Title: GDEM State Coordinator for Communications Agenda
1GDEM State Coordinator for Communications Agenda
- Communication Projects Update
- Timeline for PSIC
- PSIC Status
- PSIC Audit Week of 11 May, 2009
- Communications Coordination Group
- Training
- ICTAP RICP Workshops March 30-31 _at_ Houston
April 28-29 _at_ Fort Worth - COML Training
- Exercises Upcoming DOD Interoperability
Exercise, Camp Mabry Austin, Texas 1-5 June 2009
(PSIC) Grant Timeline
11 Months to Execute
APR 2010
JUN 08 - Progress Report Due (SF 296)
MAY 09 OIG Audit
Compliance Visits for MRG Apr 10 09 HOTCOG Apr
15 09 and NORTEX, TBD
APR 09 - Prep for OIG Audit
MAR 09 SPARS Transistion Travel to
LA Progress Report Submitted
JAN 09 BSIR Input College Station
DEC 08 Interoperability Coordinator Hired for
GDEM Progress Report Submitted
NOV 08 -
OCT 08 -
SEP 08 Progress Report Submitted (SF 296)
AUG 08 GDEM Preparedness Conference Progress
Reports Requested
JUL 08
JUN 08 - Progress Report Submitted (SF 296)
MAY 08 SAA Cindy Hood Assigned PSIC Grant
Hurricane Conference
APR 08 -
MAR 08 - Progress Report Submitted (SF 296)
FEB 08 -
JAN 08 -
DEC 07 PSIC Award Sub-Recipients Notified
3State of Texas PSIC Projects
Future Projects
No Projects
4(No Transcript)
5ACCOMPLISHMENTS Since our state has more than
5,300 public safety agencies, we need to talk
100 interoperable radio systems have been built
or upgraded in Brazos Valley, Central Texas, East
Texas, Permian Basin and South Texas Development
Councils. 147 jurisdictions in the South East
Texas region have been provided interoperable
radio repeaters and subscriber units. Five
mobile communications vehicles have been provided
to the Central Texas, East Texas and Permian
Basin regions.
The Middle Rio Grande region built a nine county
interoperable system which is now being used by
state, local and federal emergency
responders. Microwave networks are replacing
expensive wire line systems in the
Houston-Galveston and Middle Rio Grande regions.
6- The Austin-Travis County Regional Radio System
is being expanded and - will soon provide communications across five
central counties. - DPS acquired Texas' first P25 public safety 700
MHz site in the state. - Interoperable communications capability has been
provided to 15 emergency operations centers /
radio dispatch centers in the Central Texas and
East Texas regions. - Procurement of interoperable communications
infrastructure equipment for the Panhandle Region
is approximately 80 complete. - 89 PSAPS (Public Safety Answering Points) have
been upgraded with interoperable communications
equipment in the North Central Texas region.
- The 2008 hurricane season came on the heels of
six months of an already challenging period for
homeland security in TexasThe State has
continued to secure and protect our border with
Mexico and at the same time endured the longest
and prolonged wildfire season in our States
history. - In less than 60 days during the summer, Texas was
assaulted by Hurricanes Dolly, Gustav, Ike and
Tropical Storm Eduardo. - (Jack Colley, Chief, GDEM, Office of the
Governor, 12/808.)
8Hurricane Ike swamps Galveston Island
9Flooding over access road 523 to Surfside Beach,
caused by Hurricane Ike
10Communications Coordination Group (CCG)Senate
Bill 936
- Mission The communications coordination group
shall facilitate interagency coordination and
collaboration to provide efficient and effectiveÂ
pre-planning, planning and execution of
communications support to joint, interagency,
and intergovernmental task forces prior to and
during a disaster. - The CCGÂ will be designed to accomplish the
following (as a minimum) - Produce significant benefits for interagency
synchronization of communication assets prior to,
during and immediately following disasters. - Maintain situational awareness of available
commercial, military and other government assets - Maintain the current status of commercial
communications infrastructure - Vet all requests for communications assistance
sent to the State Operations Center, (SOC) and
then assist the SOC with assigning the mission to
the appropriate assets in the areas with the
greatest need. - Coordinate with commercial providers to establish
priorities on re-establishment of commercial
communications infrastructure. - Utilize a network control center (systems
tracking capability) to track and manage all
deployed assets in real time
11OIG Sample Audit Findings
- XXXXs Homeland Security Organization Faces
Challenges - XXXX Has Not Assured That Its Homeland Security
Strategy Has Been Followed - Grant Management Efforts Need Improvement
- Expenditures Were Not Always In Compliance With
Grant Requirements - Funding Was Not Always Allocated To High Risk
Projects - Opportunities Exist For Improving Program
Readiness - Recommendations
- Management Comments and OIG Analysis
12- Contact information
- Janice Bruno, GDEM State Coordinator for
Communications - (512) 377-0029 (Office)
- (512) 466-6589 (Cell/BB)
- janice.bruno_at_txdps.state.tx.us
- Cindy Hood, SAA, PSIC Grants Coordinator
- (512) 377-0020 (Office)
- cindy.hood_at_txdps.state.tx.us