Title: The Managed Security Services from ESDS
1Managed Security ServicesAn ESDS Offering
2Company Overview
3About ESDS
- Born with a global mind-set, ESDS began its
operations from the Tier 2 city of Nashik (India)
in 2005 and presently has its footprint in 19
nations across APAC, Europe, Middle East, the
Americas and Africa. ESDS acts as a catalyst for
digital transformation in the modern
outcome-based economy by enabling organizations
to embrace advanced technologies. - At ESDS, we believe in creating lifetime
relationships and fostering a culture of
co-existence by uniting minds that are passionate
about delivering innovative solutions and
exuberant customer experience. More than 750
organizations, backed by a committed workforce at
ESDS, have successfully achieved their business
4Common Cyber Security Threats Globally
5Cyber Security in Indian Scenario-A Snapshot
6SOC Solutions
7SOC Solutions
8Growing Importance of SOC
- Determines the complete security (Cyber, digital
information security) team functionality of any
business organizationon - Responsible for assessment and implementation of
the security posture for an organization - Deploying and managing layers of security with
the aim of protecting valuable data of an
organization - SOC-as-a-Service helps the companies to
distinguish real threats and act on these
problems with higher focus and urgency
9Growing Importance of SOC(Cont.)
- Involves components like- infrastructure,
process, people, and other devices for converting
and reactive monitoring, assessment, testing
along remediation for all threats- potential as
well as actual - Includes constant knowledge, skill and system for
pulling out potential threats from large data
volumes collected analysed - Companies working on huge networks collect huge
critical data logs. All these require advanced
10SOC Services(Eagle Eye Services)
- Data aggregation
- Correlation and security monitoring
- Analytics
- Alerting
- Dashboards
- Compliance
- Log Retention (1 Month)
- Incident response
- Defining different reports and sending monthly
reports of all security incidents. - Monitoring different events on 247 basis.
- Threat Intelligence
- User Behaviour Event Analytics
- Machine Learning
- Real time Threat Hunting detection
- Intimating customers about security risk and
incidents and suggesting require actions. - Studying and Reporting anomalies
11SOC Services(Security Insight Services)
- Security Posture Analysis
- Understanding roles and responsibilities
- System and Network architecture study
- Planning deployment techniques
- Security Incident Threat Analysis
- Integration with monitoring Services
- Devices traffic Monitoring
- Network flow analyzer
- Traffic analysis and reporting
- Network Flow Assessment
- Database Activity Assessment
- Application Performance Assessment
- Performing Vulnerability scans
- Review Application system _at_ client IT environment
- Monitoring, logging, Reporting
12SOC Services(Total Secure Services)
- All Security Eagle Eye Insight services
deliverables - Proactive Remediation of Security incidents with
Customer in Loop - Onsite availability of ESDS Security expert at
critical security issues on resolution advisory - Periodic client visit of ESDS Security expert for
verifying security environment
13eNlight WAF
- A software solution designed for protecting web
applications from threats and attacks - Enterprises are using several public facing
applications - Detects and prevents OWASP TOP-10 Threats
15eNlight WAF Modules
16eNlight WAF Features Lifecycle
- OWASP Top-10 Defender
- In-built Load Balancer
- Source IP Reputation Analysis
- Log Analysis (SIEM)
- Learning Mode
- Virtual Patching
- Source IP Reputation Analysis
- Customizable WAF Ruleset
17eNlight WebVPN
18Features of eNlight WebVPN
Supports Windows, MAC, Linux and mobile OS
Supports for HTML5 applications, Websocket, RDP,
FTP protocols, CGI applications
Integrate with multiple identity providers
simultaneously(AD, LDAP, Radius etc.)
Multifactor authentication with SMS and Email OTP
Time based OTP with Google and Microsoft
WAF protects from OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities
Granular Application Access Control
19Benefits of eNlight WebVPN
Anywhere Accessibility
Anywhere Deployment
Authorization Protection
Integrate with any identity providers to
authenticate users ML capability for anomaly
Across all desktop OS, Browsers Mobile Devices
Deployment on Public, on-Premise or hybrid cloud
for private secured access
20eNlight Web VPN v/sLegacy VPN
eNlight Web VPN Legacy VPN
Clientless WebVPN Client or Agent Based
More secure- giving access to only applications Less secure- gives access to complete network
Cost-effective solution High Cost
Granular access control Fixed access control
Dont need to reconnect when Internet network changes Need to reconnect in case of Internet network changes
Easy to deploy and use Complex deployment and usage
Scalable and HA Less scalable and HA
Includes WAF and OWASP Top-10 Vulnerabilities WAF and other security features not available
21 Concluding Remarks
Thus, for any organization managed security
services play an important role in enhancing the
security posture, alerting against top
vulnerabilities along with rapid and anywhere
deployment. If youre interested to leverage any
of the mentioned managed security services in
your organization, feel free to reach Team
ESDS through