- Vision Disorders, Disturbances in Consciousness,
and Exacerbations of Myasthenia Gravis - Ronald Wassel, Pharm.D.
- Safety Evaluator
- Division of Drug Risk Evaluation (DDRE)
- Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology (OSE)
2Telithromycin Safety Update
- Vision Disorders
- Disturbances in Consciousness
- Exacerbation of Myasthenia Gravis
- Points to Consider
3Vision Disorders
- Phase III trials labeled
- Two Reviews
- March 2005 - oneyear approval anniversary
- July 2006 reports received 3/1/2005 to 7/7/2006
4Vision Disorders
- Known, labeled events at time of approval
- Most commonly reported post-marketing events
since approval in Europe and South America
5Vision Disorders
Table 1. Incidence of All Treatment-Emergent Visual Adverse Events in Controlled Phase III Studies Table 1. Incidence of All Treatment-Emergent Visual Adverse Events in Controlled Phase III Studies Table 1. Incidence of All Treatment-Emergent Visual Adverse Events in Controlled Phase III Studies
Gender/Age Telithromycin Comparators
Female 40 2.1 (14/682) 0.0 (0/534)
Female gt40 1.0 (7/703) 0.35 (2/574)
Male 40 1.2 (7/563) 0.48 (2/417)
Male gt40 0.27 (2/754) 0.33 (2/614)
Total 1.1 (30/2702) 0.28 (6/2139)
Includes all comparators combined Includes all comparators combined Includes all comparators combined
6Vision Disorders
- Search terms
- MedDRA group term Vision Disorders (HLGT)
- Amblyopia
- Blindness
- Color blindness
- Partial vision loss (PT Vision blurred)
- Refractive and accommodative disorders
- Visual color distortion
- Visual disorders NEC (PTs diplopia, halo vision,
optic nerve disorder, visual disturbance) - Visual field disorders
- Visual pathway disorders
7Vision Disorders
- Two searches
- First search all cases
- Second search cases with a serious outcome (per
FDA regulatory definition)
8Vision Disorders 2005 Review
Table 2. AERS reports for telithromycin (crude counts) from 4/1/2004 to 3/11/2005 Table 2. AERS reports for telithromycin (crude counts) from 4/1/2004 to 3/11/2005
Total reports received (all reactions) 421
Vision disorders (total) 114
Vision disorders (serious) 51
9Vision Disorders 2005 Review
- KETEK may cause visual disturbances particularly
in slowing the ability to accommodate and the
ability to release accommodation. Visual
disturbances included blurred vision, difficulty
focusing, and diplopia. Most events were mild to
moderate however, severe cases have been
reported. Patients should be cautioned about the
potential effects of these visual disturbances on
driving a vehicle, operating machinery or
engaging in other potentially hazardous
- No recommendations for labeling change
10Vision Disorders 2006 Review
- Search Criteria
- FDA received date between 3/1/2005 and 7/7/2006
- Vision Disorders (HLGT)
- First search all cases
- Second search serious outcomes
11Vision Disorders 2006 Review
Table 3. AERS reports for telithromycin (crude counts) from 3/1/2005 to 7/7/2006 Table 3. AERS reports for telithromycin (crude counts) from 3/1/2005 to 7/7/2006
Total reports received (all reactions) 1319
Vision disorders (total) 276
Vision disorders (serious) 95
12Vision Disorders 2006 Review
- Initial search (n276)
- Vision blurred 197
- Visual disturbance 77
- Diplopia 70
- Visual acuity reduced 15
- Eye pain 14
- Photopsia 11
- Visual brightness 11
- Not mutually exclusive a case may contain
multiple PTs
13Vision Disorders 2006 Review
- Second search - serious outcomes (n95)
- 71 unique cases - 57 domestic - 14 foreign cases
- Blurred vision 49
- Diplopia 24
- Visual changes/disturbance 7
- Vision loss 6
- Amaurosis fugax 1
- Not mutually exclusive a case may contain
multiple PTs
14Vision Disorders 2006 Review
- Clinical Characteristics 71 cases
- Gender
- 52 females and 17 males (2 unknown)
- Age range
- 15 to 83 years (n63 median 40 years mean 42.0
years) - Onset
- first day of therapy within an hour or two of the
dose (n39), - one case - onset one week after completing a five
day course of therapy
15Vision Disorders 2006 Review
- Outcomes
- 1 life threatening case - occurred while driving
- 5 hospitalizations
- 4 emergency room visits
- 13 cases disabling
- 1 case required intervention
- 47 patients discontinued telithromycin
- Resolution
- 53 cases - resolution of the events
- 18 - not reported
16Vision Disorders 2006 Review
- Duration of Effect
- lt 3 hours (n5)
- 3 to 7 hours (n5)
- 7 to 12 hours (n5)
- 12 to 24 hours (n8)
- 5 days to 6 weeks (n4)
- not reported (n44)
17Vision Disorders 2006 Review
- ISR 4736165-1 Mfr. report 200511305US
- A 17yearold female initiated therapy with Ketek
400 mg daily for sinusitis. Approximately four
hours after her dose she experienced blurred
vision and diplopia. She reported dizziness and
generalized pruritis and was treated with
Benadryl. The blurred vision occurred when
looking from far to near, but no change with
changes in the plane of vision. She also
experienced difficulty or slowness in focusing on
objects. She did not experience abnormalities in
color vision, increased brightness, flashing
lights or darkness of vision. The event resolved
after a given dose, only to recur with subsequent
doses. Therapy with telithromycin was
discontinued due to the event and the event
resolved. The event lasted about 12 hours. The
event prevented the patient from engaging in
normal activities of daily living including a
general impairment in activity, reading, watching
television, driving, working, walking and writing.
18Vision Disorders - Summary
- Continued reporting
- Sizeable number of reports many with serious
outcomes impacting activities of daily living - Blurred vision, diplopia
- Rapid onset
- Frequently led to discontinuation
- Occurs more often in females
19Disturbances in Consciousness
20Disturbances in Consciousness
- Two Reviews
- March 2005 - oneyear approval anniversary
- July 2006 reports received 3/1/2005 to 7/7/2006
21Disturbances in Consciousness 2005 Review
- FDA concern postmarketing reports of loss of
consciousness - Sponsor proposal labeling change
- Post-Marketing Adverse Event Reports subsection
of the Adverse Reactions - rare reports of syncope usually associated with
vagal syndrome
22Disturbances in Consciousness 2005 Review
- Search terms
- MedDRA group term Disturbances in consciousness
NEC (HLT) - Consciousness fluctuating
- Depressed level of consciousness
- Loss of consciousness
- Syncope
- Syncope vasovagal
23Disturbances in Consciousness 2005 Review
Table 4. AERS reports for telithromycin (crude counts) from 4/1/2004 to 3/11/2005 Table 4. AERS reports for telithromycin (crude counts) from 4/1/2004 to 3/11/2005
Total reports received (all reactions) 421
Disturbances in consciousness (total) 52
Disturbances in consciousness (serious) 51
24Disturbances in Consciousness 2005 Review
- FDA recommendation
- Labeling change add statement in the PRECAUTIONS
section - Sponsor
- Labeling change added syncope in the PRECAUTIONS
section and Post-Marketing Adverse Event Reports
25Disturbances in Consciousness 2005 Review
- Labeling Change October 2005
- There have been postmarketing adverse event
reports of syncope usually associated with vagal
- Nervous system syncope usually associated with
vagal syndrome.
26Disturbances in Consciousness 2006 Review
- Search Criteria
- FDA received date between 3/1/2005 and 7/7/2006
- First search all cases
- Second search serious outcomes
27Disturbances in Consciousness 2006 Review
Table 5. AERS reports for telithromycin (crude counts) from 3/1/2005 to 7/7/2006 Table 5. AERS reports for telithromycin (crude counts) from 3/1/2005 to 7/7/2006
Total reports received (all reactions) 1319
Disturbances in consciousness (total) 85
Disturbances in consciousness (serious) 72
28Disturbances in Consciousness 2006 Review
- Initial search (n85)
- Loss of consciousness 37
- Syncope 15
- Depressed level of consciousness 13
- Somnolence 12
- Dizziness 11
- Lethargy 11
- Not mutually exclusive a case may contain
multiple PTs
29Disturbances in Consciousness 2006 Review
- Search - serious outcomes (n72)
- 23 unique cases - 14 domestic and 9 foreign
- Loss of consciousness 14
- Syncope/fainting 7
- Disturbed consciousness 2
30Disturbances in Consciousness 2006 Review
- Clinical Characteristics
- Gender
- 9 females
- 12 males
- (2 unknown)
- Age range
- 18 to 78 years (n16 median 46 years mean 46.9
31Disturbances in Consciousness 2006 Review
- Clinical Characteristics
- Onset (n17)
- within 2 hours (n7)
- first day of therapy (n5)
- days 3 to 5 of therapy (n4)
- one day after completion of therapy (n1)
32Disturbances in Consciousness 2006 Review
- Outcomes
- 2 life threatening - occurred while driving
- 1 fatality pedestrian
- patient injured
- 7 hospitalizations
- 1 emergency room visit
- 1 disability fall resulting in vertebral
33Disturbances in Consciousness
- ISR 4443354-2 Case 4204851 Mfr. Control
200416329US - A 62yearold female, who is a pediatrician,
initiated telithromycin 800 mg once daily for
bronchitis. Medical history includes HTN and
lupus, for which she is taking diltiazem and
hydrochloroquine. On day 4 of therapy while
working, the patient experienced three syncopal
episodes of sudden onset witnessed by the office
staff. An ECG was performed within five minutes
of the episodes revealing bradycardia with a
heart rate in the 40s. The patient was taken to
the hospital for observation and recovered. The
patient does not have a history of heart failure,
ventricular arrhythmia or loss of consciousness.
The patient had not been diagnosed with an acute
MI within one week of the event. The patient has
no personal history of bradycardia, although the
patients mother was reported to have a history
of bradycardia.
34Disturbances in Consciousness
- ISR 4761859-1 Mfr. report 200512134US
- An 18yearold male initiated telithromycin
(Ketek) 800 mg once a day. The patient lost
consciousness while driving to school, ran a red
light, and struck and killed a pedestrian. The
patient also experienced a syncopal episode and
was injured from the accident. All tests at the
time were negative. Patient visited the
cardio-physiologist and did not undergo an
aggressive electrophysiology test, because the
physician indicated that there was no need for
this test based on his evaluation. MD received
the ER record and found no drug test was done in
the ER. Follow-up received per the patient's
parents, their son took Ketek in the evening and
the next morning he passed out while driving and
tragically killed a pedestrian. As per parents,
multiple medical evaluations have been conducted,
including neurology, cardiology, and cardiac
electrophysiology, MRI, EKG, EEG's,
echocardiograms, and multiple lab evaluations.
The parents reported that all evaluations have
been normal and revealed no abnormalities.
35Disturbances in Consciousness Summary
- Reports received are primarily serious in nature
- 2 occurred while the patient was driving, one
resulting in a fatality - May be more than one etiology not always clear a
vagal reaction occurred - potential to prolong the QT interval one case
reported torsade de pointes
36Disturbances of Consciousness Cardiac Causes?
- Telithromycin can prolong the QT interval.
- Cases of loss of consciousness (LOC) were
identified in AERS that are poorly explained. - At least one case of LOC did occur in association
with documented torsade de pointes (TdP). - AERS does not give a strong signal for TdP
however, many cases lack sufficient data to reach
a definitive conclusion on this. - OSE plans to monitor this further, and to see if
it is possible to get more details on cases that
may be TdP (e.g., arrhythmia cases).
37Exacerbation of Myasthenia Gravis
38Exacerbation of Myasthenia Gravis (MG)
- Foreign postmarketing safety data identified
signal - Exacerbation - known event at the time of US
approval labeled
39Exacerbation of Myasthenia Gravis (MG)
- Original labeling (March 2004)
- Telithromycin is not recommended in patients with
myasthenia gravis unless no other therapeutic
alternatives are available. - Information for patients
- telithromycin is not recommended in patients
with myasthenia gravis. - Patient Package Insert (PPI)
- There have been reports of worsening myasthenia
gravis symptoms in patients with myasthenia
gravis. If you have myasthenia gravis and
experience any worsening of your symptoms...you
should stop taking KETEK and seek immediate
medical attention.
40Exacerbation of Myasthenia Gravis (MG)
- Continued postmarketing reporting of MG
exacerbation including fatalities - June 2006 a labeling revision included stronger
recommendations about the exacerbation of MG in
Warnings, Information for Patients, and Patient
Package Information
41Exacerbation of Myasthenia Gravis
- Labeling Change June 2006
- WARNINGS section made more prominent
Exacerbation of myasthenia gravis. - Telithromycin should not be used in patients with
myasthenia gravis unless no other therapeutic
alternatives are available. - Reports have included death
42Exacerbation of Myasthenia Gravis
- Labeling Change June 2006
- Information for Patients section
- Patients with myasthenia gravis should not take
KETEK, unless there are no other therapeutic
alternatives. Exacerbations of myasthenia gravis
have been reported in patients treated with
KETEK. This has sometimes occurred within a few
hours after taking the first dose. Reports have
included death and life-threatening respiratory
failure that occurred rapidly in patients with
myasthenia gravis (see WARNINGS).
43Exacerbation of Myasthenia Gravis
- Labeling Change June 2006
- Patient Package Insert
- Worsening of myasthenia gravis has been reported
in patients treated with KETEK. This has
sometimes occurred within a few hours after
taking the first dose. Reports have included
death and life-threatening breathing problems
that happens fast in myasthenia gravis patients.
If you have myasthenia gravis, you should talk
with your doctor before taking KETEK.
44Exacerbation of Myasthenia Gravis (MG) 2006
- Search Criteria
- All reports from April 2004 - August 8, 2006
- First Search Myasthenias
- Second Search All post-approval telithromycin
reports with outcome of death
45Exacerbation of Myasthenia Gravis (MG) 2006
- Search terms
- Myasthenias
- Neuromuscular Junction Dysfunction
- Respiratory Failure (EXCL Neonatal)
- Respiratory Arrest
- Cardio-pulmonary Arrest
46Table 6. Clinical characteristics of Myasthenia Gravis in Association with Telithromycin (from marketing through 8/8/2006) Table 6. Clinical characteristics of Myasthenia Gravis in Association with Telithromycin (from marketing through 8/8/2006)
Number of Cases N33
Age (n28) Range34 to 85 years Median59 years
Gender (n31) Female (20), Male (11)
Source US (28), Non-US (5)
Outcome Death (4) Hosp (15) Life-threatening (7) Medically significant (7)
Latency (time to onset of symptoms from initiation of treatment) Range0.5 hours to 14 days Median 1.25 hours (n16) Average1.5 hours After 1st dose of Ketek (n23)
History of MG 29
Patients requiring a ventilator or intubation 12
47Exacerbation of Myasthenia Gravis
- Case 5759826 Mfr. Control 200419794US
- 53yearold female took 800mg of Ketek x 1 dose
in the physicians office. Approximately 40
minutes later at a pharmacy, she began her
myasthenia crisis and was intubated at the
pharmacy by the rescue squad. She was treated
with steroids, famotidine, and diphenhydramine
during admission with full recovery.
48Exacerbation of Myasthenia Gravis
- Case 5705466 Mfr. Control 200419776US
- 48yearold male patient experienced breathing
difficulty and blurred vision 45 minutes to 1.5
hours after receiving the first dose of Ketek
800 mg for sinusitis. The patient had not taken
Ketek in the past and had an allergy to
cephalosporins. Patient was taken via ambulance
to the hospital in respiratory failure (on a
respirator). He was admitted with exacerbation
of myasthenia gravis (treated with Mestinon and
steroids) and respiratory failure. Patient was
on a ventilator for 13.5 hours. Blurred vision
appeared 20 minutes after first dose and lasted
for more than 12 hours. Patient recovered with
symptoms of myasthenia gravis. Patient had been
treated with azithromycin with no reaction.
49Exacerbation of Myasthenia Gravis (MG) 2006
- comparison to 8 other, similar oral antibiotics
- domestic reports
- presence of an event listed under myasthenias or
neuromuscular junction dysfunction
50Table 7. Domestic MedWatch reports of exacerbation of myasthenia gravis in association with selected oral antibiotics Table 7. Domestic MedWatch reports of exacerbation of myasthenia gravis in association with selected oral antibiotics Table 7. Domestic MedWatch reports of exacerbation of myasthenia gravis in association with selected oral antibiotics Table 7. Domestic MedWatch reports of exacerbation of myasthenia gravis in association with selected oral antibiotics Table 7. Domestic MedWatch reports of exacerbation of myasthenia gravis in association with selected oral antibiotics
Drug US approval Reports captured in search Cases After review Intubated (N)
azithromycin 1992 24 3 1
clarithromycin 1992 3 0 0
levofloxacin 1997 8 3 1
cefdinir 1998 0 0 0
moxifloxacin 2000 9 1 0
gatifloxacin 2000 2 0 0
cefditoren 2001 0 0 0
gemifloxacin 2003 0 0 0
telithromycin 2004 20 15 6
51Exacerbation of Myasthenia Gravis (MG) - Summary
- Severity of cases
- 4 fatalities
- 15 hospitalizations
- 7 life-threatening events
- 12/29 (41) required intubation
- Rapid onset (median time 1.25 hours)
- 23/33 occurred after the first dose
52Telithromycin Safety Update Summary
- Continued receipt of a sizeable number of reports
of visual disorders impacting activities of daily
living - Serious reports of disturbances in consciousness
including an automobile accident resulting in a
fatality - Continued reporting of serious cases of
exacerbations of myasthenia gravis despite a
labeled Warning to only use when no alternative
therapies are available
53Risk Management Points For Consideration
- Disturbances of Consciousness
- Mechanistic studies to elucidate the scope of
effects and pathophysiology (e.g.,
anti-cholinergic, cardiac conduction, and
circulatory effects) - Change labeling from syncope to the more
general disturbances in consciousness
54Risk Management Points For Consideration
- Myasthenia Gravis
- Addition of the statement Telithromycin should
not be used in patients with myasthenia gravis
to the CONTRAINDICATIONS section of the label
55Risk Management Points For Consideration
- Overall for Key Safety Issues
- Develop a plan to inform and educate prescribers
regarding these risks - Consider development of a Medication Guide to be
provided to patients when dispensed
- Mark Avigan
- Allen Brinker
- Gerald Dal Pan
- Rosemary Johann-Liang
- Jenna Lyndly
- Melissa Truffa
- Return to meeting agenda.
Anti-Infective Drugs Advisory Committee in Joint
Session with the Drug Safety and Risk Management
Advisory Committee. December 14 15, 2006