Title: Fracture Avoidance with Proper Use of Material
1 Fracture Avoidance with Proper Use of Material
- Pyramid of Egypt Schematic Roman Bridge Design
- The primary construction material prior to 19th
were timber, brick and mortar - Arch shape producing compressive stress ? stone
have high compressive strength
Riley page 5 Anderson fig. 1-4, page 9 Gordon
fig. 14, page 188
2 Fracture Avoidance with Proper Use of Material
- Roof spans and windows were arched to maintain
compressive loading
Gordon plate 1 (after page 224) Anderson fig.
3 Fracture Avoidance with Proper Use of Material
- Mass production of iron and steel (relatively
ductile construction materials) ? feasible to
build structures carrying tensile stresses
The Telfords Menai suspension bridge (1819)
The seven suspension bridge (wrought iron
suspension chains) (steel cable)
Gordon plate 11 plate 12
4 Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith
- Stress distribution around a hole in an infine
plate was derived by G. Kirsch in 1898 using the
theory of elasticity - The maximum stress is three times the uniform
stress - Kt 3
Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook fig. 2-1,
page 2-2
5 Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith
Theory (cont)
- C. E. Inglis (1913) investigated in a plate with
an elliptical hole - He derived or
- Modeling a crack with a ellipse means ? ? 0 ? Kt
? ? ? infinite stress - Kt could not be used for crack problems
Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook fig. 2-2
6 Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith
Theory (cont)
- A. A. Griffith (1920) used an energy balance
analysis to explain the large reduction on the
strength of glass - Griffith proposed that the large reduction is due
to the presence of microcracks - Griffith derived a relation between crack size
and breaking strength by considering the energy
balance associated with a small extension of a
7Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith Theory
Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook fig. 2-3 a
8 Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith
Theory (cont)
9 Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith
Theory (cont)
Damage Tolerance Assessment handbook fig. 2-4 a
10 Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith
Theory (cont)
- Crack length increase ? plate becomes less stiff
(more flexible) ? slope of P vs x decreases ?
applied load drop - Change in energy stored is the difference in the
shaded area - Release of elastic energy is used to overcome the
resistance to crack growth - Rate of strain energy release rate of energy
absorption to overcome resistance to crack growth
Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook fig. 2-4b
11 Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith
Theory (cont)
Energy stored in the body before crack extension
? (energy remaining in the body after crack
extension work done on the body during crack
extension energy dissipated in irreversible
Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook fig. 2-4b
12 Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith
Theory (cont)
- Analyze a simplified geometry with a hole D 2a
- ?y ? everywhere outside the hole
Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook fig. 2-5
13 Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith
Theory (cont)
- Strain energy density
- Total energy
- After crack extension of ?a (assume ? is
constant) - Elastic energy released
- Per unit of new crack area
Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook fig. 2-5
14 Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith
Theory (cont)
- Energy released is used to break atomic bonds ?
surface energy - Surface energy (?e) is a material property
- Energy balance ?? crack growth if
- Griffith analysis based on Inglis solution yield
- and
15 Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith
Theory (cont)
Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM)
- In 1957 Irwin reexamined the problem of stress
distribution around a crack - He analyzed an infinite plate with a crack
- Using the theory of elasticity the stresses are
dominated by
assumption r ltlt a LEFM valid if plasticity
remains small compared to the over all dimensions
of crack and cracked bodies
16 Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith
Theory (cont)
- The term is given the symbol K (stress intensity
factor) - for an infinite plate
- The relation of K to G is
- for plane stress condition
- The use of G and KI leads to fracture criterion
i.e. Gc and Kic i.e. fracture occur if - G Gc or KI KIc
17 Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith
Theory (cont)
Stress Intensity Factor
for infinite plate
for other geometry
? can be obtained from 1. handbook
solution 2. approximate method 3.
numerical method
18 Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith
Theory (cont)
Bannantine, fig. 3-4, page 92
19 Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith
Theory (cont)
Bannantine fig. 3-4, page 93 94
20 Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith
Theory (cont)
Loading Modes
21 Stress Concentration, Fracture and Griffith
Theory (cont)
- Loading Modes (cont)
- Loading stresses terms for mode II
- Stresses terms for mode III
22 Extension of LEFM to Metals
- Griffith energy theory and Irwins stress
intensity factor could explain the fracture
phenomena for brittle solid - For metals, beside surface energy absorption, the
plastic energy absorption (?p) has to be added - For typical metal, ?p ? 1000 ?e, thus ?e can be
neglected - It was not easy to translate energy concept into
engineering practice
23 Extension of LEFM to Metals (cont)
- K concept was seen as the basis of a practical
approach - However, K is an elastic solution while at the
crack tip plastic zone developed - If it is assumed that the plastic zone at the
crack tip is much smaller than the crack
dimension ? K is still valid
24 Extension of LEFM to Metals (cont)
Monotonic Loading
Plastic zone size
for ? 0
If ?y is equal to yield strength
plane stress
Corrected due to stress redistribution
plane stress
plane strain
25 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing
- Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing
- Standard test method include ASTM E399 Standard
Test Methods for Plane Strain Fracture Toughness
of Metallic Materials. - Stringent requirement for plane strain condition
and linear behaviour of the specimen. - Specimen type permitted CT, SENB, arc-shaped and
disk shape.
26 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (cont)
Fracture Mechanics Testing Specimen
27 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (cont)
Clevis for Compact Tension Specimen
28 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (cont)
- Use an extensometer (e.g. clip gage) to detect
the beginning of crack extension from the fatigue
29 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (cont)
- Calculation of KQ for compact tension specimen
- where
- This KQ has to be checked with previous
30 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (cont)
Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook fig. 2-13
31 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (cont)
ASTM Standards fig. 1, page 410
32 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (cont)
- Fatigue Pre-cracking
- Perform to obtain natural crack
- Fatigue load must be chosen
- such that the time is not very long
- plastic zone at the crack tip is small
33 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing
Instrumentation for Displacement and Crack Length
34 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (cont)
35 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (cont)
- Measure a1, a2 and a3 ?
- Any two of a1, a2 and a3 must not differ more
than 10 from - For straight notch ? asurface differ not more
than 15 from and (asurface)left does not
differ more than 10 from (asurface)right
36 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (cont)
- Load displacement curves to determine PQ
- Additional Criteria
- Pmax/PQ lt 1.1
37 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (cont)
Damage Tolerance Assessment handbook table 2-1,
page 2-31
38 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (cont)
Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook table 2-1,
page 2-32
39 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (cont)
- Thickness Effect
- Plane strain condition occur for thick components
- For static material properties plane strain
condition does not have influence - For fracture toughness thickness have a strong
Thickness effect on fracture strength
Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook fig. 2-16
40 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (cont)
- Thickness Effect (cont)
- Specimen thicker than 1/2 inch ? plane strain
- For thinner stock KQ increases reaching a peak at
thickness about 1/8 inch - The peak KQ can exceed five times Kic
- After reaching the peak KQ declines at thickness
lower than 1/8 inch - Thickness effect can be explained with energy
Thickness effect on fracture strength
Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook fig. 2-16
41 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (cont)
- Thickness Effect (cont)
- ?Z 0 at free surface ? plane stress on the
surface ? large plastic zone - In the inside elastic material restrains
deformation in Z direction - For thick specimen interior deformation is almost
totally restraint (?Z ? 0) ? plane strain
condition - Going inward from the surface, plastic zone
undergoes transition from larger size to smaller
Three-dimensional plastic zones shape
Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook fig. 2-17a
42 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (cont)
- Thickness Effect (cont)
- For decreasing thickness, ratio of plastic volume
to total thickness increase - Consequently energy absorption rate also
increases for thinner plates - While elastic strain energy is independent of
thickness - Thus for thinner plates more applied stress is
needed to extend the crack
Plastic volume versus thickness
Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook fig. 2-17b
43 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (cont)
- Thickness Effect (cont)
- Plane stress condition results in fracture
surface having 45o angle to z axis ? shear lips - For valid Kic test (plane strain condition) ?
little or no evidence of shear lips
Typical Fracture Surface
Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook fig 2-18
44 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing
- Thickness Effect (cont)
- For even thinner plates KQ declines due to the
increase of strain energy release rate - Additional strain energy release comes lateral
local buckling of the plate around the crack
Lateral compression above Lateral buckling
and tearing and below the crack
Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook fig. 2-19
45 Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing
- Temperature Effect
- Fracture toughness depends on temperature
- However Al alloys are relatively insensitive over
the range of aircraft service temperature
condition - Many alloy steels exhibit a sharp transition in
the service temperature range
Fracture toughness versus temperature
Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook fig. 2-21
46 KIc of Aircraft Materials
Typical Yield Strength and Plane Strain Fracture
Toughness Values for Several Al Alloys
ASM Vol. 19 table 5, page 776
47 KIc of Some Materials (cont)
Al Alloys 2124 and 7475 vs. 2024 and 7075
Application of Fracture Mechanics fig. 6-9, page
48 KIc of Some Materials (cont)
Effect of Purity on KIc
ASM Vol. 19 table 6, page 777
49 KIc of Aircraft Materials (cont)
Typical Yield Strength and Fracture Toughness of
High-Strength Titanium Alloy
ASM Vol. 19 table 3, page 831
50 Failure in Large Scale Yielding
- Strength assessment for structures do not meet
small scale yielding condition - 1. R-curve method
- 2. Net section failure
- 3. Crack tip opening displacement
- 4. J-integral
- 5. Energy density ? mixed mode loading
- 6. Plastic collapse ? for 3D cracks
51 The Net Section on Failure Criterion
- Stress concentration in ductile materials causes
yielding which smoothed out the stress as applied
load increased - Failure is assumed to occur when stress at the
net section was distributed uniformly reaching ?u - For a plate width w containing a center crack of
length 2a, the critical stress is
Net section failure criterion
Damage Tolerance Assessment Handbook fig. 2-34
52Kc of Aircraft Materials
Plane Stress Fracture Toughness (Kc) for Several
Al Alloys
ASM Vol. 19 fig. 10, page 779
53 Crack Opening Displacement (COD)
- Applied load will cause a crack to open, the
crack opening displacement can be used as a
parameter - At a critical value of COD fracture occur
- Developed for steels
- J-integral is an expression of plastic work (J)
done when a body is loaded - J-integral can be calculated from elastic plastic
calculation - At a critical value of J fracture occur