Title: Apache and PHP Security
1Apache and PHP Security
2Abbreviated Talk Outline
- Basic machine lockdown
- Apache Configuration and Hardening
- PHP Configuration and Hardening
- Secure Practices for PHP Development
- Secure Configuration of Common PHP Applications
3Before taking action understand the Role of the
- Who will have physical access?
- Who will have shell access?
- Will apache write to the filesystem?
- Will you need perl, python etc. within the OS or
for apache? - If possible can you limit what kind of
post/get/cookie/file payloads can be transmitted?
4Basic Lockdown
- Turn off unused services, update the machine
regularly, use recommended configuration files
etc. - Enable logwatch or logcheck and actually read the
reports. - Enable a well configured file integrity checker
- Configure iptables Ports 22, 80, 443 tomcat?
5Lockdown Continued
- Possibly survive a SYN flood attack
- In /etc/sysctl.conf set
- net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies 1
- More Information
- http//cr.yp.to/syncookies.html
- Restrict cron and at access using cron.allow and
at.allow. chmod/chown /etc/cron and
6Lockdown Continued
- Configure NTP for logfile accuracy.
- Filesystem lockdown
- If possible set quota to 1 for apache.
Especially /tmp and /var. - Sessions can write to a user configured directory
OR preferably a database. - /var, /data, /home should be mounted
nosuid,nodev,rw - Is it reasonable to make /usr or /usr/local ro?
7Securing Apache
8Configuring Apache
- Turn off any unnecessary capabilities.
Unfortunately many things are on by default. - Before making changes, research potential
exploits especially in the context of the
machines services. - Look into alternatives
- Example If running php, use it instead of server
side includes. - lt?php include footer.html ?gt
- XBitHack not necessary
9More Configuration Options
- Remove /var/www/ directories to protect identity.
- Create custom /var/www/error files
- Easy to configure
- Can help evade DoS attacks by blocking ip
addresses or URLs temporarily. - Blocks if
- Requests are made for the same page more than X
times per second per host - More than X concurrent requests on the same child
per second are made - First sends 403 error then blacklists.
- Can log to syslog and send email.
- Can also communicate with firewall or router and
execute system commands.
11Example Configuration
- LoadModule dosevasive20_module modules/mod_dosevas
ive20.so - ltIfModule mod_dosevasive20.cgt
- DOSHashTableSize 3097
- DOSPageCount 2
- DOSPageInterval 1
- DOSSiteCount 50
- DOSSiteInterval 1
- DOSBlockingPeriod 10
- DOSEmailNotify admin_at_domain.com
- DOSLogDir "/tmp/mod_dosevasive (make writable
by apache only) - lt/IfModulegt
- Very Powerful
- Can be tricky to configure. Lots of testing.
- Especially useful if web server runs a small
amount of applications.
13mod_security Features
- Filters requests before apache.
- Filters all requests including post payloads and
SSL. - Understands the http protocol, allowing fine
tuning. - Complete logging, including post data.
- Custom rules using regular expressions can be
applied at the virtual host level.
14More mod_security features
- Upon catch can filter, email, log, redirect,
send error code, or execute system binary. - Can execute action upon file upload. Example
virus scan. - Easier and better apache chrooting. No modules or
libraries needed. Logs already open. One Line
SecChrootDir /chroot/apache - Can use snort web attack signatures
- Rules are created and posted for web application
vulnerabilities. - Can change the identity of the web server in the
http header without editing the source. Finger
printing still works though.
15Example mod_security Configuration
- ltIfModule mod_security.cgt
- SecFilterEngine On
- Prevent OS specific keywords index.php?include
filename - SecFilter /etc/passwd
- Prevent path traversal (..) attacks
- SecFilter "\.\./"
- Very crude filters to prevent SQL injection
attacks - SecFilter "deletespacefrom"
- SecFilter "insertspaceinto"
- SecFilter "select.from"
- lt/IfModulegt
16Scanning your server
- Nmap
- Nessus
- www.nessus.org
- CIS Linux Benchmark Scan
- http//www.cisecurity.org/bench_linux.html
17PHP Security
18Types of PHP Attacks
- Command execution and/or writing to the
filesystem. - Sql injection
- Session Hijacking
- Cross Site Scripting (xss)
- Cross Site Request Forgeries (CSRF)
- Session reading/predicting
19Securing PHP
- Default php.ini lt V.4.8
- This is the default settings file for new PHP
installations. - By default, PHP installs itself with a
configuration suitable for - development purposes, and NOT for production
purposes. - Newer installs are better.
- Many php applications are installed with a
default php.ini. Therefore vulnerabilities can be
20Secure PHP Settings
- Recommended configurations
- display_errors Off (turn on with ini_set or
.htaccess) - log_errors On
- error_reporting E_ALL (better error reporting)
- session.save_path/opt/php/session (Should be
specified by the user. Where /opt has no apache
quota) - session.gc_maxlifetime600 (ten minutes of
21More Settings
- magic_quotes_gpc Off
- Escapes incoming get/post/cookie data, but for
what application/database. Broken Crutches. - Better to use specific php functions.
- More later
22More Settings
- register_globals Off
- Never turn on
- Too easy to write insecure code
- Auto initializes variables from Get/Post/Cookie
data - URL index.php?administratorxyz
- lt?phpif (isset(administrator)) authorize
d true?gt
23More Settings
- safe_mode On (enable if possible)
- safe_mode_gid On (enable if possible)
- Especially useful in Highly Critical attacks.
- Can not see files not owned by script owner.
- Can not execute files not owned by script owner.
24Developing Best Practices
- Develop with security and production in mind.
- Form strict policies concerning how data is
sanitized and at what stage. - _GET, _COOKIE, _POST should always be
sanitized according to where its going not where
it came from. -
- Mysql mysql_real_escape_string()
- Postgres pg_escape_string ()
- The P.E.A.R. DB class handles database data with
? replacements. - To browser htmlentities () or strip_tags()
- To Shell escapeshellcmd()
25To Remove Javascript and reduce XSS attacks
- Use preg_replace() on
- javascript onclick ondblclick onmousedown
onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove
onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
26Developing Best Practices cont.
- Form strict policies concerning sessions.
(storage, timeouts, session id length, etc.) - If on a multiuser machine make a custom
session.save_path or save session data to a
database. - Use session_regenerate_id() to prevent fixation.
Especially after privilege escalation.
27Developing Best Practices cont. Securing Includes
- Place them outside of document root.
- ini_set("include_path","./home/user/libs")
- But, if you have to place them in root
- End them in .php, so source is not revealed. Ex.
database.inc.php - ltFiles "\.inc"gt Order allow,deny Deny
from all - lt/Filesgt
28Where to put db_connect.inc.php
- Not in document root.
- If possible, make it non-world readable. Apache
group readable.
29Web Applications
30Secure Configuration of Common PHP
- Protect config.inc.php if db access is config
- If possible use mod_cas
- If using http authentication force ssl using
mod_rewrite - RewriteRule / /index.php RewriteCond
SERVER_PORT!443 RewriteRule (.)
https//host.com4431 R301,L
31Secure Configuration of Common PHP
- If configuring remotely via the web, use ssl.
- Sanity.A worm attacked a flaw that allowed for
system calls to be sent using GET vars. - Evil PHPlt?phpterm urldecode(_GET'sterm')
?gt - _GET is decoded once by php then again by
urldecode. The second time quotes or other
harmful symbols can be decoded and applied to
system(). Assuming no magic quotes would have
prevented the problem using escapecmd().
32Secure Configuration of Common PHP
- Verify that gallery has written to the .htaccess
and config.php file after install. - Then
- chmod 644 .htaccess
- chmod 644 config.php
- chmod 400 setup
33Secure Configuration of Common PHP
- Move config.php outside of DocumentRoot
- Edit mainfile.php to path of moved config.php.
34Web Applications
- When installing free web applications always be
aware of security advisories. - Maintain a backup of your database.
- Practice restoring the database.
- Be familiar with how to update the application.
- If possible always use mod_cas. Especially with
tools like phpMyAdmin.