Methodology and Methods - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Methodology and Methods


All requirements are identified at the start. All the system is analysed ... The goal is safe landing on the runway. ... Does an SSM project ever finish ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Methodology and Methods

Methodology and Methods
Lecture Objectives
  • Explain different types of method
  • Explore some common methods
  • Nature of iteration
  • Testing and quality points

System Development LifeCycle
  • All approaches to systems (software) design
    involve a System Development LifeCycle or SDLC
    that involves
  • Analysis
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Maintenance
  • All SDLCs involve feedback and testing

Waterfall Modele.g.,Structured Systems And
Design Method(SSADM)
Waterfall Methodseg., SSADM
Feasibility Study
Systems Integration
Systems Analysis
Systems Design
Review and Maintenance
Waterfall Methodseg., SSADM
  • Assumes that
  • All requirements are identified at the start
  • All the system is analysed
  • All the system is designed
  • All the system is written
  • All the system is tested
  • All the system is handed over to the client
  • So there is only one run through the life cycle

Waterfall MethodsAdvantages
  • Known requirements are all documented
  • Analysis can cover all required areas
  • Design can be optimised as all known requirements
    are included
  • Coding and testing can be carried out efficiently
    as all areas to be covered are known.
  • Project management is easier as tasks required
    are known timetables and staffing can be
    planned and controlled

Waterfall MethodsDisadvantages
  • What if the client thinks of important
    requirements later in the project?
  • What if the clients requirements change during
    the project?
  • What if a step in the project takes longer than
  • What if the client does not like what the
    developers have produced?
  • What if the system handed over to the client does
    the wrong thing?

Rational Unified Process(RUP)
Key Aspects of RUP
  • Risk-driven process
  • Risk management integrated into the development
  • Iterations are planned based on high priority
  • Use-case driven development
  • Use cases express requirements on the systems
    functionality and model the business as context
    for the system
  • Use cases are defined for the intended system and
    are used as the basis of the entire development

Key Aspects of RUP
  • Risk-driven process
  • Risk management integrated into the development
  • Iterations are planned based on high priority
  • Use-case driven development
  • Use cases express requirements on the systems
    functionality and model the business as context
    for the system
  • Use cases are defined for the intended system and
    are used as the basis of the entire development

Key Aspects of RUP
  • Architecture-centric design
  • Architecture is the primary artifact to
    conceptualize, construct, manage, and evolve the
  • Consists of multiple, coordinated views (or
    models) of the architecture

RUP 6 Best practices
  • Develop Software Iteratively
  • Driven by early risk identification and
  • Each iteration results in an executable release
  • Manage Requirements
  • Requirements inherently dynamic across the
    systems life
  • Use Component-Based Architecture
  • Architectures that are resilient to change are

RUP 6 Best practices
  • Visually Model Software
  • Promotes consistency and unambiguous
    communication of development information
  • Continuously Verify Software Quality
  • Identify defects early, objective measure of
    project status
  • Control Changes to Software
  • Create and release a tested baseline at the end
    of each iteration

Process Overview
Core Workflows
Business Modeling
Analysis Design
Test Assessment
Supporting Workflows
Change Management
Project Management
Environmental Analysis
The V Model
The V Model
Acceptance Test Design
Acceptance Test Design
Requirements Analysis
Systems Test Design
System Design
Systems Test Design
Integration Test Design
Architecture Design
Integration Test Design
Unit Test Design
Module Design
Unit Test Design
The Spiral Model
The Spiral Model
Determine objectives, alternatives, constraints
Evaluate alternatives, identify, resolve risks
Risk analysis
Risk analysis
Risk analysis
Operational Prototype
Risk analysis
Prototype 3
Prototype 2
Commitment Partition
Simulations, models, benchmarks
Requirements plan Lifecycle plan
Detailed design
Conceptof operation
Requirements validation
Unit test
Integrationand test plan
Integrationand test
Design validationand verification
Develop, verifynext level product
Plan next phases
From Boehm B.W., A Spiral Model of Software
Development and Enhancement, Computer, May 1988,
pp. 61-72.
AGILE Method
AGILE Method
AGILE vs Waterfall
  • The Agile Manifesto favours
  • Individuals and interactions over processes and
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan.

From Sy, D (2007) Adapting Usability
Investigations for Agile User-centered Design.
JUS, Vol. 2, Issue 3, May 2007, pp. 112-132.
AGILE vs Waterfall
  • In the waterfall model requirements gathering for
    all features in a release leads to a design
    phase, which is then followed by coding and
    quality assurance testing. The entire process for
    a release is measured in months, if not years.
  • In contrast, the Agile development lifecycle is
    characterized as a series of incremental
    mini-releases. Each working version must be
    complete and stable, which makes it possible for
    the product release date to coincide with that of
    any working version. Working versions are created
    at regular intervals, called iteration cycles or
    sprints, which are generally two to four weeks
    long. Cycle end dates are fixed features that
    cannot be completed are moved to the next working

From Sy, D (2007) Adapting Usability
Investigations for Agile User-centered Design.
JUS, Vol. 2, Issue 3, May 2007, pp. 112-132.
AGILE vs Waterfall
  • In the waterfall model there is formal
    demarcation between roles e.g., IT experts and
    users, and formal approaches to interaction
    between the roles. Typically there are infrequent
    and period (e.g., monthly), meetings with fixed
    agenda and minutes.
  • In contrast, the Agile development encourages
    informal interactions between roles. In
    particular, ad-hoc or regular (daily of weekly)
    scrums between stakeholders that have no agenda,
    or a loose agenda, and which only key actions
    are recorded if there are any records at all.

From Sy, D (2007) Adapting Usability
Investigations for Agile User-centered Design.
JUS, Vol. 2, Issue 3, May 2007, pp. 112-132.
Soft System Methodology(SSM)
Soft Systems MethodologyWhat is it?
  • In principle, an SSM covers
  • examination of the problem situation
  • analysis of the ingredients (using a rich picture
  • coming to a root definition of significant facets
    of the system of interest
  • conceptualisation and modelling
  • comparison of concept/ideal to actual
  • definition and selection of options
  • design of action programme
  • Implementation.

Soft Systems MethodologyProblem Expression
  • Stating what the problem is requires situational
    and problem analysis - comprehending the problem
    domain of interest. What exactly the problem is
    will not be known until this analysis is done. A
    key feature of SSM is to
  • Keep the project vague and wide for as long as
    possible - don't jump to conclusions nor assume
    or ignore the current situation e.g. by
    concentrating on idealised futures.
  • The analysis may involve the use of many
    techniques such as checklists of things to look
    for, question sets, models and frameworks of
    examination. It is important not to become fixed
    on the use of one technique or analytical
    approach only. Typically brainstorming
    techniques, SWOT, STEEP analysis may be used.

Soft Systems MethodologyCATWOE
  • Clients - (those who more or less directly
    benefit or suffer e.g. customers) from the
    machinations of the...
  • Actors Stakeholders, the players (individuals,
    groups, institutions and agencies), who perform
    the scenes, read and interpret the script,
    regulate, push and improvise. Identify and
    examine the role of local and institutional
    actors .... who undertake the.....
  • Transformations - what processes, movements,
    conversions of X take place? What is the nature
    of the production and service transformations?
    What is the content and processes involved from
    ingredients to a sandwich, from mixed, varied
    data to information, from an idea to a
    performance concept or marketable product etc?
    What are the transformations that generate a
    product or a service? How are they achieved? How
    well are they performing?

Soft Systems MethodologyCATWOE
  • Weltanschauung or world-view - what is going on
    in the wider world that is influencing and
    shaping the "situation" and need for the system
    to adapt?
  • Owners - the activity is ultimately "controlled"
    or paid for by owners or trustees. Who are they
    and what are their imperatives? How do they
    exercise their ownership power? Are their other
    stakeholders - who claim a stake and a right to
    be involved i.e. as legitimate quasi-owners.
    Ownership and the human activity occurs within an
  • Environment - the trends, events and demands of
    the political, legal, economic, social,
    demographic, technological, ethical, competitive,
    natural environments provide the context for the
    situation and specific problem arena. We need to
    understand these.

Soft Systems Methodology Transformation
  • Checkland offers the case of an aircraft landing
    system where
  • (transformation) the incoming aircraft approaches
    from a height and a distance. The goal is safe
    landing on the runway.
  • The actors are the pilots (human and auto), the
    clients - the passengers, crew, air traffic
    controllers, ground staff and people living under
    the runway.
  • The owners include the airline owners and their
    agents (the managers)
  • The environment air lanes, traffic conditions
    and geographic features, regulation of landing
    and take-off slots at the airport, competition
    from other airports.
  • The weltanschauung may involve the rise in
    passenger traffic, competition between
    international airports, the airport-housing
    environment, high concern for safety and high
    technology operations.

Soft Systems Methodology Rich Picture
Soft Systems Methodology Rich Pictures
  • Checkland encourages the problem researchers to
    illustrate the system of interest with diagrams
    or "rich pictures" (a diagram "without rules").
    Rich pictures show
  • the people involved
  • the purposes they state
  • their desires and fears (use think balloons).
  • symbols to express environmental detail
    (activities, similar and contentious processes,
    relationships (push-pull) and transactions
    across organisational boundaries).
  • how and where interests agree or conflict.
  • Rich pictures are cartoons - funny, sad,
    political, ... and all at once. The pictures of
    course are generated by the analysts and hence
    are selective, representative of their
    perceptions .... and questions.... and areas of

Soft Systems Methodology The Process View
  • Using CATWOE in analysis discussions and drawing
    a rich picture encourages a process approach.
    Participants can test assertions, assumptions,
    positions and the integrity of data/information.
  • SSM targets existing systems. The focus is on
    investigation and definition of the existing
    features of the organisational and how these
    interact externally and internally with the
    system as a whole (hence "holism") and
    sub-processes. Consider too the situational and
    organisational "climate" (efficient, tense, wet,
    cold, hot, neurotic, sloppy, democratic, sulky,
    joyous ...).

Soft Systems Methodology The Process View
  • After problem examination and definition, SSM
    participants "should" be able to "see" the
  • differently and more fully .
  • differentiate levels and sub-problems of the
  • They will have researched "facts
  • positions and viewpoints at varying levels of
  • They will have articulated many "problem"
    statements, some major and some trivial.
  • They will have debated the evaluated assumptions
    about the trivial and the major.

Soft Systems Methodology Root Definition
  • A root definition for which there is a consensus
    - at a point in time - is an important outcome of
    the SSM process. The analyst-researchers now need
    to define the arena of concern more precisely i.e
    to synthesis the "root definition". They move
    towards a well- defined statement about the area
    of concern, its activities and components. This
    may represent a minimum that can be agreed in
    terms of the real activity domain. People should
    be able to see what they are agreeing to and what
    has been left out. It is for internal, creative
    use not public dissemination

Soft Systems Methodology Conceptual Modelling
  • With a root definition and a CATWOE rich picture
    - the analysts can turn to an imagined, "ideal"
    system. Creativity and solution generation time
    is here folks .... exploring
  • the wild and fanciful
  • defining the musts and the desirables
  • evaluating and choosing
  • agreeing criteria for choosing deciding.
  • A "best" model may be proposed and the criteria
    maybe implicit .... but be clear about what the
    criteria are and what has been systematically
    left out of the formula!

Soft Systems Methodology Five Es for Decision
  • efficacy (will it work at all?)
  • efficiency (will it work with minimum resources?)
  • effectiveness (does it contribute to the
  • ethics (is it sound morally?)
  • elegance (is it beautiful?)

Soft Systems Methodology Compare the Concept
with the Current
  • The conceptual model should provide inspiration.
    Its purpose should not be seen as criticism or
    threatening (these however may arise in any human
    activity system) so ... simply compare the
    concept with the current system. The current
    system exists. It does something. The adage "if
    it works, don't change it" may string to mind
    but.... questions now arise
  • why aren't we doing it the "ideal" way?
  • what reasons explain our current practice and
  • how do we, at present, measure up to the ideal
    given the criteria of efficiency, effectiveness,
    ethics and elegance and group/political opinion?

Soft Systems Methodology Agree on Changes
  • If the current system is imperfect (why we did
    the analysis) - then we have to agree on
    desirable changes. These presumably may move us
    towards the ideal.
  • retrace our footsteps and go over our synthesis
  • re-evaluate the insight gained from each stage
  • examine how proposals may affect and be received
    by stakeholders.
  • in what way will changes for which there is no
    consensus/agreement result in problems?
  • The outcome is that there is some agreement -
    permission to move.

Soft Systems Methodology Action/Implementation
  • Outcome may not be predictable. Implementation is
    a new human activity. It means new compromises.
    If the root definition and option analysis is
    still fuzzy and if there is no ownership by those
    who hold the reins of power (the decision-makers)
    then the SSM process could go into an infinite
    loop and start the whole thing over again - rue
    the day!
  • The final outcome will not completely match the
    planned change. It will be interesting to see how
    close they are.
  • Does an SSM project ever finish .... it doesn't
    need to as it embodies learning - the human
    learning and adaptation philosophy. There may be
    convergence. Issues debated early on may
    dissipate. Implementation discussions may focus
    more on participant confidence, ability and
    understanding of the enterprise.

Soft Systems Methodology Criticisms of SSM
  • It is not a "how to build a system guidebook". It
    is heuristic not algorithmic.
  • There is no real method. But then many other,
    more prescriptive "methodologies" don't work. SSM
    does encourage commitment and it provides a forum
    to bring diverse interests together.
  • The open endedness makes it difficult to manage.
    An SSM project is unlikely to be a complete
    success or a failure but it should reflect a
    natural, evolutionary approach.

Soft Systems Methodology Criticisms of SSM
  • SSM can too easily ignore environmental and
    structural determinants and questions of power.
    Organisational members do not have equal choice
    and it is naive to think that everyone can openly
    discuss problems, perceptions and needs. Yet
    open, willing and supported discussion is more
    likely to open up organisation culture -
    encouraging learning and joint problem solving.
  • Openness and togetherness are implicit and
    explicit values of SSM .... not easy values in a
    confused, conflict and contradiction-oriented or
    power-centred organisation.

Lecture Objectives
  • Explain different types of method
  • Explore some common methods
  • Nature of iteration
  • Testing and quality points
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