Title: Time Saving Web Development Frameworks - iprismtech.com
1Time Saving Web Development Frameworks
2Time Saving Web Development Frameworks
Developing Web applications and/or websites is
sort of time consuming and tedious job for every
developer. In our fast and busy life we really
need something that will save our time,
developing web applications. You might not know
that there are some useful and time saving web
development kits and frameworks which acts as a
base for your projects. Front-end HTML5
boilerplate HTML5 Boilerplate helps you create
fast, adaptable and robust websites or web apps.
Save Time and Create websites or web apps with
Confidence using HTML5 boilerplate. Lets look
first at the HTML, which at its core is comprised
of a number of IE conditional comments for
relevant IE-specific classes and CSS for older
versions of IE. These allow for a certain number
of benefits to the designer using the conditional
classes technique, such as easier integration
with CMSs like WordPress and Drupal.
3Time Saving Web Development Frameworks
JqueryUI jQuery UI is a organized set of user
interface interactions, themes effects, widgets
built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library and
that's why I love jQuery. Whether you are
building highly interactive web applications or
just need to add a date picker to a form control,
jQuery UI is the perfect choice for you. jQuery
UI is a widget and interaction library built on
top of the jQuery JavaScript Library that you can
use to build highly interactive web applications.
This guide is designed to get you up to speed on
how jQuery UI works. Follow along below to get
started. AngularJS AngularJS is powered by
Google. AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary
for your app. The ensuing environment is
extraordinarily readable, expressive and quick to
develop. AngularJS is a very powerful JavaScript
Framework. It is used in Single Page Application
(SPA) projects. It extends HTML DOM with
additional attributes and makes it more
responsive to user actions. AngularJS is open
source, completely free, and used by thousands of
developers around the world. It is licensed under
the Apache license version 2.0.
4Time Saving Web Development Frameworks
Gumby framework Gumby Framework has a latest
version called Gumby 2 which is built with the
power of Sass. If you you don't know what
actually Sass means then let me tell you that it
is a powerful CSS pre-processor which allows us
to develop Gumby itself with much more speed and
gives you new tools to quickly customize and
build on top of the Gumby Framework. Backend PH
P Laravel Framework Laravel is a web
application framework with elegant and expressive
syntax. Laravel believes that development must be
a fun, creative experience to be truly
fulfilling. Laravel seeks to take the pain out of
development by easing common tasks used in the
majority of web projects, such as routing,
authentication, sessions, and caching.
5Time Saving Web Development Frameworks
CodeIgniter Framework CodeIgniter is an
application development framework, which can be
used to develop websites, using PHP. It is an
Open Source framework. It has a very rich set of
functionality, which will increase the speed of
website development work. If you know PHP well,
then CodeIgniter will make your task easier. It
has a very rich set of libraries and helpers. By
using CodeIgniter, you will save a lot of time,
if you are developing a website from scratch. Not
only that, a website built in CodeIgniter is
secure too, as it has the ability to prevent
various attacks that take place through
websites. Wordpress Framework Wordpress is an
open source Content Management System (CMS),
which allows the users to build dynamic websites
and blog. Wordpress is based on the PHP and MySQL
(used for storing the data). Wordpress is most
popular blogging system on the web and allows
updating, customizing and managing the website
from its back-end CMS and components.
6Time Saving Web Development Frameworks
Zend framework Zend Framework is an open source
framework for developing web applications and
services with PHP 5. Zend Framework is
implemented using 100 object-oriented code. The
component structure of Zend Framework is somewhat
unique each component is designed with few
dependencies on other components. This loosely
coupled architecture allows developers to use
components individually. We often call this a
"use-at-will" design.
7Time Saving Web Development Frameworks
Java Hibernate (ORM) Hibernate is an
Object-Relational Mapping(ORM) solution for JAVA
and it raised as an open source persistent
framework created by Gavin King in 2001. It is a
powerful, high performance Object-Relational
Persistence and Query service for any Java
Application. Hibernate maps Java classes to
database tables and from Java data types to SQL
data types and relieve the developer from 95 of
common data persistence related programming
tasks. Hibernate sits between traditional Java
objects and database server to handle all the
work in persisting those objects based on the
appropriate O/R mechanisms and patterns.
8Time Saving Web Development Frameworks
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