Being ill in hospital: childrens perspectives - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Being ill in hospital: childrens perspectives


it were a bit weird... I'm terrified of needles and stuff' ... Children and the sick role ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Being ill in hospital: childrens perspectives

Being ill in hospital childrens perspectives
Dr. Penny Curtis, School of Nursing and
Midwifery Professor Allison James, Dept. of
Sociological Studies Dr. Jo Birch Centre for the
Study of Childhood and Youth University of
  • What is it like being an ill child in hospital?
  • Experiences that children bring with them
  • Recollection of previous experiences of hospital
  • Children do not generally find hospitals scary
  • When are hospitals scary?
  • The impact of medical condition and clinical
  • What do children do and how do they use hospital
    spaces when they are ill?

What is it like being a sick child in hospital?
  • Previous experience of hospital
  • I've been in for random, like my teeth and
    things 14f
  • appendix out and admissions for infections 13m
  • to remove play-doh from my ear 5m
  • Some children have substantial experience of a
    protracted period of time e.g. cystic fibrosis /
    sickle cell / diabetes etc

How do children remember hospital spaces?
  • Improving the built environment in which
    healthcare is delivered by innovative planning
    and design in one of the central tenets of the
    new philosophy. (Improving the Patient Experience
    Friendly Healthcare Environments for Children
    and Young People p.9)

How do children remember hospital spaces?
  • Many children had few, indistinct memories of
    hospital spaces. When asked about their previous
    experiences, the commonest responses were cant
    remember or dont know.
  • I think I came because of my twitching. I cant
    remember anything else. 7f
  • 6m had visited the eye dept of the local adult
    hospital. He couldnt remember anything about
    this. Mum prompted They put that stuff in your
    eye I remember when that lady put it in my eye
    but I dont, nothing else
  • 12f had been to hospital before for dental
    extractions I cant remember much

  • Int Can you remember anything about (hospital)
  • 9m Having my tonsils out
  • Int Right, yeah
  • 9m When I were first born
  • Int So, when you were first born, do you
    remember any of that or do you remember like
    being told you had it?
  • 9m No, I just remember because, normally used to
    look at my scan Ive still got the scan
  • Int Oh so youve got a scan left from it, so
    were you like a baby?
  • 9m Yeah

What do children who are experienced in the
hospital recollect?
  • 8m CF remembered previous admission because it
    was his birthday boring having to sit in cubicle
    for a long time previous ward was good
    recalls bed numbering and view of a crane
    remembers café in another hospital with nice food
    and a good play room.
  • 15m CF old numbers of wards friendships with
    other children who he wasnt really meant to
    talk to wheelchair racing senior medical staff
    that he liked.
  • 8f Asthma sleeping in ward with other children
    noisy Cant remember where shes been in
    hospital playroom, books and stuff,
    playstations in another hospital (doesnt
    remember the operation she had there).

Hospitals are not generally scary places for
Clinical experiences that tend to be experienced
  • X-ray
  • Scans
  • Others Action lab, plaster room

  • 15f Its a bit like this and they like take
    photos of you, whats wrong with you and that
    She liked it because it really shows everything,
    that they're doing
  • 10f Its where they see whats the matter .. You
    lie down and they sorted me out there
  • 6f When I went to X-ray I had to take all my
    clothes off and on the picture there was a teeny
    bit of air you could see. The air was white! It
    is supposed to be white

  • 14f The scan place, its like big gear round
    your head it were a bit weird, because of like,
    it were like right tight, so sort of like
    claustrophobic but it was alright they had like
    a radio on it, playing in my ears as well
    Headphones, big headphones, because it was that
    noisy, they had radio on
  • 9f I can't remember some of it but its nice you
    lie down, it goes slowly, slowly goes in (and she
    watched a video).. Well its on the side of you..
    You just turn your head.. I think it was Tom and
  • 16m - it was like pregnant women have and they
    named everything that was in there that was
    quite good

Other procedures
  • 11f the Action lab, its got like a treadmill, I
    dont, I cant remember what you do with the
    treadmill well you obviously go on it and then
    you does some tests with it.. You do some
    breathing constantly to see the scale you try
    and blow some like bubble gum and blow candles
    out and these things to make it more fun and it
    comes up on a scale when you print it out.
    Theyre quite fun.
  • Plaster room 9f liked because you could choose
    one which you could have

Understanding spaces
  • Children who have experienced hospital spaces
    understand those spaces in terms of the clinical
    procedures that they perceive to happen in them.
  • 11m I think thats the room where I put the pot,
    they put the pots on and take the pots off
  • 6m treatment room is where they do like tests,
    tests, see things, makes you better
  • 5f People can make you better in that room
  • 12m the treatment room is where there are like
    needles and big operations.. He had been in
    similar room when I stabbed meself on the
    corner of step, Id been in one of them

When are hospitals scary places?
  • Experience - painful experiences
  • 11f I got whacked in, I got a massive golf club
    whacked in my eye
  • 9f dislocated her finger and they put my finger
    in plaster
  • 8m had been to hospital 2 years ago I hurt my
    head. I had a friend's tooth in my head. He
    broke his tooth and I hurt my head. It was cut
    open when we banged together. I cant remember
    about the hospital.
  • 13m remembered X-ray when I broke my arm and I
    gashed my legasked what he remembered about the
    parts of the hospital he had visited .. It was
    alright, clean. It looked clean. The people were

Even children who recall painful experiences may
have few memories of the hospital in which they
were treated.
Traumatic events diagnosis and initial treatment
  • 16m I was in the room for about half an hour,
    just in pain then finally they gave me some
    morphine to sort it out
  • 15m had a really bad stomach ache bad chest
    pain and I were rushed to emergency, it were
    about, it were about midnight, quite late at
    night and they did, there were ultrasound on my
    stomach and that .. several months later when
    his stomach pain got really bad I stayed in
    hospital for a week in which I had, had a camera
    down my throat to find out what it were and it
    were diagnosed more or less straight away
  • 15m CF recalled a visit to another hospital for
    choking incident with mucous. He could not
    recall the CF unit I didnt pay any attention, I
    was trying to breathe
  • 5m I had the tube up my nose I was
    screaming (Int Did it hurt a lot?) Yeah I
    was in pain

and the scariest experiences?
  • Overwhelming concern for the experience of
    cannulation and needles
  • 6f When I have a blood test, I have to scream..
    Because it hurts Proper doctors and proper
    nurses dont have to give you blood tests.
  • 9f The only one thing I hate.. The treatment
    room with the flipping needles, oh no! Just
    dont, I just dont, I like to fight the nurses
  • 12m had blood tests when he was 5 which he
    clearly recalls I was madly, got chased by a
    security guard.. Got chased by a security guard
    pinned down by security (Mum On the floor didnt
    we?) because he was scared of needles. It was
  • 14f Im really scared of needles

Understanding spaces the dreaded treatment room
  • 10f Thats where they took blood out of me. Im
    terrified of needles and stuff
  • 14m where they take blood samples and that the
    room was not right good because as soon as they
    open that tray theres about six hundred needles
    on it and syringes and bits and bobs ..
    especially when you've had loads stuck in
  • 14f just so much happens in there, like things
    that arent nice like injections and things
  • 14m that looks like where you get treated, so I
    dont like any of them stabbing you with needles

The most disliked clinical spaces
Other experiences
  • Older children often have a broader range of
    experiences, including virtual experiences, which
    can lead to anticipatory fears
  • 14f recalled a number of visits to a hospital
    ward 2 years previously (before dental
    extractions) for counselling because I was
    scared of the general anaesthetic, like needle or
  • 14m Would sooner not know what it is like in
    theatre where he expected youd see peoples
    insides and all knives and all that I saw it on
    TV Casualty
  • 15f (admitted for appendectomy) Im just scared
    just scared about it hurting me waking up or
    something like that

What do children do and how do they use hospital
spaces when they are ill?
  • Experience of spaces within hospitals can be
    influenced by medical condition in terms of
  • Which spaces children encounter
  • Which ward you go to depends what youre in for
  • Snoozelums theres a lot of patients who've got
    .. brain problems 16f
  • Their ability to move around
  • Feeling unwell
  • Restrictions imposed by treatment
  • Being confined to bed
  • Embarrassment associated with medical condition
  • Being infectious/ vulnerable to infection

Cubicles, infection and degrees of illness
  • In Sheffield and Derby, children voiced specific
    understandings about the use of cubicles.
    Cubicles are for children who are
  • most ill
  • Infectious /vulnerable to infection

cubicles are for those who are most ill
  • 11m cubicles are for people that like are in
    like cant get out their bed because they've just
    had an operation and theyre quite serious
  • 9m They like put cubicles, where people are
    actually proper, proper poorly like, proper
    proper bad and have them at front like they
    already are, and all cubicles next to it so keep
    an eye on them people. Bang in front of the
    nurses, nurses station.
  • Coming out of a cubicle can therefore suggest
    that a childs medical condition is improving
  • 10m I dont really need to be in that room much
    more because theyve done all the tests and they
    can use for others that more necessary

cubicles are for those who are infectious or
vulnerable to infection
  • 11f they were testing me for TB so I couldnt
    really be in with anyone else
  • 12m (meningitis) was not allowed out of her
    cubicle All I know is these 4 walls
  • 9m (breathing problem) didnt want to be near
    other children because theyre all got cold
    havent they.
  • 12m CF I'm right easy I right easy catch stuff,
    they put me in my own room .. just keep away
    from them so I dont catch owt else, they dont
    spread nowt

Medical condition can therefore influence social
interactions as well as experience of space
  • 14f (eye problem) was not allowed to visit a
    friend who was also in hospital Im not allowed
    to, theyve said that.. Because hes got a bug
    and if I get it And Ive got a bug and he gets
  • 15m CF Ive been in for 2 weeks and Ive only
    sort of spoken to (female child) a few times
  • 15m CF making friends with others in the ward
    its very difficult because you dont know what
    anybodys got

  • What is it like being an ill child in hospital?
  • Experiences that children bring with them
  • Recollection of previous experiences of hospital
  • Children do not generally find hospitals scary
  • When are hospitals scary?
  • The impact of medical condition and clinical
  • What do children do and how do they use hospital
    spaces when they are ill?

What do children do when they are ill?
  • Children both reflect and confirm wider cultural
    notions that children need to be kept occupied
  • If youre just sat here you like get bored 15m
  • Children like a variety of entertainment options
    to be available and independently accessible.
  • Preferred activities vary by age

Preferred activities
  • Younger children
  • Art (drawing / colouring etc) especially under
    10s but craft activities also liked by some older
  • Toys and games
  • TV
  • Older children
  • TV and DVDs
  • Computers (especially with access to www) games
  • Music
  • Reading

Children also go to school.
  • The primary aim of educating children and young
    people who have medical needs it to minimise, as
    far as possible, the disruption to normal
    schooling by continuing education as normally as
    the incapacity allows. (p.4)
  • Hospital schools are under no legal obligation to
    offer the National Curriculum
  • Access to Education for children and young people
    with Medical needs. (DfES 0732/2001 DoH HSC
    2001/019 LAC (2001) 27)

Hospital education
  • Practices vary in the 3 sites
  • Some children liked school work as an
    alternative form of entertainment
  • Youve got youve got your own school teacher,
    you've got your own school hospital teacher you
    get to do fun school work (9m)
  • And teachers come round and give you work and
    thats sort of .. I dont like it but Id rather
    be doing that than just sat here. Because if
    youre just sat here you like get bored (15m)

But children do not always feel well enough..
  • Int What do you like best about where we are
    right now?
  • 10f Its not loud so you can get to sleep
  • Int Can you tell me why?
  • 10f Cos it you are poorly and you have got a

Childrens concern for rest and sleep
  • Common concern for rest/sleep across all sites
    and all age groups
  • Children find disruption of sleep a major problem
    biggest single problem babies crying
  • Wailing sounds of other children wake you up on
    the wards 7m
  • At night I have trouble sleeping like because of
    the phones ringing and babes crying and stuff.

Children and the sick role
  • One element of being sick inhabiting what has
    been called the sick role, is the exemption
    from normal social role . And for children?
  • Continuation of education
  • Lack of emphasis on sleep and concern from
    children about this

Childrens recommendations.
  • Hospitals are not generally scary places
  • Some clinical procedures, where children are
    actively engaged and informed, are consistently
    found to be interesting rather than frightening
  • The experience of cannulation is consistently
    traumatic and such trauma can be recalled over
    protracted periods of time
  • Older children may bring with them a range of
    experiences that may make the hospital a more
    scary place including negative experiences of
    health care encounters as well as virtual
  • Children understand hospital spaces in terms of
    the activities (including clinical procedures)
    that they perceive take place within them
  • Children want age-appropriate recreational
    activities to be available to them when they feel
    well enough to engage with them
  • Sleep is important to children and hospital
    environments often do not optimise childrens
    opportunities for rest and sleep
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