Title: Taking%20Your%20Business%20to%20the%20Internet
1Taking Your Business to the Internet
2The Internet is one of the fastest growing
mediums for businesses today, yet most businesses
are not yet taking advantage of it.
- Increased revenue potential
- Larger coverage area
- Larger customer base
- Reduced cost (customer service)
- Customer Service
- Provide directions to your brick and mortar store
- Information about products
- Customer convenience
- Parts and service
- Appointment scheduling
6Reasons for not having a web presence
7Not technically savvy
- Does not know where to start
- Knows nothing about computers
- Knows even less about the Internet
- Intimidated
8No staff
- No one to maintain a web site
- No one available to handle shipping, etc.
9Too Costly
- Technology can be expensive
- May not be able to justify ROI
10Determining if your business can benefit from an
Internet presence
11Take Inventory of your business model
12Do you have a product that can be easily sold
over the internet?
- Too Big?
- Too Small?
- Intangible?
- Is it shippable?
13Do you have a supporting product that could be
sold over the Internet?
- Parts?
- Repair depot?
- Accessories?
14Can you benefit from a non-profitable Internet
- Appointments or reservations?
- Provide customer information
- Other services that could reduce the number of
routine phone calls that could free up staff for
15Determine your website goalsWhat do you want it
to for you?
16Expand to new geographical areas
- Other states?
- Other cities?
- International?
17Improve customer service
- Quicker response
- Improve convenience
- Reduce cost
18Expansion in the local area
- Making more people aware of your presence.
19Is it going to be a profit center?
- Do you expect your website to return a profit?
- Can it reduce costs?
20What is the competition doing?
- Do they have an Internet presence?
21You have decided that your business can benefit
from a web presenceSo what now?
22Calculate your cost
23Someone to do the work
- Staff
- Contractors
- Do it yourself
24Domain Name
- What are you going to call it?
- Should be short
- Easy to remember
- Easy to type
25Some place to put the domain (website)
26If you are going to be selling merchandise
- Credit Card merchant account
- Secure web services (certificate)
- Shopping cart
- Advertising
27Staff or contracting
- Staff person 30k 50k
- Contracting 25 - 50/hour
- Consider requesting bids on a job basis
- Pay per hour only for support services or
consider a monthly contract price - The hidden cost of doing it yourself
28Domain Registration
29Hosting services
- Cost
- 4.95 - 19.95
- What to look for
- References
- Bandwidth limitationsdo they have additional
charges or over use?
30- What other services are available?
- How much disk space is provided
- Up time guarantees
- Support options
- What will they do
- What will they not do (or charge extra for)
31Credit card merchant accounts
- If you already have a brick and mortar business
you probably already have one. - Make sure it supports internet sales some dont
- Do they have a web interface that you can link to
or is it POS only
32- Check for any exclusions for internet sales or
extra charges - Internet sales usually have a larger percentage
charge and a higher transaction fee - There may be additional gateway charges
33- If you dont have one you will have to get one
- Sign up fees
- Minimum monthly fees
- Discount rates
- 2.17 and up
34- Transaction fees
- 25 - 30
- Gateway processing fees (a gateway may or may not
be required) - Around 30.00/monthly
35Secure website certificate
- You must have a secure certificate for accepting
orders over the internet. - Must be 128-bit encryption
- Various vendors supply them
- Verisign
- Thawte
- Renewed on a yearly basis
- 70 - 400/year fees
36If you are selling products where you want to
encourage users to purchase more than one item
per visit, you will need to have a shopping cart
37- There are a number on the market
- Free (open source) to 300 or more
- Make sure they provide interfaces to various
merchant account vendors - Are they customizable?
- Can you maintain them, or do you need someone
else to do that?
38- Some hosting services provide them
- May not be customizable
- May be extra charage
39Promotional considerations Just because you
build it, they will not come
40- Like any business model, you have to build in
promotional costs - The truth about search engines
- Most now have a fee based inclusion model
- Paid inclusions run 30 - 100 per year
- You have to submit your site to search engines.
- Free search engine listings can take up to 6
months for inclusions. - Getting a good listing, requires an effort.
41- Free Advertising
- Letterheads
- Business Cards
- Flyers
- Newsletters
- Subject matter lists
- Word of mouth
42First things first
- Define your business model and expectations
(including budget) - Select a domain namemake sure it is available
43- Review hosting options
- What do they cost
- What do they support (languages, etc)
- What support do they provide
- Resolve any credit card issues
- Select software and who is going to maintain it
44- Select a hosting service
- Install secure services
- Build the site
- Promote the site
- Periodically score card the site