Title: CONOPS Elements
1Air Education and Training Command
Sustaining the Combat Capability of Americas Air
The Perfect SCORM
Gary Twogood 8 March 2005
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l
l e n c e
- Air Education and Training Command
- What is SCORM?
- Whats in it for me?
- Examples of SCORM use
- Useful links
3A Little About AETC
- Air Force has 350,000 population
- AETC mission is to recruit and train everyone
- Continuous training huge mission
- Basic Training
- Technical Training
- Supplemental Training
- Professional Military Education
- 70 online courses
4What Is This Thing Called SCORM
Shareable Content Object Reference Model
5What are Content Objects?
Consider a training plan or syllabus
Equal to a recipe
6Content Object Assembly
Assembled Objects become modules
7Course Development
Assembled modules become courses
8Reference Model
SCORM Version 1.2 established standards
Uses manifest to present SCOs
Linear presentation
Branching embedded in each object
Downstream objects couldnt respond without
custom programming
9Whats In It For Me?
Resulting in more productivity and lower costs
10How Do I Go About This?
Dump the classroom model
Presentation modular/molecular
Content - Think small commercials
Reuse Think globally where else could this be
Context free content stand alone
Browser enabled allows multiple delivery
methods LAN in classroom CD-ROM
11I thought Small Now What?
- Objects stored in repository
- Metadata tags allow retrieval
- Goal is centralized card catalog
- Decentralized storage
- Can be reused as is or adapted
- If modified, becomes new object with unique
metada identifiers
12Impact on Development Tools
- HTML is becoming the defacto standard
- Traditional development tools being used less
- Now provide HTML output
- Typically require plug in to operate on Internet
- Becoming more Internet friendly
- Video used less
- Bandwidth challenges
- Cheap to make but often not instructionally sound
(talking head usually has no instructional value - Wrapped in compression tools (Flash)
- Animations more popular
- Integrated Maintenance Data System Course
- Customer initially wanted one course
- Became three courses
- 65 commonality
- After first course, second and third courses were
nearly complete - Action Officer on-line Job Aids
- 2 1/2 hour classroom course
- Most dont retain information
- Modules with definitions, templates, examples,
and best practices - Each is stand alone
- Transitions and evaluations can create on-line
- http//projects.aadlcolab.org/scourse/latestgreate
st/viewer.htm SCORM course from University of
Wisconsin (Academic co-lab) - http//www.adlnet.org/ check each week
- http//www.lsal.cmu.edu/ especially the best
practices handbook - http//webservices.hq.af.mil/508/
- http//www.navylearning.navy.mil/
- http//www.reusability.org/read/
15Bibliography, cont.
- http//www.nwlink.com/donclark/hrd/sat.html
- javale_at_wm.edu
- http//www.indiana.edu/idtheory/home.html
- http//www.spjc.edu/eagle/research/beep/
- http//www.distance-educator.com/
16Contact Info
- Gary.twogood_at_randolph.af.mil
- Telephone 210-652-2271
17Sustaining the Combat Capability of Americas Air
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l
l e n c e
18- https//golearn2.csd.disa.mil