Title: Rheumatology
- Debbie King FNP
- Nursing 8800
- Derived from the Greek words "sklerosis," meaning
hardness, and "derma," meaning skin, scleroderma
literally means hard skin. Though it is often
referred to as if it were a single disease,
scleroderma is really a symptom of a group of
diseases that involve the abnormal growth of
connective tissue, which supports the skin and
internal organs. It is sometimes used, therefore,
as an umbrella term for these disorders. In some
forms of scleroderma, hard, tight skin is the
extent of this abnormal process. In other forms,
however, the problem goes much deeper, affecting
blood vessels and internal organs, such as the
heart, lungs, and kidneys. - Scleroderma is called both a rheumatic
(roo-MA-tik) disease and a connective tissue
disease. The term rheumatic disease refers to a
group of conditions characterized by inflammation
and/or pain in the muscles, joints, or fibrous
tissue. A connective tissue disease is one that
affects tissues such as skin, tendons, and
- Damage to cells lining the wall of small arteries
- Build up of tough scar like fibrous tissue
- Overproduction of collagen in connective tissue
- Can prove degenerative and life threatening
- Scleroderma is NOT
- Contagious
- Infectious
- Cancerous
- Malignant
- And probably not genetic
- Research indicates that there is a susceptibility
gene which raises the likelihood of getting
scleroderma, but by itself does not cause the
5Types of Scleroderma
- Localized
- Morphia
- Linear
- Systemic
- Limited (CREST)
- Diffuse
- How serious
- Varies
- Depends on affected area
- Depends on extent of affection
- A mild case can become more serious if not
diagnosed and properly treated by a qualified
provider!!! - Prompt treatment may minimize the symptoms and
lesson the chance of irreversible damage!!!
7Course of disease
- Highly individualized disease
- Never the same presentation
- Is life long chronic disease
- First few years are rocky
- Will quiet down after first few years
- May have periods of remission
8Limited (CREST)
- Systemic
- Effects wide spread
- Usually does not affect internal organs
- Has a positive outlook
- CREST- term not used much anymore, referred to as
limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis - C-calcinosis, R-Raynaud's, E-Esophageal
dysfunction, S-Sclerodactyly, T-Telangiectasia
9Diffuse Scleroderma
- Systemic
- Affects skin, connective tissue, organs
- May be slow or rapid
- May overlap with other disease
- e.g.. Mixed connective tissue disease
10Signs and Symptoms
- Skin
- Pronounced puffiness (usually first)
- Tightening
- Discoloration
- Thickening
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Telangiectasis
- Calcinosis
- Loss of hair
- Decreased sweat glands
11Vascular Changes
- Hands or feet change color- blanching
- Reddish spots-- telangiectasis
- Ulcers on fingertips, knuckles, elbows
- Visible capillaries around nails
12Bone and Muscle Changes
- Arthritis
- Brittle bones
- Bone loss
- Decreased mobility of fingers
- Muscles near shoulders and hips weaken
- General weakness
13GI Changes and Effects
- 80 of patients with Scleroderma are affected in
this body system -
- Decreased esophageal mobility
- Increased heartburn
- Difficulty swallowing
- Constipation
- Mal-absorption
- Watery diarrhea
14Respiratory Changes
- This system can be the most severely affected
- Dry cough
- Difficulty taking deep breaths
15Other General Signs and Complications
- Weight loss
- Fatigue
- Pain
- Unexplained swelling
- Internal organ problems
- Sjögren's syndrome
- chronic autoimmune disease in which peoples
white blood cells attack their moisture-producing
16Other General Signs and Complications
- Auto-immune disorder of liver
- Thyroid dysfunction
- Nerve damage
- Impotence- first sign for many men
- Brain changes in late disease
- - most commonly accepted theory
- Unknown inciting event triggers injury probably
to cells lining the blood vessels. Autoimmune
reaction leads to stimulation of fibroblasts
(cells that make collagen). Net result is
accumulation of collagen and other connective
tissue components in parts of the body such as
skin, lungs ECT
- Who gets scleroderma
- 300,000 cases in US, 80-100,000 are systemic form
- overall incidence rate of SSc in the adult
population of the United States is approximately
20 per million per year - estimated the prevalence of systemic sclerosis in
the United States to be around 240 cases per 1
million adults - Develops between ages 25-55 (or any age)
- Women 3-4 times more than men
- Prognosis worse in men
- Regional outbreaks
- Incidence unknown around the world
- European decent more common
- Increasing numbers in African Americans
- Not directly inherited, some scientist feel a
slight predisposition in families with history of
rheumatoid disease
19General Outlook
- No cure
- There are current treatments to minimize
irreversible damage - Does not always shorten life span with proper
diagnosis and treatments! - Localized- good prognosis with normal life span
- Diffuse- can be acute or rapid, often affects
organs - Cost to US alone was over 1.5 billion a year in
1998 (sorry no current number was found)
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23Head and Neck Manifestations
- 80 have, 30 present with
- tight skin, thin lips, vertical perioral furrows
- dermal and subcutaneous inflammatory process
- edema precedes epidermal atrophy, loss of
24- Head and Neck Manifestations
- decreased mouth opening
- initial complaint 19
25General Diagnosing
- History-including symptoms
- PE including skin, nails, lungs, tendons/joints
- Labs
- ANA (Those with scleroderma typically have a
speckled, nucleolar, or centromere pattern test
result.) - Anti-scleroderma 70 antibodies(is positive in up
to 60) - FANA-an auto antibody(positive in most all
scleroderma) - anti-centromere antibody (Present in 60-80 of
those with limited cutaneous scleroderma and
strongly associated with CREST)
26General Diagnosing
- Non-Laboratory Tests
- Lung function tests may be performed when lung
involvement is suspected. - CT (Computed Tomography) scans may be performed
to evaluate lung damage. - X-rays may be done to detect calcium deposits and
evaluate lungs. - Cardiac testing and monitoring may be performed
when heart involvement is suspected - Nail fold capillary microscope exam
- Skin biopsy or Kidney biopsy
- Many will first be diagnosed with mixed
connective tissue disease - Refer to Rheumatologist and Dermatologist
27More Labs
- Special Stains and Immunohistochemistry
- Direct immunofluorescence
- usually negative29,30
- Immunoperoxidase techniques
- reduced number of CD34-positive cells31
- Other investigations
- Serum levels of various enzymes and substrates
involved in sclerotic process3237 - have been used as indicator of disease activity
- Antibodies
- Anti-cytoplasmic antigen Ro/SSA 35 of cases45
- Antinuclear almost all cases
- usually speckled or nucleolar pattern40,4648
- Autoantibodies to Fc receptor
- 50 of cases49
- Antineutrophil cytoplasmic of perinuclear type
(p-ANCA) - Small number of cases
28GI Complications
- Most common is GERD-sched frequent scopes!
- Difficulty swallowing
- Scarring in lower intestine
- Perforation of bowel
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Mal-absorption
- Fecal incontinence
29GI Complications
- Diverticulitis
- Watermelon stomach-dilated blood vessels lining
the walls of the stomach which may bleed - Small intestine bacterial overgrowth syndrome
- Gastroparesis (the retention of food in the
30 GI Treatments
- General GERD Treatments
- Decrease carbonated beverages
- Decrease caffeine
- Avoid regular and decaffeinated coffee
- Walk regularly
- Remain upright after meals
- Avoid bedtime snacks
- Increase head of bed
- Chew gum
- No set dietary restrictions except above
31GI Treatments
- Antacids
- H-2 Blockers
- Proton Pump Inhibitors
- Carafate
- Dilated strictures in esophagus
- Dilatation
32GI Treatments
- Swallowing
- GI stimulants e.g. Reglan
- EES- may improve heartburn
- Sandostatin- IM, may improve motion of bowel
- Constipation
- Bulking agents
- Softening agents
- MiraLAX
- Zelnorm
33GI Treatments
- Small Intestine Dysfunction
- E.g.-Bacterial overgrowth-Diarrhea
- 2-3 weeks on then 1-2 weeks off, one of the
following - Tetracycline
- Ampicillin
- Flagyl
- Vanco
- Cipro
- Augmentin
- Zithromax
- Bactrim DS
- Some have such severe infections they need
constant treatment, which leads to other possible
34Lung Complications(will occur in the first 5
- Pulmonary fibrosis
- Pulmonary HTN
- Cor pulmonale
- Interstitial Lung disease- Scleroderma is the
number one cause
35Lung Complications
- Frequently occurs in systemic, may be seen in
limited, but will not be seen in localized - Is worse in Men and African Americans
- Patients with positive Scl-70 antibody are at
highest risk
36Lung Tests
- O2 Sats
- High resolution CT
- Bronchoscope with lavage
- Biopsy
- Echo
- Cardio-pulmonary exercise test
37Respiratory Treatments
- First must ID alveolitis
- Then suppress with
- Steroids (low doses only-20mg)
- Immuno-suppressants
- Pneumovax
- Flu vax
- O2 as needed
- Rarely transplants
- Remember to treat GERD as well
38Respiratory Treatments
- Pulmonary Arterial HTN
- Refer to pulmonary HTN center
- Endothium receptor antagonist
- Prostaglandin derivatives
- CA Channel Blockers
- Seen in 95 of scleroderma patients
- Only 5 of population with Raynaud's have
scleroderma - Treatments
- CA Channel blockers
- Angiotensin II receptor blockers
- Other BP meds
- Vasodilators
- Keep warm, Live in warm climate
- Exercise and Relaxation
- Topical antibiotics-PRN
40Cardiac Complications
- Fibrosis
- Rhythm disturbance
- Congestive heart failure
- Pericarditis
- Pulmonary HTN
41Cardiac Treatments
- Same as with other causes for each problem
- Refer for all cardiac complications
42Kidney Complications
- Increased protein (if seen-do full renal workup)
- HTN (monitor BP very often)
- Renal crisis- may be treated with Ace inhibitors
, Is now used routinely in these patients - Malignant HTN-Refer
- May be fatal
- May lead to long term dialysis
- Once treated, rarely reoccurs, if treated early!!
43Kidney Complications
- WARNING Corticosteroids may lead to renal
crisis. Prednisone or Medrol are used to treat
several complications such as - Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Pruritus
- Joint Pain
- New findings indicate corticosteroids can be
implicated in precipitating renal crisis - If used-monitor closely
44Kidney Complications
- Seen only in diffuse scleroderma
- Was leading cause of death until 25 years ago for
these patients - First see increase in BUN and then serum
creatinine (which suggest chronicity), and
increase protein in urine - Seen in patients with rapidly progression skin
disease - Those with positive anti-RNA polymerase
antibodies appear to be a greater risk
- Skin fibrosis
- Refer to Derm
- Treat with immuno-suppressants, but all have
major side effects - Pruritus and Dryness
- OTC lotions
- Antihistamines
- Localized Scleroderma and Systemic
- Plaquenil
- Methotrexate
- Prednisone
- Phenytoin
- Potassium P-aminobenzoate
- D-Penicillamine
- Related to
- GI bleed
- Fe deficiency
- Chronic disease
- Hemolytic
- Often treated with Procrit-epoetin
48Oral, Facial Complications
- Dry mouth
- Increased dental caries
- Widening of periodontal membranes
- Facial changes are a real possibility for
patients with both types of Scleroderma - 100 with systemic
- 20 with localized
49Oral, Facial Complications
- These changes are progressive and not static
- Most functional problems are due to microstomia
(small mouth) - Eating
- Talking
- Kissing
50Face Skin Changes
- Occur over several months to years
- First is edematous which is painless
- Second is indurative which is thickened dermis
and thinned epidermal layer which leads to loss
of wrinkles, hair follicles, sweat glands, and
sebaceous glands. - Third is atopic-thickened dermis becomes thinner
and tethering occurs with skin more attached to
sub Q fat, then clusters of dilated and tortuous
capillaries increase in a butterfly shape
51Joint and Tendon Pain
- Occurs with all systemic cases and can progress
- Treat as arthritis
- Stay active
- Avoid fatigue
- Avoid cold
- NSAIDS, Cox-2 Inhibitor, Analgesics, Narcotics
52Complication of Reactive Depression
- Is not a surprising complication
- Treatment is the same
- Tricyclic Antidepressants
53Other General Treatments
- Relaxin to help inhibit production of collagen
and lessen existing excess collagen. Helpful with
skin, lungs, hand flexing, and opening the mouth - Iloprost-vasodilator, is a analogue of
prostaglandin. It also blocks certain cytokines,
immune factors that appear to play an important
role in the development of scleroderma. Best
given IV - An ACE may save the kidneys, has even been known
to bring back kidney function - Many investigational drugs
- Stem cell and bone marrow transplants-used in
early disease only, with limited benefits.
- Rheumatologist
- Dermatologist- often make the diagnosis
- Primary Care- Is you!
- Will also see everyone else
- GI
- Pulmonology
- Cardiology
- Nephrology
55Significance to Practice
- Education of providers is necessary
- Prevention of complications
- Remember prompt and proper diagnosis and
treatment by a qualified provider may minimize
the symptoms of scleroderma and decrease the
chance of irreversible damage.
- Greatly misdiagnosed
- Greatly under diagnosed
- Early treatment slows progression
- Early treatment slows complication and improves
quality of life - Further research may change the prognoses of this
57- http//www.clinicaladvisor.com/an-infrequent-cause
58Sjögren's Syndrome
- May or not be associated scleroderma
- General
- immune mediated
- destruction of exocrine glands
- primary
- sicca syndrome- isolated d/o lacrimal and
salivary glands - secondary
- sicca complex- assoc. with other CTD
59Sjögren's Syndrome
- General
- prevalence
- 1 population
- 10-15 of RA patients
- 9 to 1 FgtM
- onset 40-60 yrs.
- increased risk of lymphoma
- perhaps 44 times risk
60Sjögren's Syndrome
- General
- clinical manifestations
- Xerophthalmia (dry eye)
- Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is characterized by
inadequate tear film protection of the cornea
because of either inadequate tear production or
abnormal tear film constitution, which results in
excessively fast evaporation or premature
destruction of the tear film - Xerostomia (dry mouth)
- other areas
- skin, vagina, genitalia, chronic bronchitis, GI
tract, renal tubules - diagnosis
- minor salivary gland biopsy
- labs
- RF and ANA
- SS-A/Ro 60
- SS-B/La 30
61Sjögren's Syndrome
- Head and Neck Manifestations
- 80 c/o xerostomia (dry mouth), most prominent
symptom - difficulty chewing, dysphagia, taste changes,
fissures of tongue and lips, increased dental
caries, oral candidiasis
62Sjögren's Syndrome
- Head and Neck Manifestations
- salivary gland enlargement
- xerostomia may be quantified by salivarv flow
rate testing
63Sjögren's Syndrome
- Dry Mouth
- Treatment
- Pilocarpine
- is a drug which can stimulate salivary glands to
make more saliva. - clotrimazole/nystatin
- close dental supervision
- surveillance for malignancy
64Sjögren's Syndrome
- eye complaints
- dryness, burning, itching, foreign body sensation
- keratoconjunctivitis sicca
- corneal abrasions - rose bengal staining
65Sjögren's Syndrome
- Treatment
- symptomatic
- oral fluid intake
- saliva substitutes
- artificial tears
- avoid
- decongestants
- antihistamines
- diuretics
- anticholinergic
66Rheumatoid Arthritis
- A chronic, progressive, systemic inflammatory
process that primarily affects the synovial
joints. - Joints are destroyed over a long course of
disease - Deformities are common
- Leads to emotional and physical trauma
67Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Patho
- Destroys the joints in two ways
- Proteolytic enzymes called proteases digest the
tissue components of affected joints - Due to locally released antigens that cause the
inflammatory cascade - They may be autoimmune substances
- Invasive rheumatoid pannus destroy joints
- A creation of inflamed synovium.
- Consists of granulated vascular tissue extending
from the vascular bed into the joint
68Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Patho continued
- Also with in the synovial fluid, an inflammatory
response occurs. Neutrophils infiltrate, and
secrete a host of proteolytic enzymes in the
fluid, as well as cytokines and chemotactic
factors. This accumulation of joint fluid
distends the joint capsule which leads to pain - Aspiration may lead to instant relief
69Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Differential
- Connective tissue diseases are the differential
- Osteoarthritis, gout, chronic lyme disease,
Lupus, parvovirus, polymyalgia rheumatica,
Sjögren's, sarcoidosis - Osteo usually does not affect wrists, fingers
- Gout is revealed with synovial aspirate of urate
crystals - Chronic lyme often involves a singular joint and
have positive serologic markers - Lupus arthritic changes are usually not deforming
- Parvo rash is different than RA
- Polymyalgia rheumatica are RF negative
70Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Subjective
- Early
- Malaise, diffuse arthritis, weight loss,
anorexia, fever, neuropathic pain in extremities,
painful eyes and chest pain with deep breaths - Classic symptoms
- Awakens in pain that gets better as the day goes
on - Swelling present in the am and decreases
throughout the day - Pain and swelling go down with moderate activity
- Late
- Pain and swelling increase that lead to
diminished activity and this leads to more pain
and immobility
71Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Objective
- Peripheral symmetric polyarthritis and morning
stiffness- history esp. if lasts more than an
hour - Physical exam
- Cardiac rub, pulmonary friction rub, injected
sclera with scleritis, loss of sensation,
decreased range of motion, ecchymotic lesions on
extremities, rheumatoid nodules may be on elbows
72Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Tests
- Rheumatoid factor RF
- Which is an IgM that reacts against IgG
- Gives not only positive and negative results ,
also gives insight into the severity of the
disease - 25 of people with RA have a negative RF
- ESR and/or CRP
- Will be elevated
- To rule out anemia
- Look for a leukocytosis
- Platelet count
- More elevated with more joint inflammation
73Rheumatoid Arthritis
- More TESTS
- Joint-fluid analysis
- With RA will show increased WBC/ml and increased
neutrophiles - X-rays
- May be normal in early stages
- Later will reveal bone erosions- 90 of patients
show erosion with in the first 2 years - ANA
- to help rule out lupus, if positive with low
titers may be RA, if high titers is lupus
74Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Management
- Processes form conservative to aggressive
- Goal is to reduce pain and inflammation and to
spare joint function - Early on this is possible with out medication
- Physical and occupation therapies, heat and cold,
exercise, rest, assertive devices, splints,
chiropractic adjustment, weight loss, meditation - Later on medication is necessary
- Analgesics, NSAIDS, steroid, GI upset
treatments, Disease Modifying Anti rheumatic
drugs - The CRP should be monitored to determine the
effectiveness of therapy
75Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Medications
- Analgesics
- Tylenol, capsaicin cream, aspirin
- Enteric-coated asa, Sulindac 150 mg BID, Aleve,
Motrin at 2400mg day - May need an H-blocker or a proton pump inhibitors
- Zantac
- Prilosec or Nexium
- Need to monitor liver and kidney function
- Steroids
- 7.5mg qd
- Remember the side effects!!
- Adrenal insufficiency, hyperglycemia,
osteoporosis, and skin discoloration - Must also give calcium, vitamin D and
bisphosphonates with prolonged use
76Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs DMARDs -
are essentially immunosuppressants and include - Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil
- Leflunomide (Arava)
- Cyclosporine (Neoral)
- Sulfasalzine (Azulfidine)
- Gold (Ridaura, Solganal, Myochrysine)
- Methotrexate (Rheumatrex, Trexall)
- Azathioprine (Imuran)
- Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan)
- Biologics (Actemra, Cimzia, Enbrel, Humira,
Kineret, Orencia, Remicade, Rituxan, Simponi) - Use this class with active disease
- Treat early with active disease
- Combo therapy is more effective than mono
- Side effects include reactivating TB
77Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Older therapies
- Methotrexate, Imuran, penicillamine, Azulfidine,
Minocin - Methotrexate is most effect, but not used in
patients over 65, but the risks must not outweigh
the benefits - refer a patient for this drug
- Cox 2 Inhibitors
- Only one left in the US is Celebrex
- Was originally thought to be an amazing class of
drugs, with no side effects. Until the cardiac
problems became evident. Never promise
patients- miracle drugs.
78Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Follow up and referral
- Routine clinical lab eval and episodic changes in
interventions - Routine lab every 90 days
- CBC, platelet count, liver and renal function,
and fasting glucose - Focus recheck visits on the effect of the relief
measures - Refer to rheumatologist
- refer everyone for twice a year visits
79Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Patient education
- Goals of TX
- Review the initial management section
- Address therapeutic and adverse effects of drug
- Explain this a chronic disease the cover the
emotional, social, and spiritual sequelae of
living with this condition - Promote self care
- Educate patient and family to avoid the sick
role - Educate how the caregiver is so important in all
areas of this condition
80Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- An inflammatory autoimmune disease
- Affects many organ systems
- Spontaneous remissions and exacerbations
characterize the clinical picture - It can be mild, aggressive, or even
81Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Epidemiology and cause
- 40 to 50 cases per 100,000
- Associated with age, gender, race and genetics
- 85 are women diagnosed in their 20s or 30s
- May present as late as 55 years
- Juvenile cases are not uncommon
- Descendants of African races are four times more
likely to develop - No cause has been identified, but some triggers
for exacerbations have been - Ultraviolet rays, infections, stress, pregnancy,
surgery, exposure to cigarette smoke or silica
82Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Patho
- A condition of disordered immunity in which
mechanisms that normally prevent immune cell
activation by autoantigens are eliminated - Inhibition of suppressor T cells
- Increase in CD4T helper cells
- Cytokine production and polyclonal B cell
activation - Deregulated intracellular signaling
- These factors contribute to a significant
production of autoantibodies that are considered
a hallmark of the disease
83Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Diagnosing
- must have four of the following
- arthritis, photosensitivity, oral ulcers, malar
rash, discoid rash, - serositis (inflammation of the pleura or
pericardia), renal disease, hematologic
disorders, neurologic disease, Positive ANA,
immunologic abnormalities
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85Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Subjective
- Complains of malaise, fever, anorexia, weight
loss, blurred vision, conjunctive swelling,
sleeplessness, depression. Joints may be
reported as swollen/painful in the history.
Shortness of breath and painful inspiration may
be reported. Vague abdominal problems may be
reported as well.
86Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Objective
- Skin
- Malar or Butterfly rash, discoid rash (scarring
and highly inflammatory lesions), alopecia or
scalpel exanthems, splinter hemorrhages, redness
around finger nails, finger tip lesions,
lymphadenopathy, Raynaud's - The malar rash of lupus is red or purplish and
mildly scaly. Characteristically, it has the
shape of a butterfly and involves the bridge of
the nose. Notably, the rash spares the
naso-labial folds of the face, which contributes
to its characteristic appearance. It is usually
macular with sharp edges and not itchy. The rash
can be transient or progressive with involvement
of other parts of the facial skin. - Discoid lupus lesions are often red, scaly, and
thick. Usually they do not hurt or itch. Over
time these lesions can produce scarring and skin
discoloration (darkly colored and/or lightly
colored areas). Discoid lesions that occur on the
scalp may cause hair to fall out. If the lesions
form scars when they heal, hair loss may be
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90Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Musculoskeletal
- Swollen joints with no pattern, joint pain with
palpation which is migratory and is the most
common presenting complaint
91Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Objective
- Neurologic
- Impaired thought process, peripheral
paresthesias, decreased deep tendon reflexes - Cardiac
- A systolic murmur, distended jugular veins (with
- Painless or not --oral and nasal lesions,
subglottic stenosis, right upper quadrant
tenderness (hepatitis is common), light lower
quadrant tenderness (right colon enlargement due
to intestinal vasculitis)
92Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Differential Diagnosis
- Vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma,
juvenile RA, chronic active hepatitis, drug
reactions, drug-induced lupus, polyarteritis. - Rule thyroid disease, which could also have been
caused by the lupus
93Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Diagnostic Testing
- CBC include platelets
- CMP-checking electrolytes and renal function
- Serum albumin reduced with nephropathy
- UA
- Antibody screens for double stranded DNA
- Antiphospholipid antibodies
- Anti-Smith antibodies
- Single-stranded DNA and nucleoprotein will be
positive for both Lupus and RA - CPK
94Labs from the Lupus website
- AlbuminANAANCA (antineutrophil cytoplasmic
antibodies), P-ANCA (perinuclear) C-ANCA
(cytoplasmic)Anti-Cardiolipin (Anti-Phospholipid)
Anti-DNAAnti-Ro/SS-AAnti-Sm antibodiesBlood
Urea Nitrogen (BUN)CBC Complement
ClearanceDifferential Neutrophils, Lymphocytes,
Monocytes, Eosinophils, BasophilsENA
(Extractable Nuclear Antigens)Erythrocyte
Sedimentation Rate (Sed Rate, ESR)Immunoglobulins
(IG)IronRheumatoid FactorWhite Blood Count
(WBC, Leukocyte count)
- Results of labs
- Anemia or leukopenia or both
- 90 have an elevated ANA
- Rising anti-double stranded DNA
- Rising complement levels
- Decreasing CH50, C3. C4
- Elevated ESR and CRP
- Proteinuria
- RPR can be falsely positive
- CPK elevated with muscle involvement
- Other tests
- Chest x-ray
- Renal US
- Plain films of joints
- Renal biopsy
- EEG, echo
- Ventilation perfusion scans
- CT of lungs
- Management
- Goal of therapy is symptom control and organ
protection - Many require very little interventions
- Joint pain management
- Corticosteroids
- Cyclophosphamide
- Antimalarials
- Care for fatigue
- Kidney protection!
- GERD treatments
- Pulmonary treatments
98Treatments from the Lupus website
- NSAIDsAntimalarialsCorticosteroidsCytotoxics/Im
munosuppressantsCellCept (MMF) - New treatments on the horizonStem Cell
TransplantsRiquentPrasteroneMinocycline -
friend or foe?
- Follow up and referral
- See at least 2 times a year if not on meds
- Check CBC, UA, platelet count, and ANA
- Depends on how much medical support is required
- Referral to a Rheumatologist is helpful
- Education
- Give national organization info
- Instruct on the course of the disease
- Advise a lot of REST
- Fluids
- Call with a fever over 101.5
- Avoid sulfonamide antibiotics
- Avoid pregnancy until remission for 6 months
- Prognoses varies with each patient
101Giant cell arteritis
- http//emedicine.medscape.com/article/1201429-over
view - More common in Caucasians than African Americans
- More common in women
- Rare under the age of 50
- 5-27 cases per 100,000 people over 50 in the US
- is also called temporal arteritis, cranial
arteritis, and granulomatous arteritis. - GCA is a systemic inflammatory vasculitis of
unknown etiology that affects medium- and
large-sized arteries.
102Giant cell arteritis
- Can result in a wide variety of systemic,
neurologic, and ophthalmologic complications. - Visual loss is one of the most significant causes
of morbidity - Newly recognized GCA should be considered a true
neuro-ophthalmic emergency. - Prompt treatment with steroids can prevent
blindness and other vascular sequelae of GCA.15
103Giant cell arteritis
- Criteria for diagnosis
- Age at onset of 50 years
- New headache
- Abnormalities of the temporal arteries
- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) of 50 mm/h
- Positive results of a temporal artery biopsy
(vasculitis characterized by a predominance of
mononuclear infiltrates or granulomas, usually
with multinucleated giant cells)
104Giant cell arteritis
- Pathophysiology
- GCA typically involves inflammation of the aortic
arch and its branches, but almost any artery of
the body as well as some veins may be affected
occasionally. The inflammation tends to involve
the arteries in a segmental or patchy manner,
although long portions of arteries may be
105Polymyalgia rheumatica
- Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is a clinical
syndrome characterized by severe aching and
stiffness in the neck, shoulder girdle, and
pelvic girdle. It is classified as a rheumatic
disease, although the etiology is undetermined.
106Polymyalgia rheumatica
- Pathophysiology
- Polymyalgia rheumatica causes severe pain in the
proximal muscle groups however, no evidence of
disease is present at muscle biopsy. Muscle
strength and electromyographic findings are
normal. Some evidence suggests the presence of
cell-mediated injury to the elastic lamina in the
blood vessels in the affected muscle groups. - Polymyalgia rheumatica is closely linked to giant
cell arteritis (temporal arteritis), but this is
believed to be a separate disease process.1
107Polymyalgia rheumatica
- Clinical History
- The patient's history may include the following
features - Pain and stiffness in the proximal muscle groups
that usually is symmetrical and worse in the
morning - Gel phenomenon (stiffness after prolonged
inactivity) - Fever (low grade)
- Weight loss
- Fatigue
- Depression
- No weakness
- Abrupt onset of symptoms
108Polymyalgia rheumatica
- Frequency in the US
- One study revealed a prevalence of 1 in 200
people aged 50 years or older. - Mortality/Morbidity
- Polymyalgia rheumatica is not a life-threatening
disease, but it does require treatment for 2-4
years. - Race
- Whites are affected more than other ethnic
groups. - Sex
- Females are affected twice as often as males.
- Age
- Polymyalgia rheumatica usually affects people
older than 50 years.
109Polymyalgia rheumatica
- Physical
- The signs and symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica
are nonspecific, and objective findings on
physical examination often are lacking. If
present, findings may include the following - Muscle tenderness
- Decreased active range of motion of joints
secondary to pain - No muscle atrophy
110Polymyalgia rheumatica
- The following laboratory studies should be
obtained for suspected polymyalgia rheumatica - Erythrocyte sedimentation rate greater than 50
mm/h - Normochromic normocytic anemia in 50 of cases
- Normal creatinine kinase level
- Negative finding for rheumatoid factor
- Mild elevations with liver function test results
- Mild nonspecific synovitis
- Negative muscle biopsy findings
111Polymyalgia rheumatica
- Imagining
- The cause of musculoskeletal symptoms in
polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is not clearly
defined because joint synovitis may only
partially explain the diffuse discomfort. MRI
imaging of the shoulders, hip and extremities of
patients with PMR has been analyzed. MRI showed
that subacromial and subdeltoid bursitis of the
shoulders and iliopectineal bursitis and hip
synovitis are the predominant and most frequently
observed lesions in active PMR. The inflammation
of the bursae associated with glenohumeral
synovitis, bicipital tenosynovitis and hip
synovitis may explain the diffuse discomfort and
morning stiffness.
112Polymyalgia rheumatica
- The goal of therapy is to suppress autoimmune
activity. - Corticosteroids
- These agents have anti-inflammatory properties
and may cause profound and varied metabolic
effects. They modify the body's immune response
to diverse stimuli. Based on a systematic
examination of the peer-reviewed literature,
which included 30 studies, remission of
polymyalgia rheumatica seemed to be achieved with
a 15 mg/d dose of prednisone for most patients. A
slow tapering of the prednisone, less than 1
mg/month, was associated with fewer relapses - Methotrexate, azathioprine, and other
immunosuppressive drugs have been used in some
centers in an effort to limit dosage and duration
of corticosteroid therapy - NSAIDS esp helpful during steroid taper
- Ensure adequate calcium and vitamin D intake with
corticosteroid use - PT (activity restriction is unnecessary)
- Epidemiology
- Estimated prevalence 1.4-2 Male-to-female
ratio approximately 41 Age of onset typically
40-60 years in men, seven years later (on
average) in women rare after menopause
- Causes and risk factors
- Urate underexcretion (more common than
overproduction) may be primary or associated with
such conditions as renal impairment,
hypertension, hypothyroidism, or various
medications (e.g., aspirin). Urate
overproduction may be primary or associated with
Dietary factors excessive intake of
purines, fructose, or alcohol
Lymphoma/myeloproliferative disorders, psoriasis,
high cell-turnover disorders Medications
cytotoxic agents or vitamin B12
Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribo- syltransferase
deficiency (Lesch-Nyhan syndrome)
Metabolic conditions obesity or
hypertriglyceridemia Hyperuricemia most
important risk factor Age at onset of
first attack inversely related to serum uric acid
level Majority of patients with elevated
serum uric acid levels, however, will not develop
clinical gout.
- Documented risk factors in males Obesity,
weight gain, and hypertension (metabolic factors)
High intake of alcohol (especially beer),
sugars, meats, and seafood Diuretic use
(may not be independent of other risk factors,
such as hypertension and congestive heart
failure) High intake of dairy products
and coffee (more than four cups daily) may be
protective. History of organ transplantation
(especially heart or kidney)/use of cyclosporine
Risk factors for chronic tophaceous gout
include diuretic use in renal insufficiency/conges
tive heart failure (especially in women) and long
history of disease or alcohol abuse.
- Complications and associated conditions
- Progressive kidney failure Joint
erosion/destruction (chronic tophaceous gout)
Risk for development of type 2 diabetes,
hypertriglyceridemia, and cardiovascular disease
History - Common triggers for acute event include
Infection, acidosis (metabolic)
Initiation of chemotherapy, starting/stopping
allopurinol, diuretic therapy Trauma,
surgery, or use of IV contrast media
Alcohol use Acute attack typically
self-limited, with spontaneous resolution in 3-14
days Sudden onset of extreme pain,
tenderness, and joint inflammation Often
begins at night or early morning, with pain and
other symptoms increasing for 24-48 hours
90 of initial attacks are monoarticular, most
commonly the first metatarsophalangeal.
Subsequent attacks are typically longer, involve
more joints, and may not resolve without medical
therapy. Recurrent attacks lead to
accumulating crystal deposits in joints (chronic
tophaceous gout), which become stiff and swollen
- Physical exam
- Affected joint typically swollen, red, and
extremely tender Skin may resemble cellulitis,
with desquamation over inflamed area.
Characteristics of tophi include
Overlying skin is pulled taut.
Visible/palpable soft-tissue masses or
asymptomatic intradermal/subcutaneous nodules
Typically contain whitish or yellowish
- Making the diagnosis
- Demonstration of urate crystals in synovial
fluid analysis or in tophus by polarized light
microscopy Presumptive diagnosis can be made
based on presence of hyperuricemia, documentation
of risk factors, and suggestive findings on
history and physical exam. Rule out
Septic arthritis Calcium pyrophosphate
dihydrate deposition disease (pseudogout)
Rheumatoid/psoriatic arthritis Erosive
osteoarthritis or sarcoid arthropathy
Bacterial cellulitis
- Testing
- Synovial fluid analysis/culture needed to
exclude septic arthritis if patient is febrile
and has leukocytosis Serum uric acid ( gt6.8
mg/dL 404 µmol/L is sufficient for crystal
precipitation level often normal during acute
attack). X-ray may help confirm. 24-hour
urine uric acid level as adjunctive test for
Identifying/excluding overproducers of
urate Patients being considered for
uricosuric therapy Blood culture to rule out
- Prognosis
- Risk of recurrence after initial attack 60
within one year and gt90 within 10 years
Treatment of acute attack - Oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) at maximum dose for one to two weeks
(drugs of choice for symptomatic relief)
Colchicine effective but slower to work than
NSAIDs Corticosteroids, especially in patients
with contraindications to NSAIDs Rest, ice
packs, joint elevation (Bed cage may keep
bedclothes off inflamed joint.) Avoid alcohol
ensure adequate fluid intake (gt2 L water daily).
Allopurinol should not be started or
discontinued during acute attack (avoid sudden
changes in serum urate levels). Consider
discontinuation of diuretics.
121Foods with estrogenic effects
- An anti-estrogenic diet is simple and delicious.
It has three main points Eat down on the food
chain. Eat foods that are more in tune with our
genetic makeup such as fruits, vegetables, beans,
roots, nuts, seeds, eggs, dairy and wild-caught
fish. Minimize foods treated with chemicals.
Eat as much organic food as possible, and avoid
synthetic vitamins. Supplement your diet with
nutrients that support your hormones. The
flavones chrysene, apigenin, quercetin, and
narigenin all inhibit estrogen, as well as the
indoles indole 3 carbinol, diindolymethane
(DIM), and indole 3 acetate. - Soy,Millet,Barley,Flax seed,Lentils,Kidney
beans,Lima beans,Rye,Clover,Fennel,Chick peas are
rich in phytoestrogens, a natural estrogen.
122Foods with estrogenic effects
- Reduce and eliminate ALL beef, pork, lamb, and
dairy products (they contain an unusable form of
estrogen for the female body and create estrogen
imbalance) - Avoid all caffeine, alcohol, sugars, acid-forming
foods (red meat, dairy, excesscarbohydrates,
especially refined foods)