Title: Lecture 8: Origin of Birds and Flight
1 Lecture 8 Origin of Birds and Flight
Reading Chapter 33 591-592, Chapter 48
2- Two main controversies- from whom and how did
flight originate? - Origin of birds
- Origin of flight
- Flight in vertebrates passive to self powered
- Structure and function of wings
- Two major hypotheses for origin of powered
flight - Bird systems-breathing, osmoregulation, and
3Ancestry of Birds
- Birds are feathered dinosaurs, ancestry from
theropod dinosaurs (Saurischians) - Birds share many features with reptiles eg.
shelled aminiote egg but ancestral retentions - Birds share other features not in all reptiles
but in some i.e. Archosaurs e.g. 4 chambered
heart, endothermy - Birds uniquely developed flight
4(No Transcript)
5Earliest Bird- 150 myaArchaeopteryx
would have been classified as a reptile except
for feather impressions
6Archaeopteryx lithographica
flight feathers
7Modern birds -Diversity
9,600 species of living birds
8Passive Flight Parachuting/Gliding
9Powered active flight
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11Bird Skeleton
 Fused clavicle (furcula) Sternum (breast
bone) with keel (attachment flight muscles)
Wing lift support Tail steering landing
12Bird Skeleton
air spaces
13Origin of Flight Two hypotheses
Ground Up (Running) Quadruped-Facultative
biped --obligatory biped--forelimbs increased use
prey capture thrust-selection for more lift
Trees down (Arboreal) Tree
dwelling--leaping between trees--
parachuting--gliding--active powered flight
14Origin of Flight Two Theories
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16Bird Respiration
nasal salt glands in marine birds excrete
excess salt  countercurrent exchange
system blood flows counter to salt
18 How does a limb form?
Homeobox genes