Title: Community Disaster Resource Center CDRC
1Community Disaster Resource Center (CDRC)
- A Long Term Disaster Recovery Organization
2Sample Mission Statement
To provide information and resources that enable
the survivors and the community to recover as
quickly as possible from a disaster.
3Sample Vision Statement
The Communitys
4Sample Goals
- To develop and manage an individual recovery plan
for each survivor - To educate and inform the survivors and community
on the recovery process and its progress - To identify, obtain, and distribute the resources
needed to execute the recovery plans - To work in partnership with county and local
government, disaster relief organizations,
faith-based organizations, service clubs and
other non-profit organizations
5Proposed Strategies
- Identify the survivors and their contact
information - Create a case management system to help prepare
and monitor individual recovery plans - Design and maintain a website that includes
disaster relief resources, recovery how to,
events calendar, disaster recovery news updates
and a survivor chat room - Hold informational seminars on insurance claim
processing, home rebuilding dos and donts, and
property tax issues - Work with partner organizations to identify and
obtain needed resources (funds, materials and
labor) - Act as an advocate for the needs of the survivors
- Provide problem resolution services for the
6Board of DirectorsProposed Composition (10)
- County government liaison (1)
- Local government liaison (1)
- Funding organizations (2)
- Disaster Recovery Organizations (2)
- Faith based organizations (1)
- Service Clubs (1)
- Business Community (1)
- Building Association (1)
7CDRCOrganization Chart
8CDRCSample Paid Staff Office Needs
- Paid Staff
- Executive Director
- Case Manager
- Case Workers
- Resource Manager
- Administrative Assistant / Bookkeeper
- Office Needs
- Office Space
- Office Furniture
- New Computers/Printers
- High Speed Internet
- Phones
- Copy / Fax Machine
- Office Supplies
9CDRCCommon Startup Tasks
- Form organization and incorporate
- Apply for non-profit status (501(c) 3)
- Prepare a detail business plan
- Obtain funding for recovery and operations
- Hire staff and acquire office needs
- Create and manage website (survivor information)
- Obtain list of survivors with contact
information - Setup a case management system
- Arrange for a CPA or accountant
10 Support Information
Disaster Response Project San Bernardino
Mountains Rotary Clubs PO Box 1317, Blue Jay, CA
92317 (909) 337-3533 Email admin_at_disasterresponse
project.org Website http//disasterresponseproj