MeanVariance Portfolio Theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MeanVariance Portfolio Theory


(Idealized) Short Sale. CBA stock now sells for $10/share. ... In the short sale example ... value R applies algebraically to both purchases and to short sales. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MeanVariance Portfolio Theory

Mean-Variance Portfolio Theory
  • This chapter deals with a single investment
    period, e.g.,
  • - a zero-coupon bond held to maturity
  • - investment in a physical project providing
    payment upon completion.
  • Publicly traded stocks are not tied to a single
    period. Still, such investments are often
    analyzed on a single period basis as a
    simplification. Parts 3 and 4 of the text relax
    the single-period assumption.

  • Implications
  • R 1 r (1.20 1 0.20)
  • X1 (1r) X0 (12,000 (1.20) 10,000)

  • (Idealized) Short Sale
  • CBA stock now sells for 10/share.
  • I borrow 100 shares from my broker (with a 1-year
    stock repayment obligation).
  • I sell these shares in the stock market for
  • One year later, CBA stock sells for 9/share. I
    buy 100 shares for 900. I give these shares to
    my broker in repayment.
  • Because the stock fell in price I make a profit
    of 100.

  • In the short sale example
  • I receive 1,000 initially, my outlay is X0
    -1,000. (A receipt is a negative outlay.)
  • One year later
  • I pay 900, so I receive X1 -900. (A payment
    is a negative receipt.)
  • This means
  • R X1/X0 -900/-1000 0.90 total return
  • r R 1 -0.10 rate of return

  • My profit (shorting converts a negative return to
    a profit) is
  • r ? X0 (-0.10) ? (-1,000) 100.
  • Note. Someone who purchased the CBA stock at the
    first of the year and sold it at the end would
    lose (1,000 - 900) 100. That person would
  • R 900/1000 0.90,
  • r (900 1,000)/(1,000) - 0.10.
  • The rate of return is negative for this person.

  • It is a bit strange to refer to a rate of return
    associated with the idealized shorting procedure,
    since there is no initial commitment of
    resources. Nevertheless, it is the proper
  • Summary of (Idealized) Short Selling or Shorting
  • You borrow an asset from someone who owns it.
  • You sell the borrowed asset to someone, receiving
    an amount X0.
  • Later you buy the asset for X1 and use it to
    repay your loan.
  • IF X1 lt X0 you make a profit of X0 X1.
  • Short selling is profitable if the asset price

  • Observations
  • Short selling is risky even dangerous. If X1 gt
    X0 you lose money. There may be no limit on how
    large X1 can be.
  • Some financial institutions prohibit short
  • Many individuals and institutions purposely avoid
    short selling as a policy.
  • There is a considerable level of short selling of
    stock market securities.
  • Short selling is supplemented by certain
    restrictions and safeguards in practice, e.g.,
    you post a security deposit with the broker when
    you borrow the asset.

  • Observations (Contd)
  • When you short sell, you essentially duplicate
    the role of the issuing corporation. You sell
    the stock to raise immediate capital. If the
    stock pays dividends during the period you
    borrowed it, you too must pay the same dividend
    to the broker you borrowed the stock from.
  • Downtick short sell rule on NYSE prevents short
    selling of stocks with declining price

  • Short Selling Return Analysis
  • We receive X0 initially and pay X1 later. Our
    outlay is -X0 and our final receipt is -X1.
  • Total return R -X1/-X0 X1/X0. (minus signs
    cancel out)
  • The return value R applies algebraically to both
    purchases and to short sales.
  • Note -X1 -X0 R -X0 (1 r).

  • Portfolio Return

Initial Investment Information.
Weight in
Bach, Inc.
Mozart, Inc.
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  • Motivation
  • X0 16,000 total initial investment
  • X1 4,680 9,040 4,920
  • 1.17 (4,000) 1.13 (8,000) 1.23 (4,000)
  • 1.17 (1/4) (16,000) 1.13 (1/2) (16,000)
  • 1.23 (1/4) (16,000)
  • R1 w1 X0 R2 w2 X0 R3 w3 X0

  • Thus, for total return,
  • R X1/X0 R1 w1 R2 w2 R3 w3
  • w1 R1 w2 R2 w3 R3.
  • For rate of return,
  • r R 1 (w1 w2 w3) ?( R 1)
  • w1(R1 1) w2(R2 1) w3(R3 -1)
  • w1 r1 w2 r2 w3 r3
  • Conclusions
  • R w1 R1 w2 R2 w3 R3
  • r w1 r1 w2 r2 w3 r3

  • Generalization
  • A master asset, or portfolio, has n assets.
  • X0 total initial value of portfolio
  • X0i initial value of asset i in portfolio
  • X0 X01 X02 ? X0n
  • (X0i lt 0 if we short sell asset i)
  • wi X0i/X0 is the weight/fraction of asset i in
  • (wi lt 0 if X0i lt 0 and X0 gt 0)

  • Ri total return of asset i at end of period ?
  • Asset i generates an income of Ri X0i Ri wi X0
  • X1 R1 X01 R2 X02 ? Rn X0n
  • R1 w1 X0 R2 w2 X0 ? Rn wn X0
  • Thus
  • R X1/X0 w1 R1 w2 R2 ? wn Rn
  • r R 1 (w1 w2 ? wn) ? (R 1)
  • w1(R1 1) w2(R2 1) ? wn(Rn-1)
  • w1 r1 w2 r2 ? wn rn

  • Portfolio Return Summary
  • Both the total return R and the rate of return r
    of a portfolio of assets are equal to the
    weighted sum of the corresponding asset returns.
    The weight of each asset is its relative weight
    (in purchase cost) in the portfolio. That is,
  • R w1 R1 w2 R2 ? wn Rn
  • r w1 r1 w2 r2 ? wn rn

  • Random Variables (a short review of basics)
  • Expectations
  • discrete r.v.
  • Ex p1 x1 p2 x2 ? pn xn
  • continuous r.v.
  • ?
  • Ex ? x p(x) dx
  • - ?

  • Variance
  • Varx E(x - Ex)2
  • Standard Deviation
  • ?x ? Varx
  • Note
  • Varx E(x - Ex)2 Ex2 2 x Ex
  • Ex2 2 Ex Ex Ex Ex
  • Ex2 (Ex)2

  • Covariance
  • covx1,x2 ? E(x1 - Ex1) (x2 - Ex2)
  • Note covx,x Varx .
  • Common notation
  • ?x1,x2 covx1,x2, ?1,2 covx1,x2.
  • Observation (Useful for computations)
  • covx1,x2 Ex1 x2 - Ex1 Ex2

  • Random variables x1 and x2 are
  • - uncorrelated if ?1,2 0
  • - positively correlated if ?1,2 gt 0
  • - negatively correlated if ?1,2 lt 0

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  • Covariance Bound. For any r.v.s x1 and x2,
  • ?1,2 ?1 ?2 ? - ?1 ?2 ?1,2 ?1 ?2.
  • x1 and x2 are perfectly correlated if ?1,2 ?1
  • x1 and x2 show perfect negative correlation if
  • ?1,2 - ?1 ?2.

  • Correlation Coefficient.
  • For any r.v.s x1 and x2
  • ?1,2 ? ?1,2/?1 ?2
  • Note
  • ?1,2 1 ? -1 ?1,2 1

  • Thus
  • x1 and x2 are perfectly correlated if ?1,2 1
  • x1 and x2 show perfect negative correlation
  • if ?1,2 - 1.
  • Variance of a Sum of RVs. For any r.v.s x1
  • and x2,
  • Varx1 x2 ?12 2 ?1,2 ?22

Random Returns
  • A return r can be random. We represent its mean
    and standard deviation by Er and ?
  • Luenberger shows a Wheel of Fortune.

  • The wheel shows the payoff you get when you bet
    1.00. Since each payoff is equally likely, if Q
    is the r.v. denoting the payoff,
  • EQ (1/6) (4 1 2 1 3 0) 7/6.
  • EQ2 (1/6) (16 1 4 1 9 0) 31/6.
  • VarQ 31/6 (7/6)2 ? 3.81.

  • The total return, R, satisfies R Q/1 Q. Thus
  • ER EQ 7/6.
  • Since the rate of return r satisfies r R 1,
  • Er ER 1 ER 1 1/6.
  • Varr VarQ 1 VarQ ? 3.81.
  • ? ?3.81 ? 1.95, which is large compared to the

  • You bet on one of the three segments of the wheel
    (like roulette).

  • Bet 1. If you bet 1.00 on the 3.00 segment and
    the arrow points to that segment you win 3.00
    otherwise you lose 1.00.
  • Bet 2. If you bet 1.00 on the 2.00 segment and
    the arrow points at that segment you win 2.00
    otherwise you lose 1.00.
  • Bet 3. If you bet 1.00 on the 6.00 segment and
    the arrow points at that segment you win 6.00
    otherwise you lose 1.00.

  • Is there a clearly worst bet?

  • Recall
  • covx1,x2 Ex1 x2 - Ex1 Ex2
  • Note payments on bets 1, 2, and 3 are mutually
    exclusive. This means
  • R1 R2 0, R1 R3 0, R2 R3 0.
  • Thus
  • ?1,2 - ER1 ER2 -(3/2) (2/3) - 1.0
  • ?1,3 - ER1 ER3 -(3/2) (1) - 1.5
  • ?2,3 - ER2 ER3 -(2/3) (1) - 2/3.
  • All the bets are negatively correlated with each

  • Mean-Standard Deviation Diagram

  • Which bet is riskiest (safest)?
  • Which bet has the highest return?
  • Do you see a tradeoff between choosing one bet
    and another?
  • Why do we plot the standard deviation not the

Portfolio Mean and Variance
  • A portfolio has n assets with (random) returns
    r1, r2, ..., rn. Their expected returns are
    Er1,Er2, ...,Ern.
  • If the weights of the assets in the portfolio are
    w1, w2, ..., wn respectively, we know the
    portfolio return is
  • r w1 r1 w2 r2 ? wn rn
  • Note the weights are amounts we can choose, while
    the returns are not. Thus
  • Er w1 Er1 w2 Er2 ? wn Ern

  • To get the expected return of the portfolio, take
    the weighted sum of the individual expected rates
    of returns. We only need to concentrate on the
    individual expected rates of returns to compute
  • r w1 r1 w2 r2 ? wn rn

  • Variance of Portfolio Return
  • ?2 E(r Er)2
  • n n
  • ? ? wi wj ?i,j (see text, p. 150
  • i1 j1

  • Remark
  • If
  • M (?i,j) is the n by n variance-covariance
  • W (wj) is the n by 1 column vector,
  • WT is the 1 by n row vector,
  • then
  • ?2 WT M W.
  • Recall from matrices that WT M W is a quadratic
    form in the vector W. Because this quadratic
    form is equal to ?2, it is always nonnegative,
    even for negative entries in W. A known result
    is that any quadratic form that is always
    nonnegative is a convex function (of W in this

  • Example 6.8. (Two-asset portfolio, n 2)
  • Er w1 Er1 ? wn Ern
  • ?2 E(r Er)2
  • n n
  • ? ? wi wj ?i,j
  • i1 j1

  • Example 6.8 (Contd)
  • Er1 0.12, Er2 0.15, w1 0.25, w2 0.75
  • ?1 0.20, ?2 0.18, ?1,2 0.01 ?2,1
  • Er w1 Er1 w2 Er2 w1 0.12 w2 0.15
  • ?2 w1 w1 ?12 w1 w2 ?1,2 w2 w1 ?2,1 w2 w2
  • 0.24475.
  • Motivating Question. How would you go about
    finding a BEST choice of w1 and w2?

  • Diversification
  • What can happen if you carry all your eggs in one
  • What can happen if you put all your savings into
    stock options of the company you work for?
  • Diversification is like carrying eggs in several
    baskets. For example, you could invest in your
    company stock option, but also in mutual funds
    and bonds.

  • An advantage of a mutual fund is, in fact,
  • Also, you get professional management and lower
    processing charges than in dealing with a stock
    broker. Stock brokers have a strong incentive to
    encourage their customers to trade often, since
    they get income on every transaction mutual
    funds do not have as strong an incentive to do

  • Structure of portfolios (stocks from SP100) as a
    function of risk (two weekly CVaR)

  • Diversification for Uncorrelated Assets.
  • Suppose you have n assets, which are mutually
    uncorrelated. Suppose every asset i has
  • Eri m, and wi 1/n. Then
  • Er w1 Er1 w2 Er2 ? wn Ern ?
  • Er (1/n) m (1/n)m ? (1/n) m m.
  • Your expected return is independent of n.

  • If every asset i has Varri ?2, because the
    assets are uncorrelated, then
  • Varr w12 Varr1 ? wn2 Varrn
  • (1/n2) ?2 ? (1/n2) ?2 ?2/n

  • By comparison, if covr1,r2 0.3 ?2 for all
    distinct i and j, Luenberger shows
  • Varr 0.7 ?2/n 0.3 ?2.
  • We can plot ?2/n and 0.7 ?2/n 0.3 ?2 versus n,
    assuming ? 1, to get some idea of the effect
    of diversification for uncorrelated as compared
    to correlated assets.

  • Diversification helps less for correlated assets
    than for uncorrelated assets.

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  • Types of risk
  • unique risk the risk that potentially can be
    eliminated by diversification.
  • market risk risk intrinsic to the market, that
    cannot be eliminated by diversification.
  • Unique risk stems from the fact that many of the
    perils that surround an individual company are
    peculiar to that company and perhaps its
    immediate competitors.
  • Market risk stems from the fact that there are
    other economy-wide perils which threaten all
    businesses. That is why stocks have a tendency
    to move together. And, that is why investors are
    exposed to market uncertainties, no matter how
    many stocks they hold.

  • Example return and risk calculations
  • Covariance 1176 (assuming sds in percent)
  • If we put 60 of our portfolio into Georgia
    Pacific and the remaining 40 into Thermo
    Electron, our
  • expected return 0.6 ? 15 0.4 ? 21 17.4

  • Example return and risk calculations (Contd)
  • Return variance 0.62 ? 282 2 ? 0.6 ? 0.4 ?
    1176 0.42 ? 422 282.24 564.48 282.24
  • standard deviation ? 1128.96 33.6
  • If in fact the correlation is 470.4, then
  • portfolio variance ? 790, sd ? 28.1 .

  • Limits to Diversification
  • Recall, for a portfolio with n assets, its
    variance is
  • ?2 E(r Er)2
  • n n
  • ? ? wi wj ?i,j
  • i1 j1
  • This formula, with n2 terms, adds n variances and
    n2 n covariances.

  • Limits to Diversification (Contd)
  • Suppose each weight is 1/n. We invest equally in
    each asset. Then each product of any two
    weights is 1/n2. We conclude
  • ?2 1/n2 (sum of all the variances)
  • 1/n2 (sum of all the covariances)
  • Note, since there are n variances,
  • sum of all the variances
  • n(sum of all variances/n)
  • n ? avg. variance
  • sum of all the covariances
  • n(n-1)sum of all covariances/n(n-1)
  • n(n-1) ? avg. covariance.

  • Limits to Diversification (Contd)
  • ?2 1/n2 (sum of all the variances)
  • 1/n2 (sum of all the covariances)
  • n/n2 ? (avg. variance)
  • n(n-1)/n2 ? avg. covariance
  • 1/n ? avg. variance
  • (1 1/n) ? avg. covariance
  • What happens to the above expression as n becomes

  • Limits to Diversification (Contd)
  • Variance converges to the average covariance for
    the market
  • If the average covariance were 0, it would be
    possible to eliminate all risk by holding a
    sufficient number of securities. Unfortunately,
    common stocks move together, not independently.
    Thus, most of the stocks that the investor can
    actually buy are tied together in a web of
    positive covariances which set the limit to the
    benefits of diversification.
  • Major Conclusion. The risk of a well-diversified
    portfolio depends on the market risk of the
    securities included in the portfolio.

  • Diagram of a Portfolio
  • Mean-Standard Deviation Diagram
  • Example for the 3 bets of the betting wheel.

  • The ideas illustrated in the betting wheel mean
    standard deviation diagram provide insight into
    portfolio analysis. Think of each bet as an
    asset, with an expected return and a variance.
    The relative amount of each asset in your
    portfolio (the assets weight) will affect both
    the expected return and portfolio variance. We
    wish to analyze these effects.

  • Suppose you have two assets. You plot the
    standard deviation and expected return of each.

  • Suppose these two assets are in a portfolio with
    weights w1 and w2, so that
  •  Er w1 Er1 w2 Er2
  •  Varr w12 ?12 2 w1 w2 ?1,2 w22 ?22
  • Recall w1 w2 1. If we let ? w2, then 1 - ?
    w1. As we vary ? we adjust the relative
    amounts of assets 1 and 2 in our portfolio, and
    change both the expected return and the portfolio
    variance (or standard deviation). In particular,
  • return(?) Er (1 - ?) Er1 ? Er2
  •  ?(?) ?(1 - ?)2 ?12 2 (1 - ?) ? ?1,2 ?2

  • What does the plot of (?(?),return(?)) look like
    as we vary alpha? Since
  • return(?) Er (1 - ?) Er1 ? Er2
  • ?(?) ?(1 - ?)2 ?12 2 (1 - ?) ? ?1,2 ?2
  • we conclude
  • (?(?),return(?)) A2 if ? 1,
  • (?(?),return(?)) A1 if ? 0.

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  • As ? varies between 0 and 1, (?(?),return(?))
    traces a curve connecting A1 and A2
  • Which point on the curve would you choose?
  • Are there better points than just A1 or A2?
  • As ? varies outside 0,1 the curve extends to
    include the dashed portions as shown, which
    correspond to short selling. The top dashed
    portion represents short selling of A1 the
    bottom dashed portion represents short selling of

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  • The exact shape of the solid curve depends on
    ?1,2. It can be shown that the curve will always
    be contained in a triangle with vertices A1, A2
    and A. The point A is defined by
  • A (0, (Er1 ?2 Er2 ?1)/(?1 ?2 ))

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  • Indeed
  • ?(?) ?(1 - ?)2 ?12 2 ?(1 - ?) ? ?1 ?2 ?2
  • Using ? 1 we find upper bound
  • ?(?) ?(1 - ?)2 ?12 2 (1 - ?) ? ?1 ?2 ?2
  • ?1 - ?) ?1 ? ?22 (1 - ?) ?1 ? ?2
  • Using ? -1 we find lower bound
  • ?(?) ?(1 - ?)2 ?12 - 2 (1 - ?) ? ?1 ?2 ?2
  • ?1 - ?) ?1 -? ?22 (1 - ?) ?1 -? ?2
  • Upper and lower bounds are linear
  • (1 - ?) ?1 -? ?2 turns to zero when ? ?1/
    (?1 ?2 )

  • Some Figures with Excel follow
  • -1 ? 2, Er1 0.1, Er2 0.3, ?1 0.15,
    ?2 0.20
  • - 0.02 ?1,2 0.02 ( ?1,2 ?1 ?2
  • When ?2 we have in the portfolio two shares of
    the second stock (long position) and one share of
    the first stock (short position).
  • Motivating Questions.
  • 1.   Which portfolio mix would be least risky?
  • 2.   What happens to the portfolio risk if you
    want a high return?
  • Shorting improves portfolio performance for the
    negatively correlated stocks.

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  • The Mean-Standard Deviation Feasible Set
  • Suppose we have n basic assets.
  • We plot each as points on the mean-sd diagram.
  • Imagine forming portfolios from these n assets,
    using every possible choice of asset weights that
    total to 1.
  • The set of points we get that correspond to all
    possible such portfolios is called the mean-sd
    feasible region, feasible set, or feasible

  • For two assets, e.g.,

  • Changing weights for 3 assets

  • Any two assets define a curved line between them
    as combination portfolios are formed. Given
    three points, P1, P2 and P3, by considering
    portfolios of pairs of points we could sweep out
    the lines shown for these three points. If we
    take a combination of points 2 and 3 we can
    produce point 4, as shown. By moving point 4
    (adjusting the relative weights of points 2 and
    3, we can sweep out the entire solid region
    enclosed by points 1, 2 and 3.

  • Statement 1. If there are at least three assets
    (not perfectly correlated and with different
    means) then the feasible set will be a solid
    two-dimensional region.
  • Statement 2. The feasible region is convex to
    the left. That is, given any two points in the
    region, the straight line connecting them does
    not cross the left boundary of the region. This
    follows from the fact that all portfolios (with
    positive weights) made from two assets lie on or
    to the left of the line connecting them (see the
    next figure).

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  • The feasible region with n assets (no shorting)

  • The feasible region with n assets (shorting is

  • Motivating Questions
  • For a given Er, which point in the feasible
    region would you choose?
  • For a given variance, which point in the feasible
    region would you choose?

  • The left boundary of a feasible set is called the
    minimum-variance set. For any point in the
    feasible set, there is another point in the
    minimum-variance set with the same risk and
    smaller variance.
  • The point in the minimum-variance set of minimal
    variance is called the minimum-variance point
  • An investor who prefers a point in the
    minimum-variance set is called risk-averse.
  • An investor who is not risk-averse is called risk
    preferring, or a risk taker.

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  • Minimum Variance Set

  • For a given value of ?, we might as well pick the
    point of highest expected return.
  • Nonsatiation everything else being equal,
    investors always want more money.
  • The top left portion of the minimum variance set
    is called the efficient frontier.
  • The efficient frontier identifies the best
  • We can concentrate on only the portfolios in the
    efficient frontier.

  • Efficient Frontier

Markowitz Model
  • A portfolio has n assets with (random) returns
    r1, r2, ..., rn. Their expected returns are
  • and the expected return of the portfolio equals
  • Variance of portfolio return
  •   n n
  • ?2 E(r Er)2 ? ? wi wj ?i,j
  • i1 j1
  • The Markowitz model finds portfolios on the
    efficient frontier of the mean-sd feasible set.

  • Markowitz Model (Contd)
  • We seek a portfolio of minimal risk to achieve
    our desired return (factor ½ for convenience).
  • Note the basic model allows short selling.

  • Markowitz model solving using linear equations
  •  Lagrangian
  • Lagrangian, two dimension case

  • Markowitz model linear equations (contd)
  •   Lagrangian derivatives
  • Setting derivatives to zero and using
  • This can be solved for

  • Markowitz model linear equations (contd)
  •  Equations for efficient set

  • Quadratic programming (no short positions)
  • w1 ,, wn0
  • Note that 1/2 multiplier is not included in the
    performace function

n n




i1 j1

subject to









  • Quadratic programming (Contd)
  • This problem is a special case of a Quadratic
    Programming Program (QPP).
  • The QPP is one of the best-solved nonlinear
    programming problems. The financial industry has
    many special-purpose programs to solve the
    Markowitz problem for thousands of assets.
  • Excel (Tools,Solver) can be used to solve this

  • Quadratic programming (Excel)
  • File Mkwz-5x5.xls, Sheet2, Tools gt Solver
  • Do not check linear model,
  • assume nonnegative, check use automatic

  • Summary of Some runs
  • r1 0.1, r2 0.3, ?1 0.03, ?2 0.06.

  • Computational Experience Remark. A significant
    difference between the two formulations is that
    when short selling is allowed, most, if not all,
    of the optimal weights have nonzero values
    positive or negative so essentially all assets
    are used. By contrast, when short selling is not
    allowed, typically many weights are equal to zero.

  • Example 6.10 (Three uncorrelated assets)
  • Each variance is 1, mean returns are 1, 2 and 3
    respectively. Covariances are all 0.


  • The Two-Fund Theorem
  •  Equations for efficient set
  • Suppose that there are two known solutions

  • The Two-Fund Theorem (Contd)
  • Can be directly verified that combination of the
    portfolios is a new solution
  • Two efficient funds (portfolios) can be
    established so that any efficient portfolio can
    be duplicated, in terms of mean and variance, as
    a combination of these two. In other words, all
    investors seeking efficient portfolios need only
    invest in combinations of these two funds.

  • The Two-Fund Theorem (Contd)
  • Assumptions
  • - everyone cares only about the mean and
  • - everyone has the same assessments of the
    means, variances, and covariances
  • - a single period framework is appropriate

  • Motivating Questions. Suppose the Markowitz
    model, say P, has n assets. We now expand the
    model to get a larger one, say P, with m assets
    (m gt n), by attaching m-n assets to model P.
  • What can you say about the relationship of
    optimal solutions to P and P, and why?
  • Which model would be harder to solve?
  • Which model would do best?

  • Inclusion of a Risk-Free Asset
  • A risk-free asset has a return that is
    deterministic, that is, ? 0 for this asset.
  • Investors can usually borrow or lend.
  • Borrowing (negative investing or negative
  • Examples (lending)
  • - Certificate of Deposit
  • - US Treasury note or bill (kept until maturity)
  • - Money market checking account (almost

  • The inclusion of a risk-free asset in the list of
    possible assets for portfolio analysis makes the
    analysis more realistic.
  • The inclusion also introduces a mathematical
    degeneracy that simplifies the shape of the
    efficient frontier of the return-sd feasible set.

  • Suppose (1) rf return of the risk-free asset,
    and (2) ?f 0 standard deviation of return of
    the risk-free asset.
  • Also we have a risky asset, with (1) Er
    expected return, and (2) ? gt 0 the standard
    deviation of the risky asset.
  • Suppose we form a new portfolio from the
    risk-free asset and the risky asset. Let
  • ? weight of risk-free asset in the portfolio,
    ? 1,
  • 1 - ? weight of risky asset in the portfolio.

  • Since ? 1 the weight of the risky asset in our
    portfolio will be nonnegative (buying). The
    weight of the risk-free asset can be either
    negative (borrowing) or positive (lending).
  • The covariance of the two assets cannot exceed ?f
    ? ? in absolute value. This means the covariance
    is 0.

  • For our new portfolio,
  • rn ? rf (1-?) r is the return,
  • Ern expected return ? rf (1-?) Er
  • Varrn Var? rf (1-?)r Var(1-?) r
  • 2 ? (1-?) covariance ?2 ?f2
  • Var(1-?) r (1-?)2 Varr
    (1-?)2 ?2.
  • Thus, st-dev of rn 1-? ? (1-?) ? , since ?

  • Summary. For ? 1,
  • Ern expected return ? rf (1-?) Er,
  • standard deviation of rn ? ?f (1-?) ?.
  • Both the mean and standard deviation of the new
    portfolio vary linearly with ?. As ? varies, the
    point representing the new portfolio traces out a
    straight line in the return-sd plane.

), Er
, r
) (1-
) (
, Er,


  • This equation
  • (?(rn), Ern) ? (?f, rf) (1-?) (?, Er, ?
  • is a half-line through (?f, rf) and (?, Er)
    with its endpoint at (?f, rf) (0, rf).

  • After Figure 6.13. The feasible set becomes an
    infinite triangle with borrowing and lending of
    risk-free asset allowed.

  • The half-line idea extends to n risky assets and
    1 risk-free asset. First form the feasible set
    for the risky assets. Then plot (0,rf). Draw
    half-lines beginning at (0,rf) through every
    point in the feasible set. The resulting new
    feasible set is an infinite triangle. Its
    efficient frontier is the top half-line, the
    top edge of the infinite triangle.

  • If borrowing of the risk-free asset is not
    allowed, instead of half-lines as above we get
    line segments between the point (0,rf) and every
    point in the old feasible set as the new feasible
    set. The new feasible set has a straight-line
    front edge but a rounded top...

  • The One-Fund Theorem
  • Theorem. There is a single fund F of risky
    assets such that every efficient portfolio can be
    constructed as a combination of the fund F and
    the risk-free asset.

  • The One-Fund Theorem (Contd)
  • When risk-free borrowing and lending are
    available, the efficient set consists of a single
    straight line, which is the top of the triangular
    feasible region. This line is tangent to the
    original feasible set of risky assets. There
    will be a point F in the original feasible set
    that is on the line segment defining the overall
    efficient set. Any efficient point (any point on
    the line) can be expressed as a combination of
    this asset and the risk-free asset. We obtain
    different efficient points by changing the
    weighting between these two (including negative
    weights of the risk-free asset to borrow money in
    order to leverage the buying of the risky asset).

  • The One-Fund Theorem (Contd)
  • If F (f1,f2) then the points (x,y) on the
    efficient frontier are the ones satisfying
  • (x,y) ? (0, rf) (1-?) (f1, f2), ? 1
  • This is the equation of a half-line through (0,
    rf) and (f1,f2) with its endpoint at (0, rf).

  • Solution Method.
  • Given a point in the feasible region, we draw a
    line between the risk-free asset and that point.
    Let us denote by ? the angle between that line
    and the horizontal line.
  • For any feasible portfolio p , we have
  • We have ,

  • Differentiation of
  • and setting derivative to zero gives the
    following system of equations
  • where is a constant.
  • By denoting we get a system
    of equations w.r.t.

  • Summary calculation of the efficient frontier
  • Suppose there are n risky assets of interest,
    with all the expected risks, and
    variances/covariances known.
  • Let M be the n by n variance/covariance matrix.
  • Let b be the vector whose entry i is Eri rf.
  • Solve the equations M V b for V.
  • Compute W by dividing each entry in V by the
    total of the entries in V.

  • Example 6.12. (Three uncorrelated assets). We
    have 3 risky assets, each with variance 1 and
    mean rates of returns of 1, 2, and 3
    respectively. There is a risk-free asset with
    rate rf 0.5.
  • The entries in M, V and b are in the following

  • Example 6.12. (Contd)
  • Since the V entries total to 4.5,
  • expected return (1/9) 1 (3/9) 2 (5/9) 3
  • 22/9 ? 2.4444
  • variance of return (1/9)2 ? 1 (1/3)2 ? 1
    (5/9)2 ? 1 35/81 ? 0.432098765 ? sd of return ?

  • If F (f1,f2), then the points (x,y) on the
    efficient frontier are the ones satisfying
  • (x,y) ? (0, rf) (1-?) (f1, f2), ? 1.
  • Thus the efficient frontier consists of those
    points (x,y) satisfying
  • (x,y) ? (0, 0.5) (1-?) (0.6753,2.4444), ?


  • If we choose, say ? ½ to define a portfolio,
    say PN, , our expected return is 1.472, and the
    sd of the return is 0.32867. Thus PN (0.32867,
  • As compared to fund F, taking half of each of the
    two funds cuts our risk in half while reducing
    our expected return by less than half. Attaching
    even more (less) weight to the risk-free fund
    would give a combined fund with lower (higher)
    return and lower (higher) risk than this one.

  • Conclusion
  • Denote by P any portfolio made up only of the
    risky assets.
  • If P has a return of more than PN , it is also
  • If P is less risky than PN, its return is also
  • P can never be both less risky and also have a
    higher return than PN .
  • Including a risk-free asset is a very good idea.
  • Note shorting (borrowing) the risk-free asset can
    give a portfolio with a higher return (and higher
    risk) than P.
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