Title: P1251328612NXfel
1A Story About Obesity and Nudity and the
Influence of Rivers on Colonies of Heterocephalus
glaber (An African Mole-Rat)
2The Naked Mole-Rat (Heterocephalus glaber)
- Eusocial, similar in behavior to hymenopterans
- (ants, bees, and wasps)
- Lives in large colonies of 80 individuals on
average - with a single dominant female breeder (queen)
and - her 1-3 mates
- Subterranean rodent, feeds on tubers. Rarely
seen above - ground.
- Distributed across eastern half of Kenya,
Somalia, and - the southeastern corner of Ethiopia
Size variance within and among colonies
3The study site in Meru and Kora National Park in
4Distribution of colonies that were sampled for
this study
Elevation Map
Elevation (m)
-9,998 - 0
0 - 200
201- 300
301 - 400
401 - 500
501 - 600
601 - 700
701 - 800
801 - 900
901 - 1,000
1,001 - 1,200
1,201 - 1,300
1,301 - 5,825
GTOPO30 Elevation http//edcdaac.usgs.gov/gtopo30
6Is average colony weight correlated with average
rainfall (elevation) across the study site?
7Is average colony weight correlated with average
rainfall (elevation) across the study site?
8Inverse Distance Squared Raster of Average Weight
Average Weight of 4 Heaviest Individuals (g)
23.2 - 36.2
36.3 - 39.7
39.8 - 45.4
45.5 - 53.8
53.9 - 83.5
9Correlogram Morans I test for spatial
autocorrelation of average colony weight
Average Lag Distance (m)
10Perhaps proximity to rivers is also correlated to
average colony weight
Average Weight of 4 Heaviest Individuals (g)
23.2 - 36.2
36.3 - 39.7
39.8 - 45.4
45.5 - 53.8
53.9 - 83.5
11Conclusion Elevation may explain 27 of the
average weight variation among
colonies Colonies are positively spatially
autocorrelated only within 5 km
distances Proximity to rivers may also be
correlated with average weight variation
12Are allele frequencies of these colonies
spatially autocorrelated?
A subterranean rodent is expected to have very
limited dispersal ability. Limited dispersal
translates to clustering of similar
allele frequencies.
13Distribution of an Allele Frequency of a
Microsatellite Locus
Allele Frequency
0.01 - 0.35
0.36 - 0.61
0.62 - 0.85
0.86 - 1.0
14Correlogram Morans I test for spatial
autocorrelation of allele frequecies among
15Rivers may again be influencing the pattern
Allele Frequency
0.01 - 0.35
0.36 - 0.61
0.62 - 0.85
0.86 - 1.0
16Future work Test whether rivers affect the
distribution of alleles at other microsatellite
loci in the same way. Test whether within a
river-bound region, alleles are
spatially autocorrelated. Test whether distance
from a river is correlated with average colony