Title: Myth or Fact
1Myth or Fact
- Americas Earliest Settlers
2Columbus Discovered Indians in the New World.
3Columbus only named the people he found Indians
because he thought he was in the East Indies.
4 Europeans first settled the New World.
5Thousands of years before Columbus people from
Asia had traveled and settled all over America.
6 All Native Americans live in teepees.
7Native Americans lived in various types of houses
8Native Americans speak different languages
9In the United States there are over 500 different
nations of Native Americans
10All Native Americans wear buckskins and beads.
11Traditional clothing like languages vary from one
nation to another.
12All Native Americans had totem poles in their
13Totem poles are a part of Native Americans that
settled the Northwest Pacific Coast.
14Native Americans always wore feathers, headbands
and headdresses.
15Feathers have a religious meaning in most nations
and were worn only occasionally. Headdresses were
worn for special ceremonial occasions.
16Native Americans are no more patient, stoic or
savage as any other group of people.
17Native Americans are no more patient, stoic or
savage as any other people. They are just like
anyone else, nothing more, nothing less.
18Thanksgiving was a celebration created by the
19Eastern Native Americans celebrated the
Green-Corn Ceremony that celebrated the years
harvest. Giving thanks was very traditional in
their ceremony.
20Native Americans, Americas first citizens