What is the Taliban? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What is the Taliban?


Taliban leaders pictures with Osama Bin Laden. The following are just their top leaders: ... Osama Bin Laden is the leader of the Taliban. --The Taliban is the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What is the Taliban?

What is the Taliban?
The Taliban are the group that govern Afghanistan.
They say their aim is to set up the worlds most
pure Islamic state, banning frivolities like
television, music, and cinema.
Today the Taliban control 90 of Afghanistan, but
they started in 1994, by taking over just one
town at a time.
The beginnings Most people agree that the
Taliban began in the early 1990s. Refugees from
the Afghan/Soviet war were living in Pakistan and
went to Pashtun fundamentalist schools. The
students called themselves Taliban which
translates to Gods students in Arabic.
Most accounts claim that a religious leader --
Mullah Mohammed Omar -- lead a group of militant
religious students through the Afghan countryside
to rid it of the bandits and corrupt officials
(left there after the Soviets pulled-out)
The Taliban students began attacking highway
bandits and freed the countryside from crime.
Then they forced the corrupt officials to leave
and took over the towns. Little by little they
gained control of almost all of Afghanistan.
Pakistan is the only country that recognizes the
Taliban as the legitimate government of
Afghanistan. Also Pakistan has provided much
financial and military support to the Taliban.
Because of this, many people argue that the
Taliban werent students at all, but Afghan
refugees funded and trained by Pakistans secret
service in order to create safe trade routes to
the Middle East.
The Organization The Taliban is a complicated
government with many levels of leadership.
The following are just their top leaders
Taliban leaders pictures with Osama Bin Laden
Taliban Leaders, Ministers
NAME POSITION Mullah Mohammad Omar Emir
of Afghanistan Head of the Taliban Movement
Mullah Mohammad Rabbani Chairman-Ruling
Council Head-Council of Ministers Abdul Wakil
Motawakil Minister of Foreign affairs Mullah
Ubaidullah Akhund Minister of Defense Mullah
Abdul Razaq Minister of Interior Affairs
Taliban Leaders, Ministers
NAME POSITION Qari Ahmadullah Minister of
Security Mullah Nooruddin Turabi Minister of
Justice Qari Din Mohammad Minister of
Planning Mullah Abbas Akhund Minister of
Health Mullah Abdul Salam Haqqani Minister of
Education Mullah Yar Mohammad Minister of
Taliban Leaders, Ministers
NAME POSITION Alhaj Mullah Mohammad Isa
Akhund Minister of Mines and Industries
Mawlawi Mohammadullah Mati Minister of
Public Works Hafez Mohibullah Minister of Haj
and Religious Affairs Mawlawi Abdul Raqib
Minister of Repatriation Mullah Mohammad Jan
Akhund Minister of Water and Electricity
Their laws
Sharia, Islamic Law, is the basis for the
Talibans rules and regulations. They have forced
the citizens to live under a strict
interpretation of the Sharia -- including public
executions and amputations.
Men are required to wear beards at least the
length of a fist, and can be beaten or imprisoned
The rest of the world is very concerned about the
treatment of women under the Talibans laws.
Under these laws girls are forbidden to go to
school and women are banned to work outside of
homes. Worse, women are forbidden to leave the
house without a male relative.
Women have to wear a suffocating burqa or
full-length covering with a net-like eye slot.
If they walk too fast or make too much noise,
they are beaten.
The Taliban claim these laws "restore women's
safety, dignity and freedom."
To root out non-Islamic influence, television,
music, and the internet were outlawed. Also, any
sign of pre-Islamic culture in Afghanistan has
been wiped out. These Buddhist statues were
blown-up last March.
What many people think the Taliban is --The
Taliban wants to make the whole world
Islamic. --Osama Bin Laden is the leader of the
Taliban. --The Taliban is the same as the Al
Qaeda. --The Taliban are the terrorists.
The truth behind these misperceptions --The
Taliban only makes Afghanistan follow Islamic
rules. Its the Al Qaeda that wants to rid the
world of bad western influences. --Osama is
the leader of the Al Qaeda and is merely a guest
of the Taliban regime.
--The Taliban and Al Qaeda are completely
separate. The Taliban are the governing party of
Afghanistan, while the Al Qaeda are a world-wide
terrorist organization. --The Taliban claim they
had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks on
the United States. They are not terrorists.
They merely provide a place for terrorists to
hide. Evidence shows that the Al Qaeda did it.
After the Taliban
Bombed areas
Afghani women
riding in taxi (treated like luggage)
Waiting in food lines - like 40 of Kabul
meeting secretly for school
Afghani men
Raised to fight
Afghani Kids views
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