Title: Mr Lewis Graphics room G25
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2Mr Lewis Graphics room G25
3Brief. You are working for a small independent
record company that has signed a new artist/band.
Your job is to design the CD ready for release.
The deadline is 13 January 2007 where you must
have the minimum of the front cover completed.
Design requirements Using Photoshop Front cover
with a title and name of artist/band. Back tray
with track list of 10 songs. Design the CD to
place into the case. Extension activity make
your own video.
Design process
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Task analysis
4 Homework 2 What is good and bad design? To be
able to design well you must be able to identify
what is good design. Research CD covers,
analysing the best and worst. Look for key
areas of design like Typography, Photography and
graphic devices.
Which cover do you like? Explain why
5Homework 3 Research logos and design your own
record logo to place on the back of your CD. Its
important to make your designs simple, use the
boxes provided for your final ideas. The examples
above show that a logo must be in black white.
6Track list 10 song titles
Front cover Name of artist/band and title
Homework 4 Most graphic designers work with
photographers to complete their designs and an
important part of this project is communication.
You must fill in the photo shoot document to help
explain your idea as if preparing to take your
own photographs.
Scanning images from internet level 5-6
Describe the cover and location
Taking your own pictures Level 7
Props needed
7Homework 5 Research these three famous graphic
designers, write key information about them in
the boxes provided and paste an example of their
work in the adjacent space.
Reid Miles
Neville Brody
Jamie Reid
8Type faces
Homework 6 Type faces or fonts are very important
in creating moods and style. Collect up to 10
different type faces you find interesting. You
can collect them from any form of graphics such
as packaging, magazines or internet.
9Key words
Photo shoot
Registration marks
10Specifications Booklet 121x121mm CD 120x120mm
11Back Tray Total length 152mm Height 119mm
Image area 138mm
Spine 7mm
12Success Criteria
- Does your overall visual language relate to the
music genre you have chosen. - Have you used graphic devices.
- Does the name and title stand out from the
images. - Does your artwork fit within the CD case given.
- Have you included all the necessary text. e.g.
name, title track list, barcode and advisory
lyrics sticker.