Title: Phylogeny
- - A brief introduction in 4 hours -
- Introduction
- Practical approach
- Evolutionary models
- Distance-based methods / TP5_1
- Databases and software
- Sequence-based methods / TP5_2
3What is phylogeny?
4Phylogeny is the evolutionary history and
relationship of species.
5Why is phylogeny of interest in a proteomics
6What data types can be used to infer phylogenies?
- Morphological characters
- Physiological characters
- Gene order (e.g. in mitochondria)
- Sequence data
- Nucleotide sequences
- Amino acid sequences
- Mixed characters
- .
7What is a phylogenetic tree?
- A phylogenetic tree is a model about the
evolutionary relationship between species (OTUs)
based on homologous characters - But not all trees are phylogenetic trees
- Dendrogram general term for a branching diagram
- Cladogram branching diagram without branch
length estimates - Phylogenetic tree or Phylogram branching diagram
with branch length estimates
8What is a phylogenetic tree?
- Rooted or unrooted
- bifurcating or multifurcating (solved or
9Gene duplication
- Prokaryots at least 50
- Eukaryots gt90
10After gene duplication
- Coexistence (normally only for a short while)
- Mostly, only one copy is retained
- becomes nonfunctional (non-functionalization),
- becomes a pseudogene (pseudogenization)
- is lost
- Both copies are retained
- Distinct expression pattern
- Distinct subcellular location (rare)
- One copy keeps the original function, the other
copy acquires a new function (neofunctionalization
) - Deleterious mutations in both entries
11Relationships within homologs
Frog gene A
Human gene A
Mouse gene A
Gene duplication
Mouse gene B
Ancestral gene
Human gene B
Frog gene B
Drosophila gene AB
- Homologs Genes of common origin
- Orthologs 1. Genes resulting from a speciation
event, 2. Genes originating from an ancestral
gene in the last common ancestor of the compared
genomes - Co-orthologs Orthologs that have undergone
lineage-specific gene duplications subsequent to
a particular speciation event - Paralogs Genes resulting from gene duplication
- Inparalogs Paralogs resulting from
lineage-specific duplication(s) subsequent to a
particular speciation event - Outparalogs Paralogs resulting from gene
duplication(s) preceding a particular speciation
event - One-to-one (11) orthologs Orthologs with no
(known) lineage-specific gene duplications
subsequent to a particular speciation event - One-to-many (1n) orthologs Orthologs of which
at least one - and at most all but one - has
undergone lineage-specific gene duplication
subsequent to a particular speciation event - Many-to-many (nn) orthologs Orthologs which
have undergone lineage-specific gene duplications
subsequent to a particular speciation event - Xenologs Orthologs derived by horizontal gene
transfer from another lineage
13Relationships between orthologs and paralogs
Frog gene A
Orthologs (Group 1)
Human gene A
Mouse gene A
Co-orthologs of Drosophila gene AB
Inparalogs of Group 2
Gene duplication
Orthologs (Group 2)
Mouse gene B
Ancestral gene
Human gene B
Outparalogs of Group 1
Frog gene B
Drosophila gene AB
14Practical approach I
- Actin-related protein 2 (first 60 columns of the
. - Species are
- Caenorhabditis briggsae
- Drosophila melanogaster
- Homo sapiens
- Mus musculus
- Schizosaccharomyces pombe
- Can you build a dendrogram (tree) for the
sequences of the alignment? - Can you assign the species to the corresponding
sequences of the alignment?
15Phylogenetic analysis
- Select Data
- Alignment
- Select a data model
- Select a substitution model
- Tree-building
- Distance matrix
- Tree-building
- Tree evaluation
16Select data
- To be considered
- Input data must be homolog!
- Number of character states
- Content of phylogenetic information
- Size of the dataset
- Automated cluster data from large datasets
- etc
- MSA methods
- ClustalW
- muscle
- Probcons
- T-coffee
- See previous course
18Data model
- Characters selected for the analysis
- To be considered
- Each character should be homolog!
- Missing data (in some OTU)
- Number of characters
- etc
19Evolutionary models
- Phylogenetic tree-building presumes particular
evolutionary models - The model used influences the outcome of the
analysis and should be considered in the
interpretation of the analysis results - Which aspects are to be considered?
- Frequencies of aa exchange
- Change of aa frequencies during evolution
- Between-site rate variation or Among-site
substitution rate heterogenity - Presence of invariable sites
20Evolutionary models
- Notation, e.g.
- JTT F gamma (4 )
- JTT F gamma (8 ) I (under discussion)
- It is not always the most complex model that
produces the best result. - The more complex the model, the more complex the
explanation of the results.
21Tree-building methods
- Distance (matrix) methods
- Calculate distances for all pairs of taxa based
on the sequence alignment - Construct a phylogenetic tree based on a distance
matrix - Character-based (Sequence) methods
- Constructs a phylogenetic tree based on the
sequence alignment
22Step 1 Compute distances
- Estimate the number of amino acid substitutions
between sequence pairs -
- p distance pnd/n
- p proportion (p distance)
- nd number of aa differences
- n number of aa used
23Step 1 Compute distances
- Nonlinear relationship of p with t (time)
- Estimation of aa substitutions
- Poisson correction
- PC distance
- Gamma correction
- Gamma distance
24Step 2 Tree-building
- Common distance methods
- Neighbor Joining (NJ)
- Least Square (LS)
- Minimal Evolution (ME)
25Neighbor Joining (NJ)
- Saitou, Nei (1987)
- Principle
- Clustering method
- Simplified minimal evolution principle
- Neighbors taxa connected by a single node in an
unrooted tree - Computational process Star tree, followed by a
successive joining of neighbors and the creation
of new pairs of neighbors - Result
- A single final tree with branch length estimates
- unrooted tree
26Neighbor Joining (NJ)
- Sum of branch lengths in the star tree
- Calculate the sum of all branch lengths for all
possible neighbors
27Neighbor Joining (NJ)
- Calculate Length X-Y
- Calculate again sum of all branch length
28Neighbor Joining (NJ)
29Neighbor Joining (NJ)
- Advantage
- Very efficient
- Also for large datasets
- Disadvantage
- Does not examine all possible topologies
- Used to test the robustness of a tree topology
- by Bradley Efron (1979)
- Felsenstein (1985)
- Principle new MSA datasets are created by
choosing randomly N columns from the original
MSA where N is the length of the original MSA - 100-1000 replicates
- Bootstrap support values (75), 95, 98
31TP5 - 1st part, Exercises 1-5
- http//education.expasy.org/m07_phylo.html
32Ortholog databases phylogenetic databases
- Some databases providing orthologous groups and
trees - COG/KOG
- Ensembl
- OMA browser
- OrthoDB
- OrthoMCL
- Pfam
- TreeBase
- Tree of Life
33Phylogenetic software
- Software packages
- Freely available
- Phylip
- BioNJ
- PhyML
- Tree Puzzle
- MrBayes
- Commercial
34Phylogenetic servers
- http//www.phylogeny.fr/
- http//bioweb.pasteur.fr/seqanal/phylogeny/intro-u
k.html - http//atgc.lirmm.fr/phyml/
- http//phylobench.vital-it.ch/raxml-bb/
- http//www.fbsc.ncifcrf.gov/app/htdocs/appdb/drawp
age.php?appnamePAUP - http//power.nhri.org.tw/power/home.htm
35Sequence methods
- Most common
- Maximum Parsimony (MP)
- Maximum Likelihood (ML)
- Baysian Inference
36Maximum Parsimony (MP)
- Originally developed for morphological characters
- Henning, 1966
- William of Ockham the best hypothesis is the one
that requires the smallest number of assumptions
37Maximum Parsimony (MP)
- Principle
- Estimate the minimum number of substitutions for
a given topology - Parsimony-informative sites (exclude invariable
sites and singletons) - Searching MP trees
- Exhaustive search
- Branch-and-bound (Hendy-Penny, 1982)
- Good but time-consuming, if mgt20
- Heuristic search
- Result tree might not be the most parsimonious
tree - Result
- Multiple result trees are possible (strict
consensus tree, majority-rule consensus tree) - Most parsimonious tree vs true tree
- Unrooted result trees
38Maximum Parsimony (MP)
- Advantages
- Free from assumptions (model-free)
- Disadvantages
- Does not take into account homoplasy
- Long-branch attraction (LBA) creates wrong
topologies, if the substitution rate varies
extensively between lineages
39Maximum Likelihood (ML)
- Cavalli-Sforza, Edwards (1967), gene frequency
data - Felsenstein (1981), nucleotide sequences
- Kishino (1990), proteins
- Principle
- Maximizes the likelihood of observing the
sequence data for a specific model of character
state changes - Likelihood of a site Sum of probabilities of
every possible reconstruction of ancestral states
at the internal nodes - Likelyhood of the tree Product of the
likelihoods for all sites (sum of log
likelihoods) - Result tree with the highest likelihood
- Maximized to estimate branch lengths, not
topologies - Search strategies rarely exhaustive, mostly
heuristic - NNI (Nearest neighbor interchanges)
- TBR (Tree bisection-reconnection)
- SPR (Subtree pruning and regrafting)
40Number of possible trees
- Unrooted bifurcating trees
- Rooted bifurcating trees
41Number of possible trees
42Number of possible trees
Leaves Unrooted Rooted 3 1 3 4
3 15 5 15 105 6 105 945
7 945 10395 8 10395 135135
9 135135 2027025 10 2027025 34459425
43Maximum Likelihood (ML)
- Methods
- ProML (Phylip)
- PhyML
- RaxML
44Tree evaluation
- Topology
- Comparison with species tree
- Robustness, e.g. bootstrap
- Branch lengths
45TP5 2nd part, Exercise 6
- http//education.expasy.org/m07_phylo.html