Title: Get into Nanoscience
1(No Transcript)
2Get into Nanoscience
- North Dakota State College of Science
- Cheryl Brown
- Dr. Kristi Jean
3Reaching out to North Dakota
- Career and Technical Education Grant
- 50,000 for 2 years
- establish a Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) Outreach Program - Goals
- increase the students general understanding of
nanoscience and impact on our daily lives - Targeting nontraditional students
- awareness of high-tech, high-paying jobs in
4Where we have been
Results to date 11,000 miles 5,000
students 500 teachers
NDSCS, Wahpeton
5Did we get them interested in a science-related
- 96 learned something new
- 92 found the information helpful
- 95 enjoyed the experiments
- 78 like science
- 66 like math
- 99 plan to attend college
6What we are hearing
- It was fun to see science in action.
You have so gotten me with this presentation.
This is what I want to do.
I liked the demonstration with the shirts. I
thought it was cool that we have stuff like that
out on the market.
It affects your everyday life.
7Theres Plenty of Room at the Bottom
Why cant we make computers smaller?
8Meeting Feynmans Challenge
9What is Nanoscience?
- Science and Technology related to things that are
really, really, really, really small - How small do you think that is?
- Manipulating matter at the atomic scale
10Why is Nano Important?
- Elemental properties are different at the
11Look at Mother Nature
12Geckos Can Hang froma Glass Ceiling!
13Where is Nano in Your World?
- Forensic Science
- Diagnostic Tools
- Treatment of Disease
- Window Treatments
for Glass - Paints
- Concrete
- Military Vests
- Cell Phone
- iPod
- RFID tags
- Fertilizers
- Smart Packaging
- Smart Dust
18Where is Nano in Your World?
19Career Opportunities2 million workers worldwide
by 2015
- Industry
- Pharmaceuticals
- Forensics
- Electronics
- Biotechnology
- Medicine
- Renewable energy
- National Labs
- Research and Development
- Universities
- Research
- Education
20Nano Opportunities Exist in North Dakota?
21Lets talk money
22Thinking Small Pays Big!
- Associates Degree
- 28,000-36,000
- Nanoscience Technician
- Bachelors Degree
- 40,000-60,000
- Graduate Degrees
- 70,000-100,000
- Nanoscience Technician at NDSCS
- Associates in 2 years at 28,000-36,000
- Nanoscience
- Microelectronics / Micromanufacturing
- Biotechnology
- Bioprocessing
- Transfer to a 4-year program
23Intrigued - Whats my next step?
- Nano 101 is available on-line for college credit
while in high school! - kristi.jean_at_ndscs.edu
- www.NDSCSnano.com
24Presentation Made Possible by