Title: The Primate Family
1The Primate Family
Howler monkeys
2How many different types of monkeys are there?
Well, there are over 130 different species of
monkeys in the world! Some of them we know, like
the orang-utans and the chimpanzees, but some of
them you will not have even heard of, the Emperor
Tamarin is a good example! The six that are
going to be mentioned are chimpanzees,
orang-utans, howler monkeys, baboons, gibbons and
finally gorillas!
3The long-armed chimpanzees
- Chimpanzees are a very unique type of primate as
they have long arms but a short and small body. - Chimpanzees are covered with black hair from head
to toe. - Chimpanzees are omnivores (they eat both meat and
plants). Some of the things they eat include
fruit, seeds and edible flowers. Small animals
are also on their menu! - Chimpanzees are very social
- and they usually stay and move around in groups
of between 40-60 chimps - They have a very complex system of communication
whereby they cry out so that other chimpanzees,
from around 2-3 miles away, can hear them!
4- Chimpanzees live in all sorts of habitats
including tropical rain forests, woodlands, swamp
forests, and grasslands. - Chimpanzees live for between 35-40 years in the
wild whereas a whole 15 years more when they are
in captivity (like most other animals). - Chimps usually move around using both their
hands and feet. They are able to walk upright,
but usually they dont. They are also experts at
climbing trees, where they spend most of their
time, including when they sleep.
5The Gentle Gorillas
- Gorillas have a very large head with a bulging
forehead, a pair of tiny ears, and small,
dark-brown eyes. Gorillas have no tail. - Did you know that male gorillas were a lot bigger
than female gorillas, they are almost twice as
heavy as their wives! - Gorillas are pure veggies
- and mostly eat leaves, fruits,
- seeds, tree bark and also some
- types of edible flowers. An
- average male adult eats about
- 50 pounds a day!
6- Gorillas are shy, but social animals and are
active throughout the day. They move around in
groups of around 6-7 gorillas. - Gorillas have a shorter life span than most other
monkeys living for 50 years in captivity and for
35 years when living in the wild! - They are generally quiet animals but they have
over 25 different vocalizations including roars,
grunts, whines, chest beating, staring and
throwing objects in a certain way. - Gorillas live in rain forests, wet lowland
forests, swamps and some have also been spotted
in abandoned fields. They like the wet climate! -
They are the larger of the ape family and they
mostly live in South East Asia. They have a
large body, long and strong arms, short legs, and
have no tail. They have orangey red hair!
Male orang-utans are capable of very long and
deafening calls that can be heard for a long way.
Like chimpanzees they are omnivores and enjoy
eating both meat and plants. They eat leaves and
plants and also munch down a few insects and
small mammals.
Orang-utans have the same lifespan as gorillas,
they live for 50 years in captivity and 10 years
less when in the wild. Females live longer than
8Orang-utans can only be found in tropical rain
forests as the climate in the forests suits them
very well.
Did you know that the orang-utans main threat is
us, man. They get very hyper and agitated if
they see humans near them and their behaviour
starts to get very aggressive.
Like most other monkey species, orang-utans are
an endangered species and there are very few of
them left on earth.
9The Acrobatic Gibbons
They are small and lightweight. They have a
small, round head, very long arms and a short,
slender body. Gibbons have lightweight bones.
Like all apes, they have no tail.
Gibbons are probably one of the most rarest
species of ape around as there are very few left.
These very acrobatic apes live in South East
Gibbons spend almost all their lives in trees so
predators find it very hard to get them.
Male gibbons are only slightly larger than female
10There are a total of 9 different species of
gibbons, including siamang, which are the largest
and darkest. They come in several different
Gibbons eat fruit (75 of their diet), leaves,
flowers, seeds and tree bark. They also eat
insects, spiders, bird eggs, and small birds.
Unlike other apes, gibbons dont make sleeping
nests but simply just sleep anywhere among
Gibbons live from between 35-40 years and only
live in tropical rainforests in South East Asia.
Gibbon population is decreasing and extinction
isnt far. Human agriculture is destroying
gibbon habitats and they are becoming fewer and
11Howler Monkeys
Howler monkeys are named and known for their loud
howls that echo throughout the forests.
They are the loudest animal on earth as their
long and loud sound can be heard from over 3
miles away!
They are black in colour and are covered in
thick, black hair from head to paw. They spend
quite a lot of time in the trees.
12Their diet mainly consists of leaves-not very
nutritious food! They also eat various fruits
and flowers but their main source of energy comes
from leaves.
Howler monkeys are only found in the tropical
rain forests in Latin America as the climate
there suits them perfectly.
Male howler monkeys use their big deep voices to
defend and protect their females from any danger
around her.
13Red-assed Baboons
They weigh from between 50-100 pounds
Baboons are probably the most intelligent of the
ape family and they interact with humans the most
as well.
They are well known for their red asses and
they do have them!
They are surprisingly found in varied habitats
and they are known to be very adaptable. The
major requirements for their habitats is a food
source and a safe sleeping place.
14They live the least of the apes, though, as they
only live for a maximum of 30 years and a low
minimum of 20 years!
Many baboons have been found in Savannahs and
woodlands, mostly in Africa.
Baboons are omnivores and select their food very
carefully. Grass makes up a lot of their diet,
although they eat berries, leaves, roots and tree
bark. They also eat small insects, birds and
small antelope.
- http//www.girlsforplanetearth.com/media/file/baby
- http//anthro.palomar.edu/primate/prim_4.htm
- http//www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/apes
- http//www.aoqz76.dsl.pipex.com/Web20Page20Compo
nents/Wallpaper/Animals/Gorillas.jpg - www.gpz.org
- news.nationalgeographic.com
- http//www.animalpicturesarchive.com/animal/a6/MKr
amer-orang_utan-Orangutan.jpg - http//www.naturesimage.co.uk/pics/Borneo/gibbon-s
wing.jpg - www.netbiologen.dk
- http//nationalzoo.si.edu/Animals/SmallMammals/Exh
ibits/HowlerMonkeys/LoudestAnimal/default.cfm - www.corante.com
- http//www.tropicalexpeditions.com/images/howler.j
16- http//home.maine.rr.com/trudge/bl/images/p54howlr
.jpg - http//www.szgdocent.org/resource/pp/p-bab8.jpg
- http//www.outtoafrica.nl/animals/engbaboon.html?z
enden2subsoort_id1bestemming_id1 - www.naivasha-orphans.org.uk
- www.uwsp.edu