Title: Give and receive love (1)
Give And Receive Love
Yuvaap 2023
Our universe operates on a dynamic exchange.
Giving and receiving are two different threads of
this energy flow. What we are willing to give is
what we seek, which means whatever we offer to
the universe, it reflects back to us in abundance.
Yuvaap 2023
3The power of giving and receiving love
This dynamic exchange of giving and receiving is
beautifully illustrated by Mother Nature. The
tree gives us oxygen in exchange for carbon
dioxide. Insects gift us with pollination in
exchange for nectar. Several spiritual leaders
across the globe emphasise the intention behind
giving and receiving. If the act of giving comes
from a positive and loving heart, then the energy
behind it will multiply. However, if we are
holding a grudge, then there will be no energy
behind it and it will not manifold. Some of the
most precious gifts are care, attention,
admiration, and love, and they are absolutely
Yuvaap 2023
Yuvaap 2023
5Giving is crucial for your wellbeing
This dynamic exchange of giving and receiving is
beautifully illustrated by Mother Nature. The
tree gives us oxygen in exchange for carbon
dioxide. Insects gift us with pollination in
exchange for nectar. Several spiritual leaders
across the globe emphasise the intention behind
giving and receiving. If the act of giving comes
from a positive and loving heart, then the energy
behind it will multiply. However, if we are
holding a grudge, then there will be no energy
behind it and it will not manifold. Some of the
most precious gifts are care, attention,
admiration, and love, and they are absolutely
Yuvaap 2023
6Improves mental wellbeing
Giving improves our health by reducing stress.
Adults who volunteer for social causes feel
motivated. Seniors tend to live healthier and
longer and are less likely to develop
neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimers
disease. Spending 200 hours volunteering reduces
blood pressure, stress and improves physical and
mental wellbeing.
Yuvaap 2023
7Giving promotes social interaction
Selfless acts of giving always come back to us in
abundance. Additionaly, this kind gesture brings
both giver and recipient closer.
Yuvaap 2023
8Giving can be used to communicate or develop
While giving or receiving a sense of thankfulness
is crucial for health and happiness. When you
express your gratitude through words and actions,
it increases your optimism.
Yuvaap 2023
9Giving and serving others are contagious
People who witness generosity are inspired to be
more generous to different people. Therefore, a
person can inspire a dozen people in his network
even if they have never met them. So when you
help others, it also inspires others to help,
which is incredible and increases charity.
Yuvaap 2023
10The value of receiving
Like giving, receiving is also vital. Allow
yourself to be a gracious recipient. It does not
imply that one should expect people to contribute
more to you because you are important. It should
be about receiving a gift without feeling needy
and guilty. Let go of any negative feelings while
Yuvaap 2023
11In a world where you can anything, be kind.
Giving and receiving are components of the same
energy flow in the universe. Both the giver and
the receiver are essential. Giving can bring
much-needed change and healing to the world.
Spending more time thinking about what you can
offer brings happiness to our lives. Practice
selfless giving and receiving, as it indicates
how much you cherish other people. It encourages
love, healthy relationships, constructive
debates, and a healthy space for growth and
companionship. It strengthens your social
Yuvaap 2023
Since ancient times, the greatest thinkers have
emphasised the fact that happiness only arises
from serving others. Therefore, trust the power
of the universe and invest yourself in the habit
of offering goodwill to others. You may never
know how the universe will bestow its blessings
on you.
Yuvaap 2023
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SOURCE Give And Take In Relationship
Yuvaap 2023