Title: Love in Action DEVELOPING LEADERS
- Presentation by the
- United Methodist Women
- Annual Conference 2009
2Book of Discipline, 2004, Para.256.5
In every local church there shall be an
organized unit of United Methodist Women
3United Methodist Women
- The organized unit
- shall be a community of women
- whose PURPOSE is to know God
- and to experience freedom as whole persons
through Jesus Christ - to develop a creative supportive fellowship
- and to expand concepts of mission
- through participation in the global ministries
- of the church.
5The Purpose of United Methodist Women
- The total program reflects the historical thrust
of mission through - Spiritual Growth
- Mission Education
- Christian Social Involvement
- Support of women, children,
- and youth
- Nearly one million - laywomen
- in the United States have
- chosen to be members of a special organization
with a specific purpose - United Methodist Women
- Approximately 24,484 laywomen
- in 724 units, in the West Ohio Conference have
chosen to be members of the organization of
United Methodist Women
8Young Women,Ready to Serve
9This community of women is -
- Centered in relationship with God through Jesus
Christ. - Focused on ministries with women, children, and
youth. - Involved in mission, locally and globally.
- Committed to inclusiveness.
- Pledged to financial support through Mission
Giving - Engaged in development and use of skills for
service, leadership, leadership development, and
personal growth. - Encouraged to work with other organizations on
issues of mutual concern.
10Spiritual Growth
- Centered in a relationship
- with God through
- Jesus Christ
11Spiritual Growth
- Local units, districts and conferences are
encouraged to have retreats. - Annually, United Methodist Women in each of the
eight districts in the conference, has spiritual
retreats and/or inspirational events for the
members in their districts.
12Women Ready to Serve
- Engage in the development
- and use of skills for
- service, leadership development and
- personal growth.
13Mission Education
- Mission education programs include
- Leadership Training Events
- Cooperative School of Christian Mission
- Mission Studies
- United Methodist Seminars
- National Seminar
- Reading Program
14Leadership Training Events
- Local units, districts, and conference United
Methodist Women are expected to participate in
training events and leadership development
experiences each year.
15Conference Schools of Christian Mission
- Every year more than 20,000 children, youth,
women, men, clergy, laity, United Methodist and
non-United Methodist participate in 64
Conference Schools of Mission and Mission
Education Events around the country.
16West Ohio CooperativeSchool of Christian Mission
- In 2008,
- 265 United Methodist Women attended the 4-Day,
Weekend, and 1-Day Cooperative School at Ohio
Northern University - The 4-Day school was attended by 10 Young Adults
and 12 Youth - The Weekend Event was attended by 11 children
17West Ohio Conference Cooperative School of
Christian Mission
18Cooperative School of Christian Mission
193 Mission Study Topics
- 2009 School of Mission Theme
- Together at the Table
- Food Faith
- The Beauty and Courage of Sudan
- Giving Our Hearts Away Native American Survival
(Parts 1 2)
20Education Training
- Seminar Program
- National and international Affairs
- Women in mission seek transformation of systems
that oppress, exploit, and marginalize women,
children, and youth in church and society.
- Do not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your minds, so
that you may discern what is the will of God - what is acceptable and perfect
- Romans 122
23- West Ohio Conference of
- United Methodist Women
- make a difference