Title: Mott Community College Workforce
1Mott Community CollegeWorkforce Career
- A Model for Funding Robust Best Practice
Workforce Programming
Council for Resource Development November 7-12,
- Robert Matthews
- Executive Dean of Workforce Career Development
- Judith Cawhorn
- Executive Director of Grant Development
- Mott Community College
- Flint, Michigan
3Learning Objectives
- Understand how various grant funds were used to
create the Workforce Education Center at Mott
Community College - Develop an understanding of the development
process that is needed to engage internal and
external stakeholders prior to grant proposal
submissions. - Strategize creative ways in which funds can be
combined to maximize their effectiveness in
sustaining programs.
4Mott Community College Profile
- MCC is Genesee Countys largest single source of
higher education, providing educational and job
training opportunities to one out of every two
households in the community. - In 1970 we had nearly 200K residents in the city
and 80K GM jobs compared to 110K in the city and
6K GM jobs currently
5Mott Community College Offerings
- Serve approximately 18,000 students
- Credit and non-credit programs
- 57 Associate Degree programs
- 38 Certificate programs
- 9 Alternative training programs
- Customized training programs
- Career-pathway certificate courses
- Serve Genesee, Livingston and Shiawassee County
6Mott Community CollegeWorkforce Development Sites
- Great Lakes Baptist CTC
- Disability Network CTC
- Hispanic CTC
- Owosso Service Center
- Student Employment Center
Mott Community College
7MCC Workforce Programs Services
- Adult Worker Programs
- Youth Programs
- Academic and Non-Academic Supportive Services
- Community Outreach Technology Centers
- Adult Career Pathways
- Employer Outreach Job Placement
- Smart Teachers as Role Models (STAR)
8Mott Community College Workforce Education
- Located near the heart of downtown Flint
- Centralizes all of the colleges workforce
development initiatives into one facility - Creates a seamless provision of services as well
as operational efficiency - College-based Workforce Education Center
- participants receive a wide-range of support
services, in addition to the essential skills and
job training provided with Federal, State Local
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11Engaging Stakeholders
- Local Workforce Investment Board
- Employers
- Local Foundations
- Unions
- Community Faith Based Organizations
- Other Colleges
- K-12 School Districts
- Internal Departments
12Adult Worker Programs
- Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Programs
- Adult Worker
- Dislocated Worker
- Incumbent Worker
- Jobs Education Training (JET)
- Vocational Education Training
- Subsidized Employment
- Earn Learn
- Pathways Out of Poverty
- State Energy Sector Partnership
- Community Based Jobs Training Program
- Smart Teachers As Role Models (STAR)
13Youth Programs
- WIA Younger Older Youth
- Teens Creating Economic Opportunities (CEO)
- Summer Youth Initiative (SYI)
- Jobs for American Graduates (JAG)
- Youthbuild (YB)
14Academic and Non-Academic Supportive Services
- Pre-College Bridging (ABE, GED, alternate
Developmental Ed, Career Counseling) - Academic Support (tuition, books, materials,
specialized tutoring) - Case Management / Coaching (examples attendance
monitoring, mentoring, tutoring, peer support
groups, financial planning) - College Navigation (information/ counseling,
financial aid, registration, act as student
advocate) - Non-Academic Supports (transportation, childcare,
food and clothing, housing and utilities, health,
domestic violence) - Employment Navigation (networking, career
advising, job placement/ job leads along
education pathway, information and counseling)
15Community Outreach Engagement
- Genesee County Tax Coalition
- College Positive Communities
- Michigan Service Scholars
- Michigan College Advising Corps with Flint
Community Schools - Americorps College Coaching Corps
- Community Technology Centers (CTCs) are
- A partnership with community and faith-based
non-profit organizations. - Equipped with state-of-the-art computer
technology and internet access. - An access point for community residents to learn
and use computer software and programs. - An attempt to bridge the digital divide between
computer technology and underserved communities. - An access to educational opportunities.
16Breaking Through Initiative
17MCCs Career Pathways System
18Basic Skills Advancement Training
- Operation Fast Break (OFB)
- Workplace Literacy/GED Preparation
- Michigan National Career Readiness Certificate
(NCRC) - Career Resources Lab
- Career Readiness Skills Lab
19Bridging Non-credit to Credit Learning
- Workforce Development Certificate Programs
- Accelerated Welding Certificate
- Transportation, Distribution Logistics (TDL)
- Commercial Driver License (CDL)
- Energy Conservation Apprenticeship Readiness
(ECAR) - Road Construction Apprenticeship Readiness (RCAR)
- Green Construction Trades (GCON) Certificate
- Robotics Certificate
- Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA)
- Pharmacy Technician
- Medical Administrative Specialist Program
- Medical Assistant
- BRIDGE Program CNA to Home Health Aide (HHA)
- Home Health Aide (HHA)
- Computer Repair/A Certification
202011 2012 Enrollments in Credit Programs by
Career Pathway
21Screening for Eligibility-ExamplesPerformed by
Intake Staff
- No Worker Left Behind (NWLB)
- Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
- Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
- Adult Workers
- Incumbent Workers
- Dislocated Workers
- Youth / Older Youth
- Federal Financial Aid Loans
- Pell (Requires FAFSA)
22Comprehensive Intake Profiles(Examples of
Qualifying Students for Multiple Funding Streams)
23Student Profile Supportive Services for Tanya
in total of 3,416.04
Expense Amount Funding Source Date
Childcare 560.00 WIA/HPMF 3/26/08
Childcare 1330.00 WIA/HPMF 6/03/08
Uniforms 210.60 CTE 8/11/09
Dental Supplies 231.58 CTE 8/27/09
Tuition 42.93 NWLB 12/04/09
Dental Supplies 112.25 CTE 12/09/09
Dental Supplies 268.39 CTE 12/16/09
Tuition 110.29 NWLB 5/10/10
Dental Exam Fees 300.00 CTE 5/10/10
Dental License Fee 100.00 CTE 5/10/10
Uniform 150.00 CTE 9/28/10
- Background
- Single parent of 2 daughters
- Lived with elderly parents
- Unemployed due to shop closing
- Work experience in family owned business for 10
years - Earnings 10/hr
- HS Diploma and some college
- No career focus
- Training
- Oct 2007 HPMF enrollment
- Jan 2008 Began Dental Assistant classes
- Pell Grant
- Supportive Services for childcare
- Attended Empowerment Sessions
- Sept 2009 Started Clinical Training
- Graduation
- May 2010 received Associate Science degree
- Dental Assistant Certification
- Employment
24Healthcare SectorPartnerships
- Flint Healthcare Employment Opportunities (FHEO)
- Healthcare Professionals for Michigans Future
(HPMF) Regional Skills Alliance - Courses To Employment (CTE)
- Mid Michigan Path for Training in Health Care
25Flint Healthcare Career Pathways Project
- Student Activity
- 55.9 still active
- 75 have reached milestones
- 30 students earned 15 credits
- 29 students earned 30 credits
- 18 students waiting to enter clinical training
- 18 students in clinical healthcare training
- Graduates
- Median of 14 months to finish training
- 76.5 are in healthcare related positions
- 13.00 per hour median income
- 48 students worked while in training
- 56.3 of the 48 received a promotion, salary
increase or changed jobs - Increased median wage from 12.50 to 13.54 while
in training
27Employer Outreach/services
- On the Job Training
- New Hire Wage Subsidies
- Customized Training
- Incumbent Worker Training
- Background Checks
- Matching of Employers Needs with Applicants
Abilities - Fidelity Bonding
- Free Drug Screening
29Funding is typically restricted by at least one
of the following
- Client characteristics (youth, adult, formerly
incarcerated, public assistance receipt) - Geography (political jurisdiction, special
neighborhood focus) - Allowable uses (for ABE, for job training, for
support services various) - Time period in which it must be spent
- Number of people who must be served with funds
30Local, State National Initiatives
- Breaking Through Initiative
- Courses to Employment
- No Worker Left Behind
- No Worker Left Behind Adult Learning
Demonstration - M-PATH
31Recent Features
M-Path report must be requested from Prima
Civitas Foundation
32White House Highlights Dr. Dick Shaink and Mott
Community College as Champions of Change
- Mott Community College has been successful at
fostering success for graduates in the labor
market, even in the economically challenged area
of Flint, Michigan. - Dr. Shaink and Mott Community College are being
recognized by the White House for their emphasis
on creating career pathways, and their creation
of linkages between workforce training programs
and credit bearing classes leading to a portable
credential or degree.
33Contact Information
- For additional information, please feel free to
contact - Robert Matthews
- Executive Dean, Workforce Career Development
- Mott Community College
- Workforce Education Center
- 709 North Saginaw Street
- Flint, MI 48503
- 810-232-2511
- robert.matthews_at_mcc.edu