Title: Water as Technology: Uses, Impacts, and Policy
1Water as Technology Uses, Impacts, and Policy
- Technology and the Environment
- Christopher Weber
- 4/12/05
- After this lecture, you should understand
- The importance of water in our lives
- What water is used for in the US
- How water is made and disposed of
- Some basic issues of water quantity and quality
- The difficulty facing environmental policymakers
regarding technology
3Water What is it?
- Liquid composed of Hydrogen and Oxygen
- Essential for all life
- Environment for aquatic plants and animals
- The reason were here today
Image from http//folding.stanford.edu/education/
4The Water Cycle
Taken from http//www.yvw.com.au/newed/seniors/wa
5Water Where is it?
- Question What percentage of the worlds water is
present in rivers and lakes? - Answer 0.27 !
- Wheres the rest of it?
6Water Where is it?
Taken from http//ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycl
7Water Whats it good for?
- Of all the water humans use, how much goes to
homes? - To Industrial Use?
8Water uses in the US, 2000
9Whats in your cup?
- Water Quantity vs. Water Quality
- Public water supply generally comes from
- Surface sources (rivers, some lakes)
- Groundwater
- Processed by Water Treatment Facilities
Taken fromhttp//www.epa.gov/safewater/
10Typical Water Treatment Process
Taken from LA Drinking water plant website
11Down the sink. . .
Taken From http//www.city.toronto.on.ca/water/wa
12Activity Water Pricing
- 3 contestants
- Water from 3 different sources
- Pour into bucket until you reach 1 worth of water
13Five Gallon Bucket
14High End Bottled Water
15Grocery Store Bottled Water
16Pittsburgh Public Supplied Water
17Answers to Water Exercise
- Evian- 0.03 of 5 gal bucket
- Grocery Store Water 1/3 of 5 gal bucket
- Pittsburgh Water 62 5 gal buckets
18Cost of Water Globally?
- Pittsburgh has one of highest costs for
commercial water use in the country in 2000
(74,844 gallons for annual household use.)
http//www.provwater.com/worldclass.htm, RI
19Focus Issue Washing Clothes and Laundry
- Both a water quantity and quality issue
- Affects everyone!
- QuantitySome washers more efficient than others
- QualityJust whats in your laundry anyway?
- Start with an exercise using water and
electricity pricingcomparison of Life Cycle
economics of two washing machines
20Normal Washing Machine
21Efficient Washing Machine
22Calculation of Actual Washer Prices
- 3 components
- Initial Cost
- Water Cost
- Electricity Cost
- Lifecycle costing spreadsheet
23Initial Costs
- How much would you estimate each of these washers
to cost upfront?
24Initial Costs
- How much would you estimate each of these washers
to cost upfront? - Normal Washer 300
- Energy STAR front-loader 900
- Energy STAR washer costs 3X more!
- Other potential benefits of front-loader?
- Sound!
- See if we can justify just on water and
25Estimating Discussion
- How much water does each washer use per cycle?
26Estimating Discussion
- How much water does each washer use per cycle?
- Normal Washer
- 37 gallons
- EnergyStar Washer
- 19 gallons
27Estimating Discussion
- How much electricity does each washer use per
28Estimating Discussion
- How much electricity does each washer use per
cycle? - Normal Washer
- 1.57 kWh per load
- EnergyStar Washer
- 0.65 kWh per load
29Life Cycle Costs (with some assumptions)
- Assume
- Electricity 5.5 cents/kWh
- Water 0.397 cents/gal
- Life Cycle of each washer 12 years
- Realistic?
- 2.5 loads per week
30Overall Life Cycle Costs
31Water Quality IssuesCase Study Eutrophication
Taken From http//www.umanitoba.ca/institutes/fis
32Brief History of Water Quality and Eutrophication
in the U.S.
- 1930s-40sIndustry starts mass producing
chemicals such as DDT, PCBs, TCE, etc. - 1950sWater pollution truly starts to become
evident - 1962Silent Spring by Rachel Carson published,
immediate public outcry against toxic chemicals - 1964Eutrophication becomes evident all over US
from nutrient pollution - International Joint Commission formed
- 1969Cuyahoga River/Lake Erie catches fire from
pollution in water - IJC Commission Report suggests reducing Phosphate
content in detergents - 1972Clean Water Act passed (over veto by Nixon)
- Wastewater treatment becomes law
- 1974Safe Drinking Water Act Passed
- 1983 and 1987Chesapeake Bay Agreements on
Nutrient reduction - Early 1990smany states pass phosphorus bans for
33EutrophicationWhat is it?
- Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) added to lakes or
rivers - Algae grow quickly on elevated nutrients
- When algae die, decomposition depletes oxygen
- Lower oxygen levels kill fish and aquatic life
Image taken from http//www.biologymad.com/Crops/
34EutrophicationWhat Causes it?
- Caused by elevated levels of N,P in waterusually
due to humans - Many possible causes!
- Municipal wastewater emissions
- Industrial Emissions
- Crop Agriculture (fertilizer runoff)
- Animal Agriculture (animal wastes)
- The Big problem
- N,P are naturally occurring and non-toxic
- Hard to trace and hard to determine whos to blame
35EutrophicationWhat Causes it?
Pennsylvania Watersheds
- TerminologyPoint source vs. Non-point source
- Point source pollution occurs at one point
- Wastewater effluent
- Combined Sewer Overflow
- Non-point occurs over entire watershed
- Agricultural runoff
Image taken fromhttp//pa.water.usgs.gov/pamaps/p
36Link to Laundry . . .
- One of major suspected routes of P pollution was
in detergents - Detergents had a lot of Phosphates in them
(20-35)! - Phosphates not well removed in wastewater
treatment - Can comprise up to 40 of P in wastewater
37Laundry Detergent what makes it work?
- What does a laundry detergent need to do?
- Grab soil and other stains
- Pull the stain into solution
- Keep the stain in solution
- Brighten colors
- Make the clothes smell pretty
- Quite the technology, really!
38What makes it not work so well?
- Water hardness (Ca, Mg, Fe)
- Detergents require a builder to stop this
interference - Sodium Tripolyphosphate (STPP) works very well
for this - Nontoxic, extremely effective builder
- Until 1960s, the only builder used
39Whats a policy maker to do?
- Exercise its 1969, people want something done
to save Great Lakes, Chesapeake - You know
- Need to reduce P inputs to Lakes
- Some Phosphorus due to point sources, some to
agriculture - Detergents make up large portion of P in
wastewater - Wastewater removal methods available
40What could be done?
- The options
- Remove Phosphates from Detergents
- Remove Phosphates from Wastewater
- Work on Agricultural inputs
- Any combination of the above
- Several Questions
- Which is easiest?
- Which is safest?
- Which is cheapest?
- Which would be most effective?
41Where it gets a little complicated
- Easy ? Cheap ? Effective ? Safe
- Which is most important for an environmental
policy? - Who should decide?
- Who should pay?
- The public?
- The government? (another facet of the public)
- Industry? (PG, Colgate-Palmolive, etc)
42Option 1 Cut P levels in Detergents
- Advantages (from govs perspective)
- Easy1 piece policy
- Significantly reduce P load to wastewater plants
- Financial burden goes to industry
- Disadvantages
- Only part of part of P load
- Industry backlash?
- Still need detergentwhat would replace it?
Example Environmentally-Friendly Detergent
Taken from http//www.animalaid.org.uk/shop/house
43Option 1 Cut P levels in Detergents
- Potential replacements all had problems
- Citrate was safe, but not all that effective
- NTA arguably safe and effective, but questions
about toxicity - Zeolite A safe and somewhat effective, but
expensive - Industries already invested in NTA production
- Precautionary principle?
Example Environmentally-Friendly Detergent today
Taken from http//www.animalaid.org.uk/shop/house
44Option 2 Remove P from Wastewater
- Advantages
- Target all point source P
- Even then, fairly effective (much more so now)
- Can keep Phosphates in detergents
- Definite reduction after implementation
- Disadvantages
- Very expensivehave to retrofit several hundred
plants - Cost goes to municipalities
- Still only deal with part of P load (point source)
Precipitation unit for P removal
Taken from http//www.sewage-plants.de/en/technik
45Option 3 Work on Non-Point sources
- Advantages
- In most watersheds, non-point are majority of
load - Best practices can be low cost
- Disadvantages
- Ignorance
- Where its coming from?
- Who and what is needed to fix?
- Difficult to implementneed cooperation from many
parties - Soft solutionimpacts not definite
Fertilizer runoff into a river
Taken from http//www.concordma.com/magazine/sepo
- Detergent substitution easy, cheap, and arguably
effective - But might be unsafe
- Wastewater Removal easy, effective, and safe
- But expensive for municipalities
- Non-point Sources safe and cheap and could be
effective - But certainly not easy, and might not do anything
47Long Story Short
- US focused on detergent substition initially
- Took 10 to 20 years to find a suitable blend of
substitutes - Some work was done on P removal in wastewater
- In 1980s, became evident that solution was not
working - Some highly improved waters, some not
- More focus as of late on agricultural practices
- Eutrophication remains problematic in many areas
of the country - Even worse now with growth of factory farming
- Policy makers must account for several things in
making decisions about technology - Public Safety
- Environmental Safety
- Economic efficiency (for who?)
- Water quality issues can be difficult problems to