Title: The conditioned stimulus
1The conditioned stimulus
- Generalization A range of stimuli varying on a
particular dimension will produce responses in
proportion to how similar they are to the trained
CS. - The generalization gradient is the graph of the
strength of the CR to stimuli varying above and
below the CS.
2A generalization gradient
3Discrimination learning
- If stimuli other than the CS are presented, but
never paired with the US, the generalized
responses to similar stimuli will diminish, so
that the individual discriminates between CS and
non-CS. - Examples of classically-conditioned
discrimination learning abound in education
colors, shapes, letters...The color or shape or
letter is CS, the teachers word for it is the US.
4Results of discrimination learning
Generalization around a light CS
Eyeblinks per minute
Wavelength of light, nm (Color)
5The nature of the CR
- The CR is always different from the UR.
- Sometimes the CR differs from the UR only in
magnitude, duration, or latency. - But sometimes, the CR is opposite to the UR
Relaxation and slowed heart rate as a CR to a CS
for shock, but agitation and increased heart rate
as a UR to the actual shock US.
6 Opponent Process Theory
- Opponent processes are bodily reactions opposite
to the effect of a US, in order to preserve
physiological balance. - If a CS is conditioned to a US, the opponent
process rather than the UR becomes the CR. - Wagner (1981) argued that opponent processes are
conditioned as CRs only for URs which provoke
compensatory reactions, but not for monophasic
7Applications of SOP
- Drug tolerance
- CS (setting for drug taking) US (drug)
----gt CR (tolerance) - US (drug) without CS (setting) ----gt Overdose
- Spousal boredom
- CS (setting Usual routine) US (spouse)
----gt CR (boredom) - US (spouse) without CS (new setting) ----gt
8Contiguity vs. contingency
- The S-S and S-R theories we have studied operate
on the associationist principle of contiguity
Research on CS-US intervals. - A competing view is called contingency
differential prediction of the US by the CS, not
mere co-occurrence. - In a contingent relationship,
- p(US CS) gt p(US not-CS)
9Rescorla and contingency learning
- The greater the differential contingency, the
greater the learning (Correct legend p.59) - The suppression ratio (A - P)/(A P)
- A is the response rate in the Absence of the CS
- P is the response rate in the Presence of the CS
- If A P, there is no suppression, and the ratio
0 - If A gt P, there is suppression, expressed in the
ratio. - Thus, the higher the ratio, the greater the
suppression, and the greater the learning.
10Contiguity or contingency Rescorla (1968)
- Notice that the greater the difference between
the pUSCS and the pUSCS, the greater the
suppression ratio Contingency.
11Occasion setting and conditioned inhibition
- Conditioned inhibition Summation paradigm
- Separately condition CS to US and CS- to not-US
- Test CS and CS- together
- Amount of reduction of CR shows strength of CS-
- Conditioned inhibition Retardation paradigm
- First condition CS- to not-US
- Then, keeping CS-, try to condition CS to US
- Amount of retardation of conditioning shows
strength of CS- - Occasion setting
- Clocks and kisses
12Preparedness and associative bias Garcia
- Shock US conditions better to light/tone CS than
to taste CS - Nausea-inducing US drug conditions better to
taste CS than to light/tone CS - Possible conclusion Associations are reasonable
13Stimulus combinations
- Kamin (1968) Informativeness, blocking, and
unblocking - Group 1 CS1 CS2 ---gt US (eight trials)
- Group 2 CS1 ---gt US (sixteen trials)
- CS1 CS2 ---gt US (eight trials)
- Group difference?
- Configural cue learning not individual cue
learning A B but not A or B A or B but not
A B AC and BD but not A C or B D
14Rescorla-Wagner theory
- The theory has an equation with three parts
- V, the amount of learning acquired
- a , the rate of learning
- l , the maximum amount of learning that can
happen to the particular US. - Together, DV a ( l - V)
- The equation is applied once for each learning
trial, to see how much learning will happen on
each trial.
15Example of Rescorla-Wagner computations
- DV a ( l - V)
- If a .20 and l 100, work through 4 trials
- Trial 1 .20 ( 100 - 0) 20
- Trial 2 .20 ( 100 - 20) 16
- Trial 3 .20 ( 100 - 36) 12.8
- Trial 4 .20 ( 100 - 48.8) 10.24
- Note the diminishing returns with repeated
trials. Will learning ever stop?
16Another example
- DV a ( l - V)
- If a .10 and l 200, work through 5 trials
- Trial 1 .10 ( 200 - 0) 20
- Trial 2 .10 ( 200 - 20) 18
- Trial 3 .10 ( 200 - 38) 16.2
- Trial 4 .10 ( 200 - 54.2) 14.58
- Trial 5 .10 ( 200 - 68.78) 13.12
- In a relative sense, learning is happening more
slowly here.
17A learning curve from Rescorla-Wagner theory
18Rescorla-Wagner and compound stimuli
- Competitive learning The total learning
available, l , must be shared by each stimulus in
a compound. Thus, the total amount of learning
to each stimulus is less in a compound than if
that stimulus is alone. - Rescorla-Wagner predicts blocking and conditioned
inhibition accurately.
19Problems with Rescorla-Wagner
- CS preexposure produces slower conditioning to CS
later, a phenomenon known as latent inhibition.
For example, displaying the letters of the
alphabet around the classroom before they are
learned is CS preexposure. - Latent inhibition is not predicted by
Rescorla-Wagner, unless you assume that
preexposure lowers the learning rate (a) by
lowering salience.
20Connectionism A Neural model
- Learning may involve forming patterns of synaptic
connections. - ABCD --gt CR1, ie US1
- ABCF --gt CR2, ie US2
- The rule for connection formation is the delta
rule, based on Rescorla-Wagner - CSs are inputs USs are outputs.
21Applications of classical conditioning
- Classroom structure
- Make salient what is to be learned
- Eliminate redundant CSs
- Establish differential contingency
- Extinction
- Counterconditioning
- Desensitization
- Flooding