Title: Management of Internet Domain Names Intellectual Property Considerations
1Management of Internet Domain Names -
Intellectual Property Considerations
APT-ITU Joint Workshops on ENUM and IDN Bangkok-
August 25-26, 2003
- Eun-Joo Min, Senior Legal Officer
- WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
2Trademarks v. Domain Names
- Trademark System
- publicly administered
- territorial legal rights
- examination, review process
- different jurisdiction, classes
- Domain Name System
- largely privately administered
- technical address, resulting in global presence
- first come, first served (no examination, review)
- unique
3WIPO Domain Name Process I
- endorsed by WIPO member states (Sept. 1998)
- Commenced in July 1998 to make recommendations on
questions arising out of the interface between
domain names and intellectual property rights - Final report published in April 1999
4First WIPO Internet Domain Name Process TM-DN
Conflict Trademark - Domain Name
Administrative Procedure
A procedure permitting trademark owners to
resolve clear cases of abusive domain
name registration (cybersquatting) without going
to court.
5Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy
- Approved by ICANN in October 1999
- Administrative procedure
- Limited to abusive registrations
- Mandatory submission by domain name registrants
- Remedies
- Transfer or Cancellation only
- No monetary damages
6UDRP Panel Decision Criteria
- Conditions for obtaining remedies
- 1. Trademark must be identical or confusingly
similar to domain name and - 2. Registrant has no rights or legitimate
interests in domain name and - 3. Domain name is registered and used in bad
faith. - Examples of rights or legitimate interests
- Registrant commonly known by the domain name
- Use for bona fide offering of goods or services
- Examples of bad faith
- registration for purpose of profit sale to
trademark owner - pattern of preventing trademark owners from
registration -
7WIPO UDRP Experience
- Received cases (July 1, 03) 5,162 (leading
provider) - 9,125 domain names (33 multilingual cases)
- famous marks, small and medium enterprises,
individuals - parties from 111 countries
- Resolved cases 4,826 (95,6)
- WIPO panel decisions 3,885
- transfer rate 81 (1 cancellation)
- party settlement 941 cases
- Completion time per case approximately 2 months
- Communication
- Over 1 million Web site hits per month
- Over 40,000 online case communications per year
- 10 case languages
8Intellectual Property in a Multilingual Context
- Coke
- ?-? (Japanese Trademark)
- ?-? (Korean Trademark)
- All owned by The Coca-Cola Company
- PURA VITA (Latin American market)
- PURESSA VITAL (Asian market)
- All owned by Nestlé
9Intellectual Property in a Multilingual Context
- Mark comprising of foreign characters -
translation and transliteration required - Doctrine of Foreign Equivalents
- Test of Confusing Similarity
- overall impression
- phonetical, visual comparison
- conceptual equivalency
- relatedness of goods/services
- Schwartzkopf v. black head
- Agua Fresca v. Cool Water
- Buenos Dias (soap) v. Good Morning (shaving
10Intellectual Property Issues Raised by IDNs
- Identical or confusingly similar?
- 1. ASAHI asahi.com, ???.com,
- ???.com, risingsun.com, etc
- 2. Mark generic word
- asahibeer.com
- asahisucks.com
- ??asahibeer.com
11UDRP in multilingual context before IDNs
- D2000-1836
- Trademark BØRSEN
- Domain Name borsen.com, boersen.com
- D2001-0535
- Trademark PORCÃO
- Domain Name porcao.com
12WIPO UDRP Cases involving IDNs
- 33 cases filed with WIPO
- 26 cases decided (2 in favor of complainant 1 in
favor of respondent) - 7 cases terminated
13Sampling of Disputed Domain Names
- ??.com
- ???.com
- ???.com
- ???????.com
- ??????.com
- ????.com
- ????.com
- schöps.com
- ????.com
- ????.com
- ????.com
- fortunéo.com
- kværner.net
- ?????.com
- ????????.com
- ??.com
- ???.net
- ????.com
- ???????.com
- ???.com
- chériefm.com
- rémycointreau.com
- rémy-cointreau.com
- ???.com
14(No Transcript)
15the domain name is identical or confusingly
similar to a trademark or service mark in which
the complainant has rights(UDRP, Para. 4(a)(i))
- Domain Name
- ??.com
- ????.com
- ????.com
- ???.com
- ????.com
- ?????.com
- fortunéo.com
- Trademark
- ??
- ????
- ????
- ??? tdctrade.com
- ???? (Torinpu) Triumph
- ????? (Raibudoa) livedoor
16(a) the domain name is identical or confusingly
similar to a trademark or service mark in which
the complainant has rights and(b) the domain
name registrant has no rights or legitimate
interests in the domain name and(c) the domain
name was registered and used in bad faith.
(UDRP, Para. 4(a))
17Language of Proceedings (UDRP Rules, Para. 11)
- Language of the registration agreement,
- Unless agreement otherwise between parties,
- Unless specified otherwise in registration
agreement, - Subject to Administrative Panels authority to
determine otherwise
18Language of Proceedings
- ??.com - English
- ???.com- English
- ???.com - English
- ???????.com - English
- ??????.com - English
- ????.Com - Japanese
- ????.com - English
- schöps.com - English
- ????.com - Japanese
- ????.com - English
- ????.com - English
- fortunéo.com - English
- kværner.net - English
- ?????.com - English
- ????????.com - English
- ??.com - Chinese
- ???.net - Japanese
- ????.com - English
- ???????.com - Korean
- ???.com - Chinese
- chériefm.com - English
- rémycointreau.com - English
- rémy-cointreau.com - English
- ???.com - English
19(No Transcript)
- Multilingual
- Expert in the use of non-ASCII characters
- Familiar with local laws
21 Domain Name Language of
Nationality of Proceedings
- ??.com English Korean
- ???.com English Chinese
- ????.com Japanese Japanese
- ????.com English Chinese
- schöps.com English German
- ????.com Japanese Japanese
- ????.com English Chinese
- ????.com English British (Pres.) Chinese,
Singaporean - fortunéo.com English Canadian
- kværner.net English Swede
22WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center as Dispute
Resolution Service Provider
- Parties from 114 countries
- 337 panelists from 46 different countries
- UDRP proceedings currently administered in 10
different languages - (Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese,
Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish) - Web site in six languages
- (English, French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese,
Spanish) - Case managers from 20 countries
23Second WIPO Domain Name Process
- Personal names
- International Nonproprietary Names (INNs)
- Names of international intergovernmental
organizations - Geographical indications, geographical terms
(country names) - trade names
24Up-to-date Information
- Domain Name Dispute Resolution Service
- http//arbiter.wipo.int/domains/
- List of UDRP Decisions
- http//arbiter.wipo.int/domains/decisions/
- E-mail eunjoo.min_at_wipo.int