Exploring the Information Theory: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Exploring the Information Theory:


... body music with our ears, then the sum of these sounds would ... It never goes away totally, it comes and goes. ... It is the idea of I couldn't be free. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Exploring the Information Theory:

(No Transcript)
  • Exploring the Information Theory
  • A Quantum Physics law that transcends time and
  • Placing homeopathy beyond the confining limits of
    matter and energy.
  • Melissa Burch, CCH

Are the clinical effects of homoeopathy placebo
effects?Comparative study of placebo-controlled
trials ofhomoeopathy and allopathyAijing Shang,
Karin Huwiler-Müntener, Linda Nartey, Peter Jüni,
Stephan Dörig, Jonathan A C Sterne, Daniel
Pewsner, Matthias Egger Lancet 2005 366 72632
  • The homeopathic paradigm is that something that
    has nothing has an effect on something.

  • The Gap

  • Present-moment awareness creates a gap not only
    in the stream of mind but also in the past-future
    continuum. Nothing truly new and creative can
    come into this world except through that gap,
    that clear space of infinite possibility.
  • Eckhart Tolle

  • In the quantum world, quantum fields are not
    mediated by forces but by exchange of energy,
    which is constantly redistributed in a dynamic
    pattern. This constant exchange is an intrinsic
    property of particles, so that even real
    particles are nothing more than a little knot of
    energy which briefly emerges and disappears back
    into the underlying field.
  • Lynne McTaggart
  • Author, The Field

  • The Zero Point Field is a repository of all
    fields and all ground energy states and all
    virtual particlesa field of fields. Every
    exchange of every virtual particle radiates
  • The existence of the Zero Point Field implied
    that all matter in the universe was
    interconnected by waves, which are spread out
    through time and space and can carry on to
    infinity, tying one part of the universe to every
    other part.
  • Lynne McTaggart

  • What this was basically saying is that the
    corporeal stuff we call matter and to which all
    physicists since Newton have attributed an innate
    mass was an illusion
  • The Einstein equation was simply a recipe for the
    amount of energy necessary to create the
    appearance of massmass was not equivalent to
    energy mass was energy. Or, even more
    fundamental, there was no mass. There is only
  • Lynne McTaggart

  • To Fritz-Albert Popp a German theoretical
    biophysicist, homeopathy is another example of
    photon sucking. He had begun to think of it as a
    resonance absorber. Homeopathy rests upon the
    notion that like is treated with like. A plant
    extract that at full strength can cause hives in
    the body is used in an extremely dilute form to
    cure them. If a rogue frequency in the body could
    produce certain symptoms, it followed that high
    dilution of a substance which would produce the
    same symptoms would still carry those
    oscillations. Like a tuning fork in resonance, a
    suitable homeopathic solution might attract and
    then absorb the wrong oscillations, allowing the
    body to return to normal.
  • Lynne McTaggard

  • From 1991, Benveniste demonstrated that you could
    transfer specific molecular signals simply by
    using an amplifier and electromagnetic coils.
  • as Fritz-Albert Popp theorized, molecules speak
    to each other in oscillating frequencies. It
    appeared that the Zero Point Field creates a
    medium enabling the molecules to speak to each
    other nonlocally and virtually instantaneously.
  • Lynne McTaggart

  • These single wavelengths of water molecules
    appear to become informed in the presence of
    other moleculesthat is, they tend to polarize
    around any charged moleculestoring and carrying
    its frequency so that it may be read at a
    distance. This would mean that water is like a
    tape recorder, imprinting and carrying
    information whether the original molecule is
    still there or not. The shaking of the
    containers, as is done in homeopathy, appears to
    act as a method of speeding up the process.
  • Lynne McTaggart

  • From an anonymous writer on the web in response
    to someone writing that homeopathy is a fake
  • He wrote
  • I feel you have not researched the many scholars
    around the globe that are researching the quantum
    biological perspective. A few key biophysicists
    are gaining knowledge that there are subatomic
    fields that interpenetrate and structure the
    molecular level. These fields can directly relate
    to how homeopathy works.

  • You do not need any molecules of the substance in
    the remedy to affect these underlying fields. A
    subatomic wave field that is carried by the water
    or sugar in the remedy is interacting with the
    subatomic fields underlying the physical matter
    of the patient. The problem is our limited
    technology can only measure a limited band of
    energy spectrum. We are not that advanced as a
    civilization. Just watch the news.

  • Holographic Matrix Field
  • from the Remote Viewing Training Course by David
  • shows a stone being thrown into a body of
    water, which will create ripples or waves as seen
    in Figure 5.3

  • Two conditions must be present first, the water
    can be frozen instantly, and second, there can be
    no effect of gravity.

  • You can see that the waveform expression of the
    stone has not completely saturated the body of
    water with rebound waves.
  • Each wave contains all the information regarding
    the size, dimension, texture, and mass of the

  • This is what a holographic universe would be
    filled with all of the waveform data pertaining
    to absolutely everything. Since everything is
    energy and energy is everything, then everything
    can be expressed in waveform on some level

  • At this point we will freeze the body of water
    solid, locking all of the waveform data into
    place. It is the laser that will be used to
    decode the waveform information that is contained
    in the frozen body of water.

  • The model stands the frozen body of water on its
    edge and shines the coherent light through it.
    Because all of the waveform data pertaining to
    the three separate and unique stones is present
    in the water, an exact three-dimensional replica
    of each of the stones is constructed outside of
    the body of water.

(No Transcript)
  • No matter where you might look in the ice, the
    data will be present for all of the stonesan
    omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent
    condition. If you drop the ice on the floor, it
    will shatter into many small pieces of ice. Each
    small piece of ice on the floor will now have the
    holographic data pertaining to the stones even
    though there is not even one stone in tha small
    piece of ice.

(No Transcript)
  • Each segment of the ice, no matter how small or
    seemingly insignificant, will contain all the
    necessary data to reproduce the imagethe same is
    true of the MATRIX of ALL CREATION

  • John von Neumann
  • When we measure a quantum object, consciousness
    changes the quantum waves of possibility of the
    object into an actual event of experience. (1955)

  • Candace Pert
  • If information exists outside of the confines of
    time and space, matter and energy, then it must
    belong to a very different realm from the
    concrete, tangible realm we think of as
    reality. And since information in the form of
    biochemicals of emotion is running every system
    of the body, then our emotions must also come
    from some realm beyond the physical.
  • Information theory seems to be converging with
    Eastern philosophy to suggest that the mind, the
    consciousness, consisting of information, exists
    first, prior to the physical realms, which is
    secondary, merely an out-picturing of
  • Molecules of Emotion

  • Candace Pert
  • Information theory constitutes such a new
    languagea rich language of relatedness,
    cooperation, interdependence, and synergy rather
    than simple force and responsethat it helps us
    break out of old patterns of thought. Now we can
    begin to conceptualize a different model of the
    universe, and of our place in it.

  • Every second, a massive information exchange is
    occurring in your body. Imagine each of these
    messenger systems possessing a specific tone,
    humming a signature tune, rising and falling,
    waxing and waning, binding and unbinding, and if
    we could hear this body music with our ears, then
    the sum of these sounds would be the music that
    we call the emotions. (Vital Sensation)

  • Emotions (molecules of emotion) are the nexus
    between matter and mind, going back and forth
    between the two and influencing both. (Vital

  • Information! It is the missing piece that allows
    us to transcend the body-mind split of the
    Cartesian view, because by definition,
    information belongs to neither mind nor body,
    although it touches both. We must accept that it
    occupies a whole new realm, one we can perhaps
    call the inforealm, which science has yet to

  • Downward Collapse

  • Collapse means simply the change from possibility
    into actuality. Upward causation due to
    elementary particle interactions gives us
    possibilities (material healing) it takes a
    nonmaterial consciousness to cause collapse, to
    choose actuality from possibility (spiritual
    healing). This collapse is the causal power of
    consciousness that we are looking for it is
    downward causation (Goswami 1989, 1993).

  • Health and healing through the worldview of
    quantum physics immediately endows the healer and
    the patient with the power of downward causation,
    with the potential power of choosing health over
  • Dr. Amit Goswami
  • Author of The Quantum Doctor

  • Energy level where the patient speaks the quality
    of the substance they need.

  • Creative insight is found to be sudden and
    discontinuous. It is the analog of the quantum
    leap, a discontinuous leap of thought without
    going through the intermediate steps. Unconscious
    processing produces a multitude of possibilities
    insight is the collapse of one of these
    possibilities (the new one of value) to
  • Gotswami

  • This information affects the Vital Force or our
    holographic blueprint.

  • The vital body belongs to a separate subtle world
    and contains the blueprints of form-making, forms
    that carry out the fundamental vital
    functionsthe context of living. The vital body
    provides the body plans of the organs of the
    physical body that play out the vital functions
    in space-time.
  • Gotswami

  • Consciousness uses the vital blueprints to make
    physical representations of its vital functions
    whose archetypes are codified in our supramental
    body, the body of laws and archetypes.

  • Vital Sensation, core energy, vital energy, chi,
    prana, is the quantum mode of movement of the
    vital body blueprint.

  • When the quantum possibilities of a physical
    organ are collapsed by consciousness to the
    actuality of carrying out an intended biological
    function, consciousness also collapses the
    correlated movement of the corresponding vital
    body blueprint. It is this movement that we feel
    as a feeling (Vital Sensation).

  • Synchronicity
  • Quantum non-locality revealed in Aspects
    experiment is like Carl Jungs definition of
    synchronicitymeaningful coincidences
    attributable to a common cause.

  • Paper Case
  • I have skin problem it happens for the last seven
  • It shows behind the ear, weeps a lot, I have
    spots like a dime, black and show up and go, I
    never could stand it.
  • It never goes away totally, it comes and goes. I
    wash with detar shampoo, use creams, tried
    petroleum homeopathic remedy.

  • Right now it is like an ant moving HG. It is like
    itching, not a furious itching, a light itching.
    I have a tendency to pick at it.
  • It is like a little wave thing, HG wave, smooth
    itching, not wild, smooth itching.
  • It is growing, it doesnt go away, it bothers me.
    I need to touch it, on the warm side. It hurts if
    I touch like a needle and edge, HG little knife.
  • It is like a bite of animal, it bothers me,
    constant bother. I think its yucky so I am not
    friendly with this thing I have. We dont have a
    good relationship.

  • Its like HG penance HG a torture type of thing,
    slight Chinese torture, it is there.
  • It is almost like something reminds me of my
    body. I am always so busy, a busy person no
    matter what I had. Now I am older and not as
    busy. It appears you have a body and this brings
    it to mind. Its cumbersome, wont go away.
  • I was ambitious, wanted success, money, a future,
    a safe future. I arrived here from Europe with
    only my clothes on. Because of the revolution in
    Portugal we needed to leave.

  • Its like a struggle in the wind. I always fought
    and worked. Its another time now. Im retired I
    dont want this here. I dont want to have
    anything remind me I have this skin infection, or
    I got into a bad situation, or I am old.
  • It doesnt go away, went to head of New England
    Hospital and the skin dermatologist told me there
    is no cure for this.
  • I need freedom from this, wide spaces, to be able
    to soar, flying with happiness. I consider this
    bigger than it is. It is to me, it brings me
    down, my soul spirit. It is like a burden.

  • I think this slows me down, doesnt make me
    happy. I dont feel like I am all together.
  • What is the opposite feeling?
  • The opposite is soaring. This is encaged like a
    bird in a cage, that perfect bird, me, was born
    in a dictatorship. It was very tough no freedom
    that was the feeling, it was a bird in a cage.
  • Bird in a cage?
  • I am was born on an island, it was encagement HG.
    I had sensation of being imprisoned,

  • It is the idea of I couldnt be free. My freedom
    is flying, flying is my thing, to be able to have
    wide horizons. I was born in Azzure in the middle
    of the Atlantic, enormous horizon, all you see is
    ocean with no end. I had this feeling of no
    horizon. It is oppressive and beautiful. It was
    oppressive, sad, depressing on grey rainy days.
  • The opposite?
  • Blue skies, no clouds at all, again
    expansiveness, you can breath. Again wide
    horizon, the sky is blue, I can breath.
  • Flying, soaring?I think when I was little I
    wanted to get out, HG again encagement, it was
    like a caged bird.

  • Like a caged bird?
  • It is dark blue, it is like the size of a
    cardinal. It is straight and doesnt have this
    thing on top, like a profile dark blue.
  • I love birds. I love cardinals, blue jays, the
    yellow finches. I have all of these in my back
    yard. I have pigeons.
  • They can fly very pretty, they sing. This winter
    we had a hawk and it killed almost all of them. I
    was devastated, been feeding them with two or
    three feeders. He grabs a bird and eats it, one
    mile up.
  • I felt sadness. It is the nature of the bird to
    take care of itself. I was not happy at all.

Procelsterna cerulea (Blue Noddy)
  • Source Language
  • We humans share a common heritage, the molecules
    of emotion, with the most modest of microscopic
    creatures, one-celled being, even though
    evolution has caused us to develop into
    trillion-celled creatures of astonishing
  • Candace Pert

  • Erwin Schrodinger, one of the co-discoverers of
    quantum mathematics, stated
  • Consciousness is a singular for which there is no
    plural. There are no two consciousness our
    individuality is an illusory epiphenomenon of

  • The vital sensation is our own individual
    expression of our state and its connection to the
  • Melissa Burch

  • The oneness of all life is based on this simple
    reality Our vital sensations are all vibrating

  • The morphogenetic field

  • Gregory Bateson
  • The difference that makes a difference is the
    difference to the observer including the
    observer in the equation admits a new level of
    intelligence to the system.

On the left water labeled 'angel' and on the
right, 'demon'
Masaru Emoto
A water crystal of water that was exposed to a
word of "Peace".
Before Love and Thanks Ceremony (July 23)
After Love and Thanks Ceremony (July 25)
After Love and Thanks Ceremony (August 25)
  • This is a transcript from a follow up with Dr.
    Marvin Solit
  • The client spontaneously began to talk about the
    polar bear and the use of homeopathy for
    evolution. He said
  • I was thinking about the polar bear and read an
    article about how the artic ice is melting and
    the polar bears are swimming across larger open
    spaces, and they are having trouble making it.

  • The polar bear is surviving and getting into
    extreme situations. They need to adapt to
    changing environments, it is part of the work,
    avoiding dead end situations. Thats always part
    of the game, so in that respect, I admire the
    polar bear, they made this extreme adaptation.
    What I teach and recognize is that more general
    solutions are better than over specialization.
    The theme of survival today is adapting and
    surviving the earths changes as the intensity
    builds up. Its a primal theme.
  • Some think living on an island is a solution, but
    better to live within a large territory. You are
    more mobile, you can go north or south, gets too
    cold, move to warmer climate, or too dry go where
    it is wetter--more opportunities to find more
    favorable conditions.
  • Technological solutions can go nowhere for
    repairing and adapting over the long run because
    certain groups will be specialized for the period
    they are in. It is like the chimps, which ended
    up limited and could only live in certain places
    and eat only certain foods. They lost the general
    characteristics of the human beings that were
    adapted for more general end use. Most creatures
    end up specializing.

  • When we see these specializations and the
    conditions they have to endure, like the polar
    bear, who has to travel farther and father over
    immense waters, the challenge is to adapt to
    great earth changes. That is what I like about
    homeopathy is that it supports the bodys ability
    to regenerate and repair itself. Its a very
    generalized process, a real homeopathic process.
  • Medical strategies are quite specialized hence
    more technological. It is better to let the
    creature adapt to what is happening and releasing
    the potential. Homeopathy plays a big part in
    this adapting to time and change. The world needs
    a homeopathic lifestyle. Homeopaths are the only
    ones who know about the potential for change on a
    tissue and cellular level.

  • Where does the intelligence, the information that
    runs our body/mind, come from? We know that
    information has an infinite capability to expand
    and increase, and that it is beyond time and
    space, matter and energy. Therefore, it cannot
    belong to the material world we apprehend with
    our senses, but must belong to its own realm, one
    that we can experience as emotion, the mind, the
    spiritan inforealm! This is the term I prefer,
    because it has a scientific ring to it, but
    others mean the same thing when they say field of
    intelligence, innate intelligence, the wisdom of
    the body. Still others call it God.
  • Candace Pert

  • Cosmologist Stephen Hawking uses quantum wave
    patterns to understand the moment of creation. He
    suggests that at the beginning of timewhen time
    was zeroimaginary time existed. Hawking
    suggests that an immeasurable imaginary time
    ruled the beginning of our universe, before there
    was real space, time, or matterthere may have
    been subtle, tiny, dreamlike experiences or
    tendencies in a kind of dreamlike or imaginary
  • Arnold Mindell, PhD

  • Symptoms (and everything else in life) begin in
    imaginary time, which can be felt as a subtle
    body signali.e., the force of silence (vital
  • The force of silence (vital sensation) is an idea
    and an experience of the earliest source of
    events. To use this forceyou need only to learn
    to focus your awareness during stillness.
    Awareness is a core element in the sense of body
    wellness. Awareness may be the key to finding
    answers to many questions.
  • Arnold Mindell, PhD

  • New understanding from quantum physics and
    information theory points us away from the cool,
    detached, solitary genius, the one who has the
    answers that others dont have, as if the truth
    could be owned, and toward a more collegial,
    participatory model of knowledge acquisition.
  • Candace Pert
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