Title: Arson and Fire Investigation
1Arson and Fire Investigation
- Dr. Jason G. Linville
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- jglinvil_at_uab.edu
- Fire What is fire?
- Collecting evidence
- Analyzing evidence
- Explosives What are they?
- Collecting evidence
- Analyzing evidence
- Arson - The crime of maliciously, voluntarily,
and willfully setting fire to the building,
buildings, or other property of another or of
burning one's own property for an improper
purpose, as to collect insurance.
Arson The crime of starting an illegal fire.
- Fire rapid oxidation with evolution of heat
and light.
Four components of fire
- Fuel
- Heat
- Oxygen
- Uninhibited chemical chain reaction
Four components of fire
- Fuel can be solid, liquid or gas
- Fuel can only consumed in the vapor state
- Therefore, solids and liquids must first be
- Burning takes place at the surface of solids and
Four components of fire
- Heat Temperature
- Oxygen found in air can be used up in closed in
- Chemical Chain Reaction must
- The oxidation reaction (burning) must produce
enough heat to maintain burning - The fuel mass must be vaporized and drawn up into
the flame.
Fire Investigation
- First the point of origin is determined
- Where the fires starts
- Usually contains the most damage.
Once point of origin is determined, the cause of
the fire is determined.
9Fire gt Investigation
Who investigates the fire?
Often, the Fire Department will have an
investigative team to determine the cause/origin
of a fire. (major events ATF)
10Fire gt Investigation
What evidence can be collected?
- Paper/Trash not much evidence
- Accelerant rapid start
- Chemical device (road flares, propellant)
- Electronic device for delayed ignition
Unburned portions of chemical and electronic
devices may be left behind.
11Fire gt Collection
Collection of Evidence
- Even in a large fire, accelerant residues of
flammable liquids may be left behind.
- Common gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil
- Rarer alcohol, paint thinner
Unusual burn pattern may suggest use of liquid
12Fire gt Collection
Collection of Evidence
- Accelerant remains can be detected by tracing the
point of origin or canine use.
Object containing accelerant must be packaged in
air tight container.
13Fire gt Collection
- Metal cans airtight, but old cans might rust
- Glass Jars rubber or glued liners may interfere
with results.
- Special airtight plastic evidence bags must be
properly sealed
14Fire gt Collection
Collection of Evidence
- Along with sample from point of origin, a control
sample should be collected. (material from a
different room/location)
- Carpet fibers (synthetics) may be petroleum
- Obviously, evidence collection documented with
photos, sketches, etc.
15Fire gt Analysis
Analysis of Accelerants
- Gas Chromatography separates components and Mass
Spectrometry identifies the components.