Title: Managed Learning Environment Solution Presented by: and
1Managed Learning EnvironmentSolution Presented
2Presentation team
- Nils Olav Sundsteigen
- Managing Director Fronter UK
- James Grew
- Account Manager
- Introduction by Local Authority LGfL
- Solution overview
- Live demonstration
- Coffee break
- Case studies
- Training, CPD and implementation
- Whats next?
- Summary
- QA
4Who we are
- Fronter
- No 1 Learning platform provider in
Europe - 2,000 schools in Europe, 2.2m users
- Gold seal of excellence for ICT
- NCSL Talk2learn service jointly with
LogicaCMG - LogicaCMG
- World top 20 IT Services company
- 2Bn turnover
- 30,000 employees of which 2,000 are in London
- Key Clients Ofsted,UCAS, UfI, DfES,LSC
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6Drivers for Change
- DfES Personalised Learning Space target
- The 14-19 Agenda and BSF
- Proliferation of pupil accounts
- Stronger VLE functionality for our more
advanced users - Moving on My Space, Blogs, wikis,
YouTube, pod casts
7- Why a managed learning environment
- for London?
How was the specification decided?
How was the preferred bidder selected?
8The eStrategy -key targets
- A key objective is to provide
- a personalised learning space with the
potential to support e-portfolios available to
every school by 2007-08 - The aspiration is that by 2010 all schools will
have integrated learning and management systems
9What is it?
10The London MLE Solution
1190 integrated tools in one solution
12MLE, data integration
- Dynamic links to MIS systems
- Import of content from legacy systems
13A School
in a Local Authority
14A School
in a Local Authority
in London
15Our Metaphors
Unique id
16Live demo
17Who will this benefit?
19How will it work?
20London Schools reference group
- Fast service - on the LGfL network
- High Availability
- co-located with Earls Court and Park Royal
- Environmentally controlled and monitored
- Security
- Resilient power / generator
22The London MLE - comparisons
23Case Studies
24Ranvilles Infant School
25Using Fronter for Year 2 Book Reviews
Fiona Aubrey-Smith, Ranvilles Infant School,
Hampshire County Council.
26Using Fronter for a Class Pet Diary
Fiona Aubrey-Smith, Ranvilles Infant School,
Hampshire County Council.
27Using Fronter to share topic research
Fiona Aubrey-Smith, Ranvilles Infant School,
Hampshire County Council.
28Central resources for a topic
Fiona Aubrey-Smith, Ranvilles Infant School,
Hampshire County Council.
29Fronter has enabled staff, children and parents
to work together in a way which is enjoyable and
beneficial for all of us. Children are inspired
and excited. Childrens families are engaged and
interactive. Teaching staff are delighted!
Fiona Aubrey-Smith, Ranvilles Infant School,
Hampshire County Council.
30Zach is really enjoying online learning and we
have none of the resistance to homework that we
sometimes used to have with paper work. He also
has longer concentration and more motivation this
way. Parent
Mrs Aubrey-Smith, please will you give me more
online homework? Year 1 child (who had done the
Phonics Wordbank Quiz 7 times by this point!)
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33Collaboration at East Barnet School
34Personally, I think the new school building
should be decorated with bright and bold colours!
The students and teachers would want to come to
school, as the school would have a lovely, warm
and exciting feeling!
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36 37Implementation, Training, and CPD
38 39Training at the school
- Workshop with SMT
- Two days training for
- Local administrator
- Power user
- eLearning courses available to all members of
40Future Perspectives
41Short term
- Handheld devices
- Web 2.0 (blog, rss, wiki)
- Ajax interface / dragndrop
- API / Tools Interoperable Framework / OKI
- Microsoft integration
42Is this Word? No! It is a ajax text editor
(Thinkfree) in a standard web browser (Firefox)
43Is this PowerPoint? No! It is a ajax presentation
program (Think Free) in a standard web browser
(Firefox). This presentation is made in Think
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46Is this FronterOS?
47NO! It was all just a ajax web page in a web
browser, and the web browser was maximized to
your screen. ...but it felt like, looked like,
and even behaved like an operating system.
48Summary -What will it mean for my school?
- A personalised learning space
- An integrated learning and
management systems - Tailoring content to users needs and learning
styles - Supporting anytime, anywhere learning
- Enabling peer/mentor dialogue
- Assessment for learning
- Personal ePortfolio
49Whats next?
- Contact your LA to state your interest
- Opportunity to take part in a pilot in June 07
- Schools that want to get started in September 07
needs to sign up before 1st May 07 - Please contact your LA you want to start before
September 07 - www.fronter.co.uk www.lgfl.net
50Want to try Fronter?
- Go to www.fronter.com/uktrain