Title: Brass: A Queueing Manager for Warrick
1Brass A Queueing Manager for Warrick
- Frank McCown, Amine Benjelloun, and Michael L.
Nelson - Old Dominion UniversityComputer Science
DepartmentNorfolk, Virginia, USAIWAW 2007 - Vancouver, BCJune 23, 2007
- Dangers facing website
- Web-repository crawling
- Comparing web crawling with web-repository
crawling - All about Brass
- Alternate Warrick deployments
3Black hat http//img.webpronews.com/securityprone
ws/110705blackhat.jpgVirus image
puter.virus_1137794805.jpg Hard drive
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5A couple weeks ago I accidentally deleted my
entire database of about 30 articles. After I
finished berating myself for being so stupid, I
realized that my hosting company would have a
backup, so I sent an email asking them to restore
the database. Their reply stated that backups
were coming soonOUCH! So right after I signed
up with a better hosting company I had to figure
out a plan B.
6Crawling the Crawlers
7- McCown, et al., Brass A Queueing Manager for
Warrick, IWAW 2007. - McCown, et al., Factors Affecting Website
Reconstruction from the Web Infrastructure, ACM
IEEE JCDL 2007. - McCown and Nelson, Evaluation of Crawling
Policies for a Web-Repository Crawler, HYPERTEXT
2006. - McCown, et al., Lazy Preservation Reconstructing
Websites by Crawling the Crawlers, ACM WIDM 2006.
Available at http//warrick.cs.odu.edu/
8 9(No Transcript)
10Cached Image
11Cached PDF
MSN version Yahoo
version Google version
12Examples of Lost Websites Recovered with Warrick
13Web Crawler
14Web-Repository Crawler
- Web crawling
- Limit hit rate per host
- Websites periodically unavailable
- Portions of website off-limits (robots.txt,
passwords) - Deep web
- Spam
- Duplicate content
- Flash and JavaScript interfaces
- Crawler traps
- Web-repo crawling
- Limit hit rate per repo
- Limited hits per day (API query quotas)
- Repos periodically unavailable
- Flash and JavaScript interfaces
- Can only recover what repos have stored
- Lossy format conversions (thumb nail images,
HTMLlized PDFs, etc.)
16Problems with Warrick
- Requires user to download, install, and run from
the command line - warrick.pl d r o log.txt c wr ia
http//foo.org/ - Google API keys are no longer available
- Screen-scrapes Googles web user interface which
can cause Google to black-list an IP address
17Solution Brass
- Queueing system using ODU nodes, so API query
limits can be spread across several machines - Uses Google API keys which we obtained before
they were no longer made available - Easy-to-use web interface utilizing email to
notify user when reconstructions are complete
18Warrick Brown Captain Jim Brass
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23Brass Architecture
24Job Processing
- Pending Waiting to be confirmed
- Queued Waiting to be started
- Processing Currently being executed
- Complete Ready to be picked-up
25Other Warrick Deployments
- GUI interface for client executable
- Installation difficulties
- Lack of Google API keys
- Web interface along with client application which
makes queries - Browser plug-in, Flash, or applet
- Must manage Google API keys
- Browser must be left open and continued Internet
- Warrick interface is almost ready for the public
- Web interface will likely greatly increase
Warrick usage - Collection of usage data will allow us to better
understand what kinds of websites the public is
interesting in recovering
27And thats everything there is to know about
Thanks, Dad, but I just wanted to know when you
were going to change my diaper
Frank McCownfmccown_at_cs.odu.edu