Chapter 6 Stacks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 6 Stacks


peek. isEmpty. size. 3. The stack ADT. A stack has LIFO behavior. Underflow. An attempt to pop or peek an empty stack. Typical implementations. Element type is. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 6 Stacks

Chapter 6Stacks
  • CS 260 Data Structures
  • Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne

The stack ADT
  • A stack is one of the most useful of all data
  • A stack is a sequence of elements in which
    elements can be added or removed only at one end
    called the top
  • Behavior
  • push
  • pop
  • peek
  • isEmpty
  • size

The stack ADT
  • A stack has LIFO behavior
  • Underflow
  • An attempt to pop or peek an empty stack
  • Typical implementations
  • Element type is . . .
  • a generic object ltEgt
  • one of the primitive types
  • Store elements in an array
  • Store elements in a linked list
  • We will look at some applications before
    considering implementation

Arithmetic expression evaluation
  • Consider the arithmetic expression
  • ( ( ( 7 2 ) ( ( 3 5 ) ( 2 6 ) ) ) (
    ( 19 5 ) / 2 ) )
  • This expression is fully-parenthesized to avoid
    considering operator precedence for now
  • Evaluation uses two stacks
  • Number stack of operands
  • Operation stack of operators
  • It is best if the expression can be processed in
    a left-to-right order without backtracking

Rules for arithmetic expression evaluation
  • When the next token is an . . .
  • operand (i.e., a number)
  • Push the operand onto the number stack
  • operator
  • Push the operator on the operator stack
  • right parenthesis
  • Perform an evaluation step
  • Pop the top two values from the number stack
  • Pop the top operator from the operator stack
  • Combine the numbers using the operator
  • Second number popped is the left operand
  • Push the result on the number stack
  • left parentheses or a blank
  • Throw it away
  • We wont be concerned with checking for balanced
    parentheses at this time

  • ( ( ( ( 7 2 ) ( ( 3 5 ) ( 2 6 ) ) ) (
    19 5 ) ) / 2 )
  • Notation for displaying stack manipulation
  • Pushed elements go on top of a column
  • Whenever a pop occurs, copy the remaining
    elements into the next column with a bar
    indicating the top
  • The horizontal bar indicates how many elements
    were popped

number stack
operation stack
Arithmetic expression evaluation
public static void evaluateStackTops(
StackltDoublegt numbers, StackltCharactergt
operations ) double operand1, operand2
// Check that the stacks have enough items, and
get the two operands. if ( ( numbers.size( )
lt 2 ) ( operations.isEmpty( ) ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal
expression ) operand2
numbers.pop( ) operand1 numbers.pop( )
// Carry out an action based on the operation
on the top of the stack. switch (
operations.pop( ) ) case ''
numbers.push( operand1 operand2 ) break
case '-' numbers.push( operand1 - operand2 )
break case '' numbers.push( operand1
operand2 ) break case '/' // Here,
division by zero is possible resulting in one of
the constants //
TY numbers.push( operand1 /
operand2 ) break default throw new
IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal operation )

public static double evaluate( String expression
) StackltDoublegt numbers new
StackltDoublegt( ) StackltCharactergt
operations new StackltCharactergt( )
Scanner input new
Scanner( expression ) String
next while ( input.hasNext( ) )
if ( input.hasNext( UNSIGNED_DOUBLE )
next input.findInLine(
numbers.push( new Double( next ) )
else next input.findInLine(
CHARACTER ) switch(
next.charAt( 0 ) ) case
case -
case case
/ operations.push( next.charAt( 0 ) break
case )
evaluateStackTops( numbers, operations ) break
case ( break
default throw new
IllegalArgumentException( Illegal character )

if ( numbers.size( ) !
1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Illegal input expression ) return
numbers.pop( )
Arithmetic expression evaluation
  • The Scanner class and the Pattern class used for
    input are described in Appendix B, pp. 750 754
  • UNSIGNED_DOUBLE is a Pattern
  • Method evaluate is a O( n ) method
  • Possible improvements
  • Detect all illegal arithmetic expressions
  • Permit expressions that are not fully
  • The evaluation technique then must deal with
    precedence rules
  • We will consider this situation later

Another example
  • Consider expressions consisting only of
    parentheses and check that the parentheses are
  • For more interest, consider ( ), , and
  • Balanced ( ( ) )
  • Not balanced ( )
  • It is not sufficient to just count each type of
    parenthesis and compare the numbers of left
    parentheses with the corresponding right

Balance checking technique
  • Technique
  • Work left to right
  • Use a stack of parentheses
  • Push any left parenthesis
  • For a right parenthesis, pop the stack and
  • The expression is not balanced if . . .
  • Stack underflow occurs on pop
  • No more input exists but the stack is not empty
  • A left parenthesis does not match the right

Balance checking method
public static boolean isBalanced( String
expression ) final char LEFT_NORMAL
'(' final char RIGHT_NORMAL ')'
final char LEFT_CURLY '' final
char RIGHT_CURLY '' final char
LEFT_SQUARE '' final char
RIGHT_SQUARE '' // Instantiate a
stack to store left parentheses
StackltCharactergt store new StackltCharactergt(
) int i
// An index into the string boolean
failed false // Change to true for a
mismatch ? ? ?(continued on next slide)
? ? ? for (i 0 ! failed ( i lt
expression.length( ) ) i )
switch ( expression.charAt( i ) )
case LEFT_NORMAL case
expression.charAt( i ) )
break case RIGHT_NORMAL
if ( store.isEmpty( ) (
store.pop( ) ! LEFT_NORMAL ) )
failed true
break case RIGHT_CURLY
if ( store.isEmpty( ) (
store.pop( ) ! LEFT_CURLY ) )
failed true
break case RIGHT_SQUARE
if ( store.isEmpty( ) (
store.pop( ) ! LEFT_SQUARE ) )
failed true
break return
( store.isEmpty( ) ! failed )
Stack implementation using an array
  • Generic class ArrayStackltEgt
  • State
  • private E data
  • private int manyItems // internal name
    for top
  • Implementations of methods push and pop are on
    the next slide
  • EmptyStackException used there is from java.util.
  • ADT invariant of the ArrayStack class
  • The number of items in the stack is stored in the
    instance variable manyItems
  • The items in the array are stored in a
    partially-filled array called data, with the
  • bottom of the stack at data 0 , the next item
    at data 1 , and so on to the top
  • of the stack at data manyItems 1

Stack implementation using an array
public void push( E item ) if ( manyItems
data.length ) ensureCapacity(
manyItems2 1 ) data manyItems
item manyItems
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
public E pop( ) E answer if (
manyItems 0 ) throw new
EmptyStackException( ) manyItems--
answer data manyItems data manyItems
null return answer
Stack implementation using a linked list
  • Generic class LinkedStackltEgt
  • State
  • private NodeltEgt top
  • ADT invariant of the LinkedStack class
  • The items in the stack are stored in a linked
    list, with the top of the stack
  • stored at the head node, down to the bottom of
    the stack at the final node
  • The instance variable top is the head reference
    of the linked list of items

Stack implementation using a linked list
public void push( E item ) top new
NodeltEgt( item, top )
public E pop( ) E answer if ( top
null ) throw new
EmptyStackException( ) answer
top.getData( ) top top.getLink( )
return answer
Postfix (Polish) arithmetic expressions
  • In postfix (or Polish) notation, the operator
    comes after the operands
  • No parentheses are needed
  • HP pocket calculators use postfisx notation
  • Example

infix notation ( 72 35 26 )( 19 5 )
/ 2 postfix notation 7 2 3 5
2 6 19 5 - 2 /
Evaluation of postfix expressions
  • Evaluation uses just one stack
  • Number stack of operands
  • Example
  • 7 2 3 5 2 6 19 5 -
    2 /

number stack
Arithmetic expression evaluation
  • Our goal is to evaluate arithmetic expressions
    that are not fully-parenthesized
  • If we could translate a normal infix expression
    (one that is not fully parenthesized) to postfix,
    then we have seen that evaluation is easy
  • We now develop an algorithm to do this
  • Of course, this algorithm must take account of
    operator precedence among , -, , and /

Translating infix to postfix
  • Use a single stack of tokens
  • Work left to right
  • Push any ( on the stack
  • Write any operand to output
  • When any operator is read
  • Pop and output operators from the stack until one
    of the following occurs
  • the stack is empty
  • top (
  • top is an operator of lower precedence than the
    operator that was read
  • Then push the operator that was read
  • When a ) is encountered . . .
  • Pop and output operations until top (
  • Then pop the ( and discard
  • When there in no more input
  • Pop and output remaining operators from the stack

Translating infix to postfix
  • Example ( 72 35 26 )( 19 5 ) / 2

operand stack
output 7 2 3 5 2 6 19 5
- 2 /
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