Title: Getting it right the first time: An environmental NGO
1Getting it right the first timeAn environmental
NGOs perspective on nanotechnology
- Comments for FDA public meeting on nanotechnology
materials - October 10, 2006
- John M. Balbus, MD, MPH
2Many applications for FDA to consider
- Direct Contact
- Drug delivery
- Therapeutic agents/devices
- Medical imaging
- Biomaterials
- Food additives
- Sunscreens
- Cosmetics/skin treatments
- Indirect Contact
- Food packaging
3Many products on the market
4FDA words do not inspire confidence
Few resources currently exist to assess the
Accessed October 4, 2006
Particle size is not the issue.
Accessed October 4, 2006
5Size-related interactions
- Surface binding may bend proteins
Lynch et al (2006) Science STKE March 21
68-hour skin penetration of QDs
NH2 Coating
PEG Coating
Ryan-Rasmussen et al., Tox Sci. 2006
7In-vitro tests of skin cells
- CNTs cause oxidative stress in cultured
keratinocytes - Shvedova et al., 2003, Manna et al., 2005
Monteiro-Riviere et al., 2005 - Anatase nanoscale titanium dioxide more cytotoxic
than rutile - Sayes, et al., 2006
8Four Keys to Getting Nano Right
- Significant increase in government risk-research
investment - Effective regulations
- Voluntary interim standards
- Meaningful stakeholder engagement
Issues in Science Technology, Summer 2005
9Recommendations for FDA
- Increase level of risk research
- Seek pre-market authority for cosmetics/personal
care products - Maximize existing authorities
- Revisit weight-based exclusions under NEPA
- Voluntary information programs
- Labelling
- Consumer education
- Increase meaningful stakeholder involvement