Aquatic Plants and Animals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Aquatic Plants and Animals


... include runoff from feedlots, pastures, dog runs, and other land areas where ... Adults feed on the edges of macrophyte beds or on the bottom where larval fish ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Aquatic Plants and Animals

Aquatic Plants and Animals
  • The homework assignment for September 25th for
    you to review the content on the websites listed
    on the following two slides. You will be
    responsible for visually identifying the specific
    organisms that I will ask during an in-class quiz
    on September 25th. I will use the LCD projector
    for the quiz.

Aquatic Plants and Animals
  • Please peruse the following web sites for an
    aquatic macrophyte module. Although the site
    discusses Florida macrophytes, many of the
    species are present in Virginia and up through
    New York.
  • http//
  • http//
  • The content (general terminology) of the module
    is testable material, but I will only ask you to
    identify the following species during the quiz
  • coontail Ceratophyllum demersum
  • sago pondweed Potamogeton pectinatus
  • cattails Typha species
  • small duckweed Lemna valdiviana
  • water lily Nymphaea aquatica
  • soft rush Juncus effusus

Aquatic Plants and Animals
  • You are responsible to review the following three
    websites. The first two are tutorials about
    using insects to monitor water quality and the
    types of critters you will need to identify.
    This will not be on the quiz, but you better know
    it by the time we are in the field!
  • http//
  • http//
  • The final website contains pictures of aquatic
    macroinvertebrates. You will be quizzed on the
    identification of these insects on September
    25th. You are only responsible for the first
    three (3) pages of insects and the Order Diptera
    on the fifth (page 5) you need not worry about
    the others.
  • http//

Sediment Communities
Aquatic Plants and Animals
  • Bacteria
  • Phytoplankton, including cyanobacteria
  • Aquatic macrophytes
  • Zooplankton
  • Aquatic macroinvertebrates
  • Fishes

  • Recall from high school three forms of bacteria
    cocci, spirillum, and rods (bacilli)

Sources of Bacteria in SW
  • Not all bacteria are bad. In fact, you have more
    bacterial cells on and in your body than you do
    human cells. Bacterial contamination of surface
    waters can result from several sources. Human
    and animal wastes are a primary source of
    bacteria in water. These sources of bacterial
    contamination include runoff from feedlots,
    pastures, dog runs, and other land areas where
    animal wastes are deposited. Additional sources
    include seepage or discharge from
    poorly-maintained septic tanks and sewage
    treatment facilities. Bacteria from these
    sources can enter wells that are either open at
    the land surface, or do not have water-tight
    casings or caps, or do not have a grout seal in
    the annular space (the space between the wall of
    the drilled well and the outside of the well
    casing). Insects, rodents or animals entering
    the well are other sources of contamination.

Sources of Bacteria in SW
  • Another way bacteria can enter a water supply is
    through inundation or infiltration by flood
    waters or by surface runoff. Flood waters
    commonly contain high levels of bacteria. Small
    depressions filled with flood water provide an
    excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Whenever
    a well is inundated by flood waters or surface
    runoff, bacterial contamination is likely.
    Shallow wells and wells that do not have
    water-tight casings can be contaminated by
    bacteria infiltrating with the water through the
    soil near the well, especially in coarse-textured

Sources of Bacteria in SW
  • Older water systems, especially dug wells,
    spring-fed systems and cistern-type systems are
    most vulnerable to bacterial contamination. Any
    system with casings or caps that are not
    water-tight, or lacking a grout seal in the
    annular space, are vulnerable. This is
    particularly true if the well is located so
    surface runoff might be able to enter the well.
    During the last 10 to 15 years, well and water
    distribution system construction has improved to
    the point where bacterial contamination is rare
    in newer wells.

Indicators of Bacteria
  • Bacterial contamination cannot be detected by
    sight, smell or taste. The only way to know if a
    water supply contains bacteria is to have it
    tested. The EPA requires that all public water
    suppliers regularly test for coliform bacteria
    and deliver water that meets the EPA standards.
    Frequency of testing depends on the size of the
    population served. Bacteria test results are
    available from the supplier and there must be a
    public notification if the water supply does not
    meet the standard. Owners of private water
    supplies are responsible to themselves for having
    their water supply tested to ensure it is safe
    from bacterial contamination. Generally, private
    water supplies (wells) should be tested for
    bacterial safety at least once a year.

Potential Health Effects
  • Coliform bacteria may not cause disease, but can
    be indicators of pathogenic organisms that cause
    diseases. The latter could cause intestinal
    infections, dysentery, hepatitis, typhoid fever,
    cholera and other illnesses. However, these
    illnesses are not limited to disease-causing
    organisms in drinking water. Other factors not
    associated with drinking water may be the cause.
  • Intestinal infections and dysentery are generally
    considered minor health problems. They can,
    however, prove fatal to infants, the elderly, and
    those who are ill. Today typhoid, hepatitis and
    cholera are rarely encountered in the United
  • Other bacteria also may be present in water. No
    specific sanitary significance or health
    standards have been indicated for non-pathogenic
    non-coliform bacteria.

Coliform Bacteria
Testing for Bacteria
  • Testing for all individual pathogens is
    impractical and expensive. Instead, the EPA has
    designated total coliform bacteria as a standard
    to determine bacterial safety of water. More
    recently, EPA has approved E. coli as a
    presumptive indicator of fecal contamination with
    this standard fully implemented by 2008. The
    Sweet Briar environmental laboratory is approved
    by the Commonwealth for this test. Fecal
    coliforms were previously used. Differences??
  • The E. coli test is a membrane filtration test
    that filters the sample through a polymer
    membrane filter with 0.45 u pores in it. The
    bacteria in the sample are held on the filter
    while the water passes through. The membrane is
    then placed on a special media that allows E.
    coli and total coliforms to grow.

Who Cares?
  • The EPA establishes standards for drinking water
    that fall into the category of Primary Standards.
    Primary Standards are based on health
    considerations, and are designed to protect
    people from three classes of toxic pollutants
    pathogens, radioactive elements and toxic
  • Bacterial contamination falls under the category
    of pathogens. The EPA Maximum Contaminant Level
    (MCL) for coliform bacteria in drinking water is
    zero (or no) total coliform per 100 ml of water.
    Units are always xxx CFU / 100 mL !!! In
    Virginia, the surface water single sample E. coli
    criterion is 235 CFU/100 mL. The monthly
    geometric mean sample criterion is 126 CFU/mL.

What is a geometric mean?
  • The geometric mean of a sequence is defined by
  • Thus,

Bacteria in SW
  • The number of coliform colonies found in the
    incubated water sample, if any, is reported. At
    times, excessive numbers of other bacteria in a
    sample can interfere with the counting of
    coliform types. These samples may be classified
    as "too numerous to count" or "confluent
  • If the laboratory report indicates the presence
    of coliforms, or states "too numerous to count,"
    or "confluent growth," the health department
    recommends another sample be analyzed to help
    evaluate the contamination.

How to Test??
On the right is an incubated membrane filter with
colonies growing. Colonies appear as red (non-E.
coli coliforms) or blue (E. coli) The two
figures on the left show the placing of the
filter in a Petri dish after adding the special
media to a sterile pad. In the center, a
technician filters a sample.
Life in First and Second Order Streams some
  • In erosive upland streams the majority of
    organisms are found on hard surfaces including
    stones, cracks, crevices and pockets under or
    between rocks, and interstitial regions between
    gravel and sand grains. These habitats offer
    refuge from currents that could transport
    organisms downstream. Rock surfaces become
    covered with layers of bacteria, algae, protozoa
    and microscopic invertebrates like rotifers and
    nematodes. The thin film formed on rocks is made
    up of epilithic and endolithic rock dwelling
    species. The epilithic community is called
    periphyton or awfuchs. This slime also covers
    sand grains in sediments and forms very close to
    the rock surfaces where laminar flow is very slow
    (near zero) due to the viscosity of water (2-3
    millimeters above the rock surface flow velocity
    is 90 that of open channel flow rates).

Life in First and Second Order Streams some
  • Periphyton increases the roughness of the rock
    surface which further reduces the velocity of
    water flow. The periphyton community can be
    scoured off the exposed surfaces of rocks by
    suspended silt and sand during flood flows. The
    degree to which periphyton develops on rock
    surfaces is dependent on abiotic and biotic

Life in First and Second Order Streams some
  • Abiotic factors include shading from the canopy
    of riparian forests or if in high-walled
    channels. Awfuchs is dominated by bacteria and
    fungi in shaded streams. Small, flattened
    (prostrate) plants can live on stone surfaces.
    Mosses, liverworts, and red macroalgae have
    strong basal attachments to the rock surfaces.
    Prostrate growth avoids dislodgement by currents
    often found in low-flow refugia, down-stream side
    of rocks, and margins of the stream channel.

Life in First and Second Order Streams some
  • Invertebrates can live on rock surfaces they
    are usually flattened and have strong attachment
    structures. Some snails have a large suctorial
    foot for attachment while others use the radula
    to scrape periphyton from the rocks. Many
    animals burrow into sediments accumulated between
    rocks and gravel. Aquatic oligochaete annelids,
    nematodes, small crustaceans, and other species
    of animals live under stones and boulders to
    avoid currents -- often most dense under the
    largest stones and boulders which are least
    likely to be disturbed during flood flows.

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Life in First and Second Order Streams some
  • During periods of flood flows, stream bottoms are
    often greatly disturbed causing suspension and
    washout of many species, making erosive streams
    highly unstable environments, regulating the
    population densities of stream organisms so that
    they rarely achieve carrying capacity of the
    environment (K). This results in erosive stream
    communities being characterized by having lower
    diversity than low-flow or semi-stagnate aquatic
    habitats which are more stable.

Adaptations of erosive stream organisms to high
flow rates
  • Being sessile with strong attachment would seem
    to be the best adaptation to living in high-flow
    erosive stream habitats.
  • Few erosive stream animals are sessile - most are

Adaptations of erosive stream organisms to high
flow rates
  • Most stream-dwelling animal species are small and
    flattened allowing them to remain in the boundary
    layer on rocks where flow rates are minimized.
    At flows of lt 20 cm/sec in the boundary layer may
    extend up to 2-3 mm from the rock surface. At
    higher flow rates, it is lt 1 mm from the rock
    surface. Animals must be very small and/or
    flattened in order to utilize the boundary layer
    to avoid suspension in currents.

Food and Energy Flow in Erosive Streams
  • Most organic matter input into erosive streams is
  • Generated in riparian areas and transported into
    streams with runoff and leaf fall
  • Leaf litter is the most important allochthonous
    component in most erosive streams
  • Progressively broken into smaller particles by
    bacteria and detritivorous animals
  • Algal production and macrophyte production in
    most erosive streams is minor compared to
    allochthonous inputs
  • Streams are generally shaded and have low
    macronutrient inputs (phosphates, nitrates and

Definitions of Organic Matter
  • Course particulate organic matter (CPOM) gt 1 mm
    in diameter
  • Fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) 1 µm - 1
    mm in diameter
  • Dissolved organic matter (DOM) any material
    passing a 1 µm mesh sieve (lt 1 µm in diameter),
    can include nanoplankton (bacteria and
    single-celled cyanobacteria are often less than 1
    µm in diameter)

Organic Matter
  • DOM enters streams at relatively constant rates
    while CPOM and FPOM enter streams in pulses
    during periods of flood flows, winter thaws and
    rainstorm runoffs this makes estimation of CPOM
    and FPOM inputs to streams difficult.

The Microbial Loop
Phytoplankton little plants
  • Bacteria are an important component of the
    planktonic community in lakes
  • Are the major component of the plankton in most
  • The majority of the bacterioplankton are
    heterotrophic and consume organic material
    produced by the photosynthesis of the
    phytoplankton or organic matter. This includes
    cell or body detritus, and secreted/excreted
  • Bacteria may secondarily fix more carbon than
    algal net primary productivity
  • Bacterioplankton are suspended in the water
    column as single cells or small colonies of cells
  • Many filtering species are specialized to
    consume bacterioplankton, particularly true of
    riverine species where bacteria dominate plankton
  • Most riverine unionid mussels, zebra mussels
    and Asian clams are specialized to filter
    bacteria (lt1µm) as well as algae on their gills
  • Most lentic unionid mussels are specialized to
    filter algae (gt3 µm) and do not filter bacteria

Cyanobacteria blue-green algae
  • Cyanobacteria can develop dense surface
    aggregations called blooms.
  • They have gas-filled vesicles in their cytoplasm
    which make them buoyant these gas vesicles can
    make up 30 of cell volume which allows them to
    float towards the surface to maximize exposure to
  • In high light intensities, increased
    photosynthesis increases the concentration of
    organic nutrients (sugars, amino acids) dissolved
    in their cytoplasm.
  • A cycle of vertical migration in the water column
    appears to keep Cyanobacteria cells within a
    range of depth in which they can maximize
    photosynthetic rates.
  • Summer increases in cyanobacteria density appear
    to be linked to their ability to access nutrients
    stored in the hypolimnion.
  • During their sinking phase they pass through the
    thermocline into the hypolimnion where they take
    up and store P and N nutrients which they use to
    support photosynthesis and growth as they rise
    once again into the euphotic zone.

  • The ability to cyclically migrate between the
    nutrient-poor epilimnion and nutrient-rich
    hypolimnion may allow Cyanobacteria to sustain
    growth in midsummer in nutrient poor epilimnetic
    waters where lack of nutrients causes eukaryotic
    algal populations to crash.
  • In eutrophic conditions high algal densities
    greatly reduce the depth of the euphotic zone.

The Algae
  • Please peruse the following web site. Ensure
    your computer allows pop-ups to run. The
    contents are testable material

The Algae
Aquatic Macrophytes
  • Major Bryophytes (mosses, liverworts) and
    tracheophytes (plants with vessels)
  • Types of aquatic macrophytes based upon where
    they grow emergent, semi-emergent, and
  • Issues often can become a nuisance in lakes b/o
    excessive growth

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  • Ciliate and flagellate protozoa may phagocytize
    bacteria and smaller phytoplankton cells
  • Protozoa are of a size more readily preyed upon
    by zooplankton which can lead to rapid recycling
    of nutrients held in the nanoplankton community
  • In oligotrophic lakes densities of
    bacterioplankton and protozoa are more dependent
    on periods of high rainfall carrying increased
    loads of organic matter from their catchments
    into the lake
  • The true zooplankton are the multicellular
    eukaryotic animal plankton, primarily made up of
    members of the phylum, Rotifera (rotifers) and
    the arthropod subphylum, Crustacea (Cladocerans)

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  • Are among the smallest of all eukaryotic animals
  • Have a corona or velum around the mouth fringed
    with cilia, called a wheel organ
  • Beat of cilia on the corona used in swimming and
    to drive bacteria and small algae into the mouth
    for ingestion
  • Consume particles 1-20 µm long
  • Some species prey on small zooplankton

  • Class Branchiopoda, Subclass Cladocera
  • Cephalothoracic carapace is bivalved and encloses
    the body dorsally hinged
  • Feeding guilds include Filter feeding
    phytoplanktonic herbivores - Daphnia and Bosmina
    have filter feeding setae (i.e., hairs) on their
    thoracic limbs (see photo) that strain
    phytoplankton and microdetritus from water
    current maintained through setae by the water of
    on the other three pair of thoracic limbs.
    Particles are scraped off limb setae into the
    mouth. Claw on the posterior end of the abdomen
    can be used to remove particles from the midline
    of the thorax by anteriorventral flexing of the
    abdomen between the thoracic limbs.
  • Swim through water by the rowing action of their
    enlarged and elongated second antennae

  • Similar in size to or larger than cladocerans
  • No cephalothoracic carapace
  • Have lost the compound eyes, retaining only the
    single, central nonimage forming ocellus of the
    nauplius larva
  • Main genus in freshwater is Cyclops (see Photo)
  • Can be herbivorous or carnivorous
  • Size of food ranges from 5-100 µm
  • Some species utilize both modes of feeding
  • Capture phytoplankton or zooplankton with two
    pair of maxilliae and pair of maxilliped limbs
    associated with the mouth parts
  • Limbs hold captured food particles to the
    mandibles for maceration and ingestion

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Zooplankton Reproduction
  • Parthenogenic tic reproductive cycles
  • Females produce diploid (2n) eggs through a
    modified form of meiosis in which there is no
    reduction division
  • Eggs are retained in brood sacs within the body
    of rotifers and in the carapace of cladocerans
    eggs hatch into young females without being
    fertilized by males
  • Juveniles are genetic clones of the parent and
    hatch as miniature adults
  • Rotifers and cladocerans are parthenogenic for
    part of their life cycle this allows rapid
    expansion of population size during periods when
    food is plentiful or in response to heavy
    predation pressures b/o rapid generation times
  • Rotifers reproduce every few days producing up to
    25 young in a lifetime of 7-21 days
  • Cladocerans reproduce every 7-28 days producing
    up to 700 young in a life time of up to 84 days

When conditions are not favorable, sexual
reproduction can occur. The males only serve to
fertilize the eggs males are nonfeeding and
short-lived. Eggs can persist until
environmental conditions improve.
Tartigrades water bears
Above a mature water bear w/ algae in the gut.
Actual size can range up to 1 mm. Left the
small claws of a baby water bear in the gut of a
larger water bear.
Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
  • We are most interested in the larvae after
    adults have emerged they reproduce and often have
    a short life span
  • The adults and larvae are shown in Pond Life

Aquatic Macroinvertebratesmajor taxonomic groups
  • Ephemeroptera Mayflies
  • Plecoptera Stoneflies
  • Trichoptera Caddisfly
  • Diptera True flies, e.g., housefly
  • Coleoptera Beetles
  • Hemiptera True bugs, incl. water striders
  • Megaloptera Dobsonflies, hellgrammite (some
    olders texts use Neuroptera)
  • Odonata dragonflies and damselflies

Aquatic Macroinvertebratesmajor feeding groups
  • Predators feeding on other organisms
  • ambush
  • attack
  • Shredders consuming large particulates in water
    creation of smaller particulates and release of
  • Piercing mouthparts used to consume juice of
    plants and animals
  • Filtering processing of volumes of water and
    filtering out food
  • Collecting active collection of food
    particulates from water column
  • Grazing consumption of periphyton
  • Scraping collection of periphyton, detritus and
    bacteria on surface of rocks and other surfaces
  • Detritivores consumption of detritus

How do feeding guilds fit together?
Why are aquatic macroinvertebrates important??
  • Integrators of the aquatic environment
  • They are alive and incorporate all aspects of the
  • Water chemistry only gives snapshots of
  • EPT
  • Most sensitive groups of invertebrates
  • Stoneflies as a group most sensitive followed by
    caddisflies and then mayflies
  • Calculations that we will learn later in the term
    based on abundance of EPT
  • Calculations based on diversity indices
  • Highlights abundance of organisms

usually two tails
Ephemeroptera Mayflies - gt 500 species
Plecoptera Stoneflies
usually, three tails
Trichoptera Caddisflies
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The FishesIntroduction
  • Fish communities in freshwater are often very
  • Wide range of feeding niches - planktivores,
    herbivores, detritivores, carnivores feeding
    niches may be specialized
  • Some species specialize on the eggs of other
    fishes while some species eat only specific types
    of insects
  • Wide range of adult sizes lt12 mm to gt5 m
  • Fish feeding niches are closely related to adult
  • Feeding niches change with change in size during
    development from larva to juvenile to adult
    within a species of fish
  • Larval fish are nourished by their yolk sac for a
    short time after hatching then feed on algae and
    rotifers as larval fish later move to larger
    zooplankton prey (Cladocera, clumps of
    filamentous algae)
  • In second year of growth, juveniles are large
    enough to consume insect larvae and adults,
    molluscs, filamentous algae, macrophytes, and
    smaller fish

The Fishes
  • Habitat also changes with development larval
    and small fish seek cover of submerged or
    emergent macrophyte stands, filamentous algae,
    around bases of rocks, in crevices, in
    accumulated branches and leaves on the sediment
    surface or other organic matter in shallow water
    of the littoral zone
  • These are areas where adult predatory fish cannot
    readily penetrate
  • As they increase in size and become faster and
    better able to avoid predators, juvenile fish
    begin migrate into open water adult habitats
  • Adults feed on the edges of macrophyte beds or on
    the bottom where larval fish and small adult fish
    species are concentrated
  • Rarely find small fish species in open water as
    they are almost immediately preyed upon by larger
  • Adults of different fish species may be
    specialized to feed in different portions of the
    lake (littoral versus pelagial zone), at
    different depths (surface, midwater, benthic) or
    in different habitats (open water versus
    macrophyte beds)
  • Adult fish avoid areas where there is intensive
    fish predation from fish, wading or diving birds
    or reptiles (snakes, turtles, crocodilians)

The FishesIntroduction
  • Greatest diversity of fishes occurs in tropical
    fresh waters
  • Tropical lakes and rivers have been in existence
    for millions of years and are generally stable,
    allowing diversity and niche specialization to
    evolve within fish communities. They are
    characterized by many species with specialized
    feeding niches
  • Temperate lakes and rivers have been in existence
    for relatively short periods of 10,000-20,000
    years since the last glacial period this time
    of existence has been too short to allow
    extensive re-colonization by more southern fish
  • Time of existence has been too short to allow
    evolution of extensive species diversity and
    feeding niches in the fish community
  • Characterized by lower numbers of species with
    most species having relatively generalized
    feeding niches

Fish Predation on Zooplankton
  • Almost all fish feed on zooplankton for at least
    a portion of their life cycle, immediately after
    consumption of the larval yolk-sac
  • Some over a years period as juveniles
  • Some fish over the entire life span
  • Species that remain small as adults are often
    filter-feeding fish (i.e., shad)
  • Because fish are usually dependent on zooplankton
    for a small portion of their life cycle there is
    rarely a strong correlation between zooplankton
    productivity and fish production

Fish Predation on Fish
  • Zooplanktivorous fish are, in turn, preyed upon
    by piscivorous fish (i.e., fish predators on
    other fish) and other piscivores such as turtles,
    water snakes, crocdilians, wading birds, diving
    birds, otters)
  • Such down-regulative predation regulates the size
    of planktivorous fish populations and the feeding
    pressure they place on zooplankton populations.
    This predation can greatly reduce the density of
    small fish species populations.
  • Predation pressures by piscivorous fish force
    small fish species to take refuge in submerged
    and emerged plant beds or in littoral regions
    with many branches and other submerged protective
    structures on the substratum.
  • In a Swedish lake 33 of fish predation was by
    mergansers (Diving ducks) and 64 by piscivorous
  • Submerged vegetation may favor piscivory by
    sit-and-wait (ambush) predators such as pike
    while open water habitats may favor actively
    hunting species like pike perch (Waleyed pike)
    and lake trout.

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Common fishes of Va
Carp, paint this one gold and you have a goldfish!
Golden shiner, more commonly known as a minnow.
Longnose dace, smaller ( 2 to 3) and found
in SBC streams.
Fish Issues
  • Sudden changes in temperature, DO
  • Dams, impoundments
  • Pollution acute and chronic
  • Habitat fragmentation and destruction loss of
    riparian cover and buffers

Other SBC Lake Life
Painted turtle
Snapping turtle
Orvos readings for Test 2
  • Pond Life
  • Pages 22-30, 74-80, 86, 90-112 (you do not have
    to know scientific/common names unless they occur
    on a PP slide) , 121
  • Pond and Brook
  • Pages 59-66, 170 (A leaf falls), 170-174
  • Clean Water
  • Reread pages 42-43, read 126-127
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