Title: Professor Review Website
1Professor Review Website
- Ray Lacey
- Ben Lacey
- Doug Mucha
- Dana Gaylord
- Nicole Kelley
- John Cortner
2Project Overview
- What are the benefits of the website?
- From where did the idea originate?
- How will the website be built?
3Business Mission and ObjectivesBusiness Mission
- The mission of the Professor Review Website is
to become as integral a part of course selection
as visiting your student advisor, and to then
leverage that importance to build an online
4Business Mission and ObjectivesBusiness
- Database Construction
- Integrate Site Into Every Students Course
Selection - Gain New Advertisers
- Expand to New Universities
5Industry Analysis and OverviewCompetition
- There are Currently Three Competitors
- www.ratemyprofessors.com
- www.teacherreviews.com
- www.uahunderground.com
6Industry Analysis and OverviewMarket Segments
- UAH Students are the Only Current Market
- Several Factors Effect What Drives UAH Students
and What They Seek
7Industry Analysis and OverviewSituation Analysis
- Current Industry Structure
- Market(s)
- Competition
- Macro Environments
- Opportunity/Thread Identification
8SWOT AnalysisInternal Strengths and Weaknesses
- Internal Strengths
- Strong Marketing Background
- Internal Weaknesses
- Little Website Building Knowledge
9SWOT AnalysisExternal Opportunities and Threats
- External Opportunities
- There is No Current Database for this
Information - External Threats
- Current Competition Could Steal Website
10SWOT AnalysisValue Chain and Value Proposition
- Should the new website use a new or existing
value chain? - What is the general value of the new site?
11Business ModelWhich Business Model is Best?
- Benefits in Operating as an Info-Mediary
- Basic Company Layout
- Administrative Partnership
- Website Construction and Maintenance (Outsourced)
- Site Moderators
- How will the site make money?
12Business ModelResources and Procedural Issues
- What resources will be needed to launch and
maintain the site? - Are there any major procedural issues or
challenges that the site will face?
13Marketing Strategy Positioning and Creating a
Customer Base
- Positioning as the Only Database in Existence
for the Information - Customer Incentives from Advertisers
14Marketing Strategy Integrating Strategies,
Promotion, and Pricing
- Integrating Strategies and Promoting the Site
- On Campus Flyers
- Payment to Students for Advertising
Pricing Structure Cost per
Thousand Benefits and Flaws of This
- Will the site be profitable?
- Will the site be beneficial?
- Will the site be easily expandable?