Title: College and Career Transitions Initiative CCTI
1- College and Career Transitions Initiative (CCTI)
- Cooperative Agreement
- Between
- U.S. Department of Education
- Contact Scott Hess
- League for Innovation in the Community College
- Contact Larry Warford
2- Two Major Initiatives Initiated by OVAE and
Developed by - Secondary and Postsecondary Education and
Employers - Career Clusters
- Career Pathways
3The Economic Imperative
- better education particularly in the
elementary,middle and high school, would go a
long way toward boosting the wages of lower
skilled workers and diminishing the income
inequality that has become more pronounced over
the last two decades. - -Alan Greenspan
- April 20, 2004
4Career Clusters
- An organizing tool defining CTE using 16 broad
clusters of occupations and over 70 pathways with
validated standards that ensure opportunities for
all students regardless of their career goals and
516 Career Clusters
- Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
- Architecture and Construction
- Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications
- Business, Management and Administration
- Education and Training
- Finance
- Government and Public Administration
- Health Science
616 Career Clusters (continued)
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law, Public Safety and Security
- Manufacturing
- Marketing Sales and Service
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
7Career Clusters Chart
8Career Cluster Knowledge and Skills
- 1. Academic Foundations
- 2. Communications
- 3. Problem Solving/Critical Thinking
- 4. Systems
- 5. Information Technology/Applications
- 6. Safety, Health and Environmental
- 7. Leadership and Teamwork
- 8. Ethics and Legal Responsibilities
- 9. Employability and Career Development
- 10.Technical Skills
9Arts, Audio Visual Technologies
and Communications
10Then and Now
11Career Pathways
A career pathway is a coherent, articulated
sequence of rigorous academic and career related
courses, commencing in ninth grade and leading to
an associate degree, and/or an industry-recognized
certificate or licensure, and/or a baccalaureate
and beyond.
12Career and College Transitions Initiative Local
- Education and Training
- Anne Arundel Community College (Maryland)
- 12 high schools
- Lorain County College (Ohio)
- 3 high schools
- Maricopa Community College (Arizona)
- 4 colleges
- 3 high schools
13Career and College Transitions Initiative Local
- Health Science
- Ivy Tech State Community College (Indiana)
- 9 high schools
- Miami-Dade Community College (Florida)
- 1 high schools
- Northern Virginia Community College (Virginia)
- 3 high school academies
14Career and College Transitions Initiative Local
- Information Technology
- Central Piedmont Community College (North
Carolina) - 1 high school
- Corning Community College (New York)
- 16 high schools
- Southwestern Oregon Community College (Oregon)
- 2 high schools
15Career and College Transitions Initiative Local
- Law, Public Safety, and Security
- Fox Valley Technical College (Wisconsin)
- 17 high schools
- Prince Georges Community College (Maryland)
- 1 high school
- San Diego Community College District
(California) - 1 high school
16Career and College Transitions Initiative Local
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Lehigh Carbon Community College (Pennsylvania)
- 16 high schools
- Sinclair Community College (Ohio)
- 5 high schools
- St. Louis Community College (Missouri)
- 7 high schools
17CCTI Goals
- Decreased need for remediation in postsecondary
education - Increased enrollment and persistence in
postsecondary education - Increased academic and skill achievement at
secondary and postsecondary levels - Increased attainment of postsecondary degrees,
certificates, or other recognized credentials
and - Increased entry into employment or further
18Career Pathway Template
19Legislative Intent
- Sequence of Courses
- Programs of Study
- Career Pathways
- Rigorous Academic Courses
- Rigorous Career Courses
- Partnerships
- Credit Based Transition Programs
- Certificate, 2 and 4-Year Programs
20Legislative Definition
- A model sequence of courses or programs of study
(career pathways) that include rigorous academic
and career courses, developed through - partnerships between employers and educators that
include dual enrollment options, leading to at
least a one year certificate and beyond.
21Cluster and Pathway Combo