Title: Facial Nerve Embryology, Anatomy, Evaluation
1Facial Nerve Embryology, Anatomy, Evaluation
- Alice Lee
- October 28, 2004
2Case presentation
- HPI 20 yo M s/p fall from bike without helmet,
LOC, EtOH - PMH/PSH/Med/All/Fam hx/Soc hx neg
hemotympanum,BCgtAC L TM WNL, ACgtBC,
Weber RNose/OC/OP/Neck WNLFace Abrasions to R
forehead, L lipCN II-XII intact - CT head WNL
- Other injuries R clavicle and scapula fx
3Case presentation
- Returns to ER 5 days from trauma with acute onset
of R facial paralysis and with R decreased
hearing - HB VI, R hemotympanum, R Weber, R BCgtAC
- CT temporal bone Longitudinal R temporal bone
fracture, sparing otic capsule - 2 week steroid taper, f/u clinic 5 days
4Facial nerve embryonic development
- Facial nerve course, branching pattern, and
anatomical relationships are established during
the first 3 months of prenatal life - The nerve is not fully developed until about 4
years of age - The first identifiable FN tissue is seen at the
third week of gestation-facioacoustic primordium
or crest
5Facial nerve embryology 4th week
- By the end of the 4th week, the facial and
acoustic portions are more distinct - The facial portion extends to placode
- The acoustic portion terminates on otocyst
6Facial nerve embryology 5th week
- Early 5th week, the geniculate ganglion forms
- Distal part of primordium separates into 2
branches main trunk of facial nerve and chorda
7Facial nerve embryology 5th week
- Near the end of the 5th week, the facial motor
nucleus is recognizable - The motor nuclei of CN VI and VII initially lie
in close proximity. The internal genu forms as
metencephalon elongates and CN VI nucleus ascends
8Facial nerve embryology 7th week
- Early 7th week, geniculate ganglion is
well-defined and facial nerve roots are
recognizable - The nervus intermedius arises from the ganglion
and passes to brainstem. Motor root fibers pass
mainly caudal to ganglion - Can patients with congenital facial paralysis
have intact taste? Why?
9Facial nerve embryology 7th week
10Facial nerve embryonic development Intratemporal
course and branches
11Facial nerve embryonic development Extratemporal
segment - branches
- Proximal branches form first
- 6th week, posterior auricular branchgtbranch of
digastric - Early 8th week,temporofacial and cervicofacial
divisions - Late 8th week, 5 major peripheral subdivisions
12Facial nerve embryonic development Extratemporal
segment other nerves
- Facial nerve communicates with peripheral
branches of CN V, IX, X, cervical cutaneous
nerves - greater auricular nerve and transverse cervical
branches of the cervical plexus (C2, C3) - Trigeminal nerve auriculotemporal, infraorbital,
buccal, mental branches - All connections are complete by week 12 except
for 4 (connections to branches of CN V at orbit
periphery)-these are complete at 4.5 months
13Peripheral communications of facial nerve
14Facial nerve embryonic development Extratemporal
segment Parotid
15Anatomic segments of facial nerve
- Intracranial brainstem to IAC
- Meatal fundus of IAC to meatal foramen
(narrowest aperture of FNs bony canaliculus - Labyrinthine meatal foramen to geniculate
ganglion (first genu) - Tympanic/horizontal ganglion ? adj to oval
window ? pyramidal eminence of stapedius tendon - Mastoid/vertical second genu to SM foramen
- Extratemporal SM foramen to facial muscles
163-D t bone
17Facial nerve types of fibers
- Special Visceral Efferent/Branchial Motor
- General Visceral Efferent/Parasympathetic
- General Sensory Afferent/Sensory
- Special Visceral Afferent/Taste
18Special Visceral Efferent/Branchial Motor
- Premotor cortex ? motor cortex ? corticobulbar
tract ? bilateral facial motor nuclei (pons) ?
facial muscles - Stapedius, stylohyoid, posterior digastric,
19General Visceral Efferent/Parasympathetic
- Superior salivatory nucleus (pons) ? nervus
intermedius ? greater/superficial petrosal nerve
? facial hiatus/middle cranial fossa ? joins deep
petrosal nerve (symp fibers from cervical plexus)
? thru pterygoid canal (as vidian nerve) ?
pterygopalatine fossa ? spheno/pterygopalatine
ganglion ? postganglionic parasympathetic fibers
? joins zygomaticotemporal nerve(V2) ? lacrimal
gland seromucinous glands of nasal and oral
cavity - Superior salivatory nucleus ? nervus intermedius
? chorda ? joins lingual nerve ? submandibular
ganglion postganglioic parasympathteic fibers ?
submandibular and sublingual glands
20General Sensory Afferent/Sensory
- Sensation to auricular concha, EAC wall, part of
TM, postauricular skin - Cell bodies in geniculate ganglion
21Special Visceral Afferent/Taste
- Postcentral gyrus ? nucleus solitarius gt tractus
solitarius nervus intermedius ? geniculate
ganglion chorda tympani ? joins lingual nerve ?
anterior 2/3 tongue, soft and hard palate
23Facial nerve blood supply
- Intracranial/Meatal labyrinthine branches from
ant inf cerebellar artery - Perigeniculate superficial petrosal branch of
middle meningeal artery - Tympanic/Mastoid stylomastoid branch of
posterior auricular artery
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25Nerve fiber components
- Epineurium nerve sheath vasa nervorum
- Perineurium surrounds endoneural tubules
tensile strength, protects against infection - Endoneurium surrounds axons, adherent to
Schwann layer, endoneural tubules regeneration
26Pathophysiology of nerve injury Sedon
- Neuropraxia conduction blockade from body to
distal distal nerve can still be stimulated.
External compress vs intraneural edema - Axonotmesis wallerian degeneration distal to
lesion with preservation of endoneural tubules - Neurotmesis wallerian degeneration and loss of
endoneural tubules/regen layer
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28Nerve injury
29Causes of facial paralysis
Causes of facial paralysis
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31- h/o recurrent alternating facial paralysis
- Recurrent orofacial edema (lastslt48 hrs)
- chelitis
- Fissured tongue
- What do I have?
32HB Facial Nerve Grading
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34Topognostic testing
- Mainly of historical interest not prognostic
- Uses branching pattern of the facial nerve to
identify site of lesion, but is not reliable - Tearing Schirmers test
- Stapes reflex Change in acoustic impedence
caused by superthreshold stimulus stapedial
branch of FN is the first efferent branch
35Auditory testing
- To eval for concurrent SNHL or CHL
- CHL middle ear tumors, cholesteatomas, other
processes involving tympanic segment - SNHL acoustic neuromas, meningiomas, congenital
cholesteatoma, others involving CPA or IAC
36Electrophysiologic tests
- Measures nerve conduction from proximal to
injury site to muscle/evoked electrical signal. - Cannot measure proximal to stylomastoid foramen
- Require waiting until degeneration has progressed
enough to be detectable.
37Nerve stimulation test
- NST -office-based, stim main branches with 1
millisec wave pulse, minimal thresholds for
facial muslce response are compared - 3.5 milliampere difference is pathologic not
sens to lesser degrees of nerve transmission that
do not result in loss of visible face motion - Why cant this test be used during the first 72
hours after injury?
38Maximal stimulation testing
- Variation of NST, but uses maximal stimulation at
a level sufficient to depolarize all motor axons
under the stimulator - Stim 5 peripheral branches and main trunk
- Compares both sides subj grading
- Bells Equal B results up to 10 days, 92 with
full recovery. Response lost within 10 days, 100
had incomplete return (May, et al)
39Electroneuonography ENog/Evoked electromyography
- Similar to MST except the measured end point is
evoked muscle compound action potential
amplitudes and latencies (not visible muscle
movement) used after 2 weeks of injury - Recording electrodes on nasal alae, stimulator
under zygomatic arch
- The peak-to-peak amplitude is proportional to the
number of intact motor axons - Example 10 of normal amplitude 90
41EEMG - tumor
42EEMG Bells
- Progressive degeneration 3,4,5 days post-onset
- MA masseter artifact, can be confused with
small evoked potential, ID by very short latency
- Measures activity of muscle (from volitional
contraction) instead of the nerve - Measured at insertion, voluntary contraction, at
rest - Helps to eliminate false positive NET/MST/EEMG
- Diagnostic, not prognostic
44EMG insertional, at rest
- A normal needle insertional activity(dec w/
muscular fibrofatty changes) - B Positive sharp waves (denervation)
- C Fibrillations (denervation 10-20d)
- D Bizarre formations (myopathies, neuropathies)
45Motor unit action potential
- The motor unit tested by EMG is only a small
portion of the muscle fibers in an anatomic motor
unit - Motor unit action potential/MUAP is the sum of
early discharges of some muscle fibers of one
motor unit - Nl MUAP bi/triphasic, amp 0.3-0.5mv, duration
- A, inserting needle activity. For suspected
muscle atrophy-reanimation usu doesnt work 2 not
enough muscle present. - B. Fibrillation potentials can be seen in
conduction block and complete disruption - C. Contracting muscle/smile. Polyphasic
potentials indicative of early nerve regenration
polyphasic patterns can be seen in myopathies - D. Recruitment/interference assessed my maximal
contraction of a muscle group
47Limitations of electrophysiologic testing
- 72 hours delay for MST and EEMG
- EMG delay 14 days until fibrillations seen
- Normal variations can be great. EEMG response of
50 have been seen in normal controls. - Must correlate clinical findings with results
- Future? Magnetic nerve stimulation for
intracranial stim/stim prox to lesion
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- May The Facial Nerve
- Burgess Reanimation of the Paralyzed Face
- Rubin The Paralyzed face
- Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations, Vol
INervous System - May M, Blumenthal FS, Klein SR Acute Bells
palsy prognostic value of evoked
electromyography, maximal stimulation, and other
electrical tests. Am J Otol 5 1, 1983. - Darrouzet, et al. Management of facial paralysis
resulting from temporal bone fractures Our
experience ein 115 cases. Otol-Head Neck Surg
12577-84, 2001. - Jenny AB et al. Organization of the facial
nucleus and corticofacial projection in the
monkey a reconsideration of the upper motor
neuron palsy. Neurology 37930-939, 1987.