Title: Jeff Multz, VP of Sales
1 How to get your share of the budget for your IT
security needs
- Why is it so challenging to get the money you
need to secure your network? - Rules for communicating with CFOs
- 7 Steps for highly effective IT Budgets
- Questions answers
3Your network handles millions of dollars in
assets . . . .
- So why
- is it such a challenge
- to get
- the money you need
- to secure your system?
4Whats your picture of a CFO?
5The Rules
- What to know before you ask your CFO for IT
security dollars
6Communicate early often.
Rule 1
7Speak the CFOs language.
Rule 2
8Speak the CFOs language . . . not Techno-ese
Buffer Overrun
9Know the business situation.
Rule 3
10Be a straight shooter dont pad your budget.
Rule 4
11Pass the weight test be prepared.
Rule 5
12Pass the weight test. Be prepared.
- Fly with the eagles first.
- Get your numbers straight
- Justify the decision in terms of price,
functionality, requirements - Refer to past expenses and trends
13Dont create surprises . . .not even good ones.
Rule 6
14The Rules
- Communicate early often
- Speak the CFOs language
- Know the business situation
- Be a straight shooter
- Pass the weight test
- Dont create surprises
15The 7 Steps for Developing Highly Effective IT
Security Budgets
16The Seven Steps to Highly Effective IT Security
1. Document current situation
17Document your current situation
- What are your capabilities today?
- Infrastructure
- Inventory management
- Network diagram necessary
- Security
- Operations
- Expertise/skills
- What does it cost you today?
18The Seven Steps to Highly Effective IT Security
1. Document resources
2. Perform gap analysis
19How do you get from here to there?
What I have today
What Ill need tomorrow
20Bridging the gap
- What business objectives do you want to achieve?
How do those objectives compare to what you have
now? - If there is a gap, how will you get from here to
there? What resources will you need to achieve
your objectives? - What are the possible solutions?
- A product?
- More personnel?
- Training?
- Outsourcing?
21The Seven Steps to Highly Effective IT Security
1. Document resources
2. Perform gap analysis
3. Gather information
22The Seven Steps to Highly Effective IT Security
1. Document resources
2. Perform gap analysis
3. Gather information
4. Consider external forces
23Consider external forces
- Compliance issues
- Non-IT initiatives (corporate growth plans,
product rollout strategies, etc.) - Changing industry practices
- Contractual obligations
- Existing organizational policies
24The Seven Steps to Highly Effective IT Security
1. Document resources
2. Perform gap analysis
3. Gather information
5. Generate budget needs
4. Consider external forces
25The Seven Steps to Highly Effective IT Security
1. Document resources
2. Perform gap analysis
6. Review Determine ROI TCO
3. Gather information
4. Consider external forces
5. Generate budget needs
26The review phase
- Determining ROI (Network security savings cost
of security breach) - How long did it take to repair the problem?
- Add up number of incidents
- Consider time lost, hourly wages, benefits
- Was there network downtime? How much business
was lost as a result? - ROI is a journey, not a destination
- Opportunity Cost
- How many projects were shelved, delayed, or
deferred because you had to resolve a crisis? - TCO
27The Seven Steps to Highly Effective IT Security
1. Document resources
7. Present business case
2. Perform gap analysis
6. Review Determine ROI TCO
3. Gather information
5. Generate budget needs
4. Consider external forces
28Construct the business case
- Business Issue Network security management
monitoring - Expense
- Hardware/Software 15,000
- Setup/Installation (one-time) 2,500
- Management N/A
- Employee Salaries 140,000
- Employee Training 36,000
- Totals 193,500
- MSSP 25,000
- Solution Go with MSSP
29Begin the second phase
1. Document resources
7. Present business case
2. Perform gap analysis
6. Review Determine ROI TCO
3. Gather information
5. Generate budget needs
4. Consider external forces