Today, we stand at the cusp of a potentially revolutionary shift with the emergence of Web3 development. But what are the key differences between these iterations of the web, and why is understanding them so important?
Web2.0 Alberto S nchez Fontecha Aparici n del Concepto Web2.0 Concepto Web2.0 Brainstorming Tim O Reilly Pinchazo de las .Com Nuevo rumbo al negocio web Web2.0 ...
Web3 is a new-age technology product that incorporates concepts such as blockchain, and decentralization. It could be said to be the advanced version of web2.
Now, on the horizon, stands Web3 development – a potential revolution poised to rewrite the rules of online engagement. But what exactly is this enigmatic "Web3," and how does it differ from its predecessors?
Web3 is a third version of the net that is created to rectify the loopholes in the present version of the internet. Web3.0 is a decentralized network where the sole rights of the data are given to users. Web3 has reconstructed and created a great impact in many industries starting from finance, art, medicine, and hospitality to the education system. Web3 in education creates more access to learning materials and changes the regular use of the traditional method to enhance the learning experience. Web3.0 technology aspires to create a revolution in teaching and learning methods by implementing various techniques. By using the possibilities of Web3, it aims to provide a unique teaching-learning process and methods.
Web3 is typically based on blockchain- Ethereum and Bitcoin and its concepts like decentralization and token-based economies, a new digital universe. It will change the eCommerce.
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