .. I131, St90, etc.
  • 2. Heavy Metals
  • .. Cu, Hg, Pb, etc.
  • 3. Man-made Organic Molecules
  • .. DDT, PCBs, Dioxin, 2-4-5 T, etc.

Pollutants, Population Dynamics and Community
  • Pollutants may alter the abiotic environment thus
    indirectly affect population dynamics
  • 1. Increases in Atmospheric Gases
  • ozone (smog, uv radiation)
  • sulfur dioxide (acid rain)
  • CO2 (greenhouse effect)
  • ammonia/nitrates (nitrogen
  • 2. Waste Heat (thermal pollution)
  • 3. Nutrient Enrichment (eutrophication)

Trophic Transfer, Biological Magnification and
Toxic Substances I
  • The movement on compounds (molecules) through
    trophic levels is called trophic transfer.
  • Toxic substances, like nutrients, can be
    transferred through trophic levels.
  • Substances that can not be metabolized are
    particularly suitable for trophic transfer, as
    are radioactive atoms.

Trophic Transfer, Biological Magnification and
Toxic Substances II
  • Biological magnification is the increase in
    concentration of a substance in successive
    members of a food chain.
  • Toxic substances may accumulate in members of
    higher trophic levels as a result of
  • Two classic examples of substance that are
    biomagnified are 1) Strontium90 and 2) DDT.

Trophic Transfer and Biological Magnification of
Strontium90 I
  • St90 is a radioactive material with a 1/2 life of
    28.1 years.
  • Half life is a measure of how long it will take
    for the mass of the substance to decrease over
    time. For example, a kilogram of a radioactive
    compound with a 1/2 life of 10 years will weigh
    one half of a kilogram is left to sit from 1996
    to 2006. By 2016, it will weigh one quarter of a

Trophic Transfer and Biological Magnification of
Strontium90 I
  • St90 is a radioactive material with a 1/2 life of
    28.1 years.
  • Half life is a measure of how long it will take
    for the mass of the substance to decrease by half.

Trophic Transfer of Strontium90 in a Canadian
Lake II
The concentration of St90 tends to increase at
successive trophic levels. The lake was thousands
of miles from the South Pacific location of the
nuclear test. The radioactive materials had been
carried by atmospheric circulation.
Trophic Transfer and Biological Magnification of
Strontium90 III
  • The Canadian lake example shows how a radioactive
    material is concentrated as it enters a food web.
    This is known as biomagnification.
  • Biomagnification of St90 is due to
  • 1) physiological similarity with calcium a
  • nutrient retained by plants and
  • 2) biomass transfer through food chains.

Trophic Transfer and Biological Magnification of
  • DDT is one of a class of compounds known as
    chlorinated hydrocarbons.
  • Widely used to kill mosquitoes after WWII.
  • Widespread use banned in US in 1972.

Trophic Transfer and Biological Magnification of
  • DDT, like radioactive elements, once released
    into the environment may enter meteorological and
    ecological cycles that distribute it and
    concentrate it to dangerous levels.
  • Studies show that it can persist in the
    environment for 15 to 25 years.

Trophic Transfer and Biological Magnification of
  • The concentration of DDT tends to increase in
    food chain from one trophic level to the next.
  • Those at the top of the food chain receive the
    largest doses.
  • Biomagnification of DDT is due to
  • 1) high solubility in tissue fats low in
  • 2) very low rate of metabolism low loss from
  • 3) biomass transfer from one trophic level to

Trophic Transfer, Biological Magnification and
Toxic Substances
  • Pesticides, PCBs, dioxins, radioisotopes, heavy
    metals and similar substances are biomagnified.
  • As a rule of thumb, their concentration increases
    10 fold as biomass is transferred from one
    trophic level to the next.
  • See illustration.

Pollutants that Act Through the Abiotic
  • There are groups of pollutants that are not
    directly toxic as they are emitted into the
    abiotic environment but accumulate to such an
    extent that they effect community structure.
  • Examples are
  • 1. Increases in Atmospheric Gases
  • nitrogen oxides (smog, uv
  • sulfur dioxide (acid rain)
  • CO2 (greenhouse effect)
  • ammonia/nitrates (nitrogen
  • 2. Waste Heat (thermal pollution)
  • 3. Nutrient Enrichment

Nitrogen Oxides and Ozone (I)
  • Nitrogen oxides (N2O, NO and NO2) form a major
    component of photochemical smog.
  • When they combine with hydrocarbons in the
    presence of sunlight, the result is ozone (O3),
    the major component of smog.

Pollution Sources of Nitrogen Oxides
  • Photochemical smog in urban areas is common due
    to the fact that vehicles emit both nitrogen
    oxides and hydrocarbons.
  • It is responsible for respiratory problems.
  • It is also known to result in damage to crops.

Global Effects of Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
  • The concentration of nitrous oxide has been
    increasing in the atmosphere for the last 30-40
    years at a rate of 0.2-0.3 per year.
  • It absorbs infrared radiation (heat) thus,
    contributes to global warming.
  • In the stratosphere, it reacts with ozone in the
    stratosphere and thus contributes to ozone
    depletion. Thus, allowing increased ultraviolet
    radiation to reach the earth.

Sulfur Dioxide and Acid Rain
  • Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a colorless gas produced
    by combustion of fossil fuels at power plants and
    certain industrial sources.
  • It along with nitrogen oxides results in acid
  • The impact of acid rain in Europe has been sever
    and is most noticed in forests of the
    northeastern US.

Other Pollutants that Act Through the Atmosphere
  • The increased use of fossil fuels has resulted in
    an increase in CO2, a greenhouse gas. Its effects
    will be discussed in the lecture on climate
  • Increases in atmospheric ammonia and nitrate find
    their way into the rain that hits the earth. The
    potential effects of nitrogen deposition on
    natural ecosystems will be discussed in lecture
    in two weeks.

Acid Rain
  • Sulfuric and nitric acids formed in cloud
    droplets can give extremely low pH.
  • Water collected at the base of clouds in eastern
    US have been as low as 2.6
  • In L.A, values as low as 2 have been recorded-the
    acidity of lemon juice.

Thermal Pollution
  • Many industries take water from a lake, stream or
    inlet and use it to cool equipment or products.
  • Often this increases the temperature of the water
    so that it kills fish or stimulates algal growth.
    The result is eutrophication.
  • Sometimes this increase in productivity is

  • The nutrient enrichment of an aquatic ecosystem.
  • Natural Eutrophication -- a process that occurs
    as a lake or river ages over a period of hundreds
    or thousands of years.
  • Cultural Eutrophication -- a process that occurs
    when humans release excessive amounts of
    nutrients it shortens the rate of aging to

Natural Eutrophication
  • Lake classification based on
  • nutrient content and production
  • of organic matter. Oligo- nutrient
  • poor meso- middle nutrient
  • eu- nutrient rich.

Cultural Eutrophication
  • The addition of excess nutrients from a variety
    of sources results in the rapid aging of aquatic
  • During this process the species composition of
    the aquatic community changes.

Water Chemistry and Eutrophication (I)
  • Eutrophication brings about changes in water
  • These include
  • pH
  • Dissolved O2
  • CO2
  • Ammonia
  • Nitrates/Nitrites
  • Phosphates

Water Chemistry and Eutrophication (II)
  • pH -- The pH of water reflects the CO2 contents
    as well as the presence of organic and inorganic
    acids. Values below 5 and above 9 are definitely
    harmful to fish and limit growth of algal and
    invertebrate populations.
  • Dissolved O2 -- The amount of dissolved oxygen in
    water varies with temperature and pressure high
    temperature or pressure, low oxygen. Most
    invertebrates die if oxygen levels fall below 4-5
    mg/l for extended periods of time. Game fish
    (bass, perch, trout, etc) require oxygen to be in
    the range of 8-15 mg/l.

Water Chemistry and Eutrophication (III)
  • CO2 -- Carbon dioxide is largely a product of
    aerobic and anaerobic decomposition of organic
    matter. It reacts with water to form carbonic
    acid. Normal concentrations are usually less than
    1 mg/l. Fish are affected at higher levels and
    continued exposure to 10mg/l or more is fatal to
    many species.
  • Phosphates -- Present in low quantities in
    natural waters less than 0.01 mg/l. Released
    during decomposition. High levels stimulate algal

Water Chemistry and Eutrophication (IV)
  • Ammonia (NH3 or NH4) -- Ammonia is a product of
    decomposition of animal and plant protein. It is
    an important plant nutrient. Natural bodies of
    water contain gt 1 mg/l. Levels higher than this
    stimulate algal growth and are toxic to fish.
  • Nitrates/Nitrites -- These N containing compounds
    are formed during decomposition and are
    inter-converted by certain species of bacteria.
    Natural concentrations rarely exceed 10 mg/l and
    are often gt 1mg/l.

Major Sources of Excess Nutrients
  • Major sources of excess nutrients are
    agricultural fertilizers, domestic sewage and
    livestock wastes.
  • Agricultural fertilizers provide inorganic
  • Sewage and wastes provide both inorganic and
    organic nutrients.

Overview of Cultural Eutrophication
  • Start with clear water stream or blue water lake.
  • Introduction of organic and/or inorganic
  • The pathways of these two nutrient sources
  • Follow organic pathway first inorganic nutrient
    pathway second.

Oligotrophic Aquatic Ecosystems
  • A clear water stream or deep blue lake contains
    enough bacteria to decompose organic material
    from organisms that die.
  • Water is neither acidic or basic.
  • Inorganic nutrients are present in low
  • Ammonia produced by animals and bacteria is taken
    up and used for plant growth.

Excess Organic Matter
  • Untreated sewage, manure, paper pulp, packing
    plant wastes are sources of excess organic matter
    added to aquatic ecosystems.
  • Results in exponential growth of bacterial
  • Bacteria deplete dissolved oxygen in the water.

Low Oxygen Levels Cause Die-off
  • Rapidly growing bacterial populations need
    exponentially increasing amounts of oxygen.
  • Once dissolved oxygen levels become too low, fish
    and many freshwater invertebrates die, thus
    adding more organic matter.

Oxygen Depleted Waters
  • As oxygen disappears, anaerobic bacteria produce
    methane, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia.
  • Bacterial respiration increases carbonic acid.
  • In all but the most oxygen depleted waters,
    tubificid worms, midge larvae and mosquito larvae
    replace oxygen-loving invertebrates.

Oxygen Replenishment
  • If organic material is not continually added or
    the water moves downstream, bacteria eventually
    use up their food and populations decline.
  • The concentration of dissolved oxygen increases,
    either through atmospheric replenishment or
    increased photosynthesis.

Recovering Aquatic Ecosystem
  • If stocks are available then fish can recolonize
    and the stream or lake will recover.
  • Carp, which tolerate low oxygen levels, do well.
  • Oxygen-loving species such as trout, bass and
    other game fish may return.

Recovering Aquatic Ecosystem
  • If available freshwater invertebrates recolonize,
    then the stream or lake can recover.
  • Oxygen-loving species such dragonfly, mayfly,
    caddis fly, stone fly larvae may return.

Oligotrophic Aquatic Ecosystems
  • A clear water stream or deep blue lake contains
    enough bacteria to decompose organic material
    from organisms that die.
  • Water is neither acidic or basic.
  • Inorganic nutrients are present in low
  • Ammonia produced by animals and bacteria is taken
    up and used for plant growth.

Excess Inorganic Nutrients
  • Agricultural runoff from fertilizers and effluent
    from secondary sewage treatment plants are the
    primary sources of inorganic nutrient addition to
    aquatic ecosystems.
  • These sources are rich in nitrogen and phosphorus.

Nutrients Stimulate Algal Blooms
  • Nitrogen and phosphorus from runoff and effluents
    or decay of organic matter stimulates aquatic
    plant growth.
  • In particular, algal blooms give the water a
    green or blue-green color.

Plants Die, Bacteria Grow, Deplete Oxygen, Fish
  1. Plants exhaust nutrients and die.
  2. Bacteria thrive on organic decay of plants and
    lower dissolved oxygen.
  3. Fish and invertebrates die when oxygen gets too

Oxygen Replenishment and Ecosystem Recovery
  • In temperature regions, the growing season ends.
  • Bacteria eventually use up their food and
    populations decline.
  • The concentration of dissolved oxygen increases,
    either primarily through atmospheric
  • If stocks are available then fish and
    invertebrates can recolonize and the stream or
    lake will recover.

The Good News
  • Since the 1970s, many of the worst conditions
    that lead to air and water pollution have been
  • The last above ground nuclear tests occurred in
  • The catalytic converters lowered hydrocarbon
    emissions, but increased nitrogen oxide
    emissions thus requiring new technology.
  • Some of the worst cases of water pollution have
    been addresses and in some cases reversed.

  • Chapter 54 Pages
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