Title: Laura Kings
1Trafalgar 200 at the DeVere Presented by
Laura - Kings Chelsea - Kings' Ruby -
Kings' Claire - Sholing Catherine -
Sholing Sadie - Sholing Zoe - Regents Park Jade -
Regents Park
Welcome to our presentation about what we have
chosen to do for commemorating the worldwide
known Battle of Trafalgar. We feel that our ideas
will do the battles anniversary justice and we
hope you like what we are about to present you.
3Backround Information
The Trafalgar 200 event is held in commemoration
of Nelsons victory at the Battle of Trafalgar.
(21st October 1805) The DeVere Hotel is marking
the event by playing host during this week of
celebration to different daily functions. There
are 4 set commissions with brief. The
5th commission brief and workings were to be
designed by our groups. We were told to be as
creative as possible, to have a big imagination
and to of course keep with the Trafalgar 200
4Background Information
- There will be
- A Formal dinner Allertons restaurant max 34
covers. - a Themed evening with an invited V.I.P. guest.
- An Informal drinks and light food Royal Bar
- A Gala dinner Mayflower Suite - dress code
Black - Tie / Evening Dress.. (This is the grand finale
of the - week long celebration.. Very posh!!)
- A programme of different functions is designed
to be held - each evening.
5The 5
6The Menu
The menu was specially designed for every bodies
taste. There is a delicious range of foods that
are guaranteed to tickle everyone's taste buds
and to be the best dinning experiences of your
entire life.
7Promotional leaflet
8Promotional leaflet (cont'd)
We had to design a promotional leaflet to market
the event here at DeVer e. we chose to do ours
with a colour scheme of blues, greens and
turquoises so that it would resemble water to
keep with the theme. We also made the front and
back cover of the leaflet to look like a wooden
boat. In the leaflet it says all the whos,
whats, whens, wheres and whys of the event.
All of these features combined makes our leaflet
very appealing.
9Dining Plan
The grand finale is a celebration evening at
the grand devere hotel in Southampton. Waves 200
and the other companies have been given the task
of designing all the events and dining plans for
this special occasion. In the next slide our
company will show the ideas that we have been put
10The Table Plan
Ice Sculpture
11Why This table plan?
For the table plan we decided that we would go
for a simple oval shape, so that we could fit
more people around the table. We needed to do
this because we are having a raised dance
platform in the middle so we have to have less
tables but they still have to be spacious. On our
plates we will have a picture of an anchor and
in the middle of our table we will have an ice
sculpture of a boat the table will be covered in
a plain white table cloth to match the décor .
12VIP Gift
Letter opener
Perfume bottle
13VIP Gift (cont'd)
As our VIP gift we over a one of a kind perfume
bottle with an engraving of HMS Victory and the
words DeVere Hotels, this gift is for our
female guests. For our male guests we offer
another one of a kind item, a letter opener in
the shape of a sword with again engraved on it
HMS Victory and the words DeVere Hotels. These
gifts will give the guests an everlasting memory
of the spectacular event that they attended at
the DeVere.
145th Commission
For the fifth commission we have come up with a
dinner/dance evening on a private V.I.P boat
specially designed to replicate HMS
Victory. Nelsons flag ship.
15Fantastic fireworks
After our guests have eaten and had a little
dance with their friends and loved ones we will
have a breathtaking firework display lasting
around 15 minutes. The De Vere guests will be
comfortably seated in chairs on the top deck.
When observing the spectacular site
16Dinner and Dance
The dinner and dance is a black tie event. You
will be served a five course meal. Cooked by a
five star chef of course.
17Thank You For Listening
W e now thank you for listening to Waves 200s
presentation and we hope that you enjoyed all of
our unique ideas. We thank DeVere hotels and the
people who gave us the chance to share with you
what we feel will give the anniversary of the
Battle of Trafalgar a wonderful anniversary
present. THE END.