Augmenting Suffix Trees, with Applications - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Augmenting Suffix Trees, with Applications


To output a list of all documents containing P as a substring (the standard ... of v, represents the longest prefix of the substring formed by concatenating of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Augmenting Suffix Trees, with Applications

Augmenting Suffix Trees, with Applications
  • Yossi Matias, S. Muthukrishnan, Suleyman Cenk
    Sahinalp, Jacob Ziv

Presented by Genady Garber
  • Theory of string algorithms play a fundamental
    role in
  • Information retrieval
  • Data compression
  • This work consider one algorithmic problem from
    each area.
  • The algorithms rely on augmenting the suffix tree
    (adding extra edges, resulting DAGs)
  • The algorithm construct these suffix DAGs and
    manipulate them to solve the problems.

  • This paper presents two algorithmic problems
  • Data Compression
  • Information Retrieval
  • All these algorithms rely on the suffix tree data
  • ST with suitably simple augmentations are very
    useful in string processing applications
  • In described work the suffix tree was augmented
    with extra edges and additional information

Problems and Background
  • The Document Listing Problem
  • The HYZ Compression Problem

The Document Listing Problem
  • Given a set of documents T T1, . . . , Tk
  • Given a query pattern P
  • The problem
  • To output a list of all documents containing P as
    a substring (the standard problem can be solved
    in time, proportional to number of occurrences of
    P in T. The goal is to solve the problem with a
    running time depending on the number of documents
    containing P)
  • To report the number of documents containing P
    (existing algorithm solves this problem in O(P)
    and is based on data structures for computing
    Lowest Common Ancestor)
  • May be used in morbid applications
    (discovering gene homologies)

The (a,b)-HYZ Compression Problem
  • Given a binary string T of length t
  • Need to replace disjoint blocks of size b with
    desirably shorter codewords (to allow future
    perfect decompression)
  • Compression Algorithm
  • To compute the codeword cj for block j we
    determine its context (the context of a block Ti
    l is the longest substring Tk i - 1, k lt
    i, of size at most a , Tk l occurs earlier in
  • The codeword cj is the ordered pair g , l where
  • g - length of the context of block j
  • l - rank of block j with respect to the context
    (according to some predetermined order -
    lexicographic, etc.)
  • Intuition similar symbols in data appear in
    similar contexts

The (a,b)-HYZ Compression Problem (previous
  • Case of b O(1) and a is unbounded
  • Average length of a codeword is shown to approach
    the conditional entropy for the block, within
    additive term of c1logH(C) c2 for constants c1
    and c2, provided that the input is generated by a
    limited order Markovian source.
  • Case of b gt loglog t and a O(log t)
  • This scheme also achieves the optimal compression
    (in terms of CO)
  • Applies for all ergodic sources

The problem state
  • Consider a set of document strings T T1, T2, .
    . . Tk, of sizes t1, t2, . . . , tk.
  • The goal is to build a data structure, supporting
    the following queries on an on-line pattern P of
    size p
  • list query (the list of documents containing P)
  • count query (the number of documents containing
  • Theorem 1
  • Given T and P, there is a data structure which
    responds to a count query in O(p) time, and a
    list query in O(p log k out) time, where out
    is the number of documents in T that contain P.

The Suffix-DAG Data Structure
  • Proof Sketch
  • Build the suffix-DAG of documents T1, . . ., Tk,
    in O(t) O(S tk), using O(t) space
  • The suffix-DAG of T, denoted by SD(T), contains
    the generalized suffix tree, GST(T), of the set T
    at its core.
  • A GST(T) is defined to be the compact trie of all
    the suffixes of each of the documents in T.
  • Each leaf node l in GST(T) is labeled with the
    list of documents which have a suffix
    represented by the path from the root to l.
  • The substring represented by a path from the root
    to any given node n denoted by P(n)

The Suffix-DAG Data Structure (cont)
  • The nodes of SD(T) are the nodes of GST(T)
  • The edges of SD(T) are of two types
  • the skeleton edges of SD(T) are the edges of
  • the supportive edges of SD(T) are defined as
    follows for any nodes n1 and n2 in SD(T) there
    is a pointer edge from n1 to n2 if and only if
  • n1 is an ancestor of n2
  • among the suffix trees ST(T1), ST(T2), . . . ,
    ST(Tk) there exists at least one , say ST(Ti),
    which has two nodes , n1 , I and n2 , I such
  • P(n1) P(n1 , i) ,P(n2) P(n2 , i)
  • n1 , I is the parent of n2 , I
  • such an edge is labeled with I for all relevant
    documents in Ti

The Suffix-DAG Data Structure (cont.2)
  • In order to respond to the count and list
    queries, one of the standard data structures that
    support least common ancestor (LCA) queries on
    SD(T) in O(1) time was built.
  • Also each internal node n of SD(T) contains
  • array that stores its supportive edges in
    pre-order fashion
  • number of documents which include P(n) as

  • The independent suffix trees
  • T1 abcb T2 abca T3 abab

Example (cont.)
  • The generalized suffix tree of the set of
    documents T1, T2, T3

Example (cont.2)
  • The suffix-DAG of the set of documents

Example (cont.3)
  • The suffix-DAG of the set of documents

skeleton edge
number of documents in the subtree and the
pointer array
Lemmas and Proofs
  • Lemma1
  • The suffix-DAG is sufficient to respond to the
    count queries in O(p) time, and to list queries
    in O(p log k out) time
  • Proof Sketch
  • To respond to count queries do as follows
  • with P, trace down GST(T) until the highest level
    node n is reached for which P is a prefix of P(n)
  • return the number of documents that contain P(n)
    as a substring
  • To respond to list queries do as follows
  • locate n in SD(T) (defined above) and traverse
    SD(T) backwards from n to the root
  • at each node u on the path determine all
    supportive edges out of u have their endpoints in
    the subtree rooted at n

Lemmas and Proofs (cont.)
  • Complexity of list queries
  • the key observation is that all corresponding
    edges will form a consecutive segment.
  • the segment may be identified with two binary
    searches (performing an LCA query, it takes O(1)
  • maximum size of the array of supportive edges in
    any node is at most kS , where S O(1) (
    size of alphabet), that means this procedure
    takes O(log k) at each node u
  • the output at all such segments may contain
    duplicate, but total size of the output is
    O(outS) O(out), where out is the number of
    occurrences of P in t

Lemmas and Proofs (cont.2)
  • Lemma 2
  • The suffix-DAG of the document set T can be
    constructed in O(t) time and O(t) space
  • Proof Sketch
  • The construction of GST(T) with all suffix links
    and data structure are standard
  • To complete SD(T) it is necessary
  • to construct supportive edges
  • to build supportive edge array
  • to explain, how the number of documents that
    include P(n) is computed

Lemmas and Proofs (cont.3)
  • Proof Sketch (cont.)
  • the supportive edge with label i can be built by
    emulating constriction for ST(Ti) (for each node
    is ST(Ti), there is a corresponding node in SD(T)
    with the appropriate suffix link)
  • supporting edges building
  • if there is supportive edge between nodes n1 and
    n2 , then either there is SE between n1( there
    is suffix link from ni to ni) and n2, or there
    exist one intermediate node to which there is a
    supportive edge from n1 (n2).
  • The time to compute such nodes as length of
    string between nodes n1 and n2
  • to compute the number of documents (n),
    containing the substring of n we need
  • the number of supportive edges from n to its
  • the number of supportive edges to n from its

Lemmas and Proofs (cont.4)
  • Lemma 3
  • For any node n, (n) Sn E children of n (n)
  • Proof
  • if a document Ti includes the substring of more
    than one descendant of n, then there should exist
    a node in ST(Ti) whose substring is identical to
    that of n
  • for any two supportive edges from n to n1 and n2,
    the path from n to n1 and the path from n to n2
    do not have any common edges

The Compression Algorithm
  • Compression scheme Ca,b terms
  • the input is a string T of size t
  • binary alphabet
  • The scheme
  • partition the T into contiguous substrings
    (blocks) of size b
  • replace each block by a corresponding codeword
    (function of context)
  • the context of a block Ti j is the longest
    substring Tk i-1 for k lt I, for which Tk l
    occurs earlier in T.
  • if context exceeds a it truncated for a rightmost
  • the codeword cj is ordered pair ltg,lgt, where
  • g is the context size
  • l is the lexicographic order of block j among all
    possible substrings of size b immediately
    following earlier occurrences of context of block

Compression Example
  • T 010011010
  • a 2 , b 1
  • the context of block 9 is T7 8 01
  • the two substrings which follow earlier
    occurrences of this context are T3 0 and
    T6 1
  • the lexicographic order of block 9 amount these
    substrings is 1

The Compression Algorithm(cont)
  • Theorem 2
  • There is an algorithm to implement the
    compression scheme Ca,b which runs in O(tb)
    time and requires O(tb) space, independent of a
  • Proof
  • Building suffix tree we augment it as follows
  • for each node v we store an array of size b in
    which for each i 1, . . ., b
  • store the number of distinct paths rooted at v of
    precisely i characters minus the number of such
    distinct paths of precisely i-1 characters (the
    number may be negative)

The Compression Algorithm(cont.2)
  • Lemma 4
  • There is an algorithm to construct the augmented
    suffix tree of T in O(tb) time
  • Proof
  • While inserting a new node into suffix tree,
    update the subtree information of the ancestors
    of v which are at most b characters higher than v
  • number of such ancestors is at most b
  • at most one of the b fields of information at any
    ancestor of v needs to be updated

The Compression Algorithm(cont.3)
  • Lemma 5
  • The augmented suffix tree is sufficient to
    compute the codeword for each block of input T in
  • O( )
  • Proof Sketch
  • The computation of g can be performed by locating
    the node in the suffix tree which represents the
    longest prefix of the context (can be achieved by
    using the suffix links in amortized O(b) time)
  • The computation of l
  • traverse the path between v and w (v represents
    the longest prefix of the context of block j, w,
    the descendant of v, represents the longest
    prefix of the substring formed by concatenating
    of lock j and its context)
  • during traversal, compute size of the relevant
    subtrees that smaler/greater then the substring
    represented by this path

The Compression Algorithm(cont.4)
  • Theorem 3
  • There is an algorithm to implement the
    compression method Ca,b for a log t and b log
    log t in O(t) time using O(t) space
  • Proof Sketch
  • For any descendents wi of v which are b chars
    apart from v, the DataStructure enables to
    compute lexicographic order of the path between
    any wi and v, allowing easy computation of
    codeword of block of size brepresented by path
    between v and wi
  • The algorithm exploits the fact that the context
    size is bounded, and its seeks similarities
    between suffixes of the input up to a small size.

The Compression Algorithm(cont.5)
  • Lemma 6
  • The augmented limited suffix tree of input T is
    sufficient to compute the codeword for any input
    block j in O(b) time
  • Proof Sketch
  • Given a block j of the input
  • v represents its context
  • w (descendant of v) represents substring
    context(j) block(j)
  • b log log t gt the maximum number of elements
    in the search data structure for v is O(log
  • there is a simple data structure that maintains k
    elements and compute the rank of any given
    element in O(log k) time
  • the lexicographic order of node w in only O(log
    log t) O(b) time may be computed (in future

The Compression Algorithm(cont.6)
  • Lemma 7
  • The augmented limited suffix tree of input T can
    be built and maintained in O(t) time
  • Proof Sketch
  • The depth of augmented limited suffix tree is
    bounded by log t gt the total number of nodes in
    the tree is only O(t), allowing to adapt ST
    construction in O(t) time - without being
    penalized for building a suffix trie rather than
    the suffix tree.
  • Because of each node v is inserted to the search
    data structure of at most one of its ancestors,
    it is possible to construct and maintain the
    search data structure of all nodes in O(t) time,
    gt the total number of elements maintained by all
    search data structures is O(t)
  • The insertion time of an element e to a search DS
    is O(1)
  • As the total number of of nodes to be inserted is
    the DS is bounded by O(t), it may be shown, that
    the total time for insertion of nodes in the
    search DS is O(t)

Results and conclusions
  • Document listing problem
  • Processing k documents in linear time ( O(Si ti)
    ) and space
  • Time to answer a query with pattern P is O( P
    logk out)
  • The fastest known algoritm runs in time
    proportional to number of occurrences of the
    pattern in all documents.

Results and conclusions (cont.)
  • (a,b )-HYZ compression problem
  • unbounded a, complexity O(tb)
  • gives linear time for b O(1)
  • The only previously known algorithm, where for
  • b O(1), the author presents an O(ta) time
    algorithm, and for unbounded a this running time
    is O( )
  • a O(log t), b log log t, complexity O(t)
  • There is no any previously known algorithms
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