- Department of Clinical Microscopy
- Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang
Mai University
Symptoms Pallor Jaundice
Palpitation Dyspnea
Virtigo Peptic
ulcer Glossitis
Dysphagia etc
3Classification of Anemia
- I. Etiologic Classification
- 1. Impaired RBC production
- 2. Excessive destruction
- 3. Blood loss
- II. Morphologic Classification
- 1. Macrocytic anemia
- 2. Microcytic hypochromic anemia
- 3. Normochromic normocytic anemia
- III. Kinetic Classification
- IV. Physiologic Classification
4Impaired RBC Production
- 1. Abnormal bone marrow
- 1.1 Aplastic anemia
- 1.2 Myelophthisis Myeloficrosis, Leukemia,
- Cancer metastasis
- 2. Essential factors deficiency
- 2.1 Deficiency anemia Fe, Vit. B12, Folic
acid, etc - 2.2 Anemia in renal disease Erythropoietin
- 3. Stimulation factor deficiency
- 3.1 Anemia in chronic disease
- 3.2 Anemia in hypopituitarism
- 3.3 Anemia in hypothyroidism
5Excessive Destruction of RBC(cont.)
- Hemolytic anemia
- 1. Intracorpuscular defect
- 1.1 Membrane Hereditary spherocytosis
- Hereditary
ovalocytosis, etc. - 1.2 Enzyme G-6PD deficiency, PK def.,
etc. - 1.3 Hemoglobin Thalassemia,
pathies -
6Excessive Destruction of RBC
- 2. Extracorpuscular defect
- 2.1 Mechanical March hemolytic anemia
(Microangiopathic HA) - 2.2 Chemical/Physical
- 2.3 Infection Clostridium tetani
- 2.4 Antibodies HTR, SLE
- 2.5 Hypersplenism
7Blood Loss
- 1. Acute blood loss Accident, GI bleeding
- 2. Chronic blood loss Hypermenorrhea
- Parasitic
infestation -
8Macrocytic Anemia
- MCV gt 94
- MCHC gt 31
- 1. Megaloblastic dyspoiesis
- 1.1 Vit. B12 deficiency Pernicious anemia
- 1.2 Folic acid deficiency Nutritional
megaloblas- - tic anemia, Sprue, Other
malabsorption - 1.3 Inborn errors of metabolism Orotic
aciduria, - etc.
- 1.4 Abnormal DNA synthesis Chemotherapy,
- Anticonvulsant, Oral contraceptives
9Macrocytic Anemia
- MCV gt 94
- MCHC gt 31
- 2. Non-Megaloblastic dyspoiesis
- 2.1 Increased erythropoiesis Hemolytic
anemia - response to hemorrhage
- 2.2 Increased membrane surface area
Hepatic - disease, Obstructive jaundice,
Post- splenectomy - 2.3 Idiopathic Hypothyroidism, Hypoplastic
and - Aplastic anemia
10Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia
- MCV lt 80
- MCHC lt 31
- 1. Fe deficiency anemia Chronic blood loss,
- Inadequate diet, Malabsorption, Increased
- demand, etc.
- 2. Abnormal globin synthesis Thalassemia with
or - without Hemoglobinopathies
- 3. Abnormal porphyrin and heme synthesis
- Pyridoxine responsive anemia, etc.
- 4. Other abnormal Fe metabolism
11Normocytic Normochromic Anemia
- MCV 82 - 92
- MCHC gt 30
- 1. Blood loss
- 2. Increased plasma volume Pregnancy,
Overhydration - 3. Hemolytic anemia depend on each cause
- 4. Hypoplastic marrow Aplastic anemia, RBC
aplasia - 5. Infiltrate BM Leukemia, Multiple myeloma,
- Myelofibrosis, etc.
- 6. Abnormal endocrine Hypothyroidism, Adrenal
- insufficiency, etc.
- 7. Kidney disease / Liver disease / Cirrhosis
12Kinetic Classification of Anemia
- 1. Insufficient erythropoiesis
- Stem cells , Hypoplastic marrow,
Infiltrated BM - 2. Ineffective erythropoiesis
- - Megaloblastic anemia
- - Thalassemia
- - Sideroblastic anemia
- 3. Uncompensated hemolytic disease with
continued - bleeding
13 Physiologic Classification of Anemia
- 1. RPI (Reticulocyte Production Index) lt 2
- (Ineffective erythropoiesis)
- 1.1 Hypoproliferative anemia
- 1.2 Maturation disorder
- 2. RPI gt 3 (Effective erythropoiesis
- 2.1 Hemolytic anemia
- 2.2 Blood loss anemia
14 Physiologic Classification of Anemia
- 1. RPI (Reticulocyte Production Index) lt 2
- (Ineffective erythropoiesis)
- 1.1 Hypoproliferative anemia
- (normocytic normochromic, N/N)
- - Hypoplastic anemia - Idiopathic/
Chemical/ Infectious / Drug --gt
Maturation arrest - - Myelophthisic anemia (Marrow
infiltration) - - Refractory anemia (Dysmyelopoietic
15Physiologic Class. of Anemia RPI lt 2
- 1.1.1 N/N and normal RDW
- a) BM failure
- b) Decrease marrow stimulation
- - Endocrine disease
- - Anemia of chronic
disease - - Renal disease
- 1.1.2 Abnormal RBC morphology RDW
- a) Oval macrocyte - Refractory
dysmyelo- poietic - b) Dacrocytes/ tear drops -
16Physiologic Class. of Anemia RPI lt 2
- 1.2 Maturation disorder
- 1.2.1 Microcytic, high RDW
- a) Siderblastic (Microcytic
dimorphic RBC) - b) Fe def. (Microcytic
hypochromic RBC) - 1.2.2 Microcytic, normal RDW
- a) Heterozygous, thalassemia
syndrome b) Anemia of chronic disease - 1.2.3 Macrocytic
- a) Liver disease
- b) Folate def.
- c) Vit. B12 def.
- d) Hemolytic anemia (Normocyte
17 Physiologic Classification of Anemia
- 2. RPI gt 3
- (Effective erythropoiesis)
- 2.1 Hemolytic anemia
- - Intrinsic hereditary disorder -
Extrinsic acquired disorder - 2.2 Blood loss
- - Acute blood loss
- - Chronic blood loss (without treatment
--gt micro- - cytic, hypochromic anemia)
18Evaluation of Anemia
- A. Hematologic
- 1. Hematocrit (VPRC preferred)
- 2. Hemoglobin concentration
- 3. RBC indices MCV, MCH, MCHC
- 4. Leukocyte count
- 5. Reticulocyte count
- 6. Platelet count
- 7. ESR (Erythrocyte sedimentation rate)
- 8. Stained blood smear RBC morphology
19Evaluation of Anemia
- B. Urine analysis
- 1. Appearance Color, pH, Clarity, sp gr
- 2. Test for protein, Bence Jones protein
- 3. Bilirubin, Uribilinogen
- 4. Occult blood
- 5. Microscopic examination
- C. Stool
- 1. Appearance Color, consistency
- 2. Occult blood
- 3. Examination for ova, parasites
20Evaluation of Anemia
- D. Serum or Plasma
- 1. BUN
- 2. Creatinine, if urea N is abnormal
- 3. Bilirubin Direct, indirect
- 4. Protein
- 5. SI (Serum iron), TIBC (Total iron binding
- capacity)
- E. Special tests in hematology
- Hb typing / Ham acid test / Coombs test,
G-6PD, Ferritin, Sucrose test, Autohemolysis
test, Haptoglobin, etc.
21 DDx of Common Anemia in Thailand
Hb lt 9-10 gm/dL
- 1. Acute anemia
- 1.1 Acute blood loss
- BP , Pulse --gt Acute hemorrhage
- 1.2 No acute blood loss
- Jaundice, hemoglobinuria --gt G-6-PD def.
- Jaundice, No hemoglobinuria --gt AIHA (NCNC), HS
(Spherocycyte), hemoglobin H disease (HCMC) - Jaundice, fever --gt Malaria
- No jaundice --gt G-6-PD def., Hb H, Acute leukemia
22 DDx of Common Anemia in Thailand
Hb lt 9-10 gm/dL
- 2. Chronic anemia
- 2.1 No hepatosplenomegaly
- No petichiae and purpura --gt Fe def. Anemia,
anemia of chronic disease, folate def. - Petichiae purpura --gt ITP Fe def., Acute
leukemia (Blast cell), Aplastic anemia - Chronic disease --gt Chronic renal failure,
rheumatoid arthritis, infective
endocarditis, hypothyroidism, etc.
23 DDx of Common Anemia in Thailand
Hb lt 9-10 gm/dL
- 2. Chronic anemia
- 2.2 Hepatosplenomegaly
- Mongoloid face --gt Thalassemia
- No Mongoloid face with lymphadenopathy --gt
DDx Acute leukemia, lymphoma, TB lymph node - Liver disease
The End