Title: Moving Towards GEOSS
1Moving Towards GEOSS
- Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., U.S.
Navy (Ret.) - Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans
Atmosphere - Future National Operational Environmental
Satellite Symposium- AMS 2006 - January 31 2006
- Global Earth Observation Systems of System
Implementation Update - Satellites and GEOSS Space is the Backbone
- GEOSS Implementation Effective Partnership
3Global Earth Observations System of Systems
(GEOSS) Implementation Update
4Global Earth Observation System of
SystemsIntegrated Observations Data Management
5GEO Moves ForwardWorking Towards Implementation
- Adopted formal GEO organization and 10-year
implementation plan - Held GEO I in May 2005, and GEO II in December
2005 - Selected new GEO Secretariat Director, Jose
Achache - Accepted 2006 Work Plan, adopted a budget and
formally created GEO Committees - Architecture and Data Capacity Building Science
and Technology User Interface and Working Group
on Tsunami Activities
6GEO Moves ForwardWorking Towards Implementation
- Near-Term Implementation Efforts
- Working Group on Tsunami Activities continuing to
provide integration observation requirements to
the Indian Ocean Tsunami Early Warning System
effort - United States announced intention to move GOES
satellite to a position to help offset the lack
of sounder data over South America - GEO-Netcast proposed as tangible near term
project to implement GEOSS
7USGEO Near-Term Opportunities
- USGEO focusing on 6 Near-Term Opportunities
- Disasters
- Drought / National Integrated Drought Information
System - Land Observation
- Air Quality
- Sea Level
- Data Management
- Currently developing plans for all the Near-Term
opportunities - Will be available for public review in the next
several months
8Satellites and GEOSS Space is the Backbone
9NOAAs Mission Vision
- NOAAs Vision
- An informed society that uses a comprehensive
understanding of the role of the oceans, coasts,
and atmosphere in the global ecosystem to make
the best social and economic decisions - NOAAs Mission
- To understand and predict changes in the Earths
environment and conserve and manage coastal and
marine resources to meet the Nations economic,
social and environmental needs
10NOAA Budget
11Satellite Contributions To GEOSS
12Space-based Observing SystemsOperational
Environmental Satellites
13National Polar Orbiting Operational Environmental
Satellite System(NPOESS)
- Technical Challenges and Cost Overruns to the
Program - Independent Program Assessment Team provided
analysis of options for the program - Options being evaluating by cost analysis experts
- Proposed changes to structure of Integrated
Program Office - Program Executive structure under review
- Nunn-McCurdy notification to Congress
- Working with Air Force to recertify the program
- Dedicated to finding appropriate solution
14Geostationary Operational Environmental
Satellite-R Program (GOES-R)
- The Secretary of Commerce approved next phase of
program development - System Program Definition
and Risk Reduction (PDRR). Three industry teams
awarded Boeing Space Systems, Lockheed Martin,
and Northrop Grumman - FY06 Budget Presidents Request241M
Enacted219M - GOES-R System Acquisition and Operations phase to
begin in 2007 - RFP release currently planned for end of Calendar
Year 2006
15Importance to NOAAs Mission
Hurricane Katrina
Florida Fires
Middle East Dust Storms
Snow Cover/Wind Chill
Atmospheric River (Jan 9 2005)
Fatal mudslides and floods (Jan 10 2005)
16GEOSS ImplementationEffective Partnership
17GEOSS Vision for the Future
- Moving towards the vision
- Establish a governance structure (international
and domestic) - Identify near-term opportunities and begin
development of implementation plans - Develop a common system architecture
- Integrate existing systems and capabilities
- Identify and address gaps
- Improve capabilities through research and
18Broad Participation
- Participation by user community is critical to
ensure that priorities are properly aligned with
needs -
For more information http//www.earthobservation