Title: Coastal Ocean Observation Lab
1Coastal Ocean Modeling, Observation and Prediction
John Wilkin, Hernan Arango, Julia Levin,Javier
Zavala-Garay, Gordon Zhang Regional Ocean
Prediction Scott Glenn, Oscar Schofield, Bob
Chant Josh Kohut, Hugh Roarty, Josh Graver
Coastal Ocean Observation Lab Janice McDonnell
Education and Outreach
Regional Ocean Prediction http//marine.rutgers.e
Coastal Ocean Observation Lab http//marine.rutger
Education Outreach http//coolclassroom.org
Coastal Observation and Prediction Sponsors
2Integrating Ocean Observing and Modeling Systems
for SW06 Analysis and Forecasting
Coastal Ocean Observation Labhttp//marine.rutger
Regional Ocean Modeling and Predictionhttp//mari
- ROMS model embedded in NCOM or climatology
- WRF and NCEP forcing rivers
- 2-day cycle IS4DVAR assimilation
- gliders and CODAR
- satellite SST, bio-optics
- high-res regional WRF atmospheric forecast
- SW06 ship-based obs.
- Model-based re-analysis of submesoscale ocean
state - ROMS/IS4DVAR assimilation plus CODAR,
Scanfish, moorings, CTDs - high-res nesting in SW06 center
- ensemble simulations uncertainty instability,
sensitivity analysis, optimal observations - Weekly/monthly bulletin ?
3Regional Ocean Modeling and Predictionfor
Shallow Water 2006
- Rutgers Ocean Modeling and Prediction Group for
SW06 - Hernan Arango
- John Evans
- Naomi Fleming
- Gregg Foti
- Julia Levin
- John Wilkin
- Javier Zavala-Garay
- Gordon Zhang
- http//marine.rutgers.edu/po/sw06
- Strong constraint 4-dimensional variational data
assimilation - some math
- how it works
- SW06 configuration
- some results
- Next steps
- SW06 reanalysis
- Algorithmic tuning, more data, higher resolution
- ensemble simulations
- Forecast and analysis uncertainty and
predictability - observing system design
- ROMS state vector
- NLROMS equation form
(1) - NLROMS propagator form
- Observation at time with observation
error variance - Model equivalent at observation points
- Unbiased background state with background
error covariance
6Strong constraint 4DVAR
Courtier, 1987, QJRMS, 113, 1311-1328
- Seek that minimizes
- subject to equation (1) i.e., the model dynamics
are imposed as a strong constraint. - depends only on
- control variables
- Cost function as function of control variables
- J is not quadratic since M is nonlinear.
7S4DVAR procedure
- Lagrange function
Lagrange multiplier - At extrema of , we require
- S4DVAR procedure
- Choose an
- Integrate NLROMS and compute J
- Integrate ADROMS to get
- Compute
- Use a descent algorithm to determine a down
gradient correction to that will yield
a smaller value of J
8xb model state at end of previous cycle, and
1st guess for the next forecast In 4D-VAR
assimilation the adjoint model computes the
sensitivity of the initial conditions to
mis-matches between model and data A descent
algorithm uses this sensitivity to iteratively
update the initial conditions, xa, to minimize
Jb S(Jo)
0 1 2 3
4 time
Observations minus Previous Forecast
Adjoint model integration is forced by the
model-data error
9Incremental Strong Constraint 4DVAR
(Courtier et al, 1994, QJRMS, 120,
Weaver et al,
2003, MWR, 131, 1360-1378 )
- True solution
- NLROMS solution from Taylor series
- ---- TLROMS Propagator
- Cost function is quadratic now
10Basic IS4DVAR procedureIncremental Strong
Constraint 4-Dimensional Variational Assimilation
- Choose an
- Integrate NLROMS and save
- (a) Choose a
- (b) Integrate TLROMS
and compute J - (c) Integrate ADROMS
to yield - (d) Compute
- (e) Use a descent algorithm to
determine a down gradient correction
to that will yield a smaller value
of J - (f) Back to (b) until converged
- (3) Compute new
and back to (2) until converged
11Basic IS4DVAR procedureIncremental Strong
Constraint 4-Dimensional Variational Assimilation
- Choose an
- Integrate NLROMS and save
- (a) Choose a
- (b) Integrate TLROMS
and compute J - (c) Integrate ADROMS
to yield - (d) Compute
- (e) Use a descent algorithm to
determine a down gradient correction
to that will yield a smaller value
of J - (f) Back to (b) until converged
- (3) Compute new
and back to (2) until converged
12Conjugate Gradient Descent
(Long Thacker, 1989, DAO, 13,
- Expand step (5) in S4DVAR procedure and step (e)
in IS4DVAR procedure - Two central component (1) step size
determination (2) pre-conditioning (modify the
shape of J ) - New NLROMS initial condition
step-size (scalar) - ---- descent direction
- Step-size determination
- (a) Choose arbitrary step-size and compute
new , and - (b) For small correction, assume the
system is linear, yielded by any step-size
is - (c) Optimal choice of step-size is the
who gives - Preconditioning
13Background Error Covariance Matrix (Weaver
Courtier, 2001, QJRMS, 127, 1815-1846 Derber
Bouttier, 1999, Tellus, 51A, 195-221)
- Split B into two parts
- (1) unbalanced component Bu
- (2) balanced component Kb
- Unbalanced component
---- diagonal matrix of background error standard
deviation - ---- symmetric matrix of
background error correlation - for preconditioning,
- Use diffusion operator to get C1/2
- assume Gaussian error statistics, error
- the solution of diffusion equation
over the interval
with is - ---- the
solution of diffusion operator
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15The adjoint solution gives sensitivity of SST in
the marked area to SST over the a 5-day
assimilation interval for steady downwelling and
upwelling winds
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19SW06 Model Domains
ROMS LATTE outer boundary
ROMS SW06 outer boundary
Harvard Box (100kmx100km)
20- ROMS SW06
- 5-km grid for IS4DVAR testing
- Forcing
- NCEP-NAM and WRF USGS Hudson River OTPS
tides - Open boundaries NCOM and LG climatology
- 2-day assimilation cycle
- 20-km horizontal and 5-m vertical length scales
in background error covariance - Data
- gliders, CTDs, XBTs, Knorr thermosalinograph,
daily best-SST composite, AVISO SSH
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22Salt 5m
Salt 30m
Temp 30m
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25Forecast skill in 2-day interval when initial
conditions are adjusted using IS4DVAR
Simple forecast No data assimilation
26Mesoscale prediction test caseEast Australian
- IS4DVAR assimilation
- daily SST (CSIRO)
- VOS XBT Tasman Sea
- Javier Zavala-Garay
- John Wilkin
- Hernan Arango
- Adjoint adjusts all state variables, not just
those observed - Singular vectors of the tangent linear model give
most unstable modes of variability - Optimal perturbations for ensemble simulation
- Predictability limits
27East Australian Current
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29East Australian Current Color ensemble mean.
Contours individual ensemble members. Black SSH
Assimilating SSHSSTXBT
Assimilating SSHSST
30Optimal Perturbation Analysis
Vertical Structure of SV1
Perturbation after 10 days
Singular Vector 1
After assim. SSHSSTXBT
After assim SSHSST
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32Now what ?
- SW06 reanalysis of sub-mesoscale ocean state
- IS4DVAR algorithmic tuning
- forecast cycle length background error
covariance (preconditions
conjugate gradient search) - More data
- CODAR, moorings, shipboard ADCP
- Higher resolution
- Ensemble simulations
- forecast skill quantify predictability analysis
uncertainty - MURI COMOP
- Observing system design
- Physics information
33Mixing of the Hudson and Raritan Rivers
Visible RGB
Detritus Absorption
SeaWiFS chlorophyll