Extending Web Server Functionality - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Extending Web Server Functionality


... html to java stream is ugliest thing ever. Many more servlet ... Object Management Group: largest software consortium in the world. Software Specification ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Extending Web Server Functionality

Lesson 7
  • Extending Web Server Functionality
  • Servlets and JSP
  • Overview of CORBA

  • Homework due a week from Wednesday (May 21)

Web Servers
What is a Web Server?
  • A server program that listens on a standard port
    and handles http protocol.
  • http protocol consists mainly of requests for
    documents upload of file data.
  • Conent type usually html files, text, audio
    clips, images, etc.
  • Two most important http protocol elements
  • GET (request document, may upload data)
  • POST (request document, upload data).
  • This protocol is typically hidden from you by

http protocol
  • Most common elements of http protocol
  • GET, PUT
  • Example
  • GET /path/to/file/index.html HTTP/1.0
  • What does server return?
  • Status line HTTP/1.0 200 OK
  • Header line "Header-Name value
  • 46 headers defined (host, browser, from, etc.)
  • Message body Content-type/Content-length
  • text/html, text/gif, etc.

Using telnet to experiment with http
  • Telnet is an application that allows you to pass
    arbitrary commands to a specified server.
  • To connect to a web server
  • telnet whatever.whatever.com 80
  • Once connect try some http commands
  • GET /path/to/file.html HTTP1.0
  • Do some experiments like this to get a feel for
    the protocol

Role of web browser
  • Web browser hides this protocol underneath a nice
  • Web browser also responsible for displaying
    content sent back by server text, html, images,
  • Broswer must handle server error messages in some
    elegant way. What errors might be handled by web
    client itself?

Stateless protocol
  • When http server receives connection, it listens
    for request, sends response, and then closes
  • Protocols which allow only a single request per
    session are called stateless.
  • That is, there is no inherent memory from one
    connection to the next of the previous action.

Early Web Servers
  • Earliest web sites were static, acted more like
    file servers
  • Browser requests page
  • Server hands over page
  • Browser interprets html and displays to user
  • Might contain gif or jpeg images or simple

Modern Web Servers
  • Why did this change?
  • E-Commerce became popular need then arose for
    web pages to act more like client-server programs
    that could interact with user.
  • On client side, this led to need for higher-end
    client capabalities
  • Java applets
  • DHTML (css, xml, javascript, etc).
  • Increased form support in http
  • multimedia (flash, etc.)

Modern web servers, cont.
  • On server side, this led to
  • dynamic web pages asp, jsp, servlets.
  • improvements in cgi

Modern Web Servers, cont.
  • Problems with client-side processing
  • Slow, must download .class files in case of
  • Notoriously non-portable
  • Could not easily access back-end databases.
  • Bottom line good for some things but not the
    final word.

Server-side programming
Server-side programming
  • CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts defined a
    standard for extending functionality
  • http GET/POST data could be passed to and
    processed in separate function written in any
    language (C, Perl, Python most typical)
  • This often included call to back-end database and
    response to user via modified html document
  • Other standards also exist ISAPI, etc.

Shortcomings of CGI, etc.
  • E-Commerce became more popular and web sites
    became more heavily used. This brought to the
    fore some shortcomings of CGI
  • New process spawned for every hit not scalable
  • No concept of sesssion or state at software level
  • Pretty low level
  • Security risks (C in particular)

  • Javas form of CGI
  • Relative to CGI, servelets are
  • very simple
  • Relatively high-level
  • Requirements a servlet-enabled web server
  • When specified by your web page, web page passes
    http requests to java method (assuming everything
    is setup properly)

Servlets, cont.
  • Servlet method then has access to all of Java
    capabilities jdbc and EJB very important here.
  • Finally, Servlet writes html back to user.
  • Shift in perspective up until now, we wrote the
    servers (with help sometimes (e.g. CORBA and rmi)
  • Now, we assume server exists and EXTEND its

Servlets, cont.
  • Important a web server takes care of all
    interactions with the servlet
  • On the client side, servlet pages are typically
    requested in one of two ways
  • As a regular URL address
  • As a link in a regular html document
  • Details are server-dependent

What about the client?
  • Could write our own http-protocol client, but
    these also exist already in the form of web
  • Thus, writing client usually boils down to
    writing simple html forms
  • Form data automatically passed as String
    parameters to servlet
  • Fancier client capabilities require applet
    harder to talk back to server (http tunneling,

Servlets in J2EE architecture
What is J2EE?
  • In one sense, a model for how to design
    multi-tiered (3) distributed applications
  • One speaks of a J2EE application being made up of
    several pieces (well see shortly what these are)
  • Each piece is installed on different machines
    depending on its role
  • Client-tier components run on the client machine.
  • Web-tier components run on the J2EE server.
  • Business-tier components run on the J2EE server.
  • EIS-tier software runs on the EIS server

Components of J2EE Application
A few things to remember ...
  • J2EE is not a product.
  • J2EE is a specification for a component
    architecture and associated software that is
    needed to support it.
  • Foremost among such tools is a CTM called the
    J2EE application server.
  • Implementors supply the J2EE application server
    (web container EJB container) various others
    tools for configuring, managing, and deploying
    J2EE applications.

Pieces that makeup J2EE application
J2EE Components
  • J2EE applications are made up of a number of
    different components.
  • A J2EE component is a self-contained functional
    software unit that is assembled into a J2EE
    application with its related classes and files
    and that communicates with other components

Types of J2EE Components
  • The J2EE specification defines the following J2EE
  • Application clients and applets are components
    that run on the client.
  • Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP )
    technology components are Web components that run
    on the server.
  • Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB ) components
    (enterprise beans) are business components that
    run on the server.

J2EE Clients
  • Web Clients
  • Thin Clients no application logic, database
    queries, etc.
  • Web Browser HTML XML, etc.
  • Recommended technique
  • Can include applet if necessary
  • Application Clients
  • Typically Swing when richer user interface is
  • Typically access server components directly but
    can use http with web server

J2EE Clients
Web Components
  • Either JSP pages or Servlets
  • Regular html pages not strictly considered Web
    Components by J2EE standard
  • However, html support classes typically bundled
    with Web Coponents
  • Where do JavaBeans fit in?

Another J2EE View
Mechanics of Writing Servlets
How do I write a Servlet?
  • First, must have some implementation of the java
    Servlet API (so that you can import the proper
  • This does not come with Java 2 SDK, Standard
  • It does come with Java 2 SDK, Enterprise Edition
    (aka J2EE).

Writing Servlets, cont.
  • For servlets (and JSP), Suns principle reference
    implementation is called Tomcat (www.jakarta.org)
  • Of course, dozens of vendors supply their own
    implementation WebSphere, WebLogic, Jbuilder,

Writing Servlets, cont.
  • All servlets extend the Servlet class.
  • All http servlets (by far most typical) should
    extend the HttpServlet class.
  • In extending HttpServlet, you typically override
    the following methods
  • init, service or doGet/doPost, destroy (very
  • doPut, doDelete, doOptions, doTrace (rare)
  • Note there is NO main() for Servlets!

Main HttpServlet Methods
  • init()
  • called once when servlet is loaded by server.
    Contains any initializations that are common to
    all requests.
  • doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)
  • Called each time the servlet receives an http GET
    request posted by a client. Passes two objects,
    one representing the information of the request,
    the other used to configure a response. Well
    study these methods soon.

Main HttpServlet Methods, cont.
  • doPost(HttpServletRequest,
  • Same as doGet but for an http POST request.
  • destroy()
  • Called before servlet is unloaded from memory.
    Performs any final cleanup, freeing memory,
    closing connections, etc.

Service Method
  • Important The method service(HttpServletRequest,H
  • is also called for each servlet invocation.
  • service() in turn calls doGet and doPost, etc.
    for an HttpServlet.
  • It is best not to override service even if you
    want to handle doGet() and doPost() identically.
    Simply have one call the other.

HttpServletRequest Object
  • Passed when browser calls doGet and doPost.
  • Most import methods for beginning servlet
    programming (in HttpServletRequest class)
  • String getParameter(String paramName)
  • String getParameterNames()
  • String getParameterValues()
  • Makes getting data from web pages very simple.
  • Many other methods for images, cookies, etc.

HttpServletResponse Object
  • Passed when browser calls doGet or doPost
  • Most import methods for beginning servlet
  • PrintWriter getWriter()
  • Get Writer for communicating back to client
  • setContentType(String)
  • Typically use text/html, indicating that html
    will be sent back to the browser

General Comments
  • Recall that each request for a servlet gets its
    own thread but accesses the same methods. Thus,
    synchronization issues arise.
  • Writing html to java stream is ugliest thing
  • Many more servlet classes for having fun. Cant
    possibly cover all in one course, but most are
    very simple.
  • See http//www.coreservlets.com for more

What is JSP?
  • JSP Java Server Pages
  • Can be used
  • As alternative to servlets
  • In combination with servlets
  • Simplifies ugly aspect of servlet programming (ie
    writing html to the stream).
  • Allows you to mix Java code directly with html
    output gets sent to stream automatically.

JSP Making dynamic web content easier
Popular Competing Technologies
  • Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP)
  • Very popular and easy
  • Locks you into Windows IIS
  • Perl Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)
  • Easy and powerful for certain types of apps
  • More one-dimensional than java backend world
  • Cold Fusion
  • Proprietary

Writing JSP
  • JSP scripting elements inserted directly into
    html document
  • Three types of scripting elements
  • Expressions lt expression gt
  • Scriptlets lt code gt
  • Declarations lt! code gt

JSP Scripting Elements
  • Note JSP files are translated to servlets behind
    the scenes. Knowing this isnt really necessary
    but it helps to understand how the JSP scripting
    elements work
  • Expressions are evaluated and automatically
    placed in the servlets output. (ie no need for

JSP Scripting Elements, cont.
  • Scriptlets are inserted into the servlets
    _jspService method (called by service).
  • Declarations are inserted into the body of the
    servlet class, outside of any methods.
  • Any regular html is just passed through to the

JSP Expressions
  • lt Java Expression gt
  • The expression is evaluated when the page is
    requested, converted to String, and inserted in
    the web page.
  • Simple example
  • Current time lt new java.util.Date() gt

JSP Expressions, cont.
  • To simplify expressions JSP comes with a number
    of pre-defined objects. Some important ones are
  • Request
  • Response
  • Session
  • Out
  • Example
  • Your hostname lt request.getRemoteHost() gt

JSP Scriptlets
  • lt Java Code gt
  • If you want to do something more complex than
    insert a simple expression.
  • Example
  • lt
  • String queryData request.getQueryString()
  • out.println(Attached GET data
  • gt

Using Scriptlets for conditional output
  • Scriptlets are often used to conditionally
    include standard JSP and html constructs.
  • Example
  • lt if (Math.random() lt 0.5) gt
  • Have a ltBgtnicelt/Bgt day!
  • lt else gt
  • Have a ltBgtlousyltB/gt day!
  • lt gt

Conditional output, cont.
  • This is converted to the following servlet code
  • if (Math.random() lt 0.5)
  • out.prinltn(Have a ltBgtnicelt/Bgt day!)
  • else
  • out.println(Have a ltBgtlousylt/Bgt day!)

JSP Declarations
  • lt! Java Code gt
  • Define methods and fields inserted into main body
    of servlet class
  • Declarations do not generate output
  • Normally used in conjunction with scriptlets and
  • Example
  • lt! Private int accessCount 0 gt
  • Accesses to page since server reboot
  • lt accessCount gt

Additional JSP/Servlet features useful for
  • Forwarding from a servlet to a jsp page (common)
  • Forwarding from a jsp page to a servlet (not so
    common) or jsp (more common)
  • Session Tracking

Forwarding from Servlet to JSP
  • Very useful when processing result requires
    dramatically different presentation to be sent to
  • From within servlet
  • String url /store/login.jsp
  • RequestDispatcher dispatcher
  • getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(url)
  • dispatcher.forward(req, res) //pass control to
    new url
  • dispatcher.include (req, res) //include contents
    of url

Forwarding from JSP
  • ltjspforwardgt page Relative URL/gt
  • Example
  • lt String destination
  • if (Math.random() gt .5)
  • destination /examples/page1.jsp
  • else
  • destination /examples/page2.jsp
  • gt
  • ltjspforward pagelt destination gt /gt

Session Tracking
  • HTTP is a stateless protocol
  • No built-in mechanism to determine whether a
    request is associated with a user who has
    recently issued previous requests.
  • Typically handled in one of several ways.
  • Cookies write info to users disk and retrieve to
  • Hidden Fields, URL-rewriting, etc. (not as good).
  • Session Tracking API
  • Layered on top of above mechanisms

Session Tracking mechanics
  • HttpSession s request.getSession(true)
  • Returns session object if request is part of a
    session, otherwise creates a new session object.
  • Use isNew() to determine if sesssion is new.
  • Useful Methods for homework
  • public Object getValue(String name)
  • public setValue(String name, Object value)
  • public long getLastAccessedTime()

  • Common Object Request Broker Architecture

What is CORBA?
  • Common Object Request Broker Architecture
  • CORBA is a specification for how to design tools
    that enable programming with distributed objects.
  • CORBA is a standard, not an implementation.
  • CORBA defines minimum functionality and
    interfaces that an implementor must provide to be
  • Individual vendors sell CORBA implementations.
    Standard guarantees interoperability.

Object Request Broker (ORB)
  • The backbone of CORBA or any D.O. system is the
  • ORB provides glue code that intercepts local
    object calls and marshals/unmarshals for remote
    machines, other languages, etc.
  • CORBA specification details how ORB must work
    services it provides, interfaces, underlying
    transport protocol, etc.
  • CORBA provides other services that are not part
    of ORB more on these later.

How CORBA differs from RMI
  • CORBA provides both language and location
  • Very useful even in single address space!
  • Not governed by a particular vendor
  • Many services on top of simple ORB
  • transactions, events, serialization, security,
    domain-specific stuff, etc.
  • Note that many of these already come with Java or
    its Enterprise extensions.
  • Typically slower for java to java?

Some Key Concepts/Jargon
  • Distributed Objects
  • Typically, objects whose implementations reside
    on machines other than the client.
  • OMG
  • Object Management Group largest software
    consortium in the world
  • Software Specification
  • Rules which are used by implementers to create
    actual software
  • ORB
  • Object Request Broker middleware which
    intercepts remote object calls and handles
    marshalling, network communications,
    inter-language bindings, etc.

  • Typical uses
  • Java to java on single machine
  • Nothing
  • Java to java distributed
  • RMI
  • Java to C/C single machine
  • Java native interface (JNI)
  • Java to non-C/C language single machine
  • Java to any language distributed

Limitations of CORBA
  • Language-independent means least common
    denominator approach missing many features of
    Java language
  • Much harder to use complex java objects as
    arguments/return types.
  • Inter-orb communication used to be difficult
    should be improved now with IIOP
  • While fairly good at interoperability,
    portability not a reality.
  • Must learn IDL, tons of new classes for basic
    object operations that already exist as part of
    Java language.

Getting started with CORBA
  • What do you need?
  • IDL to whatever language compiler.
  • Naming registry server
  • A collection of classes for manipulating CORBA
  • These basic services all come free with JDK1.3.
  • More complete CORBA implementations can be
    purchased, e.g. VisiBroker, OrbixWeb, WebSphere,
    Netscape Communicator (applets)

List of CORBA Services
  • Object life cycle
  • Defines how objects are created, removed, moved,
    and copied
  • Naming
  • Defines how CORBA objects can have friendly
    symbolic names
  • Events
  • Decouples the communication between distributes

Services, cont.
  • Relationships
  • Provides arbitrary typed n-ary relationships
    between CORBA objects
  • Externalization
  • Like serialization in Java
  • Transactions
  • Coordinates atomic access to CORBA objects
  • Concurrency Contol
  • Like syncrhonized in Java

Services, cont.
  • Property
  • Supprots the association of name-value paris with
    CORBA objects
  • Trader
  • Supports the finding of CORBA objects based on
    properties describing the service offered by the
  • Query
  • Supports queries on objects

Writing a CORBA application
  • First, you need to get some vendor implementation
    of CORBA. There are a huge number covering a
    large range of complexity, sophistication,
    additional features, etc.
  • We have at least 4 vendor CORBA orbs installed on
    the CS linux cluster.
  • ORBit (/opt/ORBit) free, C bindings only
  • OmniORB (/opt/omniorb) free, C bindings only
  • Visibroker (/opt/vbroker) fancy, java and C
  • jdk (/opt/jdk1.3/jdk) stripped, java only

Writing a CORBA application
  • Very similar to RMI. Follow these basic steps
  • Write the object interface using CORBAs IDL
    (interface definition language).
  • Invoke IDL compiler on target language to
    generate needed stub and helper classes (similar
    to RMI). This can be done for either the server,
    the client, or both. This generates the interface
    that the implementation will have to adhere to
    (think of JNI).

Getting Started, Cont.
  • Write the server implementation, using the target
    language. Compile the implementation. (You will
    need to worry about imports and CLASSPATHs here
    in java, header files in C, etc.)
  • Write the server program that creates and
    registers the server objects using the Corba
    naming service (similar to rmiregistry).

Getting Started, Cont.
  • 5. Write a client program that looks up the
    server objects and invokes services upon them.
  • Start the naming service and server programs, and
    lastly the client.
  • Note that you can also bootstrap the registry
    just as with rmi, so that only a single object
    needs to be posted and can act as a factory for
    other objects.

  • Best idea is to start with some examples and hit
    them with an idl compiler. Well do this for
    idlj, the jdk idl to java compiler.
  • Pretty fun and simple. Forces you to think about
    generic objects in language-neutral way.
  • Maps very naturally into java.

Basic IDL datatypes Java mappings
IDL Language Constructs
Example IDL
Module StoreApp interface Store string
list() string purchase(in string name, in
long quantity) Note that in CORBA
parameters are defined as one of the Following
- in (will be read only) - out (will be
written and need not be initialized) - inout
(will be read and written)
CORBA Sample
  • Compile the IDL. On union do
  • /opt/jdk/jdk1.3/bin/idlj fall store.idl.
  • Idlj is javas idl-to-java compiler.
  • -Fall says to produce all files, for both client
    and server. Well separate these later.
  • This will create a bunch of files in a directory
    named after your module. Youll need these when
    you write your client and server.

CORBA Sample Writing the Server
  • Writing the server
  • Create a class which extends _ltinterfaceNamegtImplB
  • For example, for our interface store, we write
    and implementation which extends.
  • _storeImplBase.
  • Implement all of the methods in the interface,
    and add any private instance vars or methods.

Writing the server Implementation
  • Implementation source code Store.java
  • Note that we can use any language for the
    implementation as long as we have an IDL compiler
    for that language!

Making the object available
  • Need to write a server program that carries out
    the following tasks
  • Start the ORB
  • Create object and register with ORB
  • Bind the object to the naming service
  • Wait for client invocations

Making the Object Available, Cont.
  • Packages to import for StoreServer.Java
  • Org.Omg.CosNaming
  • NameComponent
  • NamingContext
  • NamingContextHelper
  • Org.Omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage
  • Provides all exception classes (name not found,
  • Org.Omg.CORBA
  • ORB
  • (Helper classes generated by IDL compiler)

StoreServer.Java, Cont.
  • To start the ORB
  • ORB orb ORB.Init(args,null)
  • To register an object
  • Store st new Store()
  • orb.Connect(st)
  • To obtain a reference to the naming service
  • org.omg.CORBA.Object nco orb.Resolve_initial_ref

StoreServer.Java, Cont.
  • Use a special CORBA method to cast
  • NamingContext nc NamingContextHelper.Narrow(nc
  • Create a name for the object
  • NameComponent path
  • New NameComponent(store,object)
  • Names contain two pieces, ID and KIND
  • Names may also be embedded

SoreServer.java, cont.
  • Bind to the naming service
  • nc.rebind(path,st)
  • A trick to wait forever
  • Object someObject new Object()
  • synchronized(someObject)
  • someObject.wait()

Writing the Client
  • ORB orb ORB.init(args,null)
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