Policies and Practicalities
Welcome to the 2008 Annual Conference of the
Minnesota Association of Floodplain Managers
(MnAFPM). We appreciate your participation and
look forward to an interesting, informative and
useful conference for all. This Program Guide
will help you get the most out of the conference.
If you have questions, stop by the registration
desk or ask a member of the Conference Team.
Enjoy your time in Bloomington, and thank you for
your interest and participation in the 2008
MnAFPM Conference.
Ramada Mall of America 2300 East American
Boulevard Bloomington, Minnesota
55425-1228 Phone (952) 854-3411, Fax (952)
854-1183 Web www.ramadamoa.com
Registration will be in the Upper
Lobby. Schedules will be posted in the Upper
Lobby. Continental Breakfasts and Social Hours
will be held in Menominee East Room. Training
Workshops will be held in Navajo, Pawnee, and
Winnebago Rooms. Exhibitors will be located in
Menominee East Room. Plenary Sessions will be
held in Chippewa and Cherokee Rooms. Concurrent
Sessions will be held in Navajo and Pawnee
Rooms. Certified Floodplain Managers Exam will
be held in Winnebago Room. Message Board will be
located near registration. Special notices, phone
messages and other information will be posted
Name Tag Stars
Gold Star Speaker Green Star Moderator
The members of the 2008 MnAFPM Conference
Committee extend a special thank you to the
organizations listed below for so graciously
supporting this years conference. It is through
your financial assistance that this conference is
made possible. Thank you.
Mark your calendars now and please join us for
the upcoming events in 2009 SAME / MnAFPM
Luncheon May 27, 2009 - Fort Snelling
Officers Club 2009 Annual MnAFPM
Conference November 2009 - Duluth
- Year Award Winner
- 2003 City of Austin (Tom Smith)
- 2004 City of Granite Falls
- 2005 Obi Sium (MnDNR)
- 2006 City of Montevideo (Steve Jones)
- Tom Lutgen (MnDNR)
- Winona County
Thursday, November 20th Conference Sessions /
AERO-METRIC, Inc. Barr Engineering Houston
Engineering, Inc. Hydro International National
Weather Service PBSJ SEH, Inc. StormTrap MN
Homeland Security URS Corporation Emergency
1140 115 pm Luncheon CHIPPEWA Practica
lities of Floodplain Management in Austin,
MN Guest Speaker Jon Erichson, City of
Austin Being located at the confluence of the
Cedar River with Dobbins and Turtle Creek in the
flat prairie lands of southeastern Minnesota, the
City of Austin has a long history of dealing with
flooding issues. As part of the Citys flood
mitigation efforts, they have implemented
numerous floodplain management tools including,
active participation in FEMAs Community Rating
System, acquisition of repetitive loss
properties, support of formation of watershed
districts, and structural flood mitigation
measures. The City has experienced the six
highest floods of record since 1978, with the
flood of record occurring in 2004 and the third
highest flood occurring just this year, 2008.
Even with the historic floods of recent years,
through the implementation of practical
floodplain management techniques the City has
been able to reduce flood losses. 115 130
pm Break at Exhibit Area
CHIPPEWA Floodplain Policy Whats Working,
Whats Not, and How to Affect Change Moderator
Jeremy Walgrave, SEH Panelists Norbert
Schwartz (FEMA), John Halverson (Sen. Colemans
staff), Jack Spano (Sen. Klobuchars staff),
Matthew Wohlman (Congressman Walzs
staff) Merriam Webster defines policy as, A
definite course or method of action selected from
among alternatives and in light of given
conditions to guide and determine present and
future decisions. What is our current course of
action and does it make sense? What is the role
of federal, state, and local government in
setting floodplain policy? How can we influence
change so that policy is in step with sound
floodplain management? The panel members will
help answer these and other policy related
questions that the audience wishes to
discuss. 300 315 pm Closing Remarks
CHIPPEWA 315 pm Exhibitor Prize Drawing
CHIPPEWA 330 530 pm Exhibitor Booth Breakdown
2008 MnAFPM Conference Committee Members Aaron
Buesing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Brett
Coleman Ntrl. Res. Conservation Service Lisa
Dressler City of Minneapolis Carie Fuhrman NAC
Planning Jennifer Nelson MN Dept. of Public
Safety Krysta Reuter Ramsey County Kristen
Sailer MN Dept. of Public Safety Jeremy
Schultz Wenck Associates, Inc. Ted Shannon HDR,
Inc. Todd Shoemaker Wenck Associates, Inc.
Ceil Strauss MN Dept. of Natural Resources
Nick Tomczik Rice Creek Watershed District
Jeremy Walgrave SEH, Inc. Rita Weaver Barr
Engineering Brad Woznak SEH, Inc.
Board Members Conference Committee Chair and
Board Member
A special thank you to the 2008 MnAFPM Conference
Committee Members for their dedication to
planning this years conference. With your hard
work, the 2008 conference is sure to be a success!
Friday, November 21st CFM Exam
800 Noon Certified Floodplain Manager Exam
WINNEBAGO Proctor Ceil Strauss, DNR
Thursday, November 20h Conference Sessions /
Wednesday, November 19th
Thursday, November 20th
1010 1140 Concurrent Sessions A FLOOD
RESPONSE NAVAJO Moderator Gregg Thielman,
Houston Engineering Hazard Mitigation Plans
Time for 5-year Updates Jennifer Nelson,
Minnesota HSEM The state will explain how the new
Federal Emergency Management Agency requirements
and additional State requirements will affect
jurisdictions and floodplain management. Lessons
Learned during Recent Flooding Benefits of
Community Involvement Tim Terrill, Winona
SWCD Participants will receive a pictoral history
about what was affected by the 2007 flood in
winona county. It will compare and contrast
damages at the MN City site, and teach about
floodplain encroachment.  The session will teach
about how features and non traditional Best
Management Practices had a profound affect
on runoff flows and regulation of water.  The
program will conclude on how the local Soil
Water Conservation District worked with the
community to develop a local steering committee
to deal with issues facing the watershed. Califor
nias Emergency Response to Levee Repairs and
Where do We Go from Here Thomas W. Smith, Ayres
Assoc. Inc. On a sunny day in February 2006,
California's Governor declared a state of
emergency for the levees in the Central Valley
and the repair of critical erosion sites began in
earnest. Later in that same year the voters
authorized over 4 billion in bond moneys for
additional studies and repairs to the system.Â
This presentation discusses how we got there and
where we hope to end up. B PLANNING AND
DESIGN PAWNEE Moderator Lisa Dressler, City of
Minneapolis Underwood Creek Rehabilitation
Phase I Final Design Construction Thomas Sear,
SEH Planning, design and construction effort,
completed by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage
District (MMSD), associated with the
rehabilitation of 6,600 feet of Underwood Creek
watercourse, in the City of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.
 A component of the MMSD Milwaukee County Grounds
Floodwater Storage Facility Project, which will
provide enhanced flood management along the
Menomonee River. Innovative Storm water
Solutions for North Minneapolis Using XP-SWMM
Nathan Campeau, Barr Eng. For many years North
Minneapolis has been plagued by street flooding
of up to six feet during large rain events,
oftentimes flooding homes and garages, causing
extensive damage and frustration for residents.
The City of Minneapolis has partnered with Barr
Engineering to find storm water solutions to
reduce flooding while not increasing the rate of
discharge to a nearby impaired lake. This has
created the opportunity for solutions that blend
traditional stormwater management with low-impact
design alternatives. At every step of the
process, citizen input has been gathered,
resulting in a unique solution that compliments
the neighborhood and will serve as an aesthetic
amenity in addition to mitigating future
flooding. Useful New Internet Tools for
Floodplain Management Ceil Strauss, Minnesota
DNR Learn about a few of the newer web sites
with useful mapping tools and links to other
information related to floodplain management.
Demonstrations of key sites will include the
general public engineer versions of the new DNR
Floodplain Mapper, and the FEMA Map Service
Center online viewers using the National Flood
Hazard Layer.
700-800 am Breakfast Buffet 700-830
am Registration 730-800 am MnAFPM Business
Meeting 800-815 am Commencement/Opening
Remarks 800-330 pm Exhibits Open 815-945
am Plenary Session A
Panel Discussion Practical Flood Response
Guidance 945-1010 am Break at Exhibit
Area 1010-1140 am Concurrent Sessions A
Flood Response B Planning and
Design 1140-115 pm Luncheon Practicalities
of Floodplain Management in Austin,
MN Speaker Jon Erichson, City of
Austin 115-130 pm Break at Exhibit
Area 130-300 pm Plenary Session B Panel
Discussion Floodplain Policy Whats
Working, Whats Not, and How to Affect
Change 300-315 pm Closing Remarks 315
pm Exhibitor Prize Drawing 330-530
pm Exhibitor Booth Breakdown
700-800 am Continental Breakfast 700-830
am Registration 700-430 pm Exhibitor
Setup 800-430 pm Review for Certified
Floodplain Manager Exam 800-1130 am
Floodplain Management 101 800-1130
am Preparedness, Response, and Recovery 1130-1
00 pm Registration 1145-100 pm Lunch on your
own 1200-430 pm Field Tour 100-430 pm FEMA
Letters of Map Change 100-430 pm Riverine
Processes and Hydraulic Structure Design
430-600 pm Registration 430-630
pm Exhibitor Opening with hot hors doeuvres and
cash bar
Friday, November 21st
800-Noon Certified Floodplain Manager Exam
6Wednesday, November 19th Training / Events
700 800 am Continental Breakfast MENOMINEE
EAST 730 830 am Registration UPPER
LOBBY 700 430 pm Exhibitor Setup MENOMINEE
EAST 800 1130 am Floodplain Management 101
NAVAJO Instructors Ceil Strauss
Suzanne Jiwani, DNR Waters This short course
provides a basic overview of the National Flood
Insurance Program (NFIP) and Minnesotas
Floodplain Management Program. Topics include key
definitions and concepts, how to use
flood-insurance-study data and maps, permitted
and non-permitted uses of the floodplain, flood
protection development standards, and flood
insurance. The target audience is elected and
appointed officials, new engineering, planning
and zoning staff surveyors, appraisers,
insurance agents and lenders. 800 1130 am
Preparedness, Response and Recovery for the
Local Floodplain Official PAWNEE
Instructors John Moore Kristen Sailer, MN
Homeland Security Emergency Mgmt Minnesota
Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM)
will provide useful information to local
floodplain officials regarding what to do in time
of rising waters! This class will cover how to
create a pre-disaster plan, implementation of
your plan, what to do during a flooding event,
how to work with responders, coordinate efforts
with voluntary agencies, and steps to recover
from a flood event. 830 430 pm Review
Session for Certified Floodplain Managers
Exam WINNEBAGO Instructor Jen Marcy, PBSJ The
Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM)
offers a national certification exam for those
with extensive floodplain management knowledge.
This exam, offered at this conference from 800
Noon on Friday, November 21, covers the history
and regulations of the National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP), natural and beneficial value of
floodplains, mitigation, flood map reading,
Elevations Certificates, and floodplain ordinance
administration. 1145 100 pm Lunch on your
own 1130 100 pm Registration UPPER
LOBBY 1200 430 pm Field Tour Flood
Control and Stormwater Projects in the Twin
Cities LOBBY Led by
Jeremy Schultz, Wenck Assoc., Inc. This year's
tour will highlight various flood control and
stormwater projects in the Twin Cities. At 1200,
tour participants will load the bus and head to
St. Paul to view new flood control walls at the
downtown airport (Holman Field). Then, the
participants will go to Bloomington to view a
collapsed and partially obstructed culvert at a
railroad crossing of Nine Mile Creek. The tour
will then visit two large stormwater facilities
one adjacent to the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport
and the other adjacent to MN Hwy. 77. Finally,
the tour will conclude at the Minnesota Wildlife
Refuge for a discussion on the impacts of
stormwater, flooding, and wildlife. Box lunches
will be provided to tour participants. 100
430 pm FEMA Letters of Map Change PAWNEE Instr
uctors Allison Westlund Matthew Richards,
Michael Baker Jr. Inc. Topics covered will
include data requirements and review procedures
for FEMA MT-1 and MT-2 requests. The discussion
will include time lines, forms, as well as common
submittal problems. A brief discussion on FEMAs
new eLOMA tool and how Licensed Land Surveyors
and Professional Engineers may utilize this new
application to submit and approve their own MT-1
applications. We will conclude with a short
review of the pSOMA, community involvement in map
modernization, and the impacts of the Final SOMA,
Revalidation letters, and effective maps on
communities and property owners. This discussion
will include procedures for submitting requests
for re-issuances to FEMA after a new map becomes
100 430 pm Riverine Processes and Hydraulic
Structure Design NAVAJO Instructor Marty E. Rye,
P.E., CFM, USFS Superior Forest
Hydrologist Engineers and floodplain managers
have historically managed riverine corridors and
crossings to convey flood flows. However, this
focus on in-channel peak flow hydraulic
conveyance has several shortcomings. This course
will discuss the processes of design and
management philosophies in the scope of the big
picture that accommodates ecological function and
management of risk to the constructed
environment. 430 600 pm Registration
UPPER LOBBY 430 630 pm Exhibitor
Opening MENOMINEE EAST with hot hors doeuvres
and cash bar
700 800 am Breakfast Buffet MENOMINEE
EAST 700 830 am Registration UPPER
LOBBY 730 800 am MnAFPM Business
Meeting CHIPPEWA 800 815 am COMMENCEMENT /
Buesing, MnAFPM Chair Jackie Nicholson,
PBSJ 800 330 pm Exhibits Open MENOMINEE
CHIPPEWA Practical Flood Response
Guidance Moderator Kristen Sailer, MN
HSEM Panelists Eric Johnson (Winona County),
Pat Bailey (Winona County), Bill Huber (DNR),
and Vic Kurz (FEMA) Unfortunately, southeast
Minnesota has had ample opportunity to test out
flood response measures in 2007 and 2008. The
panel members will share their experiences in
responding to the recent flooding, giving
practical guidance to those who will face the
challenges of the next flood event in
Minnesota. 945 1010 am Break at Exhibit