Title: Rural Church Planting
1Rural Church Planting
- Prepared and presented by
- Steve Nerger
- Manager, Strategic Places
- Church Planting Group
- North American Mission Board
- Portions taken from No Little Places by Klassen
2Big Church Service
3Little Church Service
4Big Office
5Office at Home
6We will talk about
- The need for church planting in rural North
America - The myths of church planting and how they affect
rural church planting - Answer the question, can small be significant?
- Current trends in rural America
7We will talk about
- Bridging and building upon the small town culture
- Leadership styles in rural America
- Methods and strategies to reach rural communities
8The BIG Dream
9The Crowd Gathers Each Week to Hear YOU
10The Lostness of Rural America
- A population of 2,500 to 50,000 will be labeled
an urban cluster - Any population that is basically 2,500 or less is
considered rural - Lets look at the definitions
11Urban Clusters
- U.S. Census definition of Urban Cluster
- Consists of a geographic core of block groups
or blocks must have a population density of at
least 1,000 people per square mile, and adjacent
block groups and blocks with at least 500 people
per square mile that together encompass a
population of at least 2,500 people, but fewer
than 50,000 people.
- U.S. Census definition of Rural
- All Territory, population, and housing units
located outside of urbanized areas and urban
13Rural Population
- In America today it is estimated that 53,000,000
people live in rural communities - In Canada today there are approximately
20,000,000 people living in rural communities. - The population growth in rural areas can be tied
partially to recreation and tourism. - Rural areas are also growing in ethnic diversity.
14Rural Population
- There are currently 436 counties in America where
there is no Southern Baptist church - There are thousands of places in North America
without any evangelical work - Lets look on the map
15Rural Counties in the U.S.
16Rural Population Growth
17Rural Populations
18Rural Populations
19Rural Populations
20Rural Populations
21Rural Populations
22Rural Populations
23Rural Populations
24Rural Populations
25Rural Populations
26Rural Populations
27Rural Populations
28Rural Populations
29Rural Populations
30Population by Area Canada
31Churches in the United States
- 8 churches close in the United States each day.
- 6 churches are started in the United States each
day. - 4.5 of those new church starts are Southern
Baptist churches. - There are churches of many denominations which
close each day all across rural North America. - Each closing leaves a group of people who are
sensitive to God without a leader.
32- Who will rescue the perishing?
33(No Transcript)
34(No Transcript)
35(No Transcript)
36(No Transcript)
United States Population 301,339,050 (Source
U.S. Census as of 930am on Friday, March 9, 2007)
Gods glory among all peoples.
Canada Population 32,730,213 (Source Statistics
Canada as of 930am on Friday, March 9, 2007)
Gods glory among all peoples.
Population of North America 334,069,263
What percentage are lost?
Gods glory among all peoples.
Population of North America 334,069,263 50
The SBC reported371,850 baptisms in 2005
Gods glory among all peoples.
In North America
371,850 SBC baptisms
estimated 167,034,632 lost people
If 50 are lost SBC baptisms represent 0.22
Gods glory among all peoples.
In the United States there is One birth every 8
seconds One death every 13 seconds One
international immigrant (net) every 31
seconds Net gain of one person every 11
seconds(or 2,866,909 per year) Source U.S.
Gods glory among all peoples.
United States and Canada combined 303 people die
every hour 7,272 people die every day 2,656,098
people die every year
Gods glory among all peoples.
United States and Canada combined 303 people die
every hour 7,272 people die every day 2,656,098
people die every year
Over 20,500 will die between nowand when you
return to school on Monday.
Gods glory among all peoples.
45Reaching Rural America
- Rural America represents 1/6 of our total
population (about 53 million people). - Approximately 2/3 of Canada is rural (or 21
million people). - The population growth in rural areas can be tied
partially to recreation and tourism. - Rural areas are also growing in ethnic diversity.
46Reaching Rural America
- Question How many people do you know that are
willing to invest their lives in a small
community where there is no recognition? - How many would graduate from seminary and give
their lives to a few who may never hear the
gospel from a person?
47Rural Ministry
- Lets look at the reasons that very few will ever
consider the rural ministry. - Lets look at the wheels at work that deny
consideration for rural ministry.
- Who Says?
- Answer
- We do!
49The Numbers Myth
- To be significant a ministry must
- be BIG!
- Or as we often see it
- With a large church, I will feel successful!
- If a church is small, Ill feel like Im
50The Big Place Myth
- To be significant a ministry must
- be in a BIG PLACE!
- Or as we often see it
- No matter where I go, if I choose rural
ministry I will still have to eventually say to
people that I have 30 people in a town of 1,000
somewhere out in the boondocks.
51The Recognition Myth
- To be significant in a ministry I must be
- recognized for my service in a BIG WAY!
- Or as we often see it
- When was the last time you saw someone from a
small church speak at a great gathering of the
52The Career Myth
- Career advancements are a sign of significance.
- Or as we often see it
- I hear there is a professional ladder to climb
and I will climb it one rung at a time for the
sake of my family. - We should really discuss this for a while!
53The Cure for Inferiority Myth
- If I can succeed professionally,
- I will no longer feel inferior!
- Or as we often see it
- I will show all those who said that I would
amount to nothing that I am a winner by having a
large church! - P.S. This could be your parents as many pastors
come from dysfunctional homes.
54Embracing the Truth
55Why Build in a Rural Area?
56The Quality Principle
- God judges my ministry not by its size,but by
its quality. - Acts 247, 1 Corinthians 36, 13
57Growth is Attributed to God
- Acts 247 (NIV)
- praising God and enjoying the favor of all the
people. And the Lord added to their number daily
those who were being saved - I Corinthians 36 (NIV)
- I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God
made it grow - 1 Corinthians 313 (NIV)
- his work will be shown for what it is, because
the Day will bring it to light. It will be
revealed with fire, and the fire will test the
quality of each man's work
58Jesus Example
- Attracted multitudes for many reasons (John 626)
- Multitudes left (John 666)
- At His death there were the 12 (maybe), 1
traitor, and 500 others
59God calls us to
- Servanthood
- Humility
- Faithfulness
- Right motives
- Leaving the results to Him (what if the only
person you led to Christ in a community would
become the next Paul or Billy Graham.
60Mans Thinking
- Growth numbers
- Failure low numbers
61Healthy Look at Growth
- Quality over Quantity
- Are members growing spiritually?
- Are members working in unity using their
spiritual gifts?
62Principle 1
- Other things to measure besides numbers
- Survey the church to see if people are satisfied
with their current usage in church. - Measure evangelism by the number of times people
share their faith, not the number of people
saved. - Has everyone in your town heard a gospel
presentation? ( Discuss this.)
63Principle 1 (continued)
- Measure missions not by given but by the
number of times people prayed for missions, or
encouraged missionaries, or went on mission
trips. - Test spirituality by a real life situation see
how your people respond. For instance, invite a
seemingly homeless person who just walks in your
church to help serve the Lords Supper.
64Principle 2
- Wherever God calls me to ministeris an
important place. - Jesus came to Bethlehem not Jerusalem
- John the Baptist preached in the wilderness, not
the city. (What kind of church growth strategy is
this?) - John Bunyan wrote Pilgrims Progress while in
prison. - Jim Elliott failure killed by natives.
65 - Conventional wisdom says
- Go to larger cities, where people are
- Gods wisdom says
- "from major city to towns and villages toremote
places (Mark 135) - WHY?
- Lets discuss this!
- City more people less impact
- Even though there are more people theaverage
pastor will not relate to any more people than he
would in a small town. - Town Pastor has more influence
- - knows city officials
- - known in community (relational)
- Lets discuss this!
67 - In the eyes of God there are nosmall churches,
nor are there big pastors. Warren Wiersbe - Your bigness to God depends onyour faithfulness
and His sovereignty, - not the place you are sent.
68- No where more than in America are Christians
caught up in the twentieth-century syndrome of
size. Size will show success. If I am
consecrated, there will necessarily be large
quantities of people, dollars, etc. This is not
so. Not only does God not say that size and
spiritual power go together, but he even reverses
this (especially in the teaching of Jesus) and
tells us to be deliberately careful not to choose
a place too big for us. - We all tend to emphasize big works and big
places, but all such emphasis is of the flesh. To
think in such terms is simply to hearken back to
the old, unconverted, egoist, self-centered me. - Francis Shaeffer
69Principle 3
- The Glory of God
- God calls me to seek His glory, not mine!
- Do you want to be a star, or a servant?
70Two Warnings
- Woe unto you when all men speak well of you, for
that is how their fathers treated the false
prophets. (Luke 626) - Jesus said, I have brought you glory on earth
by doing the work you gave me to do. (John 174)
Will we be able to say this?
71We Look at Numbers / God Looks At
- Faithfulness to God through obedience and hard
work - Service to God and others
- Love for God
- Genuine faith
- A vital prayer life
- The practice of holiness
- A positive attitude
- (From Liberating Ministry from the Success
Syndromeby Kent and Barbara Hughes.)
72 73Bridging The Culture Gap
- ACTIVITY (pp. 43-50)
- Divide into two groups. Read pp. 43-50.
- Group 1 list all the things Ron did wrong.
- Group 2 list all the things he did to correct
his mistakes. - Each group come up with mistakes that pastors
make when they first come to your church field.
Maybe you made them
74Characteristics of Smaller Communities
- Safe
- Friendly
- Relaxed
- Gossipy
- Conformist
- Boring
- Remote
- Married
- Religious
- Clean and Quiet
From Tom Nebel Big Dreams in Small Places
75Current Trends in Rural Areas
- The number of people working in agriculture
fields is declining rapidly. - 30 of all Americans were farmers in 1920
- Today that number is 1.9
- Many farmers who have lost the family farm feel
they are failures. They have not survived the
survival of the fittest! These are the people
to whom you will minister. - Does this trend affect any other areas(i.e.,
fishing, oil, mining, etc.) in a similar manner?
76Pastoral Help in These Times of Need (such as a
declining economy).
- Be prepared to offer great encouragement.
- Preach a series of messages on hope.
- Starting over as a Christian salvation message
- Starting over after failure
- Starting over with a new vocation
- Starting over in the church
- Be sure you do not fall into the same faulty
thinking about your church and ministry. - Encourage people to take risks and not be held to
the status quo by fear of eventual failure.
77Current Trends in Rural Areas
- Non-farm town population is increasing.
- Most small towns are growing.
- Towns of 2,500 or less grew by 4.9 in the 1980s.
- There is actually a larger population movement to
the small towns than to the cities (i.e. Alaska
Gustavus, Talketna, air bases the Northeast
Georgia Florida, etc.)
78Current Trends in Rural Areas
- Small towns are experiencing great demographic
changes. - Industry is moving to small towns for a
cost-effective work force. - White-collar people are moving to the small towns
causing suburban sprawl. - Retirees are turning to small towns for quality
of life. - Re-urbanization of America bringing great
conflict to a town or village near you.
79Current Trends in Rural Areas
- The new generation of small-town residents
exhibits a marked decline in spiritual and moral
80- The National Rural Development Institute says
- Rural children fared worse than their non-rural
counterparts in 34 of 39 statistical categories
including - Immorality
- Substance Abuse
- Crime
- QUESTION Could this be correlated to the death
of small-town churches who failed to change with
their community? How about in your community?
81Adjusting to a New Culture
- Adjusting to a new culture usually follows these
steps. - The how quaint phase (lasts about 1-2 weeks)
- The this isnt just like home phase (longing
for what we are used to) - The it's starting to make sense phase (i.e.
people do not care about your education or for
things to be perfect) - The I like it phase (you can laugh about your
cross-cultural snafus!)
82How Do We Successfully Learn The Culture?
- Get out with the people. (Get out of the office,
socialize, go to football game, etc.) - Become a student of the culture. (What is
important to the people what rituals do they
hold dearly what are the power structures?) - Withhold judgment.
83Building on Small-Town Strengths
- Use what you have and
- do not try to copy what you
- know of large churches and
- their programs!
84Use The Two Is
- First I is Intimacy
- Second I is Involvement
- Interactive Preaching
- Use object lessons
- Ask a question and invite responses.
- Allow time for the congregation to ask questions.
- Ask some members to look at your text and give
feedback as to the passages application before
you preach it. - Invite spontaneous comments after you preach.
- Creatively involve others during your service.
85- Have participatory worship
- Develop and use choirs or ensembles
- Special music (only requirement is they do their
best!) - Special music by children.
- Special music by families.
- Congregational singing. Sing familiar songs. Have
variety as in your congregation. - Have instrumental music.
- Have a worship team that might include young
people, and develop them. (Note 80 of all
missionaries come from small churches.) - Have sharing times.
- Change the order of service.
- Plan your services in advance. Dont just say
that you are spontaneous.
86Finding Your Churchs Niche
- Most successful churches intentionally limit
their ministries. - Do a few things well.
- Do one thing excellently better than anyone
else (i.e. a church that loves children.)
87Finding the Niche
- Identify the gifts and ministry passion
- find where spiritual gifts meet ministry
passion - Identify the communities needs. Ask three
questions - Who are the people who are overlooked by
churches? - What are their needs?
- To which of these needs could we respond if we
put forth the effort?
88Beating the Wal-Mart Church in Your Area(if
there is one)
- Dont come at the Wal-Mart church head on.
- Do your own thing better than they do theirs
(i.e. intimacy.) - Offer a specialized line of products.
- Conditions change survivors adapt to changing
conditions. - Involve the people.
- Be enthusiastic.
- Monitor what you are doing.
89Either Adjust to the New Culture or Bust!
- Mission Specialist Paul Hiebert says
- In relating to another people we needto deal
with our feelings that distinguish between us
and our kind of People, and them, and their
kind of people. Identification only takes place
when they become part of the circle of people
we think as our kind of people.
90Adapting to Culture
- 1 Corinthians 922 (NIV)
- To the weak I became weak, to win the weak.
- I have become all things to all men so that by
all possible means I might save some.
91Thought for the Hour
- If you pastor an existing church in a rural or
small town area - You may have to choose between the past and the
future, between clinging to your old ways and
having a vital church for your children and
92Replay of How To Bridge The Culture Gap
- Learn your communitys culture before you make
changes. - Shape your ministry to the culture of the
community. - Pace change to the congregations readiness for
change. - Take your cookie cutter pastor and throw him
away. Live adventurously where God has placed
93 94Small Town Leadership
- CEO Model
- More authoritarian
- More directive
- More distant
- More organizational
- More formal
- PARENT Model
- More on their level
- More input from everyone
- More personal / relational
- More spontaneous
- More informal
95Management by Relationship
- Build relationships
- Authority does NOT come with the position of
being pastor. - You earn it through earning peoples trust.
- Build it by strong, warm, family-like
relationships. - If they like you / if they trust you, they will
like your ideas. - Relationship is the pre-condition to change.
- Remember intimacy and involvement are the keys to
change in small church life.
96Management by Relationship
- 2. Find the right way to initiate change.
- Most small churches DO NOT like the top down
management style. - So DONT do it!
- Figure out a way to bring your idea from the
bottom up. i.e. out of the congregation. - You will not get credit, but the idea will have a
better chance of becoming a reality. - (Place your idea out to a few members and see if
it ever comes up again. If it does, for instance
at a business meeting, then it will fly.)
97Small Church Organizational Types
- The fellowship of less than 35 or 40 uses an
informal decision-making process much like that
of the small group. The individual members voice
usually carries as much weight as the pastors. - The small congregation of 35 to 90 has standing
committees and follows a congregational pattern
in its decision making. This church expects the
pastor to be more of an initiator, but most of
the power is still vested in the congregation. - The government of the mid-size congregation of 85
to 150 is representative rather than a pure
democracy. This church expects the pastor to be
an initiating leader and administrator.
98Management by Relationship
- 3. Be Patient
- Rural ministry does not happen overnight.
- Rural people do not respond overnight.
99Methods and Strategies
- Silo Churches
- In many farming areas most people relate to the
location of the silo that collects the grain. - This is the central place in the region.
- A ministry field is designated by those who use
that silo. - A preaching point is located in the vicinity of
the silo town.
100Field of Church Plants
- Missionary moves into an area.
- Spends one day in each small community.
- Attempts to develop a Bible Study.
- OR
- Attempts to restart a closed church. A building
may exist already. - Do this in each town within one days journey.
101Use larger church in larger town as a staging area
- Take a church position in a larger population
area. - Intentionally target smaller pockets of people
within one days journey. - These can be small towns or different people
groups. - Begin a Bible study in each place with the
intention of finding a person of peace and an
indigenous leader and developing a church.
102One Apostolic Pastor
- One main pastor has a vision for a field of
smaller churches. - He pastors a church.
- He finds people either from his church or
indigenous people to pastor in smaller
communities in the chosen region. - This network can expand exponentially.
103Finding Persons of Peace
- Send people (2-3) into a target community for a
few weeks to seek persons of peace. - Hold Bible studies to find persons of peace.
- Bring in mission group to reach children and
discover houses of peace to begin Bible study. - Bring a group to do a community project (paint
community center, school fix up playground
104Finding Persons of Peace
- Teach a relevant course in a community place.
- Survey the community to find out its needs, then
meet them. - Use any other creative way to enter a community
to find people of peace.
105Remote Church Planting
- Remotes are pockets of people who can live in
areas where there are no roads in or out. - Access is by four-wheelers, snowmobiles,
dogsleds, frozen rivers/vehicles, plane. - Often pockets of 100-300 people.
- Example Alaska Kotzebue, outlying area
- Pastor is indigenous or Mission Service Corps
106Challenges to Rural Church Planting
- Finding and training indigenous leaders.
- Rethinking small ministry.
- Finding suitable outreach material.
- Finding leaders who care for rural people.
- Recognizing differences in rural church planting.
- A willingness to think outside the box.
107Reaching Rural North America
- Steve's Top Ten List
- to effectively reach rural North America
- Change our thinking about numbers
- Design ways to reach the "Cornelius'" whom God
already has on the scene - Develop training to turn early disciples into
indigenous leaders for a new congregation that
probably will never have enough people to have a
fully-funded pastor. - Develop bivocational strategies that will address
rural church planting (i.e. develop a database
with available jobs) - Challenge people who can work remotely with the
internet to consider rural church planting
108Reaching Rural North America
- Steve's Top Ten List
- to effectively reach rural North America
- Look for indigenous leaders that may be youth,
female, etc. Open the box top a little wider. - Begin a prayer strategy that includes Luke 102b
"pray for laborers - Elevate rural church planting to a higher mark on
the radar in churches, colleges and seminaries. - Prepare those called to the ministry early in
life to gain a secular degree that can let them
live in a small town or village. - Get this message to "Baby Boomers" who are the
largest mission force that will probably ever
exist. They are retiring young, wealthy, healthy,
and educated.
- Imagine if we grasped all
- that we talked about!
- A small-town church that does not question its
significance because statistics are not its
focus. - Rather, it emphasizes strengthening and building
the lives of people, leaving the statistics to
- A small-town church whose pastor has overcome the
temptation to use the small church as a stepping
stone to bigger and better things. A church
that claims to have a pastor who embraces rural
- A small-town church that celebrates its intimacy
while enthusiastically welcoming newcomers into
that intimacy.
- A small-town church that responds to the
challenge of limited resources by becoming
radically creative. Instead of despairing about
the obstacles it faces, it steps out in bold
faith, expecting God to do something entirely new.
- A small-town church that, in fresh and creative
ways, builds its ministries around the people it
- A small-town church that does not try to imitate
larger churches, but studies itself and its
community, then prayerfully designs ministries
uniquely suited for its place and time.
- A small-town church whose members actively share
their faith in their own community.
- A small-town church that continually sends its
people to various places around the globe in
obedience to the Great Commission.
- A small-town church whose pastor is filled with
compassion for people in the church and
community, a pastor who appreciates the churchs
strengths and is patient with its weaknesses, a
pastor who feels, This is truly home, and these
people are my family.
119- Imagine a churchof great significance
- and YOU are the pastor!
120- God sees it as a reality
- How about YOU?